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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I love things being clean. I do not trust anyone - no matter how much I pay them - to clean to my standards. So I do the daily/weekly cleaning myself. But I cannot say that I like the act of cleaning! Keeping things uncluttered (the whole "there should be some random things left about to make it homey" thing is completely foreign to me; everything has a place, and it needs to be put in that place daily/nightly) is both easy and enjoyable, but cleaning things - dusting, vacuuming, mopping, scrubbing, etc. - is just a necessary evil. Organizing, I like, but cleaning? No. I like it to be done, so I must do it, but to like doing it? It does not compute.
  2. Holy hell, this "Oh noes, there's color and mildly Asian-themed décor in my room!" woman is too much. She just worked with Hildi, who SPRAY PAINTED furniture HOT PINK (although it got replaced by slipcovered furntiture thanks to rain) in a room where the rest the furniture was hidden behind a tent, and because Genevieve put a little hint of Asian and a couple of colors in her room, she scowled. People whose rooms have white walls with a sprig of fake flowers above their knock-off Laura Ashley sofas should be barred from appearing, because they are clearly never going to like an actual design, whatever it is. With that tent room, I'd have kept it on the ceiling and just lost the part hanging down obscuring everything they needed to use.
  3. I like that each team has a carpenter now; sharing one was ridiculous. The carpentry will always be one of the worst parts of this show, because the budget necessitates a lot of MDF or wood that can only be painted, and the timeline forces them to do things wrong (all those nails instead of tongue and groove and glue!), but at least now there will be a little less "I can't finish!" drama. I like Paige telling the sister who acted like burlap was dung she was being asked to put on the walls that she needed to be more brave, and this is not unprecedented. In theory, I like Hildi’s idea for making the room usable during the majority of the time when no one is staying in it, but I didn’t see where she made it usable – when the bed was up – for anything other than sitting in those cool chairs and staring at the funky walls. I think the design should have been on the ceiling OR the walls (preferably the ceiling, and then replicated in fabric down below), not both. But I laughed at her just keeping on with it on day two after the sister/brother-in-law thought they’d be clever and not finish it overnight. I like the new segment where they can go shopping and pick something - that doesn't count against the budget - that the designer must include, and like that Paige reminded both of them not to pick something stupid to fuck with the designer, as it needed to go in the room. I wonder how they decide who gets to pick first.
  4. I liked Ty reminiscing about running into a group of biker dudes who loved the show. My favorite reaction was Doug, in the “sometimes you got really creative” segment, leaning forward trying to figure out which room of his it was, and then the laugh when he realized it was the “prison of love” room. (The homeowner’s reaction to that was hilarious, too; I’d forgotten about that.) Seeing the guys who got Doug’s white room have such a good attitude about the show was nice (and I love that they kept that art piece up for years – and really love them telling Doug no, no one at their reveal party liked the room, either). The bad reveals segment was interesting, because some of them you can look at the room and say, well, of course, they hated it, and then some it’s hard to imagine someone being disappointed, let alone truly mad about them. Amy Wynn yanking the air hose out of Hildi’s hands and snapping like hell about holding the shelves over their heads was great, as was both of them reacting to it in real time, like don’t make a thing out of this – here’s what was happening, no big deal. Unless Frank developed an ongoing connection with the family for whom he did the mural of the little girl, I do not understand why they attempted to make hay out of that (no pun about Hildi's room intended). It did nothing for me to have her appear, although it was a nice callback to Genevieve talking about how great it was to hear from people inspired to become designers/decorators after seeing the show. The way the host introduced that, I expected it to be that the girl he'd drawn was expected to die by five and was still alive and well or something. But nope; she was a kid whose parents he designed a room for, her drew her on the wall, and now she's a teenager. Whoop-de-fucking-do. Why not just announce you couldn't get anyone else to appear? They teased an introduction of the new designers, including them getting advice from the OGs, but that wasn’t included. I wanted to see that, because I recognize one of them from somewhere but have no idea where, and I wanted to learn her name so I can look her up. I guess between that not happening and this thread now designating part one, there's a part two that's still to come.
  5. Oh, I'd forgotten all about the latter. I like both of those, and also her duet with Kenny Rogers, We've Got Tonight (although the best version of that is him with Dolly Parton on the Real Love tour, when she replaces "Who needs tomorrow?" with "Who needs Sheena Easton?")
  6. I don't want to burst the one sister's bubble, but, honey, if your mom is choosing to sleep on a sofa in the other sister's house when she visits rather than having her own room in yours, it's about more than you having a boring guest room. So once it came out that they used to have it crammed full of junk, that little story line made a lot more sense.
  7. Ha! I am partial to the way she delivers, "What are you doing?" when Mulder is sniffing her in Syzygy, and "I fell in a hole" when she, well, falls in a hole in Detour, but that one just may round out the trifecta of insignificant lines made fantastic by her delivery.
  8. Grandma's Song! I haven't thought about her in eons, and I never listened to her much beyond that song, but I love it.
  9. Crying Pam's episode is just getting started, but what I remember about the reveal is that her husband was just about as ridiculous about the room as she was, but she's the one who gets a notorious nickname out of it. They said that ugly-ass room of theirs didn't match the rest of their house (which, if she loves Frank's style and describes herself as crafty, I think is a delusion - I bet the rest of their house looks not much different), they wanted something interesting, but they love the fireplace the way it is. Okay, so before they realized the fireplace was just a facade and their brick was intact, I can see being taken aback by the fireplace, but they were pills about the entire room, and kept on about the fireplace even after they were told the brick was unharmed behind there. I don't like brick, but if someone does, don't paint it; it's way too difficult to undo. And Doug - Doug, of all people! - didn't. He made the room look the way he wanted, but did the fireplace in a way that if they really still wanted the brick, they could just pull away that facade and have it.
  10. The Roseanne/Harris interaction felt like an extreme version of the Bev/Darlene interaction in the episode where Bev comes to visit and we see how she treats Becky and Darlene differently the same way she treats Roseanne and Jackie differently. Darlene had to be dragged out of the room before her "Now wait just a damn minute" tirade to Bev could get started, and her "I hate her" was pretty seething, even for a teenager. I like all the parallels to the original run of episodes, because poverty isn't the only pattern that repeats.
  11. Ah, now I remember what I didn't like about Laurie -- she was always replacing bedroom ceiling fans with chandeliers. Screw that. Now, yes, some people have cheap, ugly fans (and I have no idea how they sleep with something that wobbles or otherwise makes noise), and need better ones. Some people don't care if they have a fan or a chandelier. But those who have high-quality fans quite purposely, because we have them on the majority of the year to sleep comfortably, and have expressed that? Do not touch; it's just something I'd have to reinstall, and she'd be wasting part of the budget on a chandelier that I'm just going to give away (unless I loved it and wanted to replace one of my existing chandeliers).
  12. I just caught the end of one where Genevieve had done a pretty bedroom that, even if not to the homeowner's taste in terms of the color scheme, would be easy to change, and the owner was such a fucking pill about it. She just stood there with a sour look on her face the entire time and criticized everything - she doesn't like ceilings painted (what, you want bare plaster/drywall? no, you mean you don't like ceilings in anything other than white), she doesn't like dark colors - even though only an accent wall was dark - she called a very mildly Asian theme Egyptian, etc. She bugged me, especially because the room before was so.fucking.ugly -- boring, no design scheme whatsoever, and just a sad specimen all around. Now Hildi is about to staple 6000 fake flowers to a bathroom wall. When owners get mad at shit like that, I am fully behind them, even though they knew the risks when they signed up. But getting a completely "normal" room with furniture, fabric, and artwork that can still work if you change the wall color and being an asshole because you happen to want to make that change? Go away. I hate pink. I know I'd have a negative reaction if I walked in and found my room pink. But I'd be able to talk about what I did like and how I'd make it work with a different color rather than just standing there scowling and dismissing things without even giving them more than a glance.
  13. I take that to mean it cannot be given to kids under six under any circumstances, and it shouldn't be given to kids six to eighteen unless circumstances mean the need and benefit outweigh the risks and side effects.
  14. H is for Henry Jawicky, the kid who spent a summer riding his bike in the Harrises’ driveway after Roseanne dove into the local pool and came up with her left buoy bobbing on the water
  15. E is for expelled, which Darlene asks to be
  16. That was one I only heard, not saw, as I was in the kitchen, and I wasn't sure if I was just projecting my own disgust when perceiving distaste in his delivery. I still laugh thinking about one of the teen tournaments (I think) where one contestant's first clue she was able to ring in and answer was about the Twilight series. Such a delicious, "I know this, but I hate it and everything it stands for and can't believe it has to come out of my mouth for money" attitude.
  17. So did I. This is one of a handful of long-running series I enjoyed the entire way through; season nine is my least-favorite season of the series, and my impression was more favorable upon rewatch a few years ago than it was originally, but, yes, I like them on the whole. They could have done a far better job exploring the fish out of water aspect of New Money trying and failing to fit into these various spheres to which they suddenly have access and the change in the way friends interact with them after they strike it rich, but what's there I like. I appreciate the experimenting with different ways of storytelling in what's known to be a final season. I love the spa episode, really like the AbFab crossover, like the much-maligned Roseambo episode, and can find something to appreciate in most of them. And I fucking love the finale voiceover almost in its entirety (other than the husband switch).
  18. All you people who love doing dishes by hand can take turns coming to my house and doing mine each night in exchange for as many as you want of the drink of your choice. I have no dishwasher, and won't have one until I remodel the kitchen (one of the few things I have left to do to the house, and something I will probably do in the next 3-5 years); the first night I can just shove dishes in the dishwasher and go to bed, I will do the Dance of Joy. I hate having to either do dishes after each meal or have dishes sitting in the sink. Breakfast/lunch isn't as bad to let the dishes sit and wait, but dinner pots, pans, bowls, plates, etc. MUST be done, as I cannot wake up to that shit. And after more than 10 years - after a lifetime of having a dishwasher - of washing dishes at least once a day, I'm totally over it.
  19. There was another initialism in the clue (I think EOD for end of the day, because it was something like, "By EOD, can you put together the numbers for blah blah YTD"), but the clue specified that the "this" they wanted explained was YTD. Plus, that's the only acronym that fit the X,Y,Z category. I only saw this episode in bits and pieces, as I was distracted by cats, so from that sporadic exposure: [Chandler Bing voice] Could the Silicon Valley clue have been any easier? [/Chandler Bing voice] Assyria was pretty bad, too. “Films of the 1990s. You’re all young enough to remember that.” Good gods, shut up, Alex! I’ve seen movies going back to the beginning of film. Of all the annoying quirks he has, I don’t know why behaving as if people only listen to music/watch TV or films produced in their lifetime drives me ‘round the bend fastest, but it does. Anyway, I’d have bet big based on the category, and would have won big, too – that was an instaget.
  20. I also like my chocolate chip cookies soft (to the extent I hate them crispy), and I, too, rest my dough - made from the Nestle Toll House recipe - in the fridge (for about 24 hours in my case). I might try the flour substitution and see if I like it even better. (Well, I might do that at someone else's house, since I don't have cake or bread flour as I rarely bake. But I'm going to file that in a corner of my mind.)
  21. That's a good article; just the title and subhead make clear the author is readily familiar with the original series and thus how this was inconsistent with it.
  22. Ha - nope! I suspect I'd have come up with it anyway, but the fact it was an instaget caused me to say, "Thank you, West Wing."
  23. A friend and I were discussing what an asshole Darlene was after she moved to Chicago, and in talking about the Thanksgiving when she called the day before to ask if she could go "visit David" (who is supposedly in Michigan with his mom, but is really secretly living with her) instead of coming home, we remembered this good zinger from Roseanne: - [Darlene asks if she can go see David instead] - Yeah, well, I guess you're kinda obligated. After all, he gives you money anytime you ask for it. Oh, no, wait - that's me! - Mom, I've got to spend time with him or he's gonna start seeing someone else. - Why? Is there some rush all of a sudden on 5'2" moody boys with no body hair?
  24. Annette What was Roseanne's alias when she sold magazine subscriptions over the phone ("This is ____ from Magazine Discount House ...")?
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