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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Half was a generous playing with fractions; out of five clues, I'd heard of two of them (Drake and Nickelback). This did not lead me to actually come up with either response, but at least on those two I didn't mutter "Who?" at the screen. Their "How You Remind Me" is the only one of the songs listed in that category I recognized, but I only know one line of it and couldn't have said who sings it even with a whole lot more time to think about it. I haven't, either, but, after the game ended, Ken told Amy four of the five "superchamps" lost in a Monday game. (I knew James and Matt did; Ken says he's the only one that didn't [he lost on a Tuesday]):
  2. This was an archive game for me, and I woke the cat up with my groan when I read the first round categories. Not only did I not get a single clue in the Billboard category, I've never even hard of half those people. I feared I would blow fast food, too, since I hardly ever eat it, but I guess I've seen enough commercials to have known a couple and correctly guessed the rest. I did better in poetry than I often do, too, only missing the imagism TS. I ran geography and sins, but missed one in punch. I had a great DJ round, probably the closest I've ever come to running one. I got everything except one each in plays (I could have run that if "Who is Gillian Anderson's ex-boyfriend?" was acceptable for the Peter Morgan clue), political, quiet (I don't think seeing the painting would have helped any), and TV. And FJ was an instaget, so I'm off to a great start (if that damn Billboard category had been about songs at least 20 years old instead, I'd probably have had one of my best games ever).
  3. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Do you mean what underlying issues contribute to him behaving like a self-destructive jackass despite being given chance after chance, or what prompted him to let his jackass flag fly at that particular moment? If the latter, it was in reaction to being benched, but I haven't read why he got told to sit his ass down in the first place (and I didn't watch that game). He clearly has serious problems, and probably some are self inflicted and some are beyond his control. When it comes to things like rape, I reserve my sympathy for his victim. But stunts like this, I do think there's more than bratty entitlement behind it, and I feel sorry for him dealing with whatever demons plague him.
  4. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    He's been a jerk for so long, it is jarring to watch old interviews in which he just calmly and pleasantly answers questions without insulting anyone. Whatever the causes, that guy is long gone. Even though an Arizona loss would have meant the Rams clinched the division, I am still thrilled they beat the Cowboys.
  5. TCM often does a marathon of all six The Thin Man films, and did so this year. I have them all on DVD, but still tuned in after football was over. The first time I didn't go out for New Year's Eve was 1999. All the "millennium" (never mind the millennium was actually a year away) hoopla irritated me, and I wasn't interested in any of the overpriced and overhyped options friends were opting for, so I stayed home. I made a decadent dinner, took a bubble bath, and drank more martinis while watching the Thin Man marathon. It was so nice, it became my new tradition - no crowds, no jacked-up prices for "special" menus that aren't as good as the regular ones, no sharing the road with a bunch of amateur drunks on the way home. Several years later, I was visiting a friend out of town and we went out, but otherwise my ass has been happily home on NYE for over 20 years.
  6. At least Oklahoma State remembered how to play in the second half and knocked off Notre Dame, and the Rose Bowl was a good game - except for the fact the wrong team won in the end. I force myself into a Utes fan for an afternoon, and they let that obnoxious team come back. Oh well. The Sugar Bowl is so boring (between two teams I don't care about to begin with, and then nothing is happening), I'm watching other things and just checking in occasionally.
  7. I loved it - easy access to fresh eggs. Unfortunately, the folks down the street from me who had backyard chickens moved.
  8. Also because, as noted in the clue, she's the first female governor of NY. We've had a whopping 45 or so female governors in all of American history (and some of those were short-term acting governors), and nearly 20 states have never had a woman in the position, so that made her newsworthy, too. I just think it was so recent at the time of taping they hadn't yet heard/read about her enough for her name to be readily available in their brains.
  9. I'll be rooting for Georgia because I hate Nick Saban, but I'll just have the second half on while I putter around after work, because I don't care about the SEC so even though it's the national championship, I'm not going to set aside time to watch. I'm currently regretting getting up to watch Oklahoma State shit the bed against Notre Dame. The only interesting bowl games so far have been between random teams I'd never previously watched in my life.
  10. This starts my 2022 off right; I have not been doing much smiling lately, but I am now sitting here grinning like a fool. I'm so happy they have, at long last, found their forever home. And I'm glad you and Cosmo have feline family again. Congratulations to all.
  11. Exactly; I'd earlier noted that in the In Memoriam thread, after talking about it in the relevant Golden Girls and TV Movies forums years ago when the PBS documentary (which later aired on Netflix) was released. I'll repeat myself again to say she was quite the pioneer of '50s TV - she produced her own show, hired another woman as a director, and told the southern stations who wouldn't air the show if Duncan remained part of it to get stuffed.
  12. I love that scene, too. And good for Lewis posting it in tribute, especially since she'd relied on it for her music video:
  13. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Yeah, Aaron Rodgers can't take criticism despite his tremendous wealth and power, and most recently lied about his COVID vaccination status, subsequently revealing his belief in bullshit sources. Ben Roethlisberger is a rapist (anyone who's reviewed the pathetically anemic investigations into the two known attacks knows it's true). If I had to take one as "my" quarterback, I'd take Rodgers every day and twice on Sundays.
  14. I think it's fine to set off fireworks for a few hours (so long as not in a reckless way that risks a fire) in the evening on 4th of July and New Year's Eve. But knowing how many people and pets are terribly affected by them, doing so for hours and especially days on end around those holidays, or for random things throughout the year like a local team winning a championship, is inexcusable. If fireworks are kept to the extremely limited days and times they can traditionally be expected, people who/people whose pets freak out can prepare to, in their own best available ways, mask the noise and ride it out. But if it just goes on and on for one of those nights, or occurs when one can't anticipate, so arrangements don't protect, that's a shitty thing to do to neighbors. And this is 2021; one has to voluntarily reside under a rock not to know how frequently fireworks traumatize some people and pets. To prioritize one's own fun over that harm is unconscionable.
  15. This has been discussed by White, Rue McClanahan, and one of Arthur's sons (I don't think I've ever come across anything from Arthur herself). It was Bea who didn't particularly like Betty, as they had very different personalities (Betty's relentless optimism drove Bea nuts sometimes [a general sentiment to which I can thoroughly relate], and Bea was reserved while Betty was gregarious) and, particularly, very different approaches to the work. But there wasn't a feud, or really even a true dislike, more an I don't get her thing that generally manifested in eye rolling rather than actual animosity. The media wanted to uncover "cat fights", but couldn't, because that wasn't what was happening. They approached life and work differently, but kept it professional on set and just didn't interact much off set. They both loved animals, though (as did Rue); there was some common ground.
  16. I did watch her in quite a few things (including still watching The Golden Girls regularly), and I think why this bums me out when I would normally not be sad about someone dying after nearly 100 fulfilling, healthy years, is that she was just a straight-up good person, because she actively worked at being a good person. She was like Fred Rogers in that way. Yes, she was inherently an optimist - and most relentless optimists annoy the shit out of me, but she didn't - but those who knew her said she also made a conscious choice every day to practice a mindset of looking for and celebrating the good, and adding to it. Ted Danson had recently said "she leads a very purposeful life", and I think that's what I responded to, and what I'm sad there's one less example of in a world that desperately needs it.
  17. Archive game for me. The Poetic Justice TS surprised me. I only got two in TV Talk, but other than that did well in the first round categories; I just missed one in NY fiction and one in 21st century (I knew the pope's name wasn't Ratzenberger, that's the dude from Cheers, but I couldn't remember what his name actually was). In DJ, I could have sat here until I died and not answered anything in the Loki category other than giant (which I got thanks to the Eli Manning hint). I missed two each in everything else other than geography, the only category I ran. It would have been three in folk heroes, but at the last second I got from "that 'Crikey!' guy" to "Steve Irwin". Like the contestants, I got stuck on Simon and Garfunkel for FJ. I didn't think that was right (I didn't think it would be a duo who went by their names), but couldn't get them out of my head.
  18. Headlines are almost the only place I object to spoilers. People who click on an article once an episode has had its first US airing have no right to complain, but headlines should not spoil.
  19. My neighbor semi-frequently brings me food when she makes extra of something, so if my doorbell rings unexpectedly, I hope it's her. But I do check to see before opening it.
  20. As soon as I saw the "Hot" designation on this thread, I knew Betty White had died. She was a smart, kind, funny person. And she was a pioneer, a woman producing her own TV show in the '50s - for which she hired a female director, and told southern stations to get stuffed when they wanted her to ditch Arthur Duncan (who is black) in order for them to air her show (she is reported to have said, "I'm sorry. Live with it."). Keep an eye on your PBS station, as they may re-air their Betty White documentary (Betty White: First Lady of Television). Actually, it might be on Netflix, too. It's a charming retrospective on her career.
  21. That's the one I don't like, because the grandma's reaction makes no sense. I'd think even the kids would understand what was happening, but the grandmother certainly should. Yet she acts like either she, too, finds it frightening or the mother is scaring the kids on purpose.
  22. That's what happened to me, too. Everyone else I either knew without the video or recognized immediately when I saw them, but, since I don't know that song, when they first rolled the Lopez clip I couldn't tell who it was behind that hair.
  23. It's pretty easy to move, especially for men, and sometimes it's fun to indeed just shove aside what's in the way and go for it, but, yeah, it's odd how many TV folks who've just had seemingly un-hurried sex in a bed apparently did so without taking those few seconds to pull underwear off instead of fussing with it when it's given the opportunity to snap back.
  24. Since the category wasn't Women Name Words, it seems they actually do know women is a noun, not an adjective, so I don't know why they can't at least get it right with their stupid Women Authors categories if they won't just get rid of them. The Donna Brazile TS made me sad. Not surprised, but sad. I thought the GQ clue was asking for the name of the magazine then, so I said Gentlemen's Quarterly. I got all but three in the first round, thanks in part to several lucky/semi-educated guesses (e.g. I had no idea the axel was named after someone, but it's one of the only figure skating jumps I know the name of, and the only one starting with A, so I went with it). I lucked out with some guesses in DJ, too and did very well. I only ran movie landmarks and mouth, but I only missed seven clues across the rest. I didn't know who Tony Stark was (I've now looked it up), so I was trying to get that one just based on the "ask a series of rapid questions" definition and felt like it was on the tip of my tongue; with more time, I'd have come up with pepper (with Pepper Anderson in my mind as a name). I didn't get FJ, though. Based on the year, I figured a polar expedition, but never got any farther than that.
  25. I will spare you all my rant against zoos, simply summarizing that whatever conservation and education programs they provide do not come close to justifying their inherently inappropriate and exploitative nature. I will confine myself to a particular gripe here, which is that this zoo has on hand a trained dart shoot team for crisis activity - but only when the zoo is open, and this happened after closing. Um, no. Even if the general public is gone for the day, if there are people on the grounds, there is a potential for incident, and someone with the training and equipment to protect a person without lethal force as their only option needs to be on site. (This beyond the fact an untrained, non-zoo party should never have been able to get that close to the tiger's enclosure in the first place even if he was stupid enough to try; I have not seen any footage or diagram indicating what he had to do to traverse the initial barrier, and I will not watch the bodycam video.)
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