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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. @Sandman87, I'm sorry to hear about the death of your mom's cat. I'm glad you got her in to the vet when you did, as nature taking its course would have sucked under the circumstances, and that you were there with her in the end, but it's still heartbreakingly awful. I look forward to those pictures when you're ready to share. @bilgistic, I'm hoping the root of the appetite issues are minor and easily dealt with. They're really putting you through the wringer in their early days with you, and I'm sorry for that, but glad they wound up with you who'll see them through whatever it is.
  2. Sweet Jesus, is Laurie under the impression it's rare to procreate? Yes, she was pregnant during the course of filming. As many/most women work at some point during their pregnancy. It had zip-point-shit to do with whatever she was talking about, but she kept shoe-horning it in there. I like her, but shut up! It's only been a few hours, and I've already forgotten a lot of details from what happened in part two of the reunion other than that nonsense. What I do remember is how the audience giving a standing ovation to the new cast members dragged on (and was dumb to begin with). The blooper reel, Paige talking about all the scenarios they put her in for her introductory and "time's up" segments, the designers getting to pick their favorite rooms, and the recap of particularly emotional reveals. And the lunacy that was Brown Jesse. Also the woman who hated everything Genevieve did to her bedroom, a reaction I found wildly over-the-top sour under the circumstances, and Gen responding to the question of whether there is something she'd do differently to the room by saying, "Now? Of course! I was 25; I can't believe anyone would have asked me then to design their room other than for this show." Heh. (I liked the room a lot other than the patterns on the wall in the dressing area.)
  3. He said he'd always wanted to do an all-white room, but that it happened then, to be paired with an all-black room, pretty much had to have come from the producers.
  4. Yeah, I initially was not writing things phonetically, because I was just talking about how the "ces" portion of the words is not pronounced, so for some things I did and some I didn't, and I can see where that would muddy the waters. So, again, the only point was that if Worcester sauce is an acceptable alternative to Worcestershire sauce, then the "Worster sauce" answer being complained about is fine; the criticism was that he left off the "ces" portion of the word when pronouncing it, but that's correct.
  5. This doesn't quite sound like what you're looking for, but they just re-ran a season three episode that took place in London, with Andy Kane (from Changing Rooms) as the carpenter and Hildi and Gen as the designers.
  6. I don't think the toy box not getting done is an issue at all, because the neighbors knew how to do it and planned to help them complete the project; it just wasn't feasible in two days. But the cars taking up so much of the floor space is a huge issue, I think, for the reasons you mentioned. Maybe there's a homework nook somewhere else in the house, but I think he should have a desk in his own room, and he needs room to sprawl out on the floor and play with his toys. At least she used the grey, black, and white camo, but she over-used it. As fabric it would have been okay, sparingly, but the border was totally out of place. And the parachute curtains were ugly, and would make an annoying noise every time you rustled the fabric. The room was just too on the nose - they're in the military, so I'll fill the entire room with military-themed decor. I didn't get a good look at the shelves the woman was complaining were too contemporary, though. Two rooms isn't enough to judge, but so far Kia looks like she may challenge Frank for the top slot on my "Do Not Touch My Room" list - I've now seen her make a guest bed look like a grave and a living room look like a military surplus store.
  7. Switzerland is a notoriously expensive country (expensive to visit, because of the currency exchange rate, but also a high cost of living for residents), and Zurich is one of the most-expensive cities in the world (and the most expensive in Europe).
  8. But that's how you say Worcester; you don't pronounce the ces part, it's just Wurster (or Wuhstuh in Boston, but I digress), not Wurchester. Like Gloucester (which is pronounced Glouster, not Glouchester) and many other cities. Since the name comes from Worcestershire in England, and the shire is often dropped, I can see why some shorten it to Worcester sauce. I say the -shire, though - "Wurstersher sauce."
  9. I liked Hildi's black, white, and yellow dining room (I'd have probably ultimately changed the yellow to a less-bright version, or maybe gone red, but I'd have kept it at least a while), but I have so many of these piling up I only watch the reveals, to hear Paige and the designer talk about the process, see the before, see a montage of creating the after, and then see the homeowners' reaction. I take it they said going in they hated yellow and wanted their chairs left alone? I thought it was a little over the top to get upset about that room, not because I liked it, but because it was all paint. I thought she gave them a great idea with the three-color theme, and they could keep the white curtains (and the white with black accent fabric on the chairs) and change the wall color and table color to new different colors of their choice. They didn't have to remove 6000 staples or scrape hay and glue off their walls.
  10. Well, for one, they'd just spent however many painstaking hours it took to strip those windows so they could be stained the way nature intended, and now would have to do it again or give up and paint over them, but, fundamentally, their house was filled with warm, deep colors and bold accents (like when they redid the room, with red walls and dark trim) and the cool, sparse décor of that room was not at all them and completely out of step with the rest of their home. They loved the black room they did for their friends, so it wasn't that they hated monochromatic, dramatic, or things outside the box in general; they were open to some real design, but Doug picked a design that was particularly ill-suited to them.
  11. And, of course: You shot my vase! Well, I didn't shoot Lester. I'd rather you shot him. [Lester makes noises about leaving] Oh, go on, you old fool. The dramatic part of the episode is an epic fail for me, for the way Betty White plays it, but there sure are some hilarious sequences that make up for it.
  12. She's rockin' those goggles. I hope the treatment helps.
  13. Yeah, and your eyes would undoubtedly reflect that frantic fear that was at the root of the yelling. Plus there's the fact you're yelling - an inherently reactive response - in the first place. Mulder's not doing any of that. He's just calmly being an asshole with cold, hard eyes.
  14. Yes, but all this was done because of an undiagnosed and untreated psychiatric illness. That's what creates the mens rea issue for criminal sentencing and kicks him into psychiatric confinement, and it's what allows for conditional release once the illness is treated, understood, and controlled.
  15. K is for the Kleenex Becky stuffed her bra with before her presentation to the Student Council, because Jimmy Meltrigger was her committee chair. Little did she know Darlene pointing it out in front of Dan and Roseanne was going to be the least-embarrassing part of her day.
  16. Every time I cat-sit at my parents' house, and get woken up at 5:00 a.m. by Bandit and then 7:00 a.m. by Chester (both of whom I have at least conditioned to knock it off in fairly short order and go back to sleep until I'm ready to get up at 9:30, but still), I am reminded how lucky I am with Riley, and was with Maddie and Baxter, all of whom sleep/slept through the night and, when they did get up earlier than me in the morning, they just went and sunned themselves for a while before coming back to bed. "Mommy Doesn't Do Mornings" is the number one rule of the house, and I have/had the perfect cats for it.
  17. I know nothing beyond what was earlier posted and speculated on in the Revival thread. It has been reported that a member of the Conner clan deals with an addiction during the revival. They've certainly hinted at Becky abusing alcohol, but that doesn't automatically translate to being addicted to alcohol. In a published clip from an upcoming episode, we see Roseanne coming out of the bedroom with a pill bottle in her hands, saying something along the lines of, "We have a problem." So, presumably someone in the family is one of the many victims of the opiate addiction epidemic, and it may be Roseanne - who was prescribed them - or it may be a family member who is swiping her pills. The "Candy Man" segment in the first episode played Dan and Roseanne's medicinal needs for laughs, and, again, she seems to be the one calling attention to missing pills, so that speaks to it not being her unless she's going for a preemptive cover story (and there's another scene from an upcoming episode, probably that same one, where - seemingly following Dan wondering if she's been taking extra - Roseanne says if she'd been taking that many of her pills, she'd be in a lot better mood, and has he noticed her in a better mood?!) but we'll see.
  18. There was an old episode on recently where Doug needed foam, the homeowners he was working with conveniently knew of a good shop right up the block, and the three of them went in and got what they needed, so there was at least one with staged local shopping, but I don't know if it was a regular/recurring segment at some point in the series.
  19. I've always assumed his choice of victims was deliberate, because, per his psychosis, they were a mortal danger to him, and he had to hurt them before they could continue hurting him.
  20. Close enough - It's Tammy Wynette's Stand By Your Man, but that's its opening line.
  21. Ha - I got distracted by Jackie working at The Lobo and forgot to answer the next trivia question. By draining the blood of stray cats. What song does Dan sing while trying to scrub paint out of the carpet? (That's how Roseanne-obsessed I am - that song came up on my iPod while I took an after-lunch walk, and I immediately flashed on Dan - and then came here to post it as the next question. Now, and only now, I will actually get back to work.)
  22. Oh, that's right: "Whenever I go on an interview, I just go as me." "That's why you work in a bar." That's what Jackie did when they first quit Wellman. I don't know that we ever specifically heard she was working at The Lobo, but that's the only bar anyone in Lanford ever seemed to go to, and it wasn't all that long after Jackie became a cop that Roseanne picked up some night shifts there, so it would stand to reason that The Lobo is where Jackie had worked, and then when Roseanne needed a second job, she had that connection (beyond being a customer).
  23. I don't, either. Roseanne worked there for a while, but I only recall Jackie as a customer.
  24. I haven't been able to watch this week, but good for Johnny; hearing sophomore condensed to two syllables bugs me.
  25. Well, no wonder - she matches the leaves! Pretty.
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