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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Watching your parents get old isn't for sissies, either. Be sure to take care of yourself during this stressful process.
  2. That's the one I make. I omit the carrots (I don't like cooked carrots), use whole wheat bread crumbs instead of white (just because that's what I use for everything calling for bread crumbs - that's the bread I eat, so that's what my crumbs are made from), use extra spinach, and often omit the pasta. Despite that list, though, it's fundamentally her version, and it's delicious.
  3. Ugh, another Bible category already. Of the past ten games, six have had religion categories, and four of those have been about Christianity. There are additional such clues within categories that aren't specifically about religion, too. It's entirely too much, and didn't used to be so ridiculously prevalent. On the flip side, I continue to enjoy LeVar Burton's guest host run; I like his voice and his enthusiasm. Since, for him - having states his desire to be considered for the regular hosting role - this serves not just as a fun experience and charity fundraiser, but also an audition, I wish he got two weeks so we - and the producers - could see how he does absent the first taping day nerves that everyone has to get worked out from game to game as the day goes on. I really enjoyed the Idioms Made Fancy category. Good thing, as it was the only category I ran in the first round (I'm giving myself credit for "devil's workshop"; it's at least just as common and fits just as well). I missed three in fiction, two in remember, and one each in the rest. Not terrible, but I usually do better than that in the first round. In DJ, it was the Last Word Said in Classic Films category I particularly loved. I ran that and Burgesses, and did better than the first round overall - I missed two each in biblical kids and AKAs, and one each in jargon and John. My spotty Shakespeare knowledge bit me in the ass for FJ, though. I rattled off several plays I knew it wasn't from, but didn't come up with the one that it was. Like yesterday, this was another instance where I wanted to do a V8 head smack when the answer was revealed.
  4. I think every single song from 90-81 on the Sirius list other than "Big Bad John" is ranked too high. But at least I like most of them. (I didn't know "Drunk On a Plane" or "Drink a Beer", so listened to those -- eh, fine, especially "Drunk on a Plane", but I don't ever need to listen to them again, let alone rank them in the top 100 of country music; WTcontinualF, Sirius?) If you just handed me the lyrics, I would most likely write it off as insipid and corn-pone, which would be tragically short changing it, as Mama's interjection* is perfect. And Yearwood, of course, makes it art. *When the song first came out, I thought she said, "... who didn't have a motorhome" and it took me a few listens to realize it was "who didn't have a row to hoe". Oh, yeah - that would make more sense with hayseed plowboy.
  5. I quit a while back, but I still have this thread on my forum home page, so I pop in and keep up with the discussion about the show in general. Habit, I guess.
  6. There's also not the competing noise there normally is, since the stands are empty, so the squeaks would be more prominent even there in the venue.
  7. I can't decide if the Flo-Jo TS surprises me, so I guess it doesn't. Hurricane Rita surprised me a little bit, but I suspect that with a few more seconds someone would have come up with it. The Sally Ride clue should have been in the first round. At $200. I ran the first round, but groaned as the DJ categories were revealed. Sci-fi? The Knights Templar? Well, this certainly won't be my elusive perfect game. I managed to only miss two in each of those, though. I missed another two in actors and one in beaches, so I was having a good game, but then I groaned again when I saw the FJ category. True to form this time, I didn't come up with the answer, but, boy, was it obvious once it was revealed. I should have reasoned my way to that one, but I think I just got annoyed by the category and didn't give it proper thought.
  8. I agree; they'd be utter, self-sabotaging fools to have gone through this extended guest host rotation to get the audience used to there being someone other than Alex Trebek behind the podium and then re-run Alex episodes right before premiering the new permanent host.
  9. OMG, I forgot all about strawberry hill - our wine of choice in high school.
  10. Natural Light beer. (What college kid turns down free beer? This one. If Natty Light was in the keg, I went and found another party.)
  11. Since it's just me, I always make it without the pasta, and just add noodles one serving at a time to what I've put in the refrigerator upon making a big batch. After a while, though, I've often quit messing with the pasta altogether, and, yeah, it's just as good.
  12. @Stats Queen My condolences on Malcolm's death. While there's the little bit of comfort derived from his death not being out of the blue, it still happened before the typical lifespan and, more importantly, you still lost someone you adored. Back when a friend left out a big bowl of dry food for her three cats, one of them would hide toys - toys by his designation, not according to what she'd purchased, so things like the plastic ring removed when opening a carton of milk or juice - in the mound of food, so for a couple of days after he died, his "toy" placement was revealed. This sounds similar, and I hope in time you'll come to smile as much as cry about the changes to the food bowl, and eventually do more laughing. I'm glad his brother seems to already be taking comfort; my best to all of you.
  13. Pol is well able to; he has the land and the money. He chooses not to, partially because he has a dismissive and/or worse disdainful attitude towards progress; he either thinks his antiquated way is good enough so he can effectively handle cases his clients couldn't otherwise afford or defiantly resists upgrades, period, like they're an affront to the broad but rudimentary care he brings to an area that sometimes wouldn't have better options if not for him. I'm a city gal, so I check my bias at the door, but I still when looking at what Pol offers versus what vets in similar communities offer and then factoring in show money conclude he's problematic. Neither hero nor victim, but by now certainly not worthy of a TV show. Yet he remains.
  14. The "time's up" sound didn't seem to beep at times tonight, necessitating Burton saying time had run out.
  15. Yay. I figured, but, being a heathen, knew there could be some distinction I was missing that made my understanding of the term too simplistic. I was going to take a look later tonight, but you've saved me the trouble; thank you.
  16. While we never made Jell-O in my family, we did have the pudding several times and I liked it. In fact, there's a box from the '70s or '80s (complete with actual price sticker) in my pantry - I came across the artifact years ago while helping my parents organize their pantry, and brought it home to photograph and show to my friend; I wound up sticking it in the pantry, thinking one day on a lark I might whip it up and see what it tastes like after all this time. I should do that (it's not like anything in there is actually going to harm me, it just may taste like ass).
  17. Yikes, poor Patrick. That is not how you want your one and only J! appearance to go. The Met Life TS surprised me a bit. Other than the Noriega clue mix-up, LeVar Burton did well; another solid guest host, and another well-rated charity for a good cause. I know he's said he struggled his first game and then settled in, and with that Noriega clue being early in the game I can understand why he was thrown off. But the game came off just fine in post. I missed two each in TV Workplaces (not bad, since the only one of the shows I've ever seen is ER) and wild things, and one in business, but got everything else in the first round. In DJ, I only ran Arabia and Oscars. I blew the Popes category (shocking, I know) -- if canonization is the same thing (or close enough for J!) as bestowing sainthood, I got one, if not, I missed all of them. I only missed one each in the rest, though. And FJ was pretty much an instaget, so I'm off to a good start for the week.
  18. Riley (my cat) eats plastic bags and styrofoam. Thankfully, I already avoid it as much as I can on general principle, but I have to make sure she can't get to what I do have (and I mean absolutely sure; she once jumped up on the washing machine, dug the little plastic goodie bag my dentist had sent me home with out of my purse, and ate one of the handle sections). I've had cats who like to lick it or even gnaw on it before, but she straight-up consumes it.
  19. I'm the same way, and would be quite put out if someone showed up - even with food - for an unannounced visit. That's rude, unless you know the person you're popping in on is cool with such surprises. (I still wouldn't care what I looked like, which is what I focused on in my post - I look how I look, and while I may choose to dress up, wear jewelry, and/or style my hair in certain circumstances, I have no problem with anyone seeing me in my natural state - but I'd be equally annoyed by the intrusion no matter how "presentable" I was.) I was thinking about surprise food delivery in the context of how it actually happens to me - my next-door neighbor sometimes brings me food when she's made extra of something. But she doesn't come in, or do anything more than describe the dish and accept my thanks. That's nothing but a win (even when she brings me potato-based dishes, which I cannot stand, as I just pass it on).
  20. There are still way too many male judges who think female attorneys wearing pants, rather than skirts, as part of their suit are inappropriately dressed in court.
  21. Ambrose. Monk would think my very presence meant I should act as his assistant, he'd keep trying to demand I do things for him he's perfectly capable of doing for himself, and I would have to kill him (secure in the knowledge I could get away with it, since no one in the entire SFPD can solve a crime without him). Ambrose is nice and quiet, used to being alone, and wouldn't pester me.
  22. My friend's labs ate part of the kitchen cabinets when they were puppies. She's adopted nothing but adult dogs ever since.
  23. Martina McBride's similarly-themed "Independence Day" is far superior, but, yeah, it's the one song of his I like.
  24. If someone knows me well enough to pop by with food, they know me well enough to see me in house clothes with frizzy hair piled on top of my head. Hell, I've gone to the grocery store in house clothes with frizzy hair piled on top of my head. (And I never wear make-up, and always wear glasses - so I can, you know, see - so everyone sees me that way. No one has fainted.)
  25. So perfectly played by the late Margaret Whitton. Her line delivery on "I hate this fucking song" is perfect, and this is one of the funniest lines of a movie full of them:
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