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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Yeah, I like Nora Dunn, but her entire series of Clorox ads annoys me.
  2. Yeah. I took one for the team, and those stupid arrow slingers are the "battalion of free radical impaling anti-oxidants" POM is full of; one gets distracted by the doorbell and instead of hitting a free radical, hits a cat (heard, not seen). Because that's funny. Assholes.
  3. Well, count me in with the hundreds of thousands, but the talons up on the desk as he kicks back to read the paper (in what instantly made me think of Mulder and Scully's basement office on The X-Files for some reason) did give me a chuckle.
  4. One of my favorite bands, and I still play their albums all the time. I think there's maybe one song on each (from the Maines era) that I don't love. I will be there with bells on when they wrap up their tour at the Hollywood Bowl, despite the outrageous price I had to pay for good seats; I have been waiting so long to see them in concert again! And, yes, the documentary is great.
  5. I'm watching it right now, and getting so depressed that this network is going away. Thanks for 2-1/2 years of authentic journalism, AJA.
  6. Folly as a means of referring to Guiding Light's Fletcher & Holly originated (at least on the Prodigy bulletin board) as a shorthand way of saying sticking Holly with Fletcher was an absolutely idiotic idea that ruined the show for many viewers (including me). I had forgotten their fans later took the portmanteau and used it for their website. That was the first for me, and I had no idea such portmanteaus would later become commonplace; that one was so specific to the circumstances, where the names could be mushed together to make a statement on the idiocy of the show's new exec producer and head writer. When "Bennifer" became a typical way of referring to Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez - in traditional media as well as online - I thought it was ridiculous. And now it's common practice. It annoys me and, yeah, I'm glad I didn't have to endure "Sculder" or "Mully" all those years I spent geeking out over The X-Files on the atxf newsgroup.
  7. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I looked at the photos (medical stuff never grosses me out), and it's remarkable what they were able to do. He's got a good attitude, and I can't wait to see him on the field again this fall.
  8. Yeah, I enjoyed that Mary Beth liked her mother-in-law -- has that ever happened on TV? -- and got annoyed with everyone assuming she'd be miserable to have her come stay with them.
  9. I only remember two Claudia Petries -- the one who had also played the rape victim, and was only Claudia in one episode, and then the rest of the time, the late Vonetta McGee, Carl Lumbly's real-life wife. But checking IMDb, I see there was a third actor, who played her in a couple of early episodes. I've completely forgotten her!
  10. Well, I'll continue doing it until my dying day - although with my wheels facing straight ahead - because I think it's rude to create a situation in which no one behind you gets through on that light and traffic backs up (which is why people get their asses honked off around here when they do it). I think not pulling into the intersection when waiting to make a left was one of the first peeves I listed here; it drives me crazy. Vive la différence.
  11. Not as funny as the commercials, but enjoyable -- especially the "ghost cookie" sequence when he's trying to eat the reflection of the cookies in the oven.
  12. I've somehow accumulated numerous friends/family members with a-fib, and every one of them - and their doctors - refers to it as such; I've never heard anyone say "atrial fibrillation." Hep-C/Hepatitis-C I hear pretty equally, though. So those commercials don't bother me, because they're just using preexisting vernacular. Inventing shit like "Low-T" or "LBL," though -- those commercials bug.
  13. Yeah, that exchange is one of the reasons I find it unbelievable that Sam thought Leo had a young child. Mallory lives in the area and drops by to see Leo a lot, so it's unlikely Sam has never met her before. Maybe we can fanwank the regular visits to Leo are new, and due to the divorce. But he didn't meet her at Inauguration, if nothing else? It's just fundamentally silly, given her relationship with not just Leo but the Bartlets that someone who has spent over two years living in the back pocket of all these people has never met her. But let's say somehow he hasn't. He knows Leo is married to Jenny, not some young second wife, and still thinks he has a daughter in fourth grade?
  14. My make-up peeve is people who quiz me on why I don't wear it (something I have not done for over 20 years now). I have never once interrogated a woman who wears make-up on why she makes that choice. But I get questions as to why, incredulous "But don't you wear it when you go to court/take a photo/are in a wedding/etc?" "I don't wear make-up" is a pretty simple statement; why the fuss?
  15. I hated some of his lyrics, but, man, I loved his voice.
  16. I loved the European capitals category, and didn't find them particularly tough, but then I am a total dork who quizzes myself several times a year to make sure my recollection of world capitals is still intact (U.S. state capitals are in the bag, no problem). Still -- Minsk? I initially drew a blank on FJ, and since I don't eat cereal I thought I'd remain stuck, but once it popped into my mind that it should be something to do with wheat, I guessed Wheaties. I doubt I'd have ever come up with that/been comfortable writing it down under game conditions.
  17. I have a friend who's been with her partner for about the same length of time, without marrying or living together. His house is about two miles away from hers, and it is the ideal situation for them. But they get that crap all the time, too. "I don't understand; you have such a great relationship, why don't you get married or at least move in together?" And they patiently - or not so patiently - explain that great relationship is because they have their own homes. It's not like either one of them walks up to married/co-habitating friends and demands to know why they made the choices they did, but they're often not extended the same courtesy.
  18. God, yes. This discussion took place shortly before I started re-watching the first season, and thanks to it, for every single scene with Joey, this was all I could see.
  19. I cannot sleep with a snorer, either. I know they can't help it, but it's far beyond something that annoys me. I cannot get back to sleep, and in short order the noise makes me so angry I want to smother them with a pillow.
  20. I hate Wuthering Heights, and think its greatest contribution to society is inspiring the Kate Bush song, so I was almost annoyed to know FJ.
  21. I haven't watched this show in eons, so I'd forgotten the late, great Stanley Kamel played a villain at some point. He also played a killer in an episode of Scarecrow & Mrs. King (in which, of course, Kate Jackson played the latter of the titular characters).
  22. I made some Alfredo sauce this weekend for a friend, and kept some for me, so I'm going to have that over some whole wheat fettucine with chicken and mushrooms.
  23. I had a roommate at the time, and she was a big fan, too. So my memory is of the two of us leaning closer and closer to the TV as the tension mounted, so that we both practically tumbled off the couch when the shooting started. Then the mutual OMG WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! flailing as the screen faded to black, and lunging towards the VCR to rewind and re-watch in an effort to figure out who'd been shot. I think diagrams were drawn at some point.
  24. I prefer those. Some are better at it than others, but pretty much any time a cooking show host is part of a storyline rather than just cooking, instructing, and chatting to the audience, I wind up rolling my eyes. The only competitive cooking show I can watch is Top Chef and the rare episode of Chopped; otherwise, it's more gimmick than I'm willing to sit through to see good food being prepared.
  25. "We've got people down! Who's been hit? Who's been hit?" Man, that was a long summer. The internet was fun, though - we Zaprudered the hell out of that footage. Tommy Schlamme did a brilliant job directing What Kind of Day Has it Been. First, to stage a mass shooting when he had no idea which character(s) were going to be revealed as having been shot. But also the ways he shot the scenes at the Newseum differently depending on whether they were going to be used at the beginning when the audience didn't know what was going on or at the end when we'd caught up to real time again. Music certainly helped give the latter a different feel, but so did his shot choices. And the way they put it together, so that we saw and heard some of the same things, but also different sections of the Q&A session and staff conversations. Just so well done. And, to bring this back to Mandy: They must have known then they weren't bringing her back, because she's not at the Newseum event (when, in reality, she would have been) and thus not part of the shooting. But she's in the episode, when they're doing the prep sessions for the Q&A. They're all professionals, but that had to be awkward. I think it was mostly the character that didn't work, but I think it was a little bit the actor, too. The actors developed their characters as they went along, and Aaron began writing to what he was seeing. Particularly with Allison/C.J., but it happened with everyone. Moira never really did anything with Mandy, though. Aaron didn't flesh the character out, but neither did Moira. That's a pretty fatal combination, especially when surrounded by an ensemble that is putting on quite a show. The character just never sparked, and never really gelled with the rest.
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