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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I zoom my browser screen to 150% because the larger text is easier for me to read, and one nice bonus of that is not seeing that column (the posts cover the width of the page) - those tidbits don't interest me, either.
  2. Me three! I won't watch torture porn (I once came across Hostel 2 during a free weekend of something and, yep, that type of horror is every bit as much not my thing as I figured), but otherwise I totally dig a horror film - whether I'm getting a thrill or just having fun ripping apart its cheesiness. But the whole Purge thing is not just something I don't want to watch, but something I'm disturbed by the idea of.
  3. That's very sweet, thank you. I wrote one note including numerous memories to my friend, and a different one to her dad. (I sent her brother and sister shorter cards.) I'm very happy with how both flowed out of me, and hope they'll bring some comfort. I cried and laughed while writing them, and felt a little better afterward. I had sent my friend a brief message to read to her mom (as had my mom) once we knew time was quickly coming to an end. So I'm at peace that I've let everyone know how I feel about them. My friend went home (she lives about three hours away) yesterday as she needed to get back to work, and she has a lovely backyard with lots of plants, so my family sent a blue hydrangea. Whenever she's ready for me to visit, I'll bring some of her favorite foods, teas, and potent potables. I have family in the same city, so she knows I can come up without staying with her if she's ready to talk for an afternoon but no more than that. Thanks again for all the condolences and suggestions, everyone.
  4. Courtney was the only one who heard me yelling, louder with each wrong answer, "North Korea!" through the TV. I didn't do as well as I usually do in the first round. I only ran working out and campaign slogans, and I blew animation, missing all but one. I also missed one each in toys, suffix, and spiders. I did about the same in DJ. I only ran directors and wall, and missed three in confused, two each in DR and Marshall (it would have just been one, but, like Courtney, I added an S to Marshall Field's last name), and one in novels. FJ came to me quickly - as an educated guess, not a yes, I know this to be a fact situation, but trying to think of what other band might fit the clue didn't yield any other guess, so I semi-confidently stuck with it.
  5. Being a feminist is fundamental to who I am; I'm a woman, so I'm a feminist. (Not that men aren't feminists, too, but as a woman living in a patriarchy, how in the world would I not say yes to the "belief in and advocacy of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes expressed especially through organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests"?) I was in high school when I had my "click" moment, and I've been a feminist activist ever since. In college, I minored in gender studies, and I went on to become a civil rights lawyer, specializing in women's rights.
  6. The actual logo of Big Ass Salads reads Big, a picture of a donkey, then Salads. Their website is reallybigsalads.com, not bigasssalads.com. Kevin Can Fuck Himself is titled as Kevin Can F**k Himself (like Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23). That's how these things are allowed.
  7. Some of Clair Huxtable's rants were epic - thanks mostly to Phylicia Rashad's delivery - and the "real world" episode of The Cosby Show where they disabuse Theo of his "no problem" ideas about supporting himself with no education or skills to speak of is a classic, but I can't dissociate enough to watch. I had some of the early seasons on DVD, but gave them away years ago. I do still use a line or two from his old comedy albums, that have been part of my family's internal lexicon for so long they feel more like ours than his; I don't get taken out of the moment saying/hearing them. But the rest, it's just unpleasantly distracting.
  8. According to the archive, yes: "The only vowels in each response are gonna be 2 "I"s."
  9. The show is preempted for basketball here, so it was an archive night for me. I guess none of them are remotely familiar with hip hop, since with Fabulous 5 spotted, they couldn't come up with Fab 5 Freddy for the three-word name. The caffeine TS was a doozy. Dulcet surprised me a bit, too, and I wasn't expecting no one to know what ACL stands for. I missed one each in movies (Ex Machina, and seeing the picture of the mansion wouldn't have helped; I've never even heard of the film), writers (Lazarus), and I's (ibis), but got everything else in the first round. I did well in DJ, too; I missed three in holidays, but other than that only missed one each in kiss (the University of Virginia TS, and the picture wouldn't have helped me with that one, either) and hall of fame ("The Killer" stumped me as it did them; I never paid much attention to Jerry Lee Lewis and had never heard him called that). And FJ was an instaget, so I had a great game. But the eye roll I engaged in while answering FJ would have been visible from space. Every damn NFL game in which a player from Ohio State, in introducing himself, refers to his alma mater that way causes the same reaction. I'm lucky my eyeballs aren't stuck.
  10. This season took me longer to get through, as I found it a bit uneven, plus watching too many episodes at once puts my daily exposure to Chris Elliot way over the limit. I am blown away by how much I enjoyed the growing relationship between David and Patrick; romantic relationships are almost always my least-favorite aspect of any show, but this one I adore. I figure that since they took time with it, this is going to last a while, and I look forward to it. Because I love the friendship between David and Stevie (but hated every one of the five minutes they inexplicably wrote her as having romantic feelings for him), I am particularly excited by how instantly Stevie and Patrick took to each other, and how they gang up on David. That keeps me from worrying that this new relationship will take time away from that friendship. I loved Alexis's reaction when her mom took the stage at graduation. And Moira's performance at the used car lot was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.
  11. They don't, they just want to be alone right now. (Which is how I would be, so I understand.) I thought about sending disposable plates and cutlery, though, so loading/unloading the dishwasher, even though it's just them eating, is another thing they don't have to deal with.
  12. I find brownies just okay; eating them so infrequently, I don't have a favorite. I guess I'd pick the center piece for its softer texture.
  13. Yeah, that's why I was trying to come up with something other than food right now. I wound up texting with her brother, and, as expected, they are inundated with food and groceries. So I'm going to do that later - when others have stopped sending stuff, yet they still don't have the energy to cook, I will bring them food. For right now, I think just a note sharing some of my favorite memories. Thanks, everyone. This made me laugh, even not knowing your sister, because I feel like that happens a lot.
  14. I recently discovered this show, and my mom watches it, too; she called me the next day to gripe about that owner. I really enjoy this show. I quit watching Dr. Pol, so now this gives me my rural vet fix where I only have owners to complain about, not the vets. They're great, and I like seeing their kids follow in their footsteps.
  15. The rap sheet TS was surprising (I didn't know that's what it stood for, either, but I figured at least one of them would join me in figuring it out based on the clue). I was terrible in the Disney category, missing three (and the two I got were through cultural osmosis; I've never seen any of the films). I also missed one each in animals (the marmoset TS) and Sesame Street (golf), but got everything else in the first round. In DJ, Literature was my crappy category, missing three of those, too. I only ran oscillation. I missed two in TV doctors, and one each in the rest. So, not my best, but not bad, and I got FJ, so it was a good game overall.
  16. Thank you, you're right. And I think that's why I'm overly careful about not doing anything to help in a way that might feel like a burden - because I don't want the fact I'm also mourning to make her feel like she has to interact with me before she's ready. The pain I feel is one thing, but hers is on another level; this is about her, not me. I will definitely do that. I had emailed her a farewell message to read to her mom (her mom didn't want to see or talk to anyone in the end, either), but I will write something to her, and a little something to the rest of the family. If I go at the right time of day, I can make it in about half an hour. I thought of that, but didn't think about the texting angle (since I normally don't text) - I was thinking I'd ring the bell and run back to my car, but wouldn't make it away in time. My only concern would be that she didn't check her phone for a while, and then food was sitting there. But let me ponder that. I had been perusing spoonful of comfort, but wasn't aware of the other one - I'll take a look, thanks.
  17. Thank you. Prepared meals/groceries was my first thought, too (they already have a gardener and a housekeeper), but they'd never let me just drop it off and leave, yet they're not emotionally ready for me to come in and spend time, so me showing up with anything is the kind of thing that would be imposing on them more than actually helping. I'll have to look into what I could have delivered (they're not even an hour away from me, but there are fewer options in their area). On the other hand, I think most people's first thought is food, so I'd kind of like to offer something different now, and then bring/send them food later, when most people have moved on but they still don't feel like preparing meals.
  18. I got distracted away from my re-watch of this season, and will get back to it later, but I read this interview in the meantime. David's description of himself cracked me up:
  19. Someone I love very much died this weekend, and it's the worst loss I've had to deal with in a while. She was my best friend's mom, a good friend of my mom's, and like a second mom to me (she was a near-daily part of my childhood, and I was five when we met, so she's been part of my life for pretty much all of it I can remember). I'm really upset about my own loss, and so damn helpless that my best friend is going through the worst thing that has ever happened to her and there is not one thing I can do to make it any less horrible. She knows I love her, she knows I won't push (she doesn't want to talk yet, let alone see anyone, and I know I won't either when my turn in these shoes comes, so I understand on top of respecting her wishes), and she knows I'll be there to cry with her, distract her, sit quietly with her, whatever she needs whenever she's ready and for the rest of our lives. I just wish I could do something tangible, no matter how little, to help her/the family not have to deal with daily life beyond what's necessary right now. (I say daily life because I don't think there are many practical things to deal with specific to the death now - there will not be a funeral, and the memorial celebration was thoroughly planned in advance by the deceased and will not happen for a while.) But only if it's an actual help, not an imposition (so, fundamentally, I'm not going to personally show up with anything when they just want to be left alone while they can't even breathe without crying). While I don't want to push, I don't want to do the "let me know if there's something I can do" thing, either, because that puts the burden on her to ask. I'd rather offer a few specific things and trust she'll have no problem saying "No thanks" or "Maybe later" if they're not useful. I struggle to think what things would be unintrusively helpful to offer, though. For those of you who've been through a death that absolutely knocked the stuffing out of you, was there anything someone sent, did, had done, etc. in the aftermath that was helpful? Something you wish someone had offered to do while you were just trying to put one foot in front of the other?
  20. I had to quit watching this show because too many problematic things were keeping me from being able to enjoy, but I've found a great substitute in terms of seeing a rural practice treating both pets and farm animals, but without the outdated ideas and procedures - Critter Fixers on Nat Geo Wild. It's in the middle of season two, but I just recently came across it.
  21. Tonight there are just as many fireworks going off as usual, but I hardly heard any last night, which is not at all typical, especially with the holiday falling on a weekend. Maybe that's the shortage at work. I enjoy watching fireworks -- for about 15 minutes. I don't understand this hours on end stuff.
  22. My dad, who was the sole "breadwinner" for the family, went through a period where he worked long hours six days a week due to a big project/looming deadline. At one point in there, he was home on a Saturday, and I remarked, "I keep thinking it's Sunday, because you're here." I didn't mean anything beyond that simple statement, but I later overheard him sharing it with my mom, feeling guilty about his recent prolonged absence. Once, after he'd retired, we were sitting around a campfire after my mom had gone into the motorhome for the night, and he expressed concern that he'd missed too much of my life because of work - my mom spent so much more time with me. I assured him that was not the case. In my whole life, there were only two times he had to miss something I really wanted him there for (my tenth birthday, and a HS volleyball game against our rival school). Because those were anomalies and I knew at the time he was as disappointed as I was, they made me sad, but didn't cause me to be upset with him, just that circumstances caused the issue. (His boss gave me a present for that birthday, a book, in which he wrote a nice little note apologizing for having to take my dad out of town on my birthday.) No, he wasn't there for every game the way my mom was, but I didn't need either of them there for every game; being there for all but one of the big ones was plenty. He came to all my school plays, spelling bees, etc. He knew my friends. He went to Meet the Teacher nights. He played with me, helped me with homework. All the stuff my mom did; he didn't do as much of it as she did, but he certainly didn't treat raising me like her job with which he sometimes graciously helped. The three of us had dinner together almost every night, and went out to dinner every Friday night. He took three weeks off every summer for us to go on vacation. We took the motorhome out for the weekend once a month. It was plenty! He spent more time with his family than a lot of men of his generation did, but he wasn't looking at it in comparison to other fathers, but to my other parent. Well, of course she spent more time with me, since she didn't have an outside job! I never felt like she was a better parent/he was less of one because of that; if I made a list of the 50 best and worst things about each of them as parents, working/being home wouldn't appear on either one's pro or con list. Circumstances limit our choices, but we still have them. The attitude about it all and how the time is spent mean a lot more to a kid than the amount of time. "You were never around because you chose not to be" is a completely different experience than "I know we both wish you could have been around more" and thus yields a completely different dynamic between parent and adult child.
  23. No, Windows (with Firefox as my browser, AdBlock enabled), and I don't have three dots (or anything) at the top right of my posts. It's just like it was before the update; Edit hangs out with Quote, Report, Share, etc. in the row of icons below the post content, in the lower left.
  24. Other than a very few scattered episodes, I haven't watched in quite some time; do they still do that a lot? Back when I was still regularly watching, they seemed to have backed off that storyline a fair bit, so I thought maybe they were still casting fewer people mid-renovation. I've been watching a few old "Where Are They Now?" episodes on Discovery+ (my parents have an account, so I have access) recently, and laughing anew at recaps of the regular episodes where "Which will they choose?" was readily answered with, "Um, the one they're already in the middle of renovating because literally no one sells a house like this?" this show used to churn out.
  25. Interesting; is that on a mobile browser or app? Because on the "regular" forums.primetimer.com website, Edit is one of a row of icons below the post in the bottom left. It's the pencil.
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