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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. That's one of the many reactions I have whenever I watch Sneakers. There he is, just ten years into his career and still so young, holding his own with the likes of Sidney Poitier, Robert Redford, Mary McDonnell, and David Strathairn.
  2. Dr. Emily, in her blog post about why she left, talked about the dangers of the clinic's practice of assuming everyone was among the majority percentage of clientele who couldn't afford more than the clinic could provide and not even raising the issue. I don't remember the pet's condition involved in her a-ha moment, but when she mentioned off-hand, after having not presented this option when outlining what PVS was planning to do, the possibility of a specialty clinic doing something more, the owner jumped at it, did that, and saw a great outcome for their pet. As she said, PVS doesn't offer the safest or the best care, but is a lifeline for those who can't access anything better. That's never to be discounted; something is better than nothing for those who can only afford something and cannot find even something anywhere else. And, as with any practice, owners are sometimes part of the problem - ignorance, lack of resources, denial, and/or inadequate attention and care can exacerbate a problem before it even reaches the vet, reducing the available options. But the low pay, unreasonably high number of clients to be seen by each vet per hour, rudimentary practices, defiant attitude towards updated techniques and technology that result in PVS's limitations beyond those naturally resulting from local circumstances -- those are fair game for critique. On general principle, but especially for a practice that has years worth of TV money at its disposal yet barely changes a damn thing.
  3. Also, just because she's dating doesn't mean she's introducing those she dates to the kid. Or, even if she is, that she's positioning them as anything more than "This is [name]" like any other person in her life the kid encounters.
  4. I'm a '70s kid, and my parents never made Jell-O, let alone with anything in it. (I may have tried it at someone else's house, but don't remember; I do remember my first Jell-O shot, which wasn't even in college, but at a seriously tacky wedding reception in the late '90s.) I'm going to their house tonight for dinner, and will have to thank them for having skipped this trend back then.
  5. If people are using seeds/plants from factory farms to grow their own tomatoes, then, yes, they're going to taste almost the same as the flavor-free abominations at the grocery store (a little better since they'll be eaten freshly picked rather than after having been shipped and stored). If you find someone part of a growers collective, you'll find produce that tastes like it's supposed to. It's a shame there's so little access to that anymore.
  6. Maybe eschewing social media has shielded me, as I've only seen the articles posted here, in which Burton comments on his quest, and there's nothing among them that makes me think he's inappropriate in his desire for the gig. Like all female and BIPOC candidates, he'll have to generally be twice as good to be considered equal if actually competing for the job. He's one of the few acknowledging he'd like the gig permanently, so I hope this trial run goes well.
  7. Divided up per victim, it's nothing. It's not a deterrent to these assholes. And calling her a "co-worker" when she - like everyone other than his bosses - was a subordinate. And what about the rest, since these guys are hardly ever reprimanded, let alone fired, yet he got canned - as a local cooking star whose TC win would be a boon for the restaurant once it became public - for "repeated" violations of the restaurant's ethics policy against harassment of women? You have to pretty much try to get fired for that; whatever the extent of what he did was known, that alone was egregious. And it means there's still more, given how under-reported these actions are. He's on about mistakes, reflection, spirituality, and personal growth. Miss me, Gabe. But he'll be just fine. He makes great food, and not enough people - investors and customers - will care enough to give their money to those who also make great food but aren't widely known to harass the women in their employ. This will blow over, like it always does. On the off chance it doesn't, he can whine about "cancel culture" (code for the actions of the relatively powerful actually having consequences sometimes) and come back a little later when even more have forgotten.
  8. He actually says "paper tickets", which I didn't even know still existed, so if they're doing that, have at 'em, Dr. Rick. I agree about the snack thing, though. I'm a flight snob who flies first class, so I'm fed in the airport lounge pre-boarding and again on the plane as part of my ticket. But for "regular" service these days (which basically amounts to nothing), I don't know why bringing a snack for the airport wait time and flight would be something worthy of such mockery - at least as presented in the commercial: She did say she brought "so many delicious snacks", so she probably brought along too much, but it's not like she pulled a rotisserie chicken and selection of side dishes out of her purse. They should have made her more exaggerated, like when people smuggled in a whole smorgasbord to the cinema before theatres got strict about outside food and drink.
  9. I didn't plant a garden this year, but between my parents and a friend, I still have plenty of tomatoes. Those things at the grocery store are flavor-free abominations of nature by comparison. One of my many issues with Big Agra - breeding for uniformity and abundance at the expense of flavor.
  10. When a Stranger Calls is a strange movie, suddenly turning into a completely different - and mostly boring - film after the initial carnage. But, even though they stole the iconic line from Black Christmas, it's still a great moment (and was obviously seen by more people, or was at least more memorable, because most people attribute the line to this film, not the one five years earlier), and the jump scare at the end is effective.
  11. Kim Kardashian's underwear/loungewear/shapewear company.
  12. I couldn't remember how far along in the series the actor died, so I knew it was either Dr. Kroger had been in more or they'd been in the same, but I figured it was the former.
  13. I wouldn't have (and wouldn't expect to; as I said, I was a very casual fan and haven't seen it in some time) -- I didn't know how many Dale the Whales there were (I originally guessed three, but unfortunately changed my guess to two) or that Tony Shalhoub is the only cast member to appear in all episodes. Dr. Kroger being in more episodes and Snoop Dogg being the rapper I only got via guessing, although I was pretty sure about the first one.
  14. I think peas are actually (botanically, anyway) legumes. Which would make my dislike of them make sense; I hate most legumes other than peanuts and love most vegetables other than root vegetables.
  15. All the first round TS surprised me to some degree. Especially braking. The Education/Energy Dept. one surprised me since Matt guessing wrong gave the other two extra time to think, and they only had to pick one (and there aren't a ton to choose from). With the El Salvador TS, for some reason I just knew someone was going to guess Nicaragua. And FJ being a TS really surprised me. I missed one in literary geography (I'm hit and miss with Shakespeare, and this was a miss), but got everything else in the first round. In DJ, I managed to only miss one in Military Emblems of Belief, which should be a horrible category for me given me lack of interest in both religion and the military. Of course, they didn't get to the $2000 clue and odds are I'd have missed it, but since they didn't - I got all but one. It was part of a trend - I also missed one each in Animals in Art, Lost Voices, and Historical Non-fiction. I ran the other two, and FJ was almost an instaget (the novel I knew immediately, but I had to think for several seconds to remember which character goes with it), so I had a great game. Robin's excitement over the total charity donation was lovely. Her excitement always entertains me; she did an interview with Dolly Parton where you could just tell she was thrilled to be in the presence of one of our nation's greatest treasures.
  16. I'm only a very casual fan and haven't watched in a long time, so I expected to do horribly on the quiz, but I got 18 (five of those were guesses).
  17. I clicked on the two linked posts, and I see them the way @SoMuchTV does. That used to happen a fair bit randomly across the site, but I hardly ever come across it anymore. Anyway, I'm viewing with Firefox (whatever the latest version is) on Windows 7 Pro.
  18. That was noted upthread. It also calls back to their earlier song "Livin' On a Prayer" with the line "It's for Tommy and Gina who never backed down".
  19. It's going to be a strange year, because the usual you're exploiting the athletes you claim to celebrate criticism of ads that would be great if they existed in a vacuum will be exacerbated by the fact these games shouldn't be happening at all, making it hard to enjoy any of them. But that's a good candidate for taking a moment to just enjoy!
  20. At least as early as 1976, when the racist quotes are from; nothing new, but every time it's repeated, it shocks more of the audience who only knows him as a guitar god and is reading/hearing it for the first time. He doubled down for decades, and then in recent years blamed his "semi-racist" comments on substance abuse, pulling out the old "I have Black friends, dated Black women, and championed Black music" defense (ridiculous on its own, but also whitewashing his appropriation of Black music) yet still writing the whole thing off as funny. Clapton has been a known asshole for a long time; this Covid-specific nutbaggery was first revealed last year, but the overall attitude is well established.
  21. Since my cat wouldn't alibi me in an admissible language, I would have to subpoena detailed internet and satellite TV records to prove I was at home at the time, since that's where I usually am. And if I was reading, cooking, etc. at that time, with not only no witnesses but no electronic record, yeah, I'd just have to emphasize the burden of proof. A lot of people live alone, or live with someone who keeps different hours; the "well, that's not much of an alibi, is it?" sneering when someone says they were home alone at the time of X scene is particularly tired these days.
  22. I said Howard the Duck as a joke answer, only knowing that awful Lea Thompson movie, not that there actually is a Marvel character by that name (I know almost nothing about comic books). I ran mascots, -rth, and around the world in the first round, and missed two Howards and one each in the other two. I ran the eyes and 3-letter words categories in DJ, but missed two each in all the rest. I've never seen Alien, but that scene is so often referenced and parodied that FJ was an instaget.
  23. I'll just raise a glass to the first line of the CU write-up for this section of the list: Because, yeah. "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" and "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain" are ranked too low, but it's even more aggravating how many songs are ranked too high (or don't even belong anywhere on the list).
  24. It was when his team, the Packers, was a TS. His reaction was quite funny:
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