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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. This. I am actually indifferent to both Leo and Dominic. They are just there for me. I am not interested in April's love life. I am just not invested in it. Maybe somewhere down the line I would be if someone totally new that I actually liked was in the picture, but I find April's relationships with her family and Beth far more interesting than her with her various love interests. I do not find either Leo or Dominic to be the worst, but I kind of wish neither was actually around. I find there is plenty of story for April that does not have to be with her and the guy she is with, at least at this time.
  2. I agree. I hate how Zoila talks about Gage. He has been in Jeff's life for six years, so I would think most people would grow up and deal with it, but Zoila still makes petty comments. Also, how Zoila was not a fan of Lupe, who I think Jeff thought did a better job than Zoila. Zoila is almost like a child with how threatened and petty she is when someone new or major (like a boyfriend) comes into Jeff's life. Was it last season or so when Zoila got all mad when Gage gave Zoila's teasing back to her? She can dish it, but cannot take it. Like you said Jeff and Jenny have grown and changed a lot since the start of this series. It is almost like Zoila has regressed or got more bitter as she has aged.
  3. I get Heather being upset about a random guy sleeping in the room next to theirs without knowing, but if I heard the ladies blaring music and bringing guys back to the house, I would have probably shut/lock the door between what was Bethenny's room and the bathroom just to shut out a bit of the noise and to possibly stop drunken shenanigans from entering their room. I would also think if there was an empty room available that it possibly might be used by one of the ladies for their sexy times, especially if they did bring guys back to the house. I do think Heather's reaction was way over the top. I do not think Heather needed an explanation on what happened that very second, since it seemed pretty obvious with the exception of knowing who let naked man sleep in the room near them. I feel like she could have harnessed her outrage and when the other ladies surfaced asked what happened and to request that they send their men home or stay with them. The way Heather (Carole seemed half-heartedly along for the ride) reacted to the whole situation is what I did not like. Then again, I am not much of a Heather fan. Also Heather, I think there is a difference between Dorinda drunkenly going off on her about cursing, and Dorinda going in on Kristen about grinding-gate.
  4. My thoughts from the snippet we saw of the conversation I thought that Meghan was saying that it could soon be her step-daughter grieving her mother. I did not think it was insensitive from that small clip, but next week I will probably be eating my words. I also, did not mind Meghan's "Hang in there" comment to Vicki, mainly because she hasn't known Vicki long and sometimes people do not know what to say to someone going through something horrible. This so much. They both need to get over their petty disagreement, which I think they were both at fault for, and move on. The silly jabs at each other while saying they are going to move forward make them both look worse.
  5. In Doctor Who, I liked Nine, Ten, and Eleven equally for different reasons. Also, the only companion I did not like was the beloved Amy Pond. So I figured I would like Twelve, since I have enjoyed Peter Capaldi in other shows and liked the previous NuWho Doctors. Nope, I think Twelve is an ass. I want him to regenerate so badly.
  6. This so many times. I always thought her character was a bitch as well. I could tolerate it more when she and Brittany were background characters with a line here and there, but when TPTB made them a bigger part of the show. I hated her. I will add that I also hated Brittany. She is a character where less is more. I really did not ship Brittany with anyone, because they made me question how the character functioned on a day to day basis by making her so stupid.
  7. Amy Pond and River Song from Doctor Who. I usually keep my mouth shut about disliking these two characters, because I always felt I should love them, because so many people do. I never liked Amy. I hated her introduction and the way she treated Rory (Though Rory was kind of a doormat). River Song always came off as smug and a know it all to me. I liked the actresses, just hated the characters.
  8. Felicity from Arrow. I liked her initially, but the strong love for her and how everything she does is awesome made me dislike her. Also, I could care less about Olicity. For me less is more with Felicity. To be fair I am not a Laurel fan either.
  9. I thought Teen Beach 2 was fine. I enjoyed it better than most DCOM's and I enjoy the cast. I do think playing the movie so many times over the weekend might cut down on ratings a bit. I am not to sure if I really want to watch The Descendants. I do like Dove Cameron better than most Disney channel actors (No one annoys me more on Disney than Debbie Ryan), but then again I am a very sporadic watcher of Liv and Maddie . I am just not too sure about the movie.
  10. I will echo the Pete Campbell love. I liked on Mad Men that all the characters were flawed. No one was really much worse than the others. I wish Vincent K. got more recognition for his portrayal of Pete. I like Clara from Doctor Who. I wasn't a fan of her storyline for series 8, but I like her. I also like that she has a life/career outside of the Doctor, and that she traveled with him on certain days. Another is Riley from Girl Meets World. On paper I would have thought I would prefer Maya, because I liked Shawn so much in the original, but I prefer Riley. Can I throw in some reality show people? I liked Kandi, Heather Dubrow, and Bethenny from Real Housewives of Atlanta, OC, and New York. I do not love everything they say or do, but for some reason I prefer them to their castmates.
  11. This. I also really liked Poldark 2015. I watched during the UK run so there wasn't a whole lot of action in the forums then. I agree it is like GoT, which I have read the books, but I like that the show changes it up. I guess I wasn't really attached to the books that much. I get sick of the complaining also.
  12. So with the new format any tap, ballroom, and ballet dancer that make it onto the stage (or the one tapper or street salsa dancers that auditioned for the street side) will never do any dances in they wheelhouse? The stage side are just going to do contemporary and jazz during the regular shows (I forgot what the street side is doing)? Have no spoilers come out about the top 20 yet?
  13. I laughed so hard at the goofy dancing at the end. My personal favorite was the scene where Will Ferrell was driving the boat at the end. Really, the last 20 to 30 minutes had me in tears. The boat driving, the standing in the middle of the road, jumping off the bridge, Kristen showing up, and the ridiculous dancing with Kristen using the wooden spoon as a microphone. So much fun.
  14. I am so glad I found someone else who likes Jost and Che. I enjoy them both and never saw whatever "animosity" that some people see. I liked their chemistry. They seem to be having a good time. One SNL UO that I have is that I still have not warmed up to Cecily Strong. I do not love any of her characters, especially Girl at a Party. A really big SNL UO is that I do not mind Kristen Wiig. I like some of her characters and don't like others. I really like Gilly, Dooneese, and The Californians (I enjoy everyone in The Californians). An Empire UO is that I lost interest halfway through the first season, and I was over Cookie long before that.
  15. I am dreading the breakdown on team stage. I can see it now with seven or eight contemporary or jazz dancers with the remaining two to three spots going to either one ballroom, ballet, or tap dancer. It will probably help me decide whether to stick around for the whole season or not.
  16. I really liked the whole West Wing cast except for Donna. I was fine with her being an annoying side character, but when she got her own storylines I really became irritated with her. I forgot what they said her educational background was, but she ended up the first lady's chief of staff. Seriously? That would be like watching Bonnie, Ginger, Carol, or Margaret as the first lady's chief of staff. Though, I would have rather watched that. Some of my hatred right be because I always disliked the Josh/Donna pairing. I preferred Josh with Amy or Joey.
  17. Sigh, of course Kristen has a nail polish called "I'm Pretty".
  18. I think blowing it out of proportion is probably the culprit. I hate the idea of anyone faking cancer, especially to garner sympathy. I keep thinking back to Kim of RHoA not!cancer scare. It was a strange, garbled story. As for Shannon.....sigh....I really do not see her moving past David's affair, just judging from her personality. If the marriage is going to work, obviously David has to stop the affair, but Shannon is going to have to forgive and move forward. I can just see her holding it over David's head, which she has every right to do, but not if she wants a good marriage. David seemed very unhappy last season and while I do think they might have gotten back on track for a bit, (though who knows David might have been happier because of who he was having an affair with) unless some major changes are made I do not see them being in a happy marriage. I do think they have love for each other, but overall be happier apart. It sounds like they have tried a lot to fix it, but it is possible that nothing besides going their separate ways will work.
  19. I must have missed her grabbing North's hand. I thought she just grabbed North's seat to hang on to, since she did not have a seatbelt on. I have to admit not paying attention that well during the episode.
  20. Somehow, I forgot that they were just separated. When I heard that they were getting a divorce I thought aren't the already divorced? Obviously not. Is Matt living in a house on the property? I forgot where they mentioned he was living, but I thought it was nearby. I can imagine both Amy and Matt being bitter when the other starts dating.
  21. The interview went as I thought it would. I never expected Jill and Jessa to speak out against their family. I never thought they would say anything different than Jim Bob and Michelle. If they forgave Josh and he had to earn back their trust that is fine. They should feel however they want to feel about it all, and not let Jim Bob, Michelle, or the public tell them how they think they should feel.
  22. I liked the reasoning behind doing the gifts for Valentine's Day. I think Kelly said that the kids get so many gifts from the rest of the family and friends at Christmastime that they would do the immediate family gifts on a different holiday and chose Valentine's Day. I know my nieces and nephew get tons of gift during Christmas, so I could see her point of waiting to do family gifts. I also liked that Gil's gift was jeans, and that the kids mocked the jeans he currently wears. Years ago my mom and I finally got my dad to change from his old man jeans to some a bit more modern. I thought it was amusing that at the baby shower that Gil was on Jeb watch. Jeb looks like he can be a handful, but I think he is adorable. I do not even like kids with a few minor exceptions.
  23. I am not a fan of Amy Schumer. I feel like I should be because I agree with a lot of her views, but something about her just rubs me the wrong way. Another UO is that I do not ship Jake and Amy on Brooklyn Nine Nine. I like both of the characters and like them as friends, but together not so much. A hugely UO is that I like Bethenny Frankel and Heather Dubrow on Real Housewives of New York and Orange County. I do not like everything they do or say, but I like them more than most of their castmates.
  24. I would have even taken a throwaway line when Kim was on the phone to Kanye that North and her were fine or that she is just glad North is okay, because it looked like she was oblivious that North was even there. I am 30 years old and when I visit my mom and in the passenger seat, if she stops short she always reaches out to shield me. It is like a reflex. I do tease her about it, so I was a bit surprised that during the accident she did not reach out to North or even just say something reassuring to North. I do think some middle seats do have seat belts. Though if the conditions were not that great Kim should have moved herself to a seat that has a seatbelt. I find it funny that the viewers do not really see much of North except when she was filming Kanye's music video.
  25. I know the guy wasn't a good dancer and I forgot his name, but I hated Paula and Jason laughing about his outfit, with Nigel eventually joining in. It just felt so mean spirited.
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