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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. This was my favorite episode of the new version of the show; I think they put together a particularly interesting collection of calls. I like the way the reality of COVID is woven through, not just in the (frustratingly inconsistent) mask wearing, but in things like a patient who fell and spent a full 24 hours on the floor before giving in and calling not wanting to go to hospital because of the pandemic, but needing further evaluation. And, as always, I like the way this series shows the many hats EMS has to wear; they are primarily there to render emergency medical aid, but to best do that job they also need some critical interpersonal skills and empathy.
  2. There is no canned soup in my pantry, so I have no idea how I’d use it to “evoke a food memory”. That’s why they’re cheftestants and I’m not, because most of the QF food looked delicious. Nice bounce back for Chris. I most wanted Sara’s dish (and Dawn’s, which didn’t make the top three), but I’d have been very happy to eat his. My amateur status would have been on full display in the EC, too; I don’t make a lot of savory dishes with fruit (and really don’t care for cooked fruit), so I’d be short on ideas once vegetables got taken away. There seemed to be more misses than normal this round, so it was apparently hard for many of them, too. Avishar’s dish was just a bad idea that got even worse in execution, and I don’t know what Kiki was thinking, either; Tom even tried to warn her off. I thought she might be safe because if she’d cooked the chicken right, the dish would have been in the middle, while the other two had numerous problems, but raw chicken is a pretty big thing to get past. This time, their top three were not my top three (other than Chris). I figured Gabe was going to win, I completely understand why he did, and of course I’d try it if I was there, but that did not look good to me at all, given my general aversion to cooked fruit.
  3. The amount of money I spent buying every magazine for which Gillian Anderson did an interview back in the X-Files day would probably make me sick if I had the receipts. But I never, at my most obsessed, took it as a personal mission to defend her from "haters". If someone posted something that wasn't true, I'd refute it (unless they were a troll; those I don't feed). But when someone simply didn't like something about her, I might either say why I enjoyed that trait in her or just go about my day. I still like her very much, as an actor and from what I know of her as a person. And that is even more true of Mary McDonnell. They are the two celebrities I am well and truly a fan of; I genuinely admire them. But if someone criticizes their acting, looks, and/or activism, I'm not going to act like my momma just got slapped. I just don't understand that level of "devotion".
  4. Since I'll be watching something else tonight, I just checked the archive. I thought not being able to see the video in the whales category was going to be a problem, but it turned out not to be (I still missed one, but I don't think video would have helped). The arroz con pollo TS surprised me; I correctly guessed it based on "named for its two ingredients" so for three people also looking at a picture of it not to come up with it was unexpected. I only ran lunch in the first round, but I only missed one each in the other categories, so it wasn't too bad. In DJ, I also only ran one category - surprisingly, it was mythological idioms. I missed three in historical places, two each in initials and premiere episodes, and one each in odd numbers and pickers. FJ was an instaget, which was particularly nice after not even having a guess the previous two nights.
  5. Economic conditions in Lanford when Dan bought the bike shop were very different than what they were by the time he had to close it down; the economic collapse plays out subtly all throughout season four and is brilliantly done. They managed to set up a scenario where handling Lecy's departure by having Becky drop out of high school to get married is not anywhere near as outlandish as it sounds on paper. They just ruined it later by bringing Mark and Becky back to town as different people (literally in Becky's case).
  6. Gillette is trying and failing miserably to do a commercial in the style of Billie's. They get points for finally saying "pubic hair" but then lose them for "down there". And, fundamentally, they fail for declaring women's pubic hair requires special tools. And for coming off like yet another razor commercial showing women shaving already bare skin. I think she does have the slightest bit of hair at her underwear line, but it's very slight and they flash away quickly.
  7. I barely remembered this season, but I enjoyed it on re-watch -- they were all nice, well-intentioned, normal people. Kevin didn't seem to grow any, but I was impressed by how many of the rest of them used this experience of having to live and work with people not of their own choosing to adjust some things about their usual mode of interacting with people, and forced themselves to try to understand where someone with very different experiences from theirs was coming from. And I don't think I gave Mike enough credit the first time around, as evidenced by Coral remaining friends with him all this time - he dropped the defensiveness, and really did listen and learn when someone explained why something he said was offensive. He understood how insular the environment he came from was, and was grateful this experience was going to permanently change his viewpoint. I hope he really did do what he said he would upon getting back home, which is challenge his bros and his family when they spewed racism. I love Nicole saying goodbye to the guys by jokingly yelling at them and putting her fingers in their face (I needed one last "point blank period" though) and Lori saying goodbye to Kevin by joking that she's sorry she didn't return his feelings but is glad he was able to get past it.
  8. It's not a browser setting, it's a site notification setting - if you want to be notified by Primetimer when you are mentioned or quoted within someone's post, you have to also be notified when your post merely receives a like/sad/useful/surprised/funny reaction, as they're all lumped together; you either aren't notified at all, are notified on site, are notified via email, or are notified both on site and via email.
  9. That wasn't the only way of arriving at the answer; knowing who was the subject of a 2015 Broadway musical popular enough to be asked about on J! was probably the easier route to take. The contestants' shared (at least two of three; I'd have to watch a recording to know for sure) Damn, of course; I should have come up with that reaction to the response to that $800 clue being revealed after stumping all of them speaks to the fact it going unanswered was unexpected.
  10. Yes, Dan simplified what was a very layered history, but would he realistically, after all this time, having come to resent Mark again (who knows what happened between when we last saw everyone and when he died), believe it to be the way he said? It's entirely possible; he can be irrational, selective in his memory and empathy, and wearing some real blinders when it comes to those he loves. Especially when, in a situation he didn't feel comfortable in to begin with, Becky presented an unrealistically rosy picture of her life with Mark, like things were going great and only his death caused her to totally stall out in life. And the writers had the trade school details right, so I don't know that this was a continuity error, I think this was mostly a characterization choice. Dan could have instead said something more like, "Look, I used to respect the guy and hoped you might make something work despite the odds, but he never got his act together and intentionally held you back in life, and it just got worse after his death. You'd have had a better life without him altogether." But it still works as it is, especially with Lecy's incredible acting when Becky admitted she's angry, too - at Mark and mostly at herself. Becky saying, "I wasted so much time ... and now I'm so far behind, I'll never catch up. Remember how proud you were?" made me cry. The regret of squandered potential, and the feeling you're too far down a hole to ever climb out, hurts like hell. That whole family scene was great, with D.J.'s funny line about his meteoric rise in the vending machine industry driving Becky to drink when she was supposed to be the success story of the family and Darlene saying it's been hard to watch her struggle. But it became truly fantastic when it was just Becky and Dan. They continue to have the greatest dynamic of the revival and then this spin-off. Robin coming to visit Becky was great; I love how they mostly dislike each other but have this grudging respect that makes them not want the other to get screwed by life.
  11. The Hamilton TS was quite a surprise (what wasn't a surprise was their Oh, duh! reaction to the answer being revealed) and "miles to go before I sleep" an absolute stunner. With the latter, the other two must have gotten befuddled trying to think back on what exactly Max said to figure out where he went wrong, but I'm still surprised neither of them got it. Biding and bidding kind of surprised me as a TS, but then I thought about it being the first clue chosen in that category, and sometimes it takes contestants a beat to get going in those kinds of categories. To the surprise of absolutely no one, I was terrible in the Bible category, only correctly guessing one (the first one). I wasn't expecting to do particularly well in the dressmaker category, but got all but the last one. I also missed one in back to the game. I ran the other three first round categories. I wish they'd finished the newer words and phrases category in DJ, as I was excited to be running a category about what the kids today are saying. I was also running the lab category, and think I'd have continued to do well there. I ran snooze clues, and only missed one each in the other three. I was doing so well, but I didn't get FJ. Every American automaker I thought of didn't seem right, and Oldsmobile didn't come to me in time, so I didn't have an answer.
  12. In addition to the things already noted about today's new wonky behavior, sometimes the notification that someone reacted to or quoted my post is enormous, taking up the entire top 25% of my screen.
  13. That's probably my least favorite of those '80s teen films. I cannot stand Helen Hunt*, but I'm pretty neutral on Sarah Jessica Parker (I've only seen her in a few movies). The guy is a dud, I don't like the music or the dancing ... I remember thinking I'd like it because of the friendship between the two girls and the fact the one who looks like SJP is the main character, but it's not my cup of tea. A friend made me re-watch it several years ago, and nope, still not. *Which is my UO - to me, Hunt's acting is just a collection of tics, repeated in every role. The fact she has awards, including an Oscar, blows my mind.
  14. That's being discussed in the Guest Host thread, @Kyle, if you want to come join in.
  15. Me too, but I get notifications when someone reacts to my posts in any way; I only want them for mentions or quotes, to make sure I see something that might need a response, but the like/useful/etc. reactions are bundled together with those.
  16. I have some gel packs in the freezer, and an old-fashioned ice bag in the linen closet I filled with ice when I sprained my ankle a few years ago. That's a good point about a bag of frozen peas or corn making a very good ice pack for injuries because of how well it would mold to your body. But, like @meep.meep, I tend not to have a bag of frozen vegetables on hand. Sometimes edamame, but that's about it. I like the idea of the reusable ice pack of little gel balls called Peas. I can't for the life of me remember what show it was, but I remember a scene in which someone went to get an ice pack out of the freezer at work, couldn't find one, but did emerge with a bag of frozen peas, leading them to wonder who was planning to eat peas for lunch and how they'd prepare them in a kitchen with no stove (this was before they made the "steamable" bags for cooking in the microwave).
  17. Oh, could we do that before this update? I thought we had to just let them "expire" (they get automatically removed after a certain period of time). That's happening in the Light theme, too; the icons and profile pics were back to normal for a brief period, but most of the day they've been wonky.
  18. I forgot all about this song. It's the only Toby Keith song I like, but I hate him so much I'd have to half-pretend someone else is singing it.
  19. Joe Buck irritates me, although not enough to keep me from enjoying football, so he won't ruin this for me, either; in fact, I suspect he'll be pretty good at it. I think they all will; with the exception of Dr. Oz, they've had a nice selection of guest hosts to see us through the season.
  20. It's certainly not coast specific, but I'm sure Venezuelan restaurants and food trucks are more common in major cities. (But, then, I've also had it in cities like Oxnard, Dayton, and somewhere south of Nashville I can't remember the name of, so I don't think you'd have terrible difficulty finding it in many areas.) Arepas look like something in between a tortilla and a pancake; they're corn cakes. In this case, they're split open and stuffed - a Venezuelan sandwich. Cochino frito is a fried pork dish, so the cochino frito arepa is filled with fried pork bites, tomatoes, and avocado, with some sort of garlic-y sauce. Reina is a type of chicken salad, with a mayo and avocado mixture, plus cilantro and scallions, so that's what the other one was filled with. The salsa carioca salad consists of avocado, tomato, onion, and peppers, with a chile pepper vinaigrette using the same flavors of the salsa.
  21. When Margaret Whitton died, Major League was my first thought, because as hilarious a movie as it is, there's a strong argument to be made that her "Cross him off then" is its greatest line. (And, yeah, the generic "I hate this fucking song" is also perfectly delivered.)
  22. Venezuelan take-out tonight, as I didn't feel like cooking - two mini arepas (one cochino frito and one reina) and a salsa carioca salad.
  23. What's it made out of? Is it tasty, or just something you've learned to live with in order to have tacos? I pay moderate attention to carbohydrate intake and love tacos, so I just make sure not to eat tacos too frequently; I haven't given it any more thought than that. But if there's a good low-carb tortilla to be had, I'd make the substitution, so I'd love a link to what you buy/make.
  24. I have had that occasionally - maybe a few times per year; it's not at all a common bug - happen to me for years; I'll highlight, highlight, highlight, yet never get that "Quote Selection" pop-up, so I'll finally get irritated enough to just select Quote and then edit out the parts of the post I don't want to quote. So it probably wasn't related to the update, just something that finally happened to you at a time that coincides with the update.
  25. They all clearly did not understand the planet shaming category on the first clue, and it was funny to see it dawn on all of them at once when Anderson revealed the answer. The parochial TS surprised me. Also that no one picked up on the mistake Nina made, to come up with conscientiousness. I almost ran the first round, but missed one of the movies to stage clues (and the $200 one at that, which really irks me). I didn't do nearly that well in DJ. The only category I ran was the stupidly-named Leading Female TV. I blew history and books, missing three each, and missed two Asian cities plus one each in the remaining two categories. I had absolutely no idea on FJ.
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