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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Hanky Panky On a field trip to the grocery store with her home-ec class, what cereal is Darlene horrified to learn Roseanne has secretly replaced with the generic version?
  2. No word on whether Leon will make an appearance this season, but Scott shouldn't exist - he's the probate lawyer she met after Dan died, so she wrote him into the book as Leon's boyfriend.
  3. T is for the tags this series does to perfection
  4. There was also no place for a TV in that play station, and while I'm all for kids having limited TV time, there had been a TV there previously, and it was supposed to be the room for the parents and kids to hang out -- that's going to include watching a show/video together sometimes, and now there's no place to do it.
  5. No, you have the right show, and it was a wonderful moment, but it didn't actually happen -- they paid it off with their lottery winnings, so it was just part of the book.
  6. Exactly; that's common across conferences. I, too, had no problem with accepting Kansas or rejecting Iowa precisely because of that - you do not need to say the "University/University of," when that's the school you're referring to, but if you mean "[State] St.," you do need to include the St.
  7. I had a thick boneless chicken breast, so I stuffed it with some broccoli, onion, and garlic I'd sauteed until the broccoli was tender but still had some crispness and coated it with a little bit of bread crumb/Parmigiano-reggiano mixture. Extra broccoli, roasted, as the side and I'm munching on my salad as I wait for everything to bake. The chicken will yield two servings, so I can have the leftovers for lunch Friday.
  8. I'd find that even more awkward than just "your husband." That's even less true to how people talk.
  9. He slipped from a train and was run over by it. Discussion at the time it happened starts here in the thread.
  10. They got married young and because she was pregnant, so divorce is totally realistic (hell, after this much time, divorce would have been totally realistic even had they married under better circumstances). I hated their relationship once he moved in and especially once she moved to Chicago; they were very good for each other as young teens, and then outgrew each other (as is normal), but just kept clinging to each other instead of developing a new relationship as friends/family. So I'm very happy to just see him once, but I'm glad we are getting that one episode to get a good glimpse into what type of relationship he has with her and the kids now. I'll be disappointed if they get back together next season, but I hope Galecki's schedule will prohibit that.
  11. I think giving Darlene two daughters and a younger son would have been a little too on the nose with this whole Conners: The Next Generation thing the revival has going on.
  12. I loved that when Darlene asked why Harris was hanging out with people she doesn't know, Harris's response sounded exactly like something Darlene would have snarked back when she was a teen: "Because I've only been here a month and I didn't inherit your charming personality." Dan being aghast that Darlene didn't yet know anything about Harris's new friends was funny, given how little in general he knew about the kids' lives outside the house, and specifically that they had no idea who Karen was for a while when Darlene was this age.
  13. The episode when we meet Sui is on right now; I miss him a lot. Earl's pride when Tia gives Sui's work a thumbs up, and Sui's when Earl relays that to him, is one of my favorite scenes. This episode also features the rescue/reunification of Pizza, and the adoption of Bug, which in hindsight is sad - as Keenan (Pizza's owner), Bug, and Cate (Bug's owner) are all dead now.
  14. Definitely, but there are a lot of factors that have to exist for that to be feasible between any two people. And those factors are different depending on whether you want to be friends, or friends with benefits.
  15. The only upstairs bathroom we ever saw was the one attached to Darlene and Becky's room; this is a different one. We heard reference (once) to the hall bathroom and saw Darlene open the door (once) to one attached to D.J.'s room, but both those just existed for the plot they were serving in those episodes. This one exists for this plot, too, but since it's off the hallway, it now makes real the bathroom we just heard about that one time. No, when I raised my "out of character" objections, I was referring to Roseanne's "Instead of spanking 'em, you tell them to go think about what they did wrong. You know what they're thinking? 'I can't believe this loser isn't spanking me.'" Then Dan extolled the virtues of getting hit with a broom for writing his dad a poem. These are not the Conners who spent the early years of their marriage dealing with the ongoing fallout of Al Harris's abuse, who deliberately raised their children differently, who took in David because of the abuse he suffered at home, and who, in Roseanne's case, completely freaked out when she lost control and hit D.J.
  16. No, that was Molly coming in, and she entered through the bedroom as did every other character we saw go in there. We never saw another entrance to that bathroom connected to Becky and Darlene's room, and D.J.'s room was across the hall, so a Jack and Jill doesn't make sense. \While the girls' bathroom was the only one we ever saw upstairs (in addition to the downstairs bathroom accessible via both the little hallway off the living room/kitchen and the master bedroom), we saw Darlene enter a bathroom off D.J.'s room (during the reveal of Fisher as an abuser) and we heard reference to a hall bathroom (during the D.J. masturbation episode), but both those one-off bathrooms seem to have been concocted solely for the storyline they facilitated. But if tonight's episode showed a stand-alone bathroom upstairs, then it supports the upstairs hallway bathroom scenario.
  17. Ugh, the gas station. I fill up at Costco for the savings, but I have to time it properly, and even on a random afternoon I can wind up behind a line of people who, against all odds, seem to be encountering a gas pump for the first time. When I pull up to the pump, I have my gas cap open and my credit card in my hand, so selecting my payment type, entering my zip code, designating an octane, and opting for a receipt takes maybe 30 seconds -- away I go. What the hell the people in front of me are doing, I do not know; they're like the people at the bank who seem to be conducting a hostile takeover through the ATM.
  18. Via the J! archive: "Meaning to exhaust one's energy & resources, it sounds like quickly using up a pre-industrial light source."
  19. That was one of my few misses tonight, as my answer was, "Some Kardashian other than Kim." I've only heard about her marriage to Kanye West, and I'm almost positive I've heard about one of the others being with an athlete, so I thought it was one of the K-something siblings I don't know by name.
  20. There's a bathroom downstairs accessible both via that little "hallway" off the living room/kitchen and the master bedroom, and a bathroom upstairs attached to Becky and Darlene's old room. Those are the bathrooms we saw the inside of the first time around. There is also the bathroom Jackie was in, that we did not see, connected to D.J.'s room when Darlene walked in on her (thinking it was D.J.) during the Fisher's abuse two-parter. Via reference, there is also a hall bathroom referred to in the episode about D.J. masturbating. Those last two one-off bathrooms seem concocted for their specific story lines - we don't really know what's actually upstairs; tonight's episode seems to make canon the upstairs hall bathroom scenario, but I only got a quick glimpse as I was feeding the cats at the time and glanced up. (A Jack and Jill set-up wouldn't make sense, given what we saw of the girls' bathroom, as the two upstairs bedrooms are on opposite sides of the hall.)
  21. I can see why they switched two and three for last week’s second episode. They were still working out kinks in this one; even John Goodman was awkward in the first half. But it was still enjoyable. With one GLARING exception: As others have noted, WTF with Roseanne suddenly being in favor of spanking, since there was an entire episode about her horror at losing control and hitting D.J., which existed in the longstanding (not back to the beginning of the series, but longstanding) context of the abuse she and Jackie suffered (which also informed them taking David in to begin with, upon seeing the environment in which he was being raised)?! She can also miss me with saying bitch instead of brat when she was telling off Harris. I really liked Darlene tonight; she’s learning how to replicate the good aspects of the parenting she was raised with, and skip the bad, and, like everyone, having some struggles with that. And she’s dealing with a Mini-Darlene, which makes it all the better, since we saw Roseanne dealing with Darlene – we don’t have to rely on exposition to know how Mom Darlene was as a teen, like in most shows, we saw it. Roseanne’s “No, no I got this” about the dirty bathroom reminded me of her “No, I’ll get it” when the doorbell would ring and no one would move. (Was that the hallway bathroom we never saw, but heard referred to once in the original series? I was getting the cats fed, so I didn’t get a clear look.) The foreplay joke was also reminiscent of the original series. As was Dan pretending to be doing color commentary. “You’re smart for a kid, but you’re still dumb for a person.” Now that was on point.
  22. Either tonight's game was pretty easy, or just happened to hit on a bunch of stuff I know, because I had very few misses. At any rate, it was an enjoyable game. The contestants suck at physics, wow. I wish I could say that surprised me. Antique as a TS, on the other hand, did surprise me, but maybe they thought there was a doll-specific term the clue was referring to, rather than just stating the general rule about what can be called an antique. Near-mint was ridiculously easy as a DD; that’s another thing not at all specific to doll collecting. Active and passive was also too simple for a DD, I thought. And don't get me started on FJ.
  23. This morning I woke up to a phone call from my parents' home security system company (something they recently installed), saying they'd received two motion detector notifications four minutes apart, couldn't reach my parents (no, because they're out in the middle of nowhere), and had called the authorities. Well, that's going to be a wasted trip, because despite the pitch that cats aren't big enough to set those things off plus they're up fairly high (even for cats on furniture), I've said from day one I bet they are, but I'm on my way. Because I like being startled out of sleep and dashing off in my pajamas before I've even had a chance to pee. Of course, no cops by the time I get there, and I confirm to the alarm company there's nothing amiss, so they called the cops back to say it's a false alarm (thankfully, I remembered the password). Here's my peeve: When I asked which detector(s) went off (meaning in which room(s) was movement detected), I was told they don't have that info. So what fucking use is that? How am I supposed to figure out how a false alarm was triggered and thus how to adjust to avoid that in the future if I don't even know which one was triggered? Bandit and Chester certainly aren't going to tell me what they were up to. But the text alert my mom got reporting on the false alarm said motion detector in the guest bedroom -- but said nothing about there being two notifications. Could you give complete information in any one of your communications? Jeez! This is one of the several reasons why, when my dad asked me if I wanted one of these systems for my house, I said no.
  24. Thanks to The X-Files, all I could think of was The Amazing Maleeni, and I knew that wasn't right. I don't care for magic shows, so I only know the names of maybe two or three performers. James Randi was not one of them, but I just perused the Wikipedia article on him, and he sounds like an interesting guy.
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