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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I haven't had a chance yet to listen or read the transcript, but for anyone whose curiosity about conservatorships was piqued by the emerging details of Britney Spears's case: In honor of disability pride month, the ACLU's podcast, At Liberty, is doing a few episodes looking at the conservatorship/guardianship system; the first one uses Britney's case (in which the ACLU submitted an amicus brief in support of her right to select her own attorney) as a launching pad to discuss the issues.
  2. With how many different items there are in the produce department, I am very impressed by how infrequently the cashiers have to consult their book/ask a co-worker what the code for something is; those are a lot of numbers to memorize!
  3. I'm back already ... In the ten days since her mom died, my best friend has had to put two of her dogs to sleep (she has one remaining, down from four dogs and a cat), about 36 hours apart from each other. Can you even imagine?! Both were older than the typical lifespan for their size, with health problems, but both deaths were necessitated by acute medical crises, so while not out of the blue, it happening right now and right on top of each other was unexpected. I have family where she lives, so I'm thinking of going up to see them next weekend (I can't go this weekend), and telling her "I'm at [cousin's] for the weekend. You don't have to see me if you're not up for it, but if you are I'm nearby." It's about three hours away, and I usually stay with her for the weekend (and just go see my family for half a day) when I visit, so I think she's going to feel like she can't ask me to come up until she's ready for me to stay, which is too much right now. But if I tell her I'm just on the other side of town, she'd know she could spend a short time with me, but if she's not up for it, that's fine, because I didn't come up there only for her. At this point, I would drive up, hug her, and drive back home if that's all she could handle. I don't know how she's even still standing.
  4. The hell? This is arguably top 50, definitely top 75, and they don't even have it as top 100. I agree with the CU commentary - this is ranked too high, and Rosanne's version is a lot better. I also agree with all the commentary on "Lady" being ranked too high, and that the overall placement of Kenny Rogers songs on this list is an "utter mess".
  5. There is some great line delivery throughout, and I especially love the actor who asks, "Are you poopsplaining me right now?" and later protests, "I'm not saying pooppowerment."
  6. Same here. Cultural osmosis, I guess.
  7. Oh yeah, several years back, apple cider vinegar started being touted as the cure to all that ails you. Since I can't even stand the smell of it, never mind consume it, I'll just die earlier, thanks.
  8. Oh, a bunch of different ways; I have a side salad or slaw with every dinner and have a big salad (TM Elaine Benes) for lunch with some regularity. The one I made today was just kale with shrimp, roasted pistachios, shaved Parmigiano-reggiano, and a lemon vinaigrette. So use it any which way you like, just be aware that when eating kale raw you may want to massage it first depending on how you're cutting it and how far ahead of time you're dressing it; I just skimmed it, but this seems to be a good article explaining when you should do so (and how).
  9. Chimney sweep is still a job performed regularly, not a relic of the past made obsolete by automation or other widespread changes (yes, a lot of newer homes are made with gas fireplaces rather than wood-burning, but there are still a whole lot of chimneys out there in need of regular cleaning), so I thought that was out of step with the other clues in the Old Jobs category. The Miami Beach TS surprised me a bit. I ran half the categories in the first round, missing five clues among the other three. I only ran 2011 and sun & moon in DJ, missing two each in all the rest. And I got FJ on a lucky guess, so I had another good game.
  10. I agree. That's why I loved it, and I wish more shows had finales like this. After the perfect way they ended Alexis and Ted's relationship*, I had a good deal of faith the show itself would end well, but I'm always a little nervous because I've hated so many series finales. (*I completely agree with Dan Levy in the farewell special, that a relationship ending not because the love is gone, but because circumstances necessitated it, with circumstances meaning their personal growth, was beautiful. Sad, of course. But beautiful. And right. And so refreshingly mature for TV!) I also had faith they wouldn't all inexplicably decide to stay put, but, again, I'm always a bit gun shy with TV. While it didn't always entirely succeed, this show was written in a deliberate attempt to do the usual storylines in a much better way. So I was very hopeful Levy and co. wouldn't let me down, especially because they went out on their own timeline and had crafted the final season's main plots well in advance. Indeed, everyone was left where it made perfect sense for them to be. Stevie realized she wanted to stay, but travel, and now she can go set up new hotels and return to home base. David wanted to go back to NY for the wrong reasons, and Patrick was willing to but would rather be in SC, so they stay. My beloved trio remains intact. Johnny can oversee his new business venture from L.A. just as well as NY, so he'll go there with Moira, because that's where she's shooting - returning to the role she's built her entire identity around, but on her terms. And Alexis. Oh, how I love that Alexis, who spent her entire life following boyfriends across the globe and couldn't stand being alone for five minutes, isn't even following her family anywhere this time; she's going to NY by herself, to build something entirely her own. This was great; one last bit of wacky hijinks and then a celebration and fond farewell. When Moira said Roland had promised a going away present, but apparently not since he didn't show, I figured it would turn out he'd finally replaced the sign. But the new version was better than anything I could have imagined. What a perfect final shot. That was refreshing, particularly in a same-sex couple. As you can see, it didn't take me weeks. I briefly reduced my number of episodes watched per night because that much exposure to Chris Elliott was too much (that man is repugnant, and I do not know why anyone puts him on TV), and David and Alexis's great signature mannerisms felt very repetitive when watching for hours at a time, but temptation was too great and I went back to binge watching. I will re-watch it at a slower pace some day, because there are so many great touches - dialogue, line delivery, wardrobe, set dressing, background characters' reactions - working together to create the big picture, I can't always take them all in at once. I'm glad I finally watched this show, and wish I'd gotten into it in real time. I was pleased to find it very funny, but had no idea it was going to be so lovely as well. I keep calling my cat "beh-beh" in Moira's voice now, and saying "Caw-CAW" to the crows in my front yard. And when I witnessed something gross on TV last night, I found myself thinking "Ew-uh" and then promptly saying, "Ew, David."
  11. I just very recently watched Schitt's Creek, and I love David and Stevie as friends and thought that blessedly brief period where she had romantic feelings for him was ridiculous and like Patrick with David, and with David and Stevie. But I completely agree on Chris Elliott. He's unbearably annoying - I don't mean doing a great job playing an annoying character, I mean being annoying so that an awful character is damn near unwatchable. I have no idea what he is like in real life, but I find him downright repugnant on screen. His presence actually angers me sometimes. It's quite a visceral thing.
  12. I'll take anyone's unwanted kale. I love most greens (so long as they're lightly cooked; I hate them once they've been braised to death), and that's one of my favorites. I just had a kale salad for lunch today.
  13. I love that. A family member died last year, and the obituary included his dogs on the "survived by" list.
  14. FYI for those who don't read the In Memoriam thread about celebrity deaths: Charlie Robinson, who sparred so well with Bonnie as Mr. Munson, died Sunday.
  15. When I was a kid in the late '70s/early '80s, videogames were in arcades, and then Texas Instruments, Commodore, and Atari came along and made them available at home (I had TI, my best friend had Atari, and we had Commodore at school, so we were covered). The stuff that came later, I know very little about. So just the first half of the clue - "New PS5 owners get introduced to console components via a platform game starring this robot" - would have done nothing for me, but I got it based on the rest, "with the same name as The Jetsons dog". That's how the category went in general; it was one I expected to struggle in given my limited knowledge of gaming, but I wound up doing well because of the other hints within the clues.
  16. A similar disclaimer is rightly shown at the beginning of any episode of any show about veterinary services. But it's easy to pick up on patterns, and what's shown on this series clearly indicates the reasons Dr. Emily stayed for the time she did and the reasons she was refreshingly honest about leaving are all in complicated co-existence. Dr. Pol could and should do better, especially with the money brought in by the show.
  17. There wasn't one when you asked, but there is now: For shows that will get a thread rather than a full forum, you don't need to make any official request of the Primetimer folks, you can just create one yourself. Just search the forums to see if one already exists, and, if not, have at it.
  18. Me too, even though I am annoyed by sighted actors being cast as blind characters. I loved his interaction with Bonnie, how he always had her number and that made her like him.
  19. George Stephanapoulos joins the long list of people who've done a fine job guest hosting; I'm impressed with how smooth this transition period has been. The Rod Serling TS surprised me a bit, as did sedatives, and no one getting decongestant was a doozy. I expected to do poorly in the gaming category, but I wound up getting all but one (Clank). That was my only miss in the first round. I did well in DJ, too; I ran Z, Secretary of State, and theme songs, and only missed two in French Lit and one each in logos and Buddhism. And FJ was an instaget, so my week is off to a great start. Well, in terms of J!, anyway, it's actually been a bit crappy otherwise.
  20. Doesn't bother me - unless it's a rare case where you have something that could actually 1) harm me and 2) be transmitted that way - and I love when someone else does the cooking so I get a night off, so I'd be pleased to share a meal at your place.
  21. I never buy bottled water and hardly ever drink it (when I want to take water with me somewhere, I fill a stainless steel bottle), but, unfortunately, yes, I know several people who drink bottled water at home, even though there is absolutely nothing wrong with their tap water. (And, yes, most keep several bottles at a time in the refrigerator. I like my water not quite ice cold, so I understand the temperature preference, I just don't understand the wastefulness when they could instead drink from the dispenser in their fridge/freezer [which is chilled and has a filter] or keep a Brita or other filtered pitcher filled if they don't want straight from the tap.) I don't drink straight from the pitcher/carton/bottle of anything and stick it back in the refrigerator, but not because of germs (it's just me [and I don't much care about typical everyday germs anyway], because I never want just one swig of whatever I'm drinking. So I pour it into a glass. But a container of food I only want to eat part of that's a smaller size, much easier to take with me, yeah, then I'll just grab a spoon or fork if it's not something that needs to be reheated.
  22. Oh my. Given how long you've known each other and how frequently he visits, I understand him feeling very comfortable in your home, but come on. I can't believe he didn't say anything about it, just let you discover it. I mean, if I got that serious a case of the midnight ice cream munchies and wiped out half of a friend's 5-quart supply, I'd take my ass to the store and replenish it.
  23. I agree. Since I live alone it would generally not bother me if I only had one bathroom and it was attached to my bedroom (I have one and a half, and neither is an en suite; taking a short walk down the hall doesn't bother me, either). It definitely wouldn't bother me for dinner guests or other short-term visitors to have to walk through my bedroom to access it, but on the flip side I would fervently hope any overnight guests had excellent bladder control; I have enough trouble sleeping through the night, I do not need someone traipsing through my bedroom.
  24. I agree; they were probably the show's best romantic pairing. I'm glad Eriq LaSalle asked the writers to end it, and that they did, but I sure wish they'd cast someone more interesting as Benton's next love interest. I'm glad their friendship remained. I probably could have had he not beaten someone to death on their first date. Kinda hard to get past someone who engages in extrajudicial execution for mugging or someone who says yes, please to a second date with said person.
  25. Testify. We're supposed to be in the top 130 country songs in the history of time! I should be nodding my head right off my shoulders at every entry, talking about what a great song that is and should it maybe even be ranked higher. What even is this shit instead? "Litty Bitty"? Clint Black's "Desperado" cover? Anything by Darius Rucker? Two songs I'd never even heard of until looking them up just now (Craig Morgan's "That's What I Love About Sunday" and Rodney Atkins's "Take a Back Road")? They're fine (well, fine might be a stretch with the "Desperado" cover, and I really did not care for the Atkins song), but they're not top 130 of all time by a mile! And then "Amarillo By Morning" and "Rose Garden" are down here swimming among them?
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