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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I don't know anything about Angry Birds other than it's some sort of game, and the only Muppets I ever watched were the ones on Sesame Street so I don't know Animal. So these last couple of Geico commercials aren't as funny to me as the others because I don't have the personal association, but I always look forward to seeing what they come up with next.
  2. I was in a mood, and watched "The Sleepover". That episode is fantastic. Rita breaks my heart, when she repeats to Ariel what her mom had told her -- that everyone who's ever been anything in the history of time has been a loser in junior high, but in college they're going to be appreciated. Everyone breaks my heart in this one. Brandi and Neal trying to protect each other from their psycho parents as kids and then wrapping their arms around each other as adults when she goes to see him in the psychiatric hospital - gets me every time. And Ariel's confession, after Lilly tells her Rita was just a little kid, saying, "But I was just a little kid too. I didn't know. [Lilly asks what she didn't know] I didn't know you live through it." Sob. Another tragic teenage popularity story is "Stand Up and Holler", and my favorite part of that one is how much Lilly hates Adult Becca. Becca still being exactly who she was in high school makes watching that queen bee marched out of her reunion in cuffs glorious. I also love Vera and Miller showing each other their school photos.
  3. Bastet

    Scream Franchise

    I think there's some interesting psychology in when horror movie characters try to save others and when they run away to try to save themselves, so I love the scene where Randy and Stu are each accusing the other, and Sidney grabs Dewey's gun, backs into the house, says "Fuck you both", and slams the door shut. Re-watching the original last night (MTV2 ran a marathon of all four films, so I watched for a while), I thought about the fact Kenny's reaction to seeing the killer on the monitor is not to jump into the driver's seat and get the hell out of there, but to get out and start towards the house to help Randy (then, of course, he remembers the 30-second delay and that's the end of Kenny).
  4. At least a BMS prompt, I'd guess. I haven't been keeping track of my performance lately, but tonight I ran everything in the first round other than the British villains category, in which I came up with precisely zero responses. DJ was hit and miss, with a lot of misses; I probably missed at least half. FJ was an instaget, though; I didn't know the specific quote, but early U.S. + a series got me there right away.
  5. Allergies on TV are like asthma on TV: something only dorks have. There's the occasional exception when necessary for wacky hijinks, like one character being allergic to cats and another trying to hide one in the house.
  6. There is already a thread for Romantic Comedies and one for Romantic Dramas in the Movies forum, so maybe that's why the new thread didn't get responses. (I saw the poll and voted "Other" since I hate Titanic with the heat of a nova and only liked the Gena Rowlands/James Garner scenes in The Notebook when I watched parts of it on TV.) Try asking in those. (As you'll see from my scattered posts there, romance is very much not my genre, but there are some big fans in those Movies threads, especially of romantic comedies.)
  7. The weather, the lifestyle, the low pay, the physical difficulty of some of the farm calls, the ridiculous number of patients they're supposed to see in a shift -- it's definitely a place that's going to see some turnover, despite the "bonus" of being seen on TV. I think it's probably a stepping stone for many new vets.
  8. Oh, I am the repair person, so I'm waiting on myself; I just need to have the time to delve into it. Now that I solved the immediate issue, I don't have to think about it anymore right now. And, no, no freezer space for a bunch of ice, but when I need to empty it and turn it off, I can put most everything in the fridge/freezer of my parents' motorhome, and just keep daily essentials out in my tiny game room refrigerator (no freezer, but it has an icemaker, so I could use the ice bin as a very small bit of freezer storage).
  9. Wow, I just finally gotten around to watching the Netflix documentary last month, so this feels sudden to me even though it wasn't. She had such a way with words. And put her grief out there after losing her husband and then daughter in such a short time frame, helping others as well as herself with those writings.
  10. Whenever I take a bubble bath, there are candles and either wine or whiskey. But I don't have bubbles a foot high that last for an hour and stay attached to my breasts no matter how I move, and there are no artfully draped tendrils of hair escaping my carefully messy updo, just sprigs of steam-induced frizz sticking out of a clip, so I'm not a TV character.
  11. Right?! That was unreal. They introduced him in such a creepy way, with his infatuation with Carol actually being about what was housed within her uterus, but he grew on me within the ER staff*. And then they pulled that noise. *I love that he's one of the many pitch perfect things about "All in the Family", that as a newcomer who doesn't have the relationship with Carter and Lucy everyone else has and as the survivor of a war zone who's experienced carnage consisting of people he knows, he's the one who can keep it together in the trauma room and assign tasks to keep the others focused.
  12. I'm so sorry to hear about Blake, @Scarlett45. I've been thinking of you and that cute nose on Blake all week, hoping this announcement would not come, but fearing it would. My heart goes out to you. I'm glad Cosmo came into your home when he did so that he is with you during this terrible time, but I know Blake's absence is still so very palpable. There are all these places you're used to seeing him, and it hits you in the heart he's not there. There's no good time of year for it to happen, but this is a particularly bad one. Take care of yourself as best you can.
  13. Most jurisdictions allow for postponement of jury duty, but it's usually only for a few months, and I doubt it's going to be any healthier to marinate indoors with strangers all day then. I got called right after the courts re-opened. Hello, I am not even making in-person appearances as a lawyer, and you think I'm going to come sit there all day only to be dismissed even if I get on a panel (because, depending on the type of case, my work as a civil rights lawyer usually means the prosecution doesn't want me, or on rare occasions the defense). Thankfully, my group never had to report, so after calling in for five days, I had fulfilled my duty for a year. My refrigerator was nice and cool when I got up this morning, so my temporary fix indeed did the job, and I'll deal with it for good next week.
  14. I don't know either of those, but I have one to add to the list: Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers did a "Christmas Without You" song in their A Christmas to Remember TV movie in the '80s.
  15. How do appliances, despite not being sentient beings, always know when it's a fucking holiday? Because that's an ideal time to break down, when I'm already busier than a one-legged woman in a butt kicking contest and holiday closures will make it harder to get any necessary parts in a timely fashion (that's before adding on the lovely supply chain issues). My garbage disposal refused to work the day before I was leaving for Thanksgiving, so I had to deal with that when I got back. Now my refrigerator has decided it doesn't want to, you know, keep food cold. So I moved the most perishable stuff to the mini fridge in my bonus room, but there's only so much room in there and, best yet, that doesn't reach optimum temperature either because it needs a new thermistor (again; the second one since I bought it to crap out) and I haven't prioritized it since that's my hang out with friends spot and I haven't been hanging out for nearly two years now. I've identified the problem, and I'm crossing my fingers I've done enough of a temporary fix to get some cold enough air circulating again, but to properly troubleshoot what in the defrost system is malfunctioning and thus fix the problem for good I need time - and fridge/freezer space to transfer my food to, since I need to turn the whole damn thing off for a day or two to thoroughly thaw and dry coils - I simply do not have right now. And, so help me, if I wake up tomorrow to find my temporary fix didn't work and I lost a shit ton of food ...
  16. I instantly guessed horse racing for FJ, based on the year, but even if this had been a regular clue where I'd get a BMS prompt for what kind of horse race, I wouldn't have thought of steeplechase; I only know enough about horse racing to know the way the horses and jockeys are treated in order to further enrich the bank accounts of the wealthy owners means I don't want any part of it, so while I've heard the word "steeplechase", I didn't know enough about it that it would have come to me even with the church hint in the clue.
  17. I was not at all into Doug and Carol, although I was fine with them getting back together because they both rather sucked as romantic partners, so let them pair off for good and spare others having to deal with them in that way. And I was decidedly not swooning at that airport dash and showing up on the dock the show wanted me to fall off the couch over; I just thought it was terribly sad his selfish actions had led her to the point where her best option required her to leave the job, city, mom, and friends she loved and would never had considered leaving if not for his actions necessitating it. Yet another woman has to uproot her entire existence to accommodate a man's career. It may be the right call for Carol under the circumstances she was shoved into, but the idea I'm supposed to cheer this shit boggled my mind then, and it's only gone on to irritate me more in the years since, especially because this lopsided sacrifice presented as romantic remains a TV trope.
  18. I have a metric shit ton of candles, between the ones that are out and the ones I have in reserve for when those burn down. Just looking around my home office right now, there are seven in this room alone (well, more than that since some have multiple candles, but seven candle holders of various sorts). So if I forget to pay my electric bill and get shut off with no notice, I'll be all set.
  19. TV candles are odd things - one will illuminate an entire room, while dozens of them will merely cast a gentle glow.
  20. I'm still undecided how I feel about the song, and I overall liked it, but this I unequivocally disliked. Amateur hour.
  21. Right. And her neighbors have no reason to know she's sick. Once I understood what was happening, I had no issue with the commercial. But if it had been the scenario some of us initially interpreted, where her partner and his friends were hootin' and hollerin' in the next room knowing she's sick in bed rather than going to one of the other guys' homes or at least reminding themselves to keep it down, that would have been inconsiderate, even though the Nyquil knocked her out (for now, at least). "Nyquil: Lets you get the sleep you need even if your husband is an asshole" seemed an odd pitch, so I was glad to realize I was misinterpreting the scenario.
  22. Yeah, I figured it out from the clue, but had never heard him referred to that way. I figured it was because I pay only marginal attention to hockey, so it's interesting to learn some of those who cover it for a living are calling it out.
  23. The first time I saw it, I too thought it was the next room rather than the next apartment, and was appalled, but, yeah, those are her neighbors, not her partner and his friends.
  24. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Mike Florio - who had one of my favorite articles blasting Aaron Rodgers's lying, unvaccinated ass - has some great words about Urban Meyer's take on his failed NFL stint. Excerpts:
  25. I won't give to Goodwill or Salvation Army, either, or anything church based. There is a domestic violence shelter nearby that I know very well as I used to run the legal clinic, plus two organizations providing services for those experiencing homelessness that I've researched fairly thoroughly, so between those three, Habitat For Humanity's ReStore, and my local Freecycle group, I'm able to get pretty much anything I no longer need into the hands of someone who does. It's a shame some of the worst organizations are the most popular.
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