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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I was wondering the same thing. Is it a new version of Road to Avonlea or the old one from the 90's? I have been watching Canada's Anne, which has it's own forum here. I have been enjoying it. I though nothing could touch my love for the Megan Follows version, but this one is a nice change. It is a bit darker. The opening credits are beautiful.
  2. Didn't Trace have a girl along on the ski trip?
  3. I agree. I know many people who name their pets after famous people. I named my cat A. Purr after Aaron Burr (A. Burr is a song reference), because I am a Hamilton fangirl. My cousin named her dog Bark Ruffalo. I also do not see a big deal about the taking off shoes argument. Some people care if others take off their shoes in one's house and some people do not. I generally do unless someone says otherwise, but everyone is different about their house. I do think people left their shoes on at Sonja's because the party seemed to be more outdoors than inside.
  4. Real Housewives of New York City is the franchise where currently I like all the ladies. My like and dislike of them varies from episode to episode and moment to moment, but I do not mind Ramona, Sonja, Dorinda, Bethenny, Carole, or Luann overall. I will be at my table for one for liking Bethenny. I find she says a lot of what I am thinking. I was probably like Carole more than I care to admit during the election. I really do not want to watch her election night party, because I will probably cry. I did have a pretty major crying jag that night and the next day. I feel like Ramona has always been oblivious, dismissive, and rude at times, which cracks me up to watch. Probably irritating to be around in person. It seems like she is even more oblivious, dismissive, and rude this season. Something seems off with her. I thought some of the comments from Sonja's rent-a-butler were funny and some were not. If I was there I would love to snark with him in the background. I do not really have much of an impression of Tinsley yet. So was being a socialite her actual job? I did not mind Bethenny saying hello to Tinsley and then making the rounds first. I did think Bethenny could have went back and made small talk with her sometime during the party though. It is probably just me, but Tinsley sounds sort of flighty and ditzy. I will have to see more of her to judge. I did not like Luann's dress. It looked dated to me. Lu did not have any other florals or colorful dresses in her closet? Lu generally dresses pretty well, so I was surprised that she wore something that looked so dated. Sonja is mad at Dorinda over not being invited to the Berkshires? Seriously? I do not follow these women on social media, but what did Sonja say about Dorinda that Dorinda is mad about?
  5. I have a Madewell Mini Transport Tote in a blush color that I love. I have a bad Cambridge Satchel addiction. I have way too many of them in various colors, styles, and sizes.
  6. I do not really have a side in the Erika/Dorit feud. I can see both sides, but I will side with anyone who goes against PK. I dislike him so much. Overall, I really do not mind Rinna, Eileen, LVP, Kyle, or Erika. I like them in some moments/episodes and dislike them in other moments/episodes. Though I will admit to growing tired of LVP a bit this season. I do not know why, but I am. Oh and a unpopular opinion of mine is I do not find the LVP/Kyle friendship to be that great. I do find Dorit annoying, but I do think she is harmless. I hate her saying things that fall flat are just jokes. Now I loathe Kim Richards. I was so happy when she and Brandi got the boot. I am so sick of the Rinna/Kim storylines. If Kim was more of a background player like Camille generally is when she shows up then I would be fine, but she isn't. I hate Kim. So basically this season had more Kim/Rinna drama (they are not going to like each other, who cares at this point), Pantygate, and a pill/vitamin baggie issue. This season was pretty lame in my opinion.
  7. Didn't one of Landon's friends (I am blanking on her name) say she wrote everything for Landon's website? I could be misremembering though.
  8. I have been watching this show as well. It can be a bit cliche but I enjoyed the characters. I have been watching some programs that I saved on my DVR, The Halcyon and The Good Karma Hospital. Both are UK dramas. Neither are anything revolutionary but they are enjoyable. The Halcyon is a bit soapy, but I do not mind that overall. I liked the acting in both shows. Mrs. Hughes from Downton Abbey had a regular role in The Good Karma Hospital. It took me awhile to place her out of her Downton Abbey garb.
  9. I am a bit young to remember Howard Johnson's but I do remember the Mad Men episode where Megan did not want to eat the orange sherbet there.
  10. I wondered this as well. One moment it is about bullying of Scheana then Katie apologizes to Lala? What? Then the whole thing was dropped. It would have been nice if maybe Scheana got an apology, but I am not surprised either. It could be because I really hate the coven, but I agreed with Sandoval and Ariana thorugh out the reunion. I know it is unpopular but I liked Ariana for most of the season. One thing I like about her is she that she does not like Stassi. It drives Stassi crazy. Hell must be freezing over because I actually got a kick out of James tonight. I also enjoyed James and Jax getting along. It has been a strange season for me. For the most part, besides the Brittany/Kristin possible rumor, I liked Jax for a majority of this season. I also liked Ariana this season as well. Everything I liked about Katie when she grew a backbone and ditched Stassi disappeared when she became friends with her again. It cannot be said enough for me, I hate the coven.
  11. Is Nathan off doing something education or job-wise? I forgot why he was late to skiing in the last episode, but they did mention it. It also seemed like he was doing something else when the basketball hoop was installed because he asked Lawson and Trace in one the couch segments how long it took them to put it up.
  12. Well I for one would love if Max hosted Catfish with Cookie Monster.
  13. I find Kensi and Deeks boring as well. I always thought I was at a table for one for thinking that. I like them separately, but together not so much. I am also, not wild about the whole partners become love interests angle. I am not an Anna fan either. I have never seen the actress in other roles, but I find her terrible. I just do not buy whatever they are trying to sell with the Callen/Anna pairing.
  14. I did like seeing Matt who used to be on Flipping Out again. Kris said when watching the video with Robert that that was the best time of her life. Really? Ummmm...what about your two kids with Caitlyn? I hate how she keeps trying to rewrite history with Robert. Kris can be sad that he is not alive anymore and that her kids lost their dad, but acting like he was the love of her life or something when she cheated on him repeatedly is so irritating. If Mason, Penelope and North watched Kanye's video for Kim, they must be wondering who the hell those people are. Most of the K's do not resemble their younger selves at all. Kris, Kim, Khloe, and Kylie are the worst offenders. All I understood about the Kylie situation was that the alarm was going off and there was the sound of broken glass. What did Kris think she was going to do, waltz over there in her onesie and tell potential robbers to get out? Kylie was not there so she was safe. I also, do not think Kris getting irritated on the phone equals a panic attack.
  15. I thought Bethenny said that she did not want to film with Kelly, while Jill was calling others to try to get them not to film with Bethenny. I could have misunderstood that whole conversation though since there was typical reunion crosstalk. If I had to be around Kelly I would go nuts. She contradicts herself all the time, with her reasoning is that she has the right to change her mind. She does have the right to change her mind, but she does it very quickly. She does not want to hear anyone's feeling because then it is like 1979. No worries though we get to hear her feelings all the time. Kelly hurls out insults, but everyone is bullying her. She does not make much sense, which would drive me insane. I wished there was more follow up about Kelly leaving with a producer, which Kelly said it did not happen.
  16. Johnny probably came up with the idea for Kandi's sex toy line, her clothing stores, Tardy for the Party, and Xscape, since he is taking credit for her other accomplishments. I missed the a bit of the lawyer meeting, but did he say he wanted Kandi to be a silent partner in a restaurant? Also, doesn't Johnny have an event planning business or something? Suuuuurrrreeee Phaedra, you do not have any beef with Kandi. That was one messy lawyer/possible client meeting. I think Matt has a whole bunch of issues, but I do agree with him when he says that Kenya does not want to speak about her faults. Kenya needs to stop the push/pull with him. Don't have sex with him in his truck. I hope she did not do that just to suck him back in to being a storyline. Just be done. Please? I was sick of this storyline a long time ago. Porsha's baby-nup was stupid. It did sound like it just benefitted her. I am glad Todd2 told her he was not signing it. Sheree is delusional if she thinks Kairo, who does not have modeling experience, should be compensated. I do think he might have potential if he is on time and fires Sheree. I liked the venue for Cynthia's fashion show. I thought Noelle did well. I am so glad Cynthia's handbag line is nothing like Gretchen's from RHOC. Though I would never imagine they would be anywhere near similar. Ace was cute. I laughed at him eating the chicken wing. So is Phaedra divorced or not?
  17. I liked the coach swap as well, but I was a bit bored by the episode. I guess I would rather see more of the various Dancing Dolls than the Elite Stars and their parents. I did think Dianna helped the Elite Stars look a bit more polished. I thought it was a toss up during the call out rounds. I agree with @topanga that the Dancing Dolls looked better in the field show. I was fine with Tyrus using the non-battle squad dancers. I like seeing some of the others get more solos than Camryn and whoever else Dianna gives solos to that week. I was actually okay with some of the DDP's giving Tyrus the side eye for using the newer girls for the call out round. The DDP's tend to go to dramatics though. I do hate how they act like the newbies should not get their time to shine. I remember the crap they gave Dana when Faith was new and on the battle squad.
  18. Does Lawson still have his lawn care business? Did one of his brothers take it over when he decided to do more with music or is Lawson doing both?
  19. I watched last weeks episode the other day. I was confused as well, because I thought they were switching studios this week. I did not really like the DD's creative dance. I too thought Dianna and Kayla should have sat it out, but maybe Dianna wanted to prove something to the Prancing Tigerettes coach. I have no idea, especially since she has danced before. It was a bit random and I hated her and Kayla's costumes. I thought the tag team idea was fun. I was glad Christiana got to shine a bit. She has been in the background much of this season. Most of the time I do not mind Torrey, but I do hate when he throws digs at Kayla. Sure she isn't the best coach, but she does seem to try when put in charge. I would assume she is learning while going along.
  20. I enjoyed this episode. It was not great drama or anything, but liked it. My hometown is in Michigan so I grew up skiing and snowboarding. I thought they all embraced it pretty well. It is not like skiing or snowboarding is a big deal, but generally the Bates family approaches these sort of things better than the Duggars, in my opinion. Kelly may have been freaked out for some of it, but she seemed like she enjoyed it. I liked that Kelly said that Nathan's personality would be to head to the black diamond slopes right away. I do not agree with their beliefs, but they do know their kids well. Maybe because they actually raise them instead of the sister moms. They do not seem to use the standard Duggar descriptives to describe their kids. I am always so glad that Kelly does not speak in the Michelle Duggar baby voice. Oh I also liked Kelly giving Gil grief over the many layers of clothing she wanted on the younger kids. I did agree with Gil though, because I get hot most of the time while snowboarding if I wear too many layers.
  21. Oh I do agree with what you wrote about Dorit and gossip (and the not remembering). I thought the initial gifting of panties was not that malicious. It very well could have been though, because I think Dorit does throw things out there then claims she was joking. I have no idea, except that an incident with someone not wearing panties got blown way out of proportion.
  22. I agree with this. I do not think Erika was intentionally trying to flash anyone. Though I thought that Dorit was not trying to be malicious with the whole buying panties thing and I thought Erika did sort of laugh off the gift. There was a lunch or something after whatever activity that the group was at where Dorit gave the the panties to Erika where I thought LVP sort of moderated it. I thought that is where Erika looked uncomfortable. Of course she said she was fine, but it looks like she says that a lot when she isn't. Somewhere after it all I thought Kyle and Eileen said that Erika looked uncomfortable or had her feelings hurt afterwards. I was happy when panty-gate was over. I apparently am stupid to think that it actually was over. I do not really like or dislike Dorit or Erika. I find them both annoying and irritating at times. I did hate that Dorit's apology included "if I hurt your feelings." I hate those apologies. Though if she apologized before during the whole shit show, maybe they did not include that. It all started to run together at some point for me. I did dislike the way Erika turned on Eileen. That was harsh. It was not pretty to watch. I cannot imagine being there watching Erika turn into a she-beast. I thought she was going to kill the whole table at one point. It was a poor choice of words, but she did not mean them maliciously. I do admit everyone's reactions to that scene were kind of hilarious. So many of them looked like WTF. Rinna was throwing everything out there and trying to see what would stick. I do not really hate anyone in the cast (except when Kim Richards shows up). I find I like/dislike them to varying degrees depending on the episode. I also find that they all have irritating things/quirks that I am not a fan of. I will admit I have been a bit tired of LVP and Kyle this season. I do not know why, but they have both been very meh to me this season.
  23. No worries folks Schwartz said that he and Katie have some minor problems that they still have to work through, but they can do that after they are married! Seriously? Does Katie have to be stoned to not go all Tequila Katie on Schwartz or for that matter anyone else? If these problems were an issue all season, are they really going away just because these two got married? I liked the top of Katie's gown, but the bottom not so much or at least not with that top. I was not wild about Scheana's wedding dress, but I thought it looked like her style. Besides spreading the possible Brittany and Kristen hookup around I have been pretty impressed with Jax this season. Admittedly the bar was set very low for Jax, but I will still give him props. Jax and his "more worse" talking head cracked me up! I thought Ariana looked great in her suit. I liked that she and Scheana were paired up to walk down the aisle. Kristen said that Stassi was standing next to Katie because Sandoval and her did not want to walk down the aisle together. Really? I feel like Sandoval could tolerate Kristen for the few minutes to walk up and down the aisle. Schwartz's reaction to Jax and Sandoval flying in his brothers was very nice. Did Schwartz say in his talking head that he and Katie could not afford to fly in his family? I did laugh at Ariana's imagining if Tom and Katie improvised their vows they would be filled with a lot of bubba, bubbe and bubs. I do not know if Scheana thinks Shay and her are in a better place or she is just putting on a happy face through it all. Scheana strikes me as the type to say everything is great when it is not. Either way I am not wild about watching a person's marriage crumble. I do not think these two were that compatible from the start so I am not surprised it went to pieces. I do think it isn't just one persons fault. I have not read that many details of what happened.
  24. This. I am so with you on this. Eric is my favorite (I saw the actor in Avenue Q on Broadway many many years ago), but they write him so poorly. I feel like since Nell appeared in season two the writers dumbed him down a bit a made him way more awkward than season one Eric. Season one Eric was slightly awkward, but nowhere near what he is now.
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