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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. Was it Elliana that was telling Brynn that she was pretending to be Selena during some number with Jojo and that the person who killed Selena was named Yolanda, and that is her mom's name? It was like the girl was hinting that her mom killed Selena. I mean her mom didn't, but for some reason that comment made me laugh. I know I am horrible.
  2. I really like Rosebud Salve as a lip balm. It has other uses as well, but I mainly use it as a lip balm.
  3. I thought that Kendall also, was one that comforted Ellianna when she messed up in last weeks group routine backstage. I could be wrong though. I do not have issues with any of the girls. I think they act their ages. Sometimes they are bratty and sometimes nice. I do not think any of them are mean girls (their moms are a different story). I think overall they are fairly typical kids at least in terms of their personalities. Most of the time during episodes I want to free the girls from this show and their mothers.
  4. I thought Jamie has been less spastic since the first episode. Does he have the ability to fire people or would he have to go to Joey Gibbons where he may or may not fire someone? No matter how Jamie approaches Nikita, she is not going to take it well. She cannot handle any sort of criticism. I actually do not mind Jamie. I also like (well as much as I like anyone on this show) Louise, Blake, and Colston. I barely remember Cynthia is even there. Mark is good at his job, but a dick. I do give Jenna credit for stepping up a bit more and not wanting to be in trouble/fired.
  5. Grrreeeaaattt! Maybe James can get his own apartment instead of his strange living arrangement where he is living in a penthouse, but sleeps behind a screen in the living room. James will probably invest in more hoverborads.
  6. I do not think I would really use or even display a tea/hand towel with someone else's wedding date on it. That is just my opinion. Maybe if they were a close relative, but even then it really isn't my style.
  7. Is Maggie recurring? I thought sometime in season one she got bumped up. I am probably misremembering though. Before the recurring character clue was pointed out I was really hoping it would be Natalie. I know it would never happen, but I can only hope.
  8. I have to say how much I loved the Johnny Gilbert/song lyrics category. Just hearing him read the lyrics to "Drop it Like it's Hot" made me laugh.
  9. I agree. I did not have a problem with the conversation until this point. Then Lisa said "why ask for my advice if you are not going to take it?" That is where I was like shut up Lisa! Just because Brittany asked what Lisa would do does not mean Brittany has to do what Lisa would (unless Lisa joined the Stassi, Kristen, Katie crew than Brittany would have to do what she said). I got the impression that Brittany was fine with the podcast. She can be hesitant because it is an ex of his, but I do think overall she was fine with it. I thought Brittany's smile when talking to Lisa was just trying to be polite to her boss and possibly somewhat nervous conversing with Lisa. I did not think the plastered on smile was about what they were talking about. That is just my impression though.
  10. I agree. I do not mind Jamie. He is trying to get stuff done. I do not think he is asking anyone to do anything that is not really required of them. Jamie also, seems to be a bit self aware. It looks like Louise and Colston seem to realize that Jamie is in charge and have no problem with that. I think Blake is fine with it too, but I missed the conversation he had with Colston. I had to laugh at Colston explaining to Mark that Jamie is their boss. Nikita needs to learn she is there to serve the guests and do what they want. If they want to eat with the staff, so be it. She did a family style dinner, she cannot do something similar and then eat with them? Then she basically threatens to quit at the meeting after the guests left. Please go Nikita. Mark and Jen need to go. There are brief moments here and there, where I think I can tolerate Jen a bit, but those moments past quickly. I did like her saying to Mark that Nikita cannot take criticism. I have no words for Mark. He is just an asshole.
  11. I agree. Maddie and Caleb looked very happy. I thought her theme was fine. I really liked the venue. The casual look for the groomsmen was nice as well, since I do not see Caleb as a suit and tie guy. Everything seemed to fit them, if that makes any sense. I got the impression that Maddie and Caleb were going to ask Caleb's dad to officiate, but when his mom got sick or was getting worse they asked Kody. It might have gotten dusty in my house when Caleb was reading his letter from Maddie and when his sister Erica was crying. I was fine that Maddie did not include Savannah, but I am not one that thinks just because you are siblings that you have to include them in one's wedding. I can see her picking her older sisters, because she is closer to them. Logan did walk Janelle down the aisle which is not much, but it is something. Overall I would have rather seen more about Maddie, Caleb, and the rest of the wedding party than so much Kody. If Kody was edited out it would have been a nice episode.
  12. I will echo enjoying A Christmas Love as well. I agree the commercials for it looked terrible. I really liked the cast. The characters behaved like adults and I was interested in every character's story, which is rare for me. I finally watched Season Greetings. I did like it. There were some parts that I felt I missed things because they happened offscreen, but overall I liked it. One thing that I enjoyed was that it took place over a year, so the two leads did not just meet and fall in love in three days. Small voice.....I did not like Journey Back to Christmas. I thought I would like it despite being a Candace Cameron Bure (She is usually a deal breaker in my cheesy movie watching along with Shane Grimes Beech and Jessica Lowndes) movie because it is time travel, but I did not. I just could not get into it. I do not know if it was my mood or something. Maybe I will try again another time.
  13. Sigh. I am sticking around because I love Christopher Jackson. I just want him to sing. That is what would save an episode for me. I actually like most of the supporting characters. It is Bull that I am having a hard time with. Like was mentioned upthread, he is never rattled by anything. I would just like him to be a bit more human and less robot.
  14. There were pieces in each of their collections that I liked, but I was overall underwhelmed. I agreed with the judges that there was not much cohesion going on. I have to agree with the designers that they are getting all these critiques at the last minute. It is nice to get the judges input, but it cannot be that easy to rework some of the designs when so little time. I am not sure how they would do a judges critique and still give the designer a decent amount of time to get their shit together. I was not a fan of the shiny material that Roberi used on the skirts of some of his designs. The judges praised the one dress, and I was liked really? I was kind of hoping he would do a whole collection of macrame just for my own amusement. I liked that Laurence deviated from her usual black, but her collection did look a bit dated with some of the designs to me. It was a bit boring as well. I did like the white shirt that did not have a back. I did not love the overalls. I really think she just needs to mix the different separates with each other and her main problems will be fixed. I will be at my table for one with liking Erin, some of her designs, and is not bothered by how she dresses. I think they are fun. I did kind of like the dress that the judges all hated though. I thought of all the collections hers looked very "Erin" to me. I liked Rik's designs the least. There were some that I liked looking at, but just did not love the overall designs. I did not even like the leather dress the judges loved. I thought I would like his collection more than I did, especially when he was telling Tim his concept at the start. I like all four designers so I am fine with any of them winning. None of any of their collections wowed me to the point where I would declare one of them the best and root for them. For me, no one would be "robbed" if another wins. I liked and disliked some designs in each collection, so I am cool with any winner at this point. Tim bowling was made of win. Hell, he did way better than me when I bowl! Also, I wish they would just condense the final to either a one and a half hour to two hour episode. This so does not need to be a two parter.
  15. Can you imagine a conversation between Trump and Kanye? Either it would be the most incoherent conversation ever or each of them telling the other how great they think they are. Then blaming everyone else for their issues.
  16. Gee, Ariana's cocktail videos looked so much fun to watch. Perhaps it is because she takes comedy seriously. FI Tom was probably somewhat jealous and wanted to be involved in Ariana's cocktails book, but Ariana was being a bitch to him at that lunch. FI did get some digs in as well. If I was at that lunch I would have tried to make an excuse to get out of there during the Ariana and Tom bitchfest. So does anyone know who Lala's phantom boyfriend was? It seems strange that she will not even mention his name. She does not have to tell anyone his whole name, but she could just call him by his first name or something. The whole thing is weird. I get Lisa does not like Stassi, but I hate the catty remark she said about getting food to go in front of Stassi's "friends". I think she made some remark to Kristen at the dog event about whatever happened with Brittany in front of others as well. I get that she does not like them, but it seems so tacky.
  17. I liked Sound of Christmas. It had a somewhat similar story to Hearts of Christmas, but I still enjoyed it. I must be getting easy. One thing that I liked was that they were city people not longing for a quaint small town Christmas. As someone who lives in Chicago, cities have Christmas too! Oh and the teenaged daughter was not obnoxious, which was a bonus.
  18. I am not sure if Maddie was in school at the time of her wedding, but she is currently in school. She mentioned something on Twitter about accounting being her favorite class. She did have a job, I think at Starbucks, when she was not at school. She and Caleb did move at some point to be closer to his mom, so I am not sure exactly where they are living. I do think most of the older Brown kids do have jobs, we just do not hear about it. I have no idea if she will continue to stay in school after the baby comes, but I am not sure I see her as the stay at home mom type. Even so, if she decides to be a stay at home mom and Caleb and her can afford it than I do not have a problem with it. I loved college (Sparty on!) but I did change my major from what I thought I would major in in high school. I know she mentioned being a lawyer, but if she decides to go a different route who amI to judge, since I changed my major as well. I see Logan and Maddie as just doing what they want in regards to living with their significant other. I could see them saying stuff to placate Kody, but then just doing what they want. Though Maddie is pretty matter of fact, so she probably could lay it all out there. I could care less that they are living together and think there is nothing unusual about living with a longterm boyfriend or girlfriend. I also do not care if Maddie describes her wedding as bohemian. I thought I saw some boho elements in some of the pictures. I knew what she meant when she described it. I do not think it needs to be full on bohemian to be described as such. At least not to me, but I am easy like that. From what I saw from pictures it looked like the wedding was a combination of Maddie and Caleb's tastes.
  19. I thought this as well. I thought that the plan might be to swap one for the other and the audience will never know the difference! Or they can do a voiceover saying "The role of Meri Brown will now be played by Mindy." Just put Mindy in some Lularoe and the swap will be complete.
  20. This. I am usually a sucker for dance movies, though a lot of them are pretty bad for even my incredibly low standards. I too found it pretty dull. I am always pretty indifferent to Amy Acker. Sometimes I like her and sometimes I do not. In this one I did not. Something just did not work for me. I did not believe Amy Acker as a 22 year old either. I was expecting to enjoy this movie, but I did not. I finally got around to watching Hearts of Christmas. I enjoyed it. It had a slightly different story. I liked the cast. I also, liked that that there was not a real big misunderstanding or issue between the leads. The main problem about the female lead not loving the male lead's job was a nonissue after she realized he was just doing his job. There was a slight misunderstanding at the end but the was solved fairly quickly.
  21. I almost forgot about Girl Talk until they mentioned it and showed the clip. Then it all came flooding back to me. Now can they please try to get Human Pudding back together to play their one song? Please?
  22. I like all the designers left, but I hate when they eliminate one at fashion week after telling them they made it to fashion week. I know the top so many designers get to show at FW, but I hate when they take four to FW and eliminate one a day or so before. I guess I would rather see more clothes/FW drama than more elimination challenges. Sigh...I should watch season one's FW episodes again. They had drama without stupid challenges tacked on.
  23. Another unconventional materials challenge, and then the dreaded make a second look tacked onto the original challenge. I wish they would have done something more in the vein of what their collection would be like if they went to fashion week. I was not a fan of Laurence's unconventional look. When Zac said is looked like Xena, I was like it does! I like the mustard colored dress. I was glad to see some color from her so maybe that is why I liked it. I also, liked the back of the mustard dress. Speaking of color, I am so sick of Rik and his black dresses. I love a good LBD, but I feel like last week and this challenge run together for him. His second look was something you could find at Forever 21. I thought he was a goner when it was down to just him and Cornelius since Cornelius had the save. I am so glad he stayed though. I agree that Roberi's unconventional dress was different. In some ways I thought it was okay. I thought the idea was interesting, but the result was kind of meh. It looked a bit too macrame for me. I did really like his second look though. I liked both of Erin's looks. I liked her use of of the meal worms. I guess they did not bother me. The jumpsuit was pretty and I liked her unconventional dress. I am so glad Cornelius is gone. I did not like either of his looks. Is it me or does he seem to not really know what he is going to design until they are further into the challenge a lot of the time? The judges loved his jumpsuit, but I did not. It was a bit boring for me. I would have rather seen what Mah Jing could have done with this challenge than Cornelius. I know Alex was cut fairly early. Probably too early for Tim to use the save on him, but I wish he did. He was someone I would have liked to see go further in the competition, unlike Cornelius. I actually like all of the final four, so I would be happy with any of them winning. I liked seeing Nick Verreos again.
  24. I never mention that I kind of like how she dresses.
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