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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. It would be smart to pair veteran and newbie, as a way to get viewers used to the new people without turning away nostalgia viewers who might decide to skip an episode without a familiar face. (Which is probably why they not only included Frank but gave away his presence in the teasers for this crossover episode.)
  2. Making (or buying) a pound cake and adding a glaze with fresh berries (if they're in season already in your area) is my suggestion - easy, tasty, and appeals to most palates (in terms of flavor, and also that it's not wildly unhealthy).
  3. Piles of interspecies snuggling for the win! (Although the pile of big dogs with one on top of the other two is a very close second.) Thanks for sharing your pictures; what a cuddly crew you have.
  4. Especially art that ugly. Well, not offensively ugly, just criminally boring and obviously amateur. I know it was their friends who created it, but I bet that came down as soon as they found something more attractive to replace it. Was it that living room or the other one that was described as the house's "formal living room"? I have the niggling thought it was that one, so maybe there was a "family room" in the back of the house (like back in the day) with a TV (they have to have been watching TV somewhere all this time), and that front room would just be used for sitting around the fire and talking (although it had limited seating, facing just one direction, so it's still only a semi-functional room even though it's now more attractive). Most of my trim is light, but in one room it's a deep chocolate brown, so depending on the room I can like either one. What I didn't like was the trim being painted the dark blue/grey color yet the wood of the windows the trim was surrounding being stained. They should match.
  5. Oh, that wasn't just an impression -- she was well aware of Al's many dalliances, the first one of which was with the chambermaid on their honeymoon. When Rose arrives, Mrs. Beatty thinks she's been dating Al, he dumped her, and now she's there to out him for revenge, so assures her she's heard it all before many, many times. "He slept with everyone - secretaries, schoolteachers, babysitters, neighbors, friends. One Easter, we gave our little boy some rabbits. They used to look at Al in amazement." "They drop like flies around me!" That's why she's afraid to sleep with Arnie on their trip, and why when she comes home she tells the others she slept with him, he died, she confessed to the sheriff how she kills men in bed, he said "Let's see, sleep with me," so she did, and he died.
  6. Be very careful using essential oils if you have cats, because with some of the oils it's not just ingestion that can be toxic, but skin contact (which, in cats, of course can lead to ingestion as well, since they lick themselves a lot) or even inhalation. Peppermint oil is on the "bad oils" list for cats.
  7. Gee, how convenient that the guest designers each found exactly what they needed in their homeowners' garage/yard, letting them stay within budget. I'm not familiar with them (I've just seen the commercials for their show during new episodes of this one), but they seem like nice guys. I don't have a single neutral wall in my home, so the rooms aren't my style, but they were pulled together well and suited the homeowners. Frank's guest appearance was pointless, but seeing the designers' style, I'm sure they were glad he was just there to fetch paint and drink champagne, rather than ruin their rooms with his style. Another episode with two successful rooms and happy people. Looks like that short-lived trend will die a fiery death next episode.
  8. Yes, in the Off-Topic section, there is one for pet discussion and photo shares.
  9. To say the least. I had to have an honest moment with myself, because I dislike bow ties and the overall look, yet at his age, I looked at him and thought, "You do you." A young man standing there with the same look, I'd have rolled my eyes so hard they sprained. Unfair to accept one is genuine and dismiss the other as an affectation? Yep. Any hope I won't roll my eyes at the next hipster doofus in a bow tie? Nope.
  10. I wish they’d gone back to the Earnings Beyond the Grave category rather than starting in on Luther; I had run the first round until then (and even got the first couple from that category). But, hey, it gave us, “I’m Jewish,” so I’ll take it. Carolyn cracking up at that made me laugh even harder. (And, yeah, Alex did a terrible job describing it; if they were going to bother with an explanation - I correctly assumed what the clues would be about just based on the title - it needed to include the pertinent part about DEAD celebrities.) I think the only TS that surprised me was Cosmopolitan – with “worldly” in quotes, it was clearly a synonym they should have been thinking of, not a title that actually contained “World,” and with a wrong answer the other two had plenty of time to think; Cosmo isn't exactly obscure, so I would have expected someone to know. That two of them didn't know FJ surprised me, too. "Round Table. Arthur. Guinevere." That's about as much thought as it took me to get to the answer. Despite that, I wouldn't have expected all three to get it, but only one did raise an eyebrow.
  11. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    BWAH! As a Giants fan, I hate the Eagles, too, but I hate the Cowboys more, so watching Philadelphia move in front of Dallas to pick the player they wanted, and lead into that with, "Hey, Dallas, the last time you were in the Super Bowl, these draft picks hadn't been born"? I can't even feel my cramps anymore.
  12. That's another one where The Closer got it right - Brenda was not remotely presented as a Crazy Cat Lady stereotype. Hell, once Fritz moved in, he was a better pet owner than she was (she wasn't a bad one, she just sort of fell into it with no experience, and it showed). Yet the cats (one at a time; Fritz brought home a kitten a while after her/their cat died) weren't invisible, like pets often are on TV -- Kitty and then Joel were part of their family, and we saw them feed the cats, hang out with the cats, talk about the cats, etc.
  13. Jane Fonda is the reason I'll eventually watch it in spite of itself (not in the theatre; I'll wait until it's on TV some afternoon).
  14. Yes; once she had the surgery, she was no longer in premature menopause. And in all her distress about the possibility of going through menopause then, not being able to get pregnant wasn't part of it. It had nothing to do with them not having kids. Brenda asked Fritz if he wanted kids, he said that would have to be a joint decision, she said no, and he was fine with it. It was a lovely scene (they were talking about school districts and big houses, but it was code for kids) - a married couple having a mature discussion (one they should have had before they got married, but I'll take what I can get), in which a female main character says she doesn't want kids and means it. But then Fritz would occasionally bring it up, and it bugged me every time. At least Brenda never wavered.
  15. That was boring. I don't like spaghetti and meatballs, but that's not what made it uninteresting; it was them making such similar dishes that made it rather ho-hum. I don't know if it was this episode or one of the re-runs, but she had "I love Bobby Flay" written on her eyelids - "I [heart]" on one and "Bobby Flay" on the other or something like that.
  16. This made me laugh, because I pre-empted the show on my own -- I skipped tonight's episode in favor of round one of the draft (one of my sacred days of the year), and was hoping to read the clues via the archive, but it's not updated yet, so I went ahead and spoiled myself by reading here. Maybe I'll record tomorrow night's episode (since I'll be watching rounds two and three of the draft) just in case.
  17. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Watching Shazier walk out to announce the Steelers' pick was quite a moment.
  18. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Darnold may be the one to break that recent cycle - more Palmer than Sanchez. I knew they weren't going to spend their number two pick on a down-the-road position, but part of me wanted the Giants to take him -- he's incredibly dedicated, he's talented, he has a low-key/unflappable personality, and he needs time to work out his inconsistencies. But, even though good RBs will almost certainly be available by the time the Giants pick next round, Saquon Barkley is one of the best players in the entire draft, so it's no surprise that even in this "I have no idea WTF any of these teams are going to do" year, pretty much everyone predicted that pick.
  19. Thanks to those good-time Charlies who want to ply a girl with liquor. Anyway, $80 ($79.95, I think, but they round up) and Dan's shoes. What does Becky have to promise to do in exchange for getting the dress?
  20. That depends on the executive producers and, to a lesser extent, the writers. Some are very collaborative, some are very "just act what we give you," and most are somewhere in between. And, of course, whether the actors feel it's necessary to raise a characterization or continuity issue in the first place. Most actors care very much about their characters and the show, of course. But asking for a script revision is less common on sitcoms than dramas, especially with continuity issues, owing to the "situational" nature of the sit-com genre -- there's more acceptance (especially back then!) of one-offs and even contradictions as merely existing to support the plot of the week; more focus on whether that individual script works as a story than whether it meshes with those that have come before.
  21. No, because I wouldn't have hurled insults at a toddler who doesn't know any better. The parents, however - yeah, they'd have heard from me. I wonder how long the Stones listened to her shrieking before storming out. Did they even give the parents and/or management a chance to take care of it, or just flip out? Jen's family obviously thinks it's a funny story, so one would hope that means she'd just started screeching and one of them was getting ready to take her up to the room when this table full of rock stars went nuts, but I tend to think not. For an interview story that bugged me, I have an odd wish to follow up on it.
  22. I was appalled by her parents not removing her cranky crying self rather than ruining other people's meals.
  23. My mail comes into my house - it drops down into a slot that's inside my foyer closet - and inevitably if I go a couple of days without checking it, there's something large, or just extra stuff (e.g. the weekly ads, a magazine, and then regular mail), in there and the letter carrier has to leave the next day's mail on the porch. I normally check it daily, but I come in through the back door, not the front, so sometimes I forget to go open that closet. At my condo, I had to walk past the mailboxes to get into the building, so it was just part of my routine to grab the mail on my way.
  24. I think what the poster was referring to was capitalizing numerous words throughout one's text, not a word here and there for emphasis, and with no discernible pattern. I've seen several people write like that; my above sentence would look something along the lines of, "I Think what the Poster was Referring to Was Capitalizing numerous Words Throughout one's text ..." It's both baffling (because I can't imagine that being auto-correct) and annoying.
  25. Bastet

    The Judges

    I like Martha Stewart on her cooking shows, and love her on her show with Snoop Dogg, so I'm excited to see her on this.
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