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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Bastet

    Scream Franchise

    Nothing new, but I never tire of reading reflections on how it came to be - this little film that could, simultaneously a parody while also a great example of the genre being parodied. Whatever came after (and I think the sequels are worthy, far more than many franchises, even if it not as fantastic as the original) and however it ultimately ends, this was really something.
  2. My Fire stick was a really old one (maybe even first generation) that my parents had only used briefly when they first got Netflix and then stuck in a drawer for many years before remembering and giving it to me, and then I forgot about it for a few more years until last summer when between the pandemic and a sick cat, I was spending a lot more time watching my bedroom TV; I finally hooked it up so when there was nothing on (satellite) TV and I wasn't in the mood for any of my DVDs, there were additional options. It worked perfectly fine for a while, then was intermittently glitchy for about a year, but always fixed by restarting it, and then one day a couple of months ago it just up and died - quit putting out a signal at all and could not be revived (it wasn't the HDMI port, the TV, or the USB cord - all of which worked with other devices - so it was the stick - which was just as dead in another port, on another TV, with another cord, etc.). I got another old but not quite as old stick from someone off Freecycle (I don't watch enough streaming that I'd go buy a replacement; I have some free streaming services and then all my access to paid streaming comes via access to others' accounts), so we'll see how long that lasts. It speaks to the disgraceful state of planned obsolescence we live in that I was impressed such an old stick worked that long (of course, it was only actually used for two relatively short periods of time, but it had to handle apps that were dramatically different and more plentiful than when it was manufactured). Anyway, PlutoTV had quit working on the really old stick a while back, no matter how many restarts or even if I removed the app and then downloaded it anew. Works just fine with the "new" old stick, though. And there was something - IMDb TV? - that never worked on the old stick but does on the "new" one. So sometimes there's just a problem on a particular device with a particular app.
  3. She says "my" - not "our" or even "the" - refrigerator is packed, so it does come across like it's just her, which makes me think how sad it is half that food is going to go to waste (since no one person is going to get through that much fresh food in time). It's possible there are other people there despite the singular (maybe she does all the cooking, so thinks of the refrigerator in terms of "my"), but it plays to me like it's just her. And then there's the horror of all that packaging. All around, that commercial is an epic fail in interesting me in the service.
  4. He says they have paper tickets, not paper boarding passes. That is indeed a step too far. But: They're at the gate, so it doesn't make sense for them to have tickets instead of boarding passes. So they bungled that part of the commercial. And the snack part, which they could have easily salvaged by having her haul a whole smorgasbord out of her purse. She doesn't just say, "I packed snacks," she says, "I packed so many delicious snacks," so it could have worked if she was over the top in her food packing. It's a lazy entry in the series.
  5. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    They could make a montage of that, too; this is at least the third tablet he's tossed.
  6. I guess, like the writers, she forgot he already had one kid he'd never even met.
  7. Yes! I just watched the original and this new one last night with a friend, and both had great endings (other than that, I thought the original was okay and this one was good). This one had some terrific visual effects, with all the mirrors and other reflective surfaces and the terrific use of puppets instead of clips from the first film to give the backstory, and even better use to illustrate examples of racial violence. And, of course, some delicious social commentary.
  8. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Yep, I'm in Los Angeles and it's one of the few Giants games I get this season (because FOX thinks it's doing me a big favor and showing me a Cowboys game - fuck off with that "America's team" bullshit, FOX). And of course I watched, but it wasn't good for my health.
  9. The terrific Roger and Holly storyline, which introduced Ross Marler as the Spaulding lawyer who defended Roger by challenging the new law, arguing for a return to the "of a person other than a spouse" almost all U.S. jurisdictions had in their penal code definitions of rape (that two states had changed their laws in recent years, acknowledging marital rape as a crime, is what prompted the GL storyline). (Who would've ever thought then he'd turn out to be a good guy backbone of the show?) Anyway, yes, that further speaks to the popular understanding of what constitute(d) rape depending on the nature of the relationship between victim and perpetrator; it wasn't until the early '90s that all states eliminated their spousal exemption, but to this day about half the states require additional elements be proven in marital rape cases (e.g. many require use of physical force, so it is perfectly legal to drug your wife and then rape her while she's incapacitated). And that's just the law, that's not even getting into how rape is presented in media and talked about in society.
  10. As has been stated, this ignores the context of the time (1980) in which the episode was produced. We may like to think the era when date rape was not widely understood as a crime (and, in fact, among the most-common rape circumstances) and was instead just considered a "bad date" is a relic of an even earlier time than that episode, but that's simply not true. Date rape was talked and written about in feminist circles and media in the '70s and '80s, but not at all part of mainstream media conversation at that time. Really, not until the early '90s was there significant popular attention. Especially because Jo got away (so attempted rape rather than rape), it is as realistic as it is sad that the writers and thus their characters would indeed have thought of this in purely personal, not criminal terms. The fact the same folks did an episode a season later in which another character was the victim of attempted rape by a stranger and it played totally differently isn't some bizarre lack of continuity or a leap forward in understanding, it's a reflection of the prevailing attitude at that time and well beyond - rape happened via some scary stranger popping out of the bushes/a dark alley, and non-consensual sexual contact from a date didn't even register as rape.
  11. The 20th anniversary special premiered a while back (looking it up: Nov. 2019, apparently), so it must have been re-aired as part of the fundraising drive. And, yes, the pizza mishap made me laugh when I saw it. It also reminded me I wanted to try their shrimp scampi, which was the #1 viewer pick. It still took me until this spring to do it, but it is indeed a fantastic recipe.
  12. Gas is like electricity; it's nowhere near as dangerous as people fear, but so few have been taught when it is, it's better for the authorities to just say "don't touch it" or "don't light anything". I'm glad it was just an inconvenience for you, and, yeah, your neighbor must be mighty embarrassed. That's a pretty dumb move, not to consider the existence of a gas pipe in the wall given the configuration (and I guess he figured he was hitting a stud, not a pipe, when he encountered resistance, but they sound different and even feel different), but people have strange lapses sometimes. This sounds like someone who's not as handy as he thinks, though. Poor kitties! I mean, bad enough for you, but you knew what was happening and that it would be okay. They were completely out of sorts, I'm sure. I hope they settled back in quickly and you all got some good sleep.
  13. That is impressive. Joining the chorus of those with subQ experience; sometimes it causes more stress to the cat than it's worth, but the overwhelming majority of the time, owner and cat get into a smooth routine. And that seemingly simple supportive therapy can often extend quality time with a number of chronic conditions. So, @Scarlett45, if that turns out to be something that may help Blake, know we will be here to give tips, answer any questions when you can't remember some part of what the tech showed you, and reassure you. And, honestly, when they're feeling unwell and listless, that's the easiest time to do it for the first time; then they start feeling better and put up more of a fight, but you have some confidence under your belt by then. You two remain in my thoughts; I hope for healing, and send you my sympathy and support if that's not possible.
  14. He didn't have any leisure because he forgot to get her present until it was nearly too late; the package arrived the same time he was scheduled to arrive for the family dinner. They're trying to advertise how you can get something last minute thanks to their same day delivery, but all I think about is how dumb he is.
  15. Same here. I couldn't pick him out of a line-up, but I know someone who goes by Cedric the Entertainer exists, so that was an easy one for me.
  16. I can. I don't speak kid, but I had no trouble understanding what she said. (I did have a bit of trouble getting my eyeballs back into position after rolling them at how very hard that commercial is trying, though.)
  17. Oh, no! I love looking at that white stripe down Blake's nose. I hope he pulls through, @Scarlett45, and I'm glad he's home and cuddled up with you. If it turns out euthanasia is what's best, I know Lap of Love (which provides in-home euthanasia) is a national organization, so they may have vets in your area. From the experiences I've had, they hire wonderful people. You two will be in my thoughts today.
  18. Thank you for everything you said, and especially for this. Because, yeah, this is different than ever before, and we're not coping very well. We've all said variations on I cannot bear the way it happened and I don't know how to live with this one. It's just so damn wrong. As horrible as it's always been, I've had a roadmap for previous deaths, the knowledge gained from a lifetime of painful experience that in time it will get better, so just put one foot in front of the other until it does. This is an unmarked, unpaved, switchback road on the narrow edge of a cliff I'm crawling along in the dark with a flashlight; I know I can keep from dying, but damn if I know how long until the sun comes up. I emailed my three BFFs that night to tell them, so I've been in touch electronically with each of them ever since as they know I can't speak verbally to anyone other than my parents right now. The two who don't live in the area called within an hour of each other tonight. I didn't pick up either time, and both left messages saying essentially the same thing: I get it, you're still not ready to talk, but I want you to hear my voice saying I love you and I'm so sorry. The one who does still live here emailed me about our pre-planned movie night tomorrow, saying she understands if I'm not up for it, but she'd love to try distracting me. I replied that I wasn't sure; Riley could probably stand a break from my weeping, and maybe a movie night would distract me a bit, but I don't think I'll be good company. She wrote back that I'm not company, she doesn't give a shit if I want to sit silently, cry, yell, snap, or any combination of the above for the entire night; if it might feel good to come over, please do. I have wonderful friends. And there are such lovely people in this thread, too. I truly appreciate you Primetimer pet peeps.
  19. A third victim has spoken up about being attacked by Noth, and someone who worked with him said he was consistently sexually inappropriate.
  20. "The Gates of Hell" is a sculpture by Rodin (one of my favorites at the museum, and it has an interesting history). I figured the contestant just got mixed up and said that one.
  21. "Cutting Loose" is one of my favorites. Luke Perry does a great job as Jon Worth, and is clearly having a blast. Quite possibly because he was one of Hollywood's few nice, down to earth guys, he really brings to life the balance the writers crafted in Jon - that he's lived this life of fame and fortune for so long he is completely out of touch with "the real world", but he's not a jerk. He's actually quite respectful and kind-hearted, but he lives in the celebrity universe. I always like when they poke fun at their own industry on this show; they do it better than most. I love that learning Pope recommended Mike for the consultant gig means every single time after this that Badge of Justice comes up, Andy gets cranky. (I also like the shot of Andy giving Jon his card at the party; he is such a doofus.)
  22. I like Regina King, but this commercial makes me stabby. She is taking that untrained dog with her everywhere she goes, inflicting his damage hither and yon, and then just shrugging it off because she can afford to buy everyone "sorry" gifts and rack up her cash back rewards. That's not cute!
  23. That guy better prepare to be single again, because once they get to her quaint little hometown, she's going to fall head over heels for the guy who fells her family's Christmas tree, realize her big city job and boyfriend are just evil distractions from what's important in life, move back "home", marry the lumberjack, and open up a stationery store (because folks still write letters there).
  24. Exactly. The pitch is how quickly they'll deliver, so the premise is he forgot to get his mother's gift until someone on the phone asks him if he got it, he lies and says he has it, he buys it online with same-day delivery, he sits outside his mom's house waiting for it to be delivered, dumps something out of a bag in his car, scoops the package off the front porch into that bag, and says "Merry Christmas, Mom" as she opens the door. Not only is there going to be a label on that box, it's probably going to say "same-day delivery" on it, so she's going to know what he did.
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