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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    The Raiders scored, I went into the bedroom to give the cat his pill, it took four tries (he's my parents' cat, and I'm out of practice; I usually get it in one), and when I came back the Chiefs were celebrating. Whoa!
  2. I'll be eating pork chops with no vegetables, because I am a moron. My parents are already at the lake in their motorhome, and took their produce with them, and I have just the right amount of won't still be good when I get back food left to kill off before I join them Wednesday. I'm spending tonight at their house (with their cats), and dutifully brought my salad mix and dressing and some leftover stir fry for tomorrow's lunch ... but forgot my broccoli. My mom left me two thin-cut pork chops, so I have those brining, but I have no side dish. I'll just have extra salad, but what a dumbass; jeez, for a whopping four things, I need to write it down?
  3. We have "no burn" days here (Los Angeles), too, and I abide by those, but only about half of those I know with fireplaces bother to check. Which, of course, is going to ruin it for everyone in time. But while I can still enjoy a fire, I do.
  4. I'm glad those three stray mommas found their way to you. When I was a kid, a one-eyed black feral cat started appearing in the yard, so my dad promptly named him One-Eyed Jack and we started feeding him. Only to soon realize "he" was pregnant, so we renamed her Jackie. She had six kittens under a neighbor's house, and when the kittens were old enough we snatched them up, socialized them, got them fixed, and found homes (we kept one). We also kept Jackie (not a long line of takers for a feral, black, one-eyed cat, but we didn't even try - she'd chosen us, and we loved her), who thankfully quickly adjusted to sleeping in the garage at night (my parents live in the hills, so coyotes are a real danger) as long as she could be out during the day. And we were actually able to domesticate her in time. She got used to the house, to us, and to the cat we already had when she and her daughter (Mitsie) came into the family. We could never rub her belly (which is why we didn't find her tumor until it metastasized) or hold her for more than a few seconds, but she loved to be petted and loved to play (foam cat-sized soccer balls were her favorite; it was pretty early on that she'd sit out on the patio with one in her mouth and meow for someone to come out and play). She also saved me from a baby rattlesnake. I was washing my grandpa's car in the driveway, when there was this commotion that turned out to be Jackie climbing up and over the side yard gate (it was tall because there was a motorhome behind it). It turned out she was chasing the snake that had slithered under the gate, but instead of catching it, she ran past it, and got between it and me to go at it from that direction. By this time I'd spotted what was happening, and snatched Jackie up and ran away, hollering for my grandpa to kill the snake. She was a tough ol' broad, but also a sweetheart. Oops, I got a bit sidetracked. Back to the show ... I love the vet techs. I mean, I love the vets, and Susan, and Melody, but vet techs don't make much money in a regular practice; even if they, unlike the vets, are paid market value, the high volume still means they're working extra hard for the money. But they're there, long-term, providing care and lots of love. Shelly, the head tech, is my favorite, because she wears a bunch of shirts with pitbull-positive messages and smooches all her patients, but they all delight me every week with how they interact with the animals. I read that Shelly was working as a server at a restaurant Dr. Jeff started to frequent; they got to talking about his practice, she was a fierce lover of animals and advocate for both spay/neuter and low-cost services, and he invited her to come learn on the job. That's another thing I love about Dr. Jeff - how he mentors people, provides opportunities, and will live in perpetuity via his education (those he teaches will teach others, who will teach others, and on and on forever).
  5. I have three fireplaces, and use all of them (not simultaneously) each winter. (Not for warmth, for atmosphere.)
  6. Whoever threw the pregnant cat over a 10-foot fence ought to be tossed into a big, burning hole, but I'm glad the cat was found by someone who did right by her. Everyone going gaga over the basket of kittens was cute. I'm most glad the momma got a home, too; I get sad - and angry, quite frankly - when the kittens all get snatched up but no one wants the mom. I'm sure it helped that she was so young herself. Hannah looked so unhappy, like, "Oh, I really wish I hadn't gotten on that damn trampoline." I wonder why they didn't put a pin in the one bone, since all four were broken -- I guess that one was a lesser break and would just fuse back together on its own with the foot splinted. Pebbles lived up to her name in a very bad way - those were a shit ton of stones in her bladder! Dr. B: [Extols virtues of snake patient]. Dr. Jeff: It's still a snake. Right on, brother; they give me the heebie-jeebies, too. I also laughed at taking Dr. B. along to treat the gators because of his reptile anesthesia expertise and Hector going "because we use him as bait".
  7. Someone (maybe one of her West Wing castmates) said Allison Janney could have chemistry with a potted plant, and I agree; it's remarkable how consistently it happens (and I felt it with Kevin Pollack). I don't know William Fichtner from nearly as many things as AJ, but I've seen quite a few of his projects, and he's very much the same way. I'm sure that's a big part of why I enjoy Bonnie and Adam's relationship so much, when normally in a friendship ensemble I find the boyfriends/husbands annoying distractions. I only saw part of this episode, but, like everyone else, I loved the Adam and Tammy interaction.
  8. There are several different types of rainbow trout, so while steelhead is indeed a type of trout, it is specifically a type of rainbow trout. The category made it obvious that's what they were looking for, which is why Alex just went ahead and filled it in for him, but I find it a bit lazy to simply say "trout". If Alex had asked him to BMS, he certainly would have done so, so all it did other than irk me was save time - not an actual problem, just something I'd have done differently if I was in charge even though it would have merely been an exercise. I'm persnickety that way (and others).
  9. No, because the first one was someone I'd never heard of (the Real Housewives cast member), the second was a song I'd never heard of mentioning a dance I'd never heard of, and the third was a goose I'd never heard of. But after catching onto the pattern, I got the final two when I might not have come up with them in time if not for that hint. So, good for me? Stalking, especially (and I clearly pronounce the L as well; it's quite distinct from "stocking"). I pronounce the L in calm, too, but I don't remember if the contestant did. I didn't know how many pieces of silver made up blood money, but other than that and those three Potpourri clues, I ran the first round. In DJ, I missed eight, but pretty scattered across the board with no one disaster category. It took me several moments, but I came up with FJ. Lycra was a surprising TS, and I think "trout" should have required a BMS prompt given the category. I got a bit of a laugh out of the one contestant who didn't get Cats using the name of her dog as her answer.
  10. I believe the poster meant they wish the cancer treatment Ramsay helped fund had worked, not that the link you posted didn't work.
  11. Me too, and it gave me a nice chuckle.
  12. I hadn't seen that one, so I looked it up, and it's definitely my least favorite of the series thus far. I've liked, to varying degrees, the clogging, Ratt, and aunt problems, and I don't hate the fencing one, but it's a bit of a dud compared to the others.
  13. I teared up when Alex urged anyone experiencing the symptoms he had to get tested, because "I want you to be safe, this is a terrible disease". Unfortunately, I was distracted for about half the game, and only did okay on the clues I was able to watch. I did get FJ, at least, which I wasn't too optimistic about based on the category.
  14. I have the first season on DVD (the only season that was released; sales didn't justify the release of subsequent seasons, I assume) and have most of my favorite episodes from other seasons on old tapes, but I haven't watched in quite a few years. It was my favorite of the generic family sitcoms of the time; I loved Mona, really liked the chemistry between Tony and Angela (dragged out way too long of course), and liked the pace at which the Bowers and Micellis became a family.
  15. Better update from Schiff today; he's just been released from the hospital: And he posted this lovely Tweet to Allison Janney for her birthday (Toby and C.J.'s relationship was my favorite of the show, and I love that the friendship between the actors grew quickly and into one that remains close):
  16. Which it could easily have done by removing the final scene, which is a big gathering, since all the others seemed to be of individual families celebrating in their own homes/yards and thus would have no reason to be masked or distanced. It would have looked like a holiday commercial from any other year, yet also been completely appropriate for this year.
  17. Didn't her doctor say there were other problems, and he was going to get his notes to go over it with her (but then we never saw that, and when she told Ben, she only mentioned being perimenopausal)? He was quite direct that she could not get pregnant anymore, not that it was highly unlikely. That's a much more interesting story, Ben having to decide if he truly can skip being a biological father and raising a child from day one in favor of being with her and her kids, than Darlene joining Becky in having a wildly improbable (statistically) pregnancy and throwing another damn baby at this show.
  18. He's living with them, so, yes, they know. Maybe giving Becky's sister and her boyfriend the ceremonial title of godparents was Emilio's reciprocation of Becky's generosity in agreeing to the baptism, his way of giving her family a role in a ceremony that isn't their tradition. Becky, Darlene, and Ben all seemingly don't care what it technically means in his religion (I relate; I'm one of the godmothers to my cousin's daughter as a way of honoring the relationship between my cousin and me, but I had no actual obligations as the daughter grew up, and certainly not related to any religious role, since I'm an atheist and couldn't even tell you the denomination of the church in which the christening was held). Presumably his aunts were there, though, and in real life probably would have been shitting themselves that a couple of heathens were the only godparents. Now that I'm pondering this, that makes it even nicer to think that in exchange for Becky agreeing to this ritual for his sake, he kept it low key for hers.
  19. Speaking of noticing new things after numerous viewings: Dish recently finally started carrying StartTV. Major Crimes is on from 5-7 for me, and I usually work until 7:00, but tonight I finished early and turned on the season two premiere, "Final Cut", at 6:00. While Andy's attempts to get healthy in a hurry are first explicitly explored later in the episode, when he and Provenza are headed to interview the actor the husband asked to alibi him, and it's in episode four of this season that Andy reveals he has high blood pressure, tonight I noticed for the first time that, in the opening scene, Andy is checking his pulse when Provenza first arrives.
  20. I was hopeful Darlene wasn't actually pregnant, since if she really was I didn't think they'd just give it away in the promos, so I'm very relieved now. The fact she wanted to be is still incredibly stupid - Really, Darlene, "This couldn't come at a better time"; you're supposed to be the smart one in the family and you don't know the difference between best and worst? - but at least it's not going to happen. LOL at the "I'm too young to be in any sort of -pause; I'm 43"/"That's not young" exchange with the doctor, though. Ben's beard that is even uglier than normal is hard to look past, but in forcing myself to ignore it, the scene between them when Darlene told him she wasn't pregnant and never again will be was very well done. I will never understand the hullabaloo over a first birthday; make/buy a cake with a "1" candle and snap a picture, since the kid has no clue what's going on anyway. Becky had the right idea, but as stupid as it is, Emilio can blow his limited funds how he wants. Emilio can miss me with his religion bullshit, too, just declaring the baby will be Catholic; practice your own religion to your heart's content, but you don't get to impose it on your child when the other parent disagrees. But Becky had the right idea, I think, agreeing to this ritual that's important to him but doesn't actually affect Beverly Rose in any way. LOL at Dan joking he ate one of the kids, given all the complaining that Jerry hasn't been mentioned since the first episode of Roseanne season ten. Again, I appreciate that they want to show actors' faces, and did put the vet outdoors in his first scene, but he should have been wearing a mask -- and then in the Lunchbox, he has one, but it's on the counter in front of him. No masks when he and Jackie meet up (and not at all cute that he refused to take her no for an answer, or that she showed up). And Emilio decides to wear his as a chin warmer in Dan's house (horrible continuity by the script supervisor and editors, too, because they used takes where it was on his chin alongside takes where it was under his chin). Then the inconsistent mask wearing at the baptism. This is a weekly annoyance for me that I am going to have to get past, but haven't yet been able to.
  21. Damn; I was rooting for Deanna. I blew the VO category (not surprising, since I watch very few animated films, and none of those asked about were among my exceptions), but I got everything else in the first round. Pop culture did me in again in DJ; the only crime shows clue I knew was Jason Bateman, and only because they showed his picture. Other than that category, I did well, just missing a few scattered clues. The horse lover part of the FJ clue did not help me at all, but island country that resembled a name a Spanish king would have got me to Philippines in plenty of time.
  22. I agree; for most of the commercial, everyone shown readily appeared to be individual families celebrating within their own household, so I wouldn't have thought a thing of it had it ended with the last one of those. But the fan fiction one would have to write to explain how that one gathering at the end was responsible despite the lack of any distancing or mask wearing ruined the whole thing. Especially since it's only that one scene that is problematic; they could have easily edited that one out.
  23. Well. I should have stopped at part 16 and made up my own ending. I liked some stuff in part 17, but as it went on and then part 18 ... not my jam. We'd just got real Agent Cooper back, and then he was gone again. I think it's pretty clear now, from reading old discussion in which those who like a lot of Lynch's work (which I have not seen) love the things I hated most about this revival, that I am not a fan of Lynch, I am a fan of the "Who killed Laura Palmer?" portion of Twin Peaks. The rest of season two and season three, though, are not my thing, and I only like scattered moments of them. That's okay; now I know, and I can just re-watch season one and season 2a whenever the urge strikes and be happy. I watched some of the behind-the-scenes special features, and I'm impressed actors can work the Lynch way, knowing so little about the context in which their scenes are occurring. It's not just that they didn't know what was happening in the other parts of the script, they didn't even have information about some of their own scenes. Actors want to know what their character knows that the audience doesn't, so they can be sure to be playing the emotion properly; when the information is later revealed, and the audience looks back on the scene, it's all there in their face and mannerisms in retrospect. (Like how Gillian Anderson is still miffed that Chris Carter didn't tell her Scully knew Mulder was faking his death in the season four finale of The X-Files, as she would have played the scene in which Scully tells the FBI panel Mulder is dead very differently.) At one point, Sherilyn Fenn starts to ask him about the contract Audrey and Charlie are discussing, then says, "Never mind, you won't tell me." And I laughed when Lynch was explaining the Mitchum brother's mood in the showdown scene in the sheriff's office to Jim Belushi, saying "you [meaning the character] have no idea what is going on here", and Belushi responded, "So, just like in real life, because I have absolutely no idea what is happening in this scene."
  24. Oh, thanks - I just looked it up, and, yes it is, with IMDbTV. I've switched to watching my Twin Peaks blu-rays each night, but when I'm done, if the Pluto app is still being an asshole, I'll see about downloading IMDbTV. It has some funny lines and a couple of good episodes, but is on the whole not a very good show and Suzanne doesn't really feel like Suzanne (it also annoys me that Julia exists [mentioned but not seen] but there's a different brother), but I've sat through all but one already - I think I gave up halfway through when it originally aired - so I might as well see the remaining episode.
  25. At first I was annoyed by the announcement of a new recurring character, as this is already a pretty big cast, but then I read that it will be a transgender character played by a transgender actor, and withdrew my complaint. That's wonderful, and I hope they do the character justice.
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