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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I do not think Josie has anything to do with Josie's Boutique. That store has been in existence for many years. I think it is just a store that she likes.
  2. To which one parishioner will reply "You know the guy with the $85 pocket square."
  3. I kind of love them. Though I only have it a few times a year at certain holidays and events. My family calls it hash brown casserole, but they make it with cheddar cheese soup instead of cream of chicken and with crushed Ritz crackers on top. I have never made the recipe myself, but now I am thinking I should. I concur wholeheartedly.
  4. My super UO and probably table for one opinion is that I think the word narcissist is thrown out way too often about all the housewives. I do think a lot of the women have narcissistic tendencies, but think very few of them are actually full fledged narcissists. I think the word bully gets thrown around too much as well in these franchises as well. Just because someone is angry or has a disagreement with another does not make them a bully.
  5. Didn't Patrick kind of understand it until he saw the light of Jacqueline. I was rooting for Patrick not to change the online magazine. So Jacqueline decided to change the magazine because of 14 year old models? Okay. Sigh. Poor Tia. Kat who was her boss basically chased her when Tia said she was not interested. Tia then gets with Kat only to be dumped when Adena comes back int the picture. I realize that Kat Kelly Taylor-ed herself, but we all know that she is going back to Adena, especially since Adena works at Scarlett now too. Though Scarlett seems to be defunct.
  6. Mila probably would have served it like she did the mozzarella on the caprese salads by just putting the whole ham in the middle of the plate. Another possibility is that Mila would bust out some Spam and call it prosciutto.
  7. This. When I saw that there was going to be a female chef I was so hoping that she would be kick ass, but instead we got Mila. Sigh....Mila is the worst.
  8. I do not think I would want to be friends with Tamica, but I do not dislike her either. Reagan is really the only one in the cast that I do not like. I agree with Tamica that Kelsey is being extra. I did not think she was so over the top last season. I liked Barry saying in his TH that people need clap back at Tamica for her to respect them. I also, liked Tamica saying that Barry does not age. There were a lot of comments that were said in this episode that made me laugh, which is nice since I can barely get through original recipe SC. That show has been a slog for me for several seasons now. I really enjoy this cast. Can anyone enlighten me on the timeline of the Reagan/Jeff divorce, getting with Reece, her pregnancy and when she is due?
  9. Like @weathered1 said it is June 30th. According to this CBS is airing The Good Fight on June 16th with two episodes the first two weeks, which pushed back this show.
  10. I will probably give it a go. I have been bored by RHBH (and RHOC) for several seasons now. This franchise seems to take an issue or disagreement that seems like it could be resolved fairly quickly and beats it into the ground. It happened with doggie-gate, panty-gate, and munchausens. I have always been indifferent to LVP. Sometimes I liked her and sometimes I did not, but like with the show, I have been growing tired of her over the past few seasons. I have not missed her in the episodes she did not appear in or appeared in only a bit. I am actually fine with the rest of the cast even though I do not like all of them. I would rather they bring in someone new than bring an old housewife back. Then again, I would love if Heather Dubrow would appear on this franchise. That might be interesting.
  11. Jill's photos are starting to generate the same reaction from me as an episode of Hoarders which is that I start to clean. I am not a messy person either.
  12. I enjoy Southern Charm New Orleans. It did take me a couple of episodes to get into it. The cast seems more adult than this one and a lot of the cast actually has jobs. Of course there are cast members who are more drama than the others, but that is pretty much every reality show. There was an episode where one cast member used a homophobic slur and the cast had a really great conversation about it, which would probably never happen on original recipe SC. I agree with your assessment of this season of SC (It is how I feel about Vanderpump Rules as well). I cannot muster up annoyance or much feelings about Kathryn being rude, motherhood for Cam, or Austen and Madison. I realize I just do not care that much.
  13. I know it is not the case, but is it wrong that I am hoping Tim threw his bible out and is blaming it on the professor? Though I could also see Jill taking Tim saying that his teacher preferred a different version than the KJV and twisting the truth to the teacher threw out Tim's bible. Sigh....Jill is the worst.
  14. My UO is that I do not care that LVP is basically done with the show. I have not missed her in the episodes that she was not in. I think if she refuses to film with any of the cast she should be done. I think, at this point, Denise and Camille would still film with her. I think some of the other ladies would welcome her back into the fold and sweep everything under the rug. There have be gang ups on some of the other franchises and they still showed up to film. Then again maybe they needed the money more. Another UO is that I am fine with this cast. I may not like all of them, but I think they all do their part to bring it.
  15. I will be at my table for one with the unpopular opinion that I do not care that Jack is gone at this point. I do think the show really mishandled DL's exit. I did like Jack and Elizabeth, but the last couple of seasons Jack was barely around anyway. I am fine with Elizabeth moving on. Everyone is different with how and when they move on. I think people can have more than one soulmate. Though I have never been sold on the term soulmate. I would rather see Elizabeth move on than pine for Jack. I am also glad that there was a time jump that skipped Elizabeth mourning over Jack. I guess none of Elizabeth story really bothers me. Well, unless she gets with the dull mountie over Lucas.
  16. I just cannot get worked up over the Danni and Kathryn fight. I do not have a strong opinion for either side. It is all meh. Though, all the storylines on this season are just so dull. The guys really do not have anything going on besides the Austen/Madison story. The women pretty much have Kathryn issues and Cam with Palmer stories. It all feels so stale. I prefer Southern Charm New Orleans where the cast has their own issues, but they seem much more adult than the original recipe cast. I am assuming that both casts are all in similar age ranges. The New Orleans cast seems more put together than this one.
  17. I assumed Elizabeth did not have much of a story because a lot of her scenes may have been with Lori which were cut. They may have had to take the scenes that were cut from the townie's stories and put those back in when they removed Lori's scenes to pad the episodes. Of course I could be wrong.
  18. Maybe sex would be a high priority for Derick if it was with Becky from the third row. 😉
  19. I would be fine with a recast of Abigail if TPTB really think we need the character around. I do not really think they need Abigail around if they just had someone else taking over the cafe (probably with a new name) and someone else becoming mayor. It could gives other characters more of a story. I am assuming that since the episodes were recut that they could not really address everything Abigail until they start filming again.
  20. I loved the "characters welcome" USA Network. It was fun, light fluff. I love me some good fluff television. I have not watched much on the USA Network since.
  21. I am guessing Jeremy spends more time deciding what to wear than actually working on sermons or counseling. Who has time for doing their job when they have to pick out the perfect pocket square for their outfit?
  22. Axe throwing seems to be a trend, along the lines of the places that allow people to destroy random junk. I have seen them popping up all over. I believe some of the Real Housewives franchises have done it. Now that is a crossover I would love to see.
  23. Jill really needs to use whoever is photographing Jana for her social media clothing shills. No sad, squinting in the sun pictures for Jana.
  24. I do not mind long hair if it looks like the person takes care of it and it looks healthy. Jill could still have long hair and take a good 12 inches off. Maybe get it cut in an actual style. Some of the Bates girls have longer hair. Their hair looks much more modern and well kept. The Duggar ladies all have scraggly hair (yup, I am including Jinger). I think Jana may have the best hair of the Duggars, but that is a pretty low bar.
  25. Yes Jeremy, we get it. You like books. You know what? So do I. I just do not feel the need to post a ton of pictures dedicated to it. Go stare at yourself in a mirror or something. My new drinking game is to drink every time Jeremy posts something about books.
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