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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. It has a lot of flavor. Add in that it takes hardly any time to make, and uses ingredients almost always on hand, and I have no idea why I had gone so long without making it. I kept picking at the leftovers while waiting to put them in the fridge, but I managed to save myself enough for tomorrow's lunch. The local butcher shop has ribeye steaks on sale this week, so I think I'll pick one up for dinner. I have some red chard I need to use, so that will be the side dish (maybe just sauteed with some onion, but sometimes I use dry vermouth and grated Parmigiano-reggiano, so I may get inspired). All my fancy greens are gone for the week already, so the salad will just be lettuce and spinach with cucumber and avocado. Hopefully I still have some red cabbage for color. I need to go grocery shopping tomorrow.
  2. Using DVR as a verb (especially with a damn apostrophe). "I DVR'd [show]." Why not just say you recorded it? Back in the day, we did not say, "I VCRed" something.
  3. Something I hadn't made in a while, and have no idea why not as it's quick and easy, using ingredients I always have: chicken, mushrooms, and scallions sauteed with garlic, ginger, and red pepper flakes, then tossed with tamari, rice vinegar, and chopped cilantro.
  4. Same here; I had no idea it had been made into a play, but a Whitney Houston film from the early '90s led me immediately to The Bodyguard, and then the fact she played a singer in it (right? I've never seen it) confirmed it for me. So, yesterday's female contestant was too much personality, and today's was too little? Got it.
  5. Apparently, my peeve about improper use of apostrophes started at a young age. Because I sometimes color to relax, when my mom recently found a couple of my childhood coloring books, only half finished, in a closet, she gave them to me. Flipping through just now before adding them to my collection, and laughing at some of my young self's color choices, I came across a picture of a duck and ducklings, with a caption reading, "Baby duckling's, where are you?" I had crossed out the apostrophe with my crayon.
  6. I'm the opposite - Lecy's Becky felt like a Conner, while Sarah's felt like some stereotypical dumb blonde who'd gotten lost and wandered into the wrong family. She didn't write it, but the story was her concept - she gets the "story by" credit and the writers get the "teleplay by" credit.
  7. I think they'll wait to see what the numbers are over the next couple of weeks, to see if people tuned in for the first night for the nostalgia/novelty factor and in response to all the hype but then didn't go on to make it a weekly thing, but if the rest of the revival puts up good numbers, I agree that we'll get another mini-season if the cast is up for it.
  8. Yes, that was the most quintessentially Jackie moment of the night. I find it particularly funny that she's a life coach when I think back to that episode at the mall where she was so impressed with that self-help/exercise guy. I hadn't thought going in of what Jackie's latest job would be, but once I heard life coach, I thought, "Of course!"
  9. Or weird in a different way. He and Roseanne had such a natural mother/son chemistry from the beginning, and they've stayed close, so I think they'll use him sparingly in the revival, given his lack of acting chops, and it will work precisely because of that chemistry.
  10. I suspect we'll get a reference to Andy at some point; I don't care that we didn't in either of the first two episodes, but it will be weird if we never do. I know the main reason we won't see Jerry or Andy in the revival is the desire to focus on the core characters from the two generations of the Harris/Conner family we watched the first time around plus the next generation that's new to us, and that works for me. And, as a bonus, not seeing them avoids a reminder that Harris's age has been changed -- they, especially Jerry, weren't very old when she was born, so if they pop up as the adults they are, Harris being so much younger than she should be is in our faces.
  11. Maybe it's the opposite, that if you're a fan you have enough knowledge to talk yourself out of the right answer; I don't like The Beatles, so I knew nothing about the motivation and little about the lyrics of the two songs - the clue asked about a theme informing two titles, and those two song titles (having little more than that superficial knowledge) came to me pretty quickly as I went through '60s groups with multiple hits where the titles could fit the over-worked theme.
  12. I thought about that, but Darlene and family are already living there (only a matter of weeks, but still), it seems Becky drops by regularly, and Jackie is new again but Roseanne is pissed that she's there, so even if they do now incorporate this ritual into extended family dinners when they didn't previously (we saw Thanksgiving, Christmas, and everything in between and it wasn't part of the ritual), it seems an odd occasion for Roseanne to take up chatting with her god. It was probably the clunkiest bit of exposition for me.
  13. I think upon putting much of what used to go into the trash into the recycling and compost bins (and garbage disposer, regionally), most people decided the cabinet space sacrificed to make room for a trash compactor was just a waste of storage space. So little goes into my kitchen trash, I cannot fathom a use for a compactor. And even thinking back on their heyday, no thanks.
  14. They were (non-practicing) Good People, not any of the religions their families brought to the table. We learned via Roseanne's conversations with both Darlene and Bev, at separate times, that she believed in a god, but organized religion was not a part of their lives - before or after D.J.'s church phase - and certainly not to the extent of delaying a meal to pray. It was just "Hey, grace would be an easy way to spew out some additional backstory on where everyone is/has been" without regard for the fact there's no precedent. It's not offensively inconsistent characterization - especially given the lapse in time - but noticeable; no one who was recently reintegrated to family dinner asked, "Um, what, and since when?"
  15. A "You're too young to remember," a "hel-lo" style reaction to wagering, AND a "boo hiss" in one game? That's too much to ask of me, Alex. When the FJ category came up, I said I'd bet huge, but when the clue was revealed I got a little nervous that I'd lose all my imaginary money. I don't like The Beatles, but after a couple of moments Eight Days a Week came to me, and then it was a quick trip to Hard Day's Night and I knew I had it. The clues about indoor farming were easy - I answered several of them halfway through the clue - but they had nothing on the Blank Expressions category. Holy crap, that was ridiculous!
  16. Ha - I thought of that, too. I had all sorts of things spring to mind for several of the letters that had already been done by the time I checked in this morning, so we know we have plenty of options for future rounds.
  17. I'm being greedy and doing two letters, since I probably won't get back to these forums until tonight after the show. V is for the Valentine's Day dance Darlene's crush Barry invited Becky to W is for Wagner, Mrs. Norris T. Wagner
  18. They may do it due to several other health conditions, too, but it can also simply be for attention or another benign behavioral reason (and Bilgistikitty is young, so she's probably doing it because she wants to), so don't panic, just keep an eye on the pattern of behavior and any accompanying changes.
  19. I would, too, but, no, this is a private school. I'm sure the government continues to abdicate its responsibility to public school kids in general, and those from low-income families in particular, in this way just as it does in most ways.
  20. I'm so jealous that some of you will get to see this three hours before me, since I'm on the West Coast; I'm used to watching stuff on cable, getting the East Coast feed on my satellite, but when I watch network TV, I have to wait. I didn't care with the X-Files revival, because the premiere sucked, I knew it was going to suck, and I was happy to get advance warning of just how much and in what ways by checking the forum after the East Coast airing. But with this, a) I think it's going to be great, and b) I want to go into it fresh. It will be so hard to stay away from this forum until I'm done watching.
  21. No, he got a varsity letter in quiz bowl, and his friends tease him for that being the thing he lettered in, but he said him appearing on J! is the closest any of them will ever get to playing professional "sports" so, neener neener to them. Last night's game reminded me that airports and airlines are among my sure fire categories. I don't know why - I travel a fair bit, but not extensively - but ask for the code, the city, the name, whatever, and I usually get it. So I enjoyed that category.
  22. Michael Fishman shares with Entertainment Weekly (and, wow, as a major publication they should have better copy editors) his thoughts on filming the first couple of episodes, and a few new behind-the-scenes photos. An excerpt: I'm so excited! I may have to help a friend with something tomorrow night, and watch my recording when I get home, and if so, she best be very appreciative - I don't want to wait another minute longer than I have to.
  23. I couldn't believe no one rang in with the correct spelling of Mediterranean when Johnny screwed it up. I love categories where you have to spell the answer (also categories where you have to do math).
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