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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I think they're a bit unattractive and outdated looking, and seem to hold onto dust, fur, etc. So I certainly understand HHs putting getting rid of them on their list of things they'd do if they bought that house. But acting like it's some terrible task, in the grand scheme of home buying, that would prove a deal breaker is ridiculous.
  2. Just like the last time people with nothing better to do took to social media about a game show contestant losing because they forgot a rule they'd just been reminded of, this is not an injustice - or celebrity news.
  3. Because he has some whack-ass savior thing going on towards Louise; they don't even share finances, yet he's talking about how if he had more money she wouldn't have to work at the restaurant. But we've seen that Louise likes it there (pre-pandemic) and she's certainly never expressed a desire for Dan to take care of her; she wants a partner, not a provider. Yet he's on a mission to do just that, both physically and financially. Since the writers intend to keep them together, he better knock that off, because it's an unhealthy - and annoying - relationship dynamic. Now, I understand it - he's haunted by the fact getting her knee fixed wasn't enough to save Roseanne from her addiction to the pills that wound up killing her, and likely that he couldn't "give" her a better life than the one they had - as Dan has always taken that blue collar man's pride in providing for his family thing and blown it up. But he needs to deal with it.
  4. I think it's a pretty common mistake, and perhaps in fact one where that mispronunciation would be accepted in many a J! category other than where being a heteronym is the whole point.
  5. Seriously. If you remove it yourself, you need a seriously good neck massage. If you hire someone, you're out a thousand or two or three dollars depending on house size. Even if it contains asbestos, paying for proper removal of a hazardous material is a tiny blip on the radar of your home's value, before and after. It's nowhere near as dumb as rejecting a home based on paint color - which HH seems to have backed off of as a recurring storyline, in my limited exposure - given how easy that is to change/have changed, but still an overstated concern.
  6. It's preemptively disheartening that loved ones' attempts to remind us hoarder was but one facet of who Sakash was, point out the trauma that kicked an existing psychological condition into high gear, and redirect posthumous conversation to a broader picture of her life will almost surely be unsuccessful, given the headline-grabbing details of how the home's condition allowed her body to remain undetected for so long.
  7. Jackie thinking the bible CD said Bublé was funny, as was Darlene offering to sleep with Dan's boss in order to secure him a raise. But Dan's out of his gourd asking for a 25% partnership stake after TWO MONTHS. It was early to ask for a raise (show you've brought in and sustained increased business over a six-month period, dude). This is batshit. Ben doesn't need his daddy issues to justify refusing it because it would be completely unearned. Ben saying Darlene should have talked to him if she felt Dan deserved a raise is nowhere near as crazy, but still wrong - this is business, between Ben and Dan. The mess when business and family blur is realistic, and a good storyline; the words Ben and Dan flung at each other were totally in character. But Dan threatening to kick Darlene out over this pissing contest with Ben, an episode after he threatened to be forever done with his daughter if she was the one among this village of idiots who gave his girlfriend COVID? Dan can miss me lately. Becky refused to dissect a frog, but now I'm supposed to believe she dissected a cat back in high school? (When the issue was raised, I took it to mean she dissects a cat after going back to school, not that it happened back then.) And didn't they specifically say Biology? That was indeed the class with the frog, when she was concerned flunking lab would bring her A down to a C, and Roseanne told her it was okay if she felt that strongly about it, and she was off to make sure she kept her other grades as A's to maintain her overall average. In short, 13-year-old Becky did not dissect a cat in Biology with anyone, let alone this rival we never heard of until now. But, it was poignant that said never-before-mentioned HS rival assumed she - who'd been his pace car - left HS for early admission to a university in MN (although I find it hard to believe word didn't get around Lanford High she'd dropped out to marry Mark Healy), graduated, and went to grad school. And the fantasy she spun in response, especially "I have a baby whose future is secure", set the stage for her not being comfortable "admitting" she can't drink, instead just furthering the charade in one more way. It led to another nice conversation between the sisters, and I hope it is indeed something she did under a specific set of circumstances and won't do again. I never got around to watching the big beginning chunk of last week's episode I missed, but I liked this one, terrible frustration with Dan - and annoyance with treating arbitrary "best by" dates on food, particularly canned food, as "expiration" dates - and all.
  8. Great close game after a nice comeback by Bryce. In addition to being the lone woman, Emily was wearing a shirt I also own, so I was rooting for her even though I would miss Bryce's mannerisms when he answers. FJ being a TS surprised me, as did produce produce and Wrangler. Fifth a bit, too. I ran the heteronyms category; I love those kind of clues. In fact, I almost ran the entire first round, but I missed two in paint. In DJ, though, I was terrible at movies and English drama, missing three in each category. I only ran world capitals and Native American history, but at least I only missed two others among the remaining categories - like the contestants, I failed to come up with rood or Greeley. FJ wasn't an instaget, but I reasoned my way to it quickly -- Okay, "Something New York/New York Something More Than Ever". A-ha: I ❤️ NY.
  9. Popping back in to say I keep thinking about Richard Gilliland's death. He was only 71, he and Jean Smart were set to work together again in just a few months, their daughter is only 13, he died after a brief illness ... nobody was expecting to have to live without him at this point, and suddenly he's gone. It's sad. I know nothing about him, but I've never heard anything but praise for Jean, so I figure if she married him, and stayed married to him all this time, he was good peeps, too. I remember Jean saying she's got a good deal of Charlene's gullibility in her, and he would have fun with it - like, he'd come home and weave some tall tale about something that happened at the store, with all these crazy details, and she'd react with a "Wow, that really happened?" and he'd say, "No! I was pulling your leg." She fell for it every time, which entertained him. Lots of long-term Hollywood marriages among the DW gang; they all got married either shortly before the show or during its run, and all those marriages are either still going or ended because of death. Linda Bloodworth-Thomason and Harry Thomason are still together after nearly 40 years of marriage, as are Delta Burke and Gerald McRaney and Annie Potts and her husband (a director/producer) after a little over 30 years. Richard and Jean had also been married over 30 years at the time of his death. Dixie Carter and Hal Holbrook nearly 25 years when she died. Meshach Taylor and his wife (an actor) around 30 years at the time of his death. Some of these were second, third, or fourth marriages, but they all lasted. That's a high percentage of long-term marriages in one group of people!
  10. I loved the relationship between Reese and Suzanne; he teased her, but was fond of her. I love after his heart attack, when Julia is fussing over him and asks Suzanne if she thinks he looks pale, and Suzanne says no, she thinks he looks cute; kind of tousled and sexy. Reese says, "I am obviously messing around with the wrong Sugarbaker sister." In that same scene, Julia gets embarrassed when he says in front of Suzanne that the bottom half of him is still operational, too, just in case she's ever interested again, and he shrugs it off, saying, "Oh, horse feathers, Suzanne knows all about the bottom half of men."
  11. I'm glad to hear about Lily's significant improvement; pancreatitis can really take it out of them, and it's frustrating being unable to do much more than supportive care as you ride it out. Yay for being on the other side of it - especially that she's getting caught up on her food; that's the best sign there is - and here's hoping for no more flare-ups.
  12. After watching basketball and then doing some things around the house, I didn't feel like cooking, so I ordered chicken satay and Pla Goong.
  13. I can't decide which puzzles me more - that there are people who will be turned on by that picture or that there are people who will be grossed out by it. I mean, different strokes for different folks, you do you, and all that jazz, but I just don't get the foot fetish or the foot phobia - they're feet. Nobody gets fired up, good or bad, about a picture of, say, elbows. What's different? Anyway, which arrondissement is that? I've barely scratched the surface, but thus far my favorite to stay in has been the 6th.
  14. I was rooting for Jean because she was so nervous for the first few minutes of the game her hand was shaking, but that FJ answer was ... something. The Vertigo TS surprised me a bit, as did adulteration going unanswered. I do not know much about Kipling's works, so only correctly guessed two clues in that category. I also missed three in moguls. I ran the other categories in the first round. In DJ, I - to the surprise of absolutely no one - didn't get a single clue in the Old Testament category. Other than that, all I missed were two rivers. I didn't get FJ, though. I didn't even have a guess, but when the answer was revealed, I said aloud, "Oh, that makes sense."
  15. I love in "Reservations For Eight" when J.D. asks which room he and Reese will be in, Mary Jo says it doesn't matter, they're all the same, and he says, "Maybe to you, but maybe Reese and I want something extra." I don't remember which one of them says, "We want our time together to be special," but they're hilarious when they join hands. I also love in "Nightmare from Hee Haw" when he, adjusting his crutches to drag his battered self out of the hospital, says, "You know, Mary Jo, I've been thinking - Since we don't go together anymore, you don't have to keep asking me on these outings. I mean, you could take somebody you like."
  16. I was hoping that would be the case, once I saw they'd cast a Mrs. Tilden. And I like where they're going with it, per TVLine: We'll also get to see Candice Bergen as Ben's mom again in two more episodes. And Brian Austin Green will appear in two episodes as "Jeff, a quirky, free spirit traveler who lives out of his van".
  17. Well, he did get in a dig; the clue made fun of the "Liberty, Liberty, Liberty" in all the commercials ("LiMu is an insurance-selling emu for this company that's very, very, very unafraid to repeat its name at the end of its ads").
  18. My goodness, they all were often slow to answer or pick a clue tonight! The bread TS surprised me a little in that someone had incorrectly guessed dough; I thought that would put one of the others on the right track and come up with the baked version. The demons, George Burns, and John McCain TS surprised me to varying degrees, too (especially demons). I was terrible in the books category; I haven't read any of them and could only correctly guess two. I did well otherwise in the first round, with reef my only other miss. In DJ, it was the Netflix category that was my weak spot; I missed two of the three revealed. Other than that, I just missed two, one each in Asia and summoners. I wouldn't have come up with FJ if the "Think" music lasted a day; I knew immediately it was whoever wrote Mary Poppins (and that there was a movie about it), but didn't know her name.
  19. (From the thread about the NY Homecoming) Other than the time she spent sculpting her curls, no, I don't think Irene engaged in any artistic endeavors. Aaron was a business major. And Beth A. - like Beth S. - was sporadically working behind the scenes jobs in the entertainment industry (craft services, PA, etc.). I know she continued working in production assistance roles after the show, but have no idea if that continued long term.
  20. I'm just happy it's also showing on Discovery, not just streaming on that damn Discovery+ thing that is advertised all.the.time. I checked the VRC Facebook page, and here's what Tia posted about it: And she later posted, as part of a reminder about the premiere date and channel change: "More platforms means more visibility which means more donations, which means more dogs can be rescued and adopted!!" There's also a recent post from Roxy Mama's owner, reporting that Roxy just turned 16.
  21. I missed the first match, but I'm bummed to hear Cat Cora lost. I was rooting for Jet simply because I'm not familiar with the other guy, so that one worked out for me. And in the Tiffani vs. Amanda battle, since there can't be a tie, I was rooting for Tiffani; I like both equally, but the Tiffani hatred makes me pull for her. I wish they'd just show more of each match to fill two hours or make this a 90-minute show, because the post-game segment is useless filler.
  22. I'm not into most of these songs - I really like "You're the Reason God Made Oklahoma", though - so my biggest reaction to this set of ten comes from this tidbit from the CU commentary: WHAT?! Oh, hell to the no. Oh, please; Charly McClain's original is so much better. The Sirius dudebros probably don't even realize his was a cover; they probably just saw Jackson's video, got a NASCAR boner, and put it on the list.
  23. It's uncommon, for sure, but I don't think it qualifies as rare. I do know it mostly (but not only) happens in people with vulnerable immune systems or those whose first case was really mild or happened when they were really young, though, so I think those are the people for whom the chickenpox vaccination is recommended even though they've already had it. (Emphasis on "I think"; again, I've never had it or been vaccinated for it, and never talked to a doctor about it, so this is just what I've picked up via cultural osmosis.)
  24. I never had chickenpox, and it's so uncommon now I doubt I'll be exposed to it. But if I was exposed to someone with shingles, I wouldn't get shingles, but could get chickenpox, which could be harsh as an adult ... I guess I need to look into what, if any, vaccine I should get under the circumstances. (I'm in my late 40s.) Right now I'm less than three weeks away from being eligible for the COVID vaccine, so I'll be putting all my effort towards securing an appointment for that. When the dust settles and I next have a regular check-up, I'll ask about the whole chickenpox/shingles thing. It has never come up before. I don't know the rules of hopscotch, either (I don't think I ever did; it existed but wasn't A Thing when I was a kid), but, thanks to that commercial, the next time I come across one instead of just walking over it I will hop my way through it.
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