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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I hate all of them - dead is dead; the person didn't pass, get lost, transition, whatever, they fucking died - but if it comforts someone to deal with death by using twee terms, more power to them, because death is terribly difficult to cope with, so whatever helps. I just find it very odd that a commercial uses a euphemism as specific as "homegoing". Does the company only want Christian customers?
  2. I love on Roseanne when Fred asks Jackie how many partners she's had, and she figures maybe three a year, so three a year for 20 years is 60 people: Fred: I don't even know sixty people. Jackie: Well, I didn't know all of them. Because I like that it illustrates the above point that judging the number of people a woman has had sex with is wrong, full stop, but also pretty stupid when you flip out about a "high" number without taking into account dating history. So, OMG, 60 people?! is wrong because who is anyone to judge, but it's also dumb because that works out to a measly three people in a given year.
  3. The very sight of Gio sent me into rage-inducing flashbacks, and I'm honestly not sure I can stomach watching him again; I may have to just FF through his scenes. I'm so ready for the Betty/Henry storyline to end already, because they're both acting like morons, but the upcoming love triangle is just the absolute worst. Gio is a horrible character. I laughed out loud after the season one finale ended, because they packed pretty much every soap storyline in existence into one episode. I had forgotten Lorraine Toussaint played Claire's prison break buddy. It's such a different role than I'm used to seeing her in. Yoga and Fish in the Hamptoms crack me up. I cannot wait until the episode where they turn up at the Suarez home; I don't remember the details of that scene, just that I laughed myself silly at it.
  4. I looked that up back in Maddie's day, as she could leap into the air, grab a fly between her front paws, hold it there, and then pop it into her mouth in the time between her back legs and front legs hitting the ground. Basically, even if they eat a lot of flies of the most dangerous vector it's possible to be, any resulting illness is uncommon and likely to be minor. I just perused a few results from a quick search, and this seems comprehensive.
  5. I don't eat a lot of frozen food, but sometimes when Costco has a deal on dumplings of some sort, I grab a bag for convenient snacks. A few months ago I tried some beef bulgogi mandu from Bibigo. They were delicious. In the most recent book, they offered chicken & vegetable steamed dumplings by the same brand, but those are a disappointment. They're not bad, but they're a little bland and the texture of the dough is off. The former is easily overcome since I make dipping sauce (I don't love the soy sauce that comes with them, and I don't want that salty a sauce on top of the dumplings' sodium content), but the latter I think is an inherent function of how they're cooked and then heated in the microwave. Plus, I hate the plastic packaging. I won't buy those again. I also picked up some pre-cooked chicken Andouille sausage from AmyLu, since I really liked their pre-cooked chicken breakfast sausage I bought there a while back. It's no substitute for a pork andouille, and I wish it was spicier, but it's quite tasty.
  6. None of the TS truly surprised me, but if asked to predict I'd have guessed that someone would've answered the plates, filing, and Menudo clues. The Who's Who TS stumped me, too; if they'd chosen a different profession as the example, I think all four of us would've had a better chance. If it wasn't for the movies category, I'd have only missed one other in the first round, but I blew that category, missing three. In DJ, I did poorly in big books and alliteration, missing three each. Bands was the only category I ran, but I only missed one each in the others. FJ wasn't an instaget, but an insta-reasoning: Hoseman means firefighter, so which American city had a big fire in 1906? Chicago seems too obvious and I'm pretty sure that was 19th century. All I can think of for 1906 was the earthquake in -- oh, that's it, the fires that resulted from the San Francisco earthquake. So, overall a good game for me despite three weak categories. And I like when FJs come to me that way (sure, instagets are fun, too, but I enjoy the thought process).
  7. A year ago, I did a Cold Case re-watch on the Roku channel, and was annoyed by how the same commercials aired over and over. I just recently started an Ugly Betty re-watch, and two of the oft-repeated commercials are the same ones from last year. It's driving me nuts.
  8. My guess is they are comparing his blood shoes to Manson's antics. But only the OP can say; @Gharlane, Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Willis?
  9. On the flip side of nice people doing bad things, we have mean people doing nice things when Marc lays into his mom about the way she's talking about the Suarez family. No one else is there to hear it, he could have been his usual catty self, but he tells her off about getting up on her own high horse about people who've been nothing but nice to them. The best part is his defense of Justin, when she says she doesn't even know what "that" is, and then finally telling her to "take a look at her own swishy son", but I start getting touched before that, when he's pissed on behalf of these people he looks down on 99% of the time because he appreciates that they agreed to help him by playing along with the charade he's dating Betty and were gracious to him and his mom.
  10. I haven't even gotten to the pregnancy in my re-watch yet. Based solely on his inappropriate mooning and jealousy over Betty from the moment Charlie moved in with him, Charlie should've dumped his ass and high-tailed it back to Tucson (since she wasn't overly thrilled with NY) and Betty should have lost any inclination to be in a relationship with him upon seeing that's how he treated a girlfriend. Part of why he got back together with Charlie was because Betty was with Walter. So once he finds out she broke up with him, his behavior is even worse, but that first night Betty and Charlie are going out, and they "accidentally" get separated on the subway, he's already trying to kiss Betty (and she's right there ready to do it, so she's no prize in that moment, either, but he's the one committed to someone else). Charlie moved her fucking life for him. He never should have asked that of her if he was hung up on someone else, and once he did, he needed to give it a proper shot (which means not coming up with reasons to be around the woman he's still harboring feelings for) and then, if once he learned Betty was single and had the same feelings for him he believed that to be the better relationship for him, tell Charlie he's sorry but he made a terrible mistake, and it's awful to hurt her like this but it would be far more cruel to string her along and make a fool out of her, so he needs to end things. THEN go extol Betty's virtues, put crowns on her head, and joust to defend her honor.
  11. I agree; I wanted to change high schools and my parents said no, but then changed their minds the summer before senior year. Gee, thanks for that generous offer, folks, but I'll go ahead and pass on leaving all my friends for my final year of HS.
  12. I had rats get into my attic space (I could hear something scurrying above, thought oh no, poked my head through the access panel, and found rat crap), so had to go hunting for the entry point to seal that up (and also reinforced some other vulnerabilities, because that's a big fat NO on rodent infestation). If a mouse or rat got into the living spaces of my house, I would freak my shit. Not because I am afraid of them, but because assholes poison them, and if a poisoned animal was caught and consumed by my cat during the time it takes them to suffer a horrible death, she'd become terribly ill and could even die, too. It's terrible how many neighbors have lost dogs and cats to that shit, and thinking about the wild animals makes me sad, too. I don't know if she'd even kill, let alone eat, a mouse (she doesn't have the same prey drive many do; she occasionally eats a moth), but I wouldn't risk it; if I found so much as one turd in the house, I'd have a full scale search and destroy operation going on. That's why when people who heard about my attic rats shuddered and asked, "You don't have any inside the house, do you?" my response was, "We still live here, don't we?"
  13. I enjoyed that season, but unless Puck and Rachel aren't part of it, I don't care to see the reunion. He shouldn't even be invited, given his abusive behavior turned criminal in the years since; no one who went to prison for stalking and continued to get arrested for domestic violence after he got out should be brought into a living situation. And she's long since become so utterly insufferable that, while she of course should be invited to participate, I don't want to watch it if she does. (I don't get Paramount+, so I can only watch the first episode anyway, since that gets put up on YouTube as an enticement. But I don't think I could handle even that much of her. Maybe if there's some great shade thrown her way.)
  14. I don't understand why either Betty or Charlie want Henry near the end of the first season. Why Betty liked the world's biggest dork to begin with, absolutely; their initial interaction was cute. Then he goes home, rekindles his relationship with an ex-girlfriend, invites her to uproot her entire life to come live with him, and then spends all his time making googly eyes at Betty and getting jealous when she turns up with a date. But instead of dumping his ass, Charlie tells Betty to keep away from him, and instead of saying, "Well, there went the attraction; if that's how you treat a girlfriend who moved across the country for your relationship, I'm glad we never even started dating," Betty just moons over him right back. Switching gears, I absolutely love the scene when Wilhelmina comes back into the bar and punches that guy who'd set Alexis up, only pretending to like her to win a bet with his buddies that he could get the "freak" to give out her number. Wilhelmina is only taking her out as a scam of her own, to ingratiate herself as a friend since she's learned all Alexis's old friends are ignoring her. But Alexis doesn't know that, and breaks the first rule of friendship by ditching what she believes to be a genuine girls' night to hang out with some guy she just met. So even if it had been real, she wouldn't have had any expectation of her friend avenging her. But Wilhelmina does, and, the best part is, I don't think it's entirely calculated. Even with her own manipulative behavior and insensitive remarks, I think when she sees Alexis being cruelly humiliated in that particular way, it's instinct to take the guy out. It bolsters her friendship routine, sure, and she'll use it once she's done it, but I don't think that's why she did it in the moment.
  15. Yes, she had the surgery. ("I got her knee fixed!") She was supposed to be managing the post-op pain with OTC meds, but got into her stash, accidentally overdosed, and didn't wake up the next morning.
  16. They're like cockroaches, they'll outlast us all.
  17. What grinds my gears is not so much that they accepted it, but that Mayim didn't say, "It's actually Smokey Bear, but we'll accept that." No one in the writer's room - filled with people paid to dissect and disseminate trivia - knew his real name, or came upon that fact while fact-checking the clues? Because that should have been known, and then, well aware how common a mistake "Smokey the Bear" is, they should have decided whether it would be accepted. So, if they were going to allow it, the answer sheet should have read "Smokey Bear (or Smokey the Bear)" and they should have discussed it during the rundown, so that if it indeed happened during the game Mayim could take three seconds to educate contestant and audience alike. The way it played, though, made it seem like Matt was hardly the only one who didn't know the name.
  18. Woo-hoo! I've reached the point in season one where Walter is off to Maryland, and my favorite relationship in the entire series has begun - Betty and Claire. The two of them at the spa are pure gold, especially when Claire hears Betty's "La Cucaracha" ringtone and asks, "I didn't pass out in a Mexican whorehouse again, did I?"
  19. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    He's the only one I don't know; I'll have to look him up and see if I've heard any of his songs. Sounds like a good line-up. As for tonight's game, I think anyone who pronounces Bengals as "Bangles" should be immediately and permanently banned from sports broadcasting.
  20. Yikes! That would make for quite an unpleasant experience in your own home. My current peeve is far more inconsequential: I'm glad I don't live in a market that gets a lot of Cincinnati games, because every NFL season, I swear that if I hear Bengals pronounced "Bangles" by one more announcer, I'm going to lose it.
  21. It was an archive game for me, since I'll be watching football tonight. If I'm reading the archive correctly, the Black Hole of Calcutta clue read "us seeb" instead of "is seen"?! This is a show in which a freakin' typo should never make air. It's Smokey Bear, not Smokey THE Bear. Grrr. I missed the first clue, and missed four more in the first round, so not my best but not bad. In DJ, though, I was terrible; I only ran geography, and missed thirteen clues across the rest (I don't think seeing the visual clues in the Selfies category would have helped me; I suspect marble is the only one I'd have known, so I have to give myself four misses there). FJ took a bit to come to me, and I'm not sure I could have written it down in time if I was playing, but I'm giving myself credit to make me feel better after my DJ performance.
  22. There are a bunch of signs available with that saying, for people to put up in their offices. (Or, I guess, at home, as a message to their teenagers.)
  23. Because the song that made him famous was about riding his horse: Cowboy imagery is his thing; he also wrote a children's book featuring a pony.
  24. I saw that, too - I just never paid any attention to which state they were in.
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