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Everything posted by roseha

  1. A lot of interesting suggestions, just to throw out a few thoughts.... As mentioned, the show is still very new and I'm sure it will tighten up as time goes on. Maybe Stephen could have gotten a remote interview with the Pope if there had been more time, but I imagine that would have to have been arranged far in advance. I'm sure that we will see Stephen hosting friends like Jon Stewart and Amy Sedaris, and long time "Friends of the Show" like Neil DeGrasse Tyson. I wonder if he could eventually slip in an occasional author - of course he had Stephen King on but I mean one who isn't a household name. I often used to enjoy those guests on the Report. As far as actors go, he doesn't generally appear on late night, but I would just love to see Vincent D'Onofrio, he lives in New York, he loves to improvise and of course Stephen made an appearance in Law and Order CI so they have even worked together. I 'd love to see them do a skit! I hope that eventually there will be more remote pieces. The "Apocalypse Dow" video Stephen made over the summer was one of the funniest things I can remember ever seeing. I'd love more like that. I know some fans are wondering when Stephen is going to show the "who am me?" clips, and I am as well. I have thought it would be great to have more musical guests playing along with Jon and Stay Human. I also hope there will be more indie type music since it seems Stephen brought a lot of musical variety on the Report, I have a feeling that will come.
  2. I checked over at Titantv.com and METV is indeed showing The Odd Couple at 10 PM Eastern Sundays the next two weeks, so hopefully it stays on for awhile. I see that The Fugitive and Mission Impossible just popped up on Decades, as well as an episode of Perry Mason. I was wondering when they were going to show Perry, since it was on CBS all those years.
  3. Now that MeTV seems to be playing everywhere, I am really wondering why they program dramatic shows during the day, and blocks of sitcoms at night? I really don't understand that thinking at all. I'd love to watch Perry Mason in prime time, but no such luck.
  4. The desk setup doesn't bother me either. And I like the suits. I was wondering if he'd stay with Brooks Brothers and I guess he did.
  5. I couldn't agree more with what you just wrote. That interview really moved me. And Stephen and Mr. Biden have a great rapport as well.
  6. I liked the second segment with Scarlett Johansson when she and Stephen asked the "deep" questions lying on the blanket. Following the skit Clooney did last night, it makes sense that Stephen would give actors at least a brief opportunity to act. He and Scarlett were funny in that scene I thought. "Would you rather have hands for feet or feet for hands?" Ha. I liked the "rules" sketch also, especially the one about music being sold In Starbucks. I do agree the Tesla guy didn't seem to be going along with the fun, though his alternative energy plans are admirable of course. However, it seemed like they were getting into the swing of pacing the show as far as I can tell, Stephen must be relieved to be through the premiere night, especially after the computer crash at CBS! I think Biden will be fine. I remember a fun appearance he made on TCR when I think they served hot dogs or something to the audience (maybe they were service members?)
  7. That was Stephen's photo from the cover of Time. I think some people aren't recognizing him because it looks so serious and he doesn't have his glasses on. I would guess the photographers don't like dealing with the reflections the glasses would likely cause.
  8. I just watched the part I missed last night, Jeb Bush and the beginning of the great ending musical number, which I re-watched to the end (great to see that Buddy Guy was there). I thought the show was really enjoyable. I would think the issue they need to address is mainly not having to edit so much material out, if they went down from 2 hours to an hour less commercials (and there were a ridiculous number!) that's a big difference. I'm sure that they will figure that out sooner rather than later though. I watched the clip where Stephen asked Bush about gun control and totally agree that I would love to have seen that included, it's an issue that so needs to be addressed and it was so obvious that Jeb was being totally evasive in his reply. Still, in the part that made it to air, it's clear that Stephen can retain his genuine niceness and yet give a dopey politician plenty of rope to hang himself. I didn't mind the Clooney interview per se, I kind of liked that Stephen gave Clooney a skit to do by himself since he graciously came on with nothing to plug. It seemed like a nice gesture. The band is fabulous, I am so glad Stephen found Jon Batiste. I loved the looniness of the ever expanding Trump Oreos skit, and it wasn't all silly, how often does a late night host on the first night make two references to racism? I don't think Stephen will lose his edge, it may just become more subtle. I would enjoy seeing more of the filmed pieces he put online over the summer, but I have a feeling that will come. Maybe I'm the only one, but I'm fine with Stephen being his own announcer. It's kind of a funny role reversal. And I love the tilt-shift New York opening too!
  9. Actually, I think The Prisoner only ran for maybe 13 episodes, or something like that, it was a very limited run series. There was a lot of speculation, by the way, that "Number 6" who had resigned (McGoohan) was intended to be John Drake ( of Secret Agent) though McGoohan wasn't legally allowed to say so (some people claimed you could see someone mouthing the name "Drake" in the opening). I don't remember a marathon of it per se but since it was a late 60s British show maybe on PBS channels? There were until recently, and maybe still are, holiday weekend marathons of shows like The Odd Couple (WPIX Channel 11 in New York, more recently Channel 55, WLNY here) and a lot of Law and Order marathons, though I think those were on TNT. This was before the endless routine marathon of certain shows that seems to go on on networks like TVLand today.
  10. I love coffee I can't manage without one large mug of coffee a day. I can manage with just the one, but I have to have that one in the morning. I just have milk in it, though. I do like seltzer a lot, that's the only soda I have. I had Daisani in an airport once and thought it had the worst taste ever!
  11. I agree, and I am also looking forward to the show settling in to the point where we will see people like Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Amy Sedaris coming on.
  12. I found Death in Paradise on WLIW in the Long Island New York area (Channel 21 over the air). It's a very charming show. However they are currently re-running older episodes with the original cast, so it's possible they are being shown out of order here. The current British detective, Humphrey Goodman, arrives later, I think in Season 3. I think it's on Netflix as well. By the way, speaking of quirky, there is the brilliant Canadian sitcom Corner Gas, set in "Dog River" in Saskatchewan, which I mention mainly because as far as I know no TV channel shows it in the US though I think you can get the DVDs from Netflix (or Amazon.ca). I discovered it while visiting Newfoundland. It ended a few years ago but they made a follow up movie recently. It's worth searching out, the small-town humor is somehow understated yet hilarious. I had the advantage of discovering it mainly via buying the DVDs and thus watching it without commercial breaks which makes it even better. I wish Netflix or Hulu would stream it but no such luck.
  13. Many people feel Gena Rowlands is brilliant. I remember James Garner saying "She's never given a bad performance." I'm glad they chose to honor her. It's true she tended to concentrate on working with her late husband John Cassavetes, which maybe kept her under the radar somewhat, but I think it's well deserved.
  14. Alert! If you are a fan of The Fugitive, DECADES is running a "binge" of the show as we speak!
  15. So it looks like I'm not the only one who's getting to hate having an iPhone....I paid upfront for an iPhone 5 (I hate paying through a plan) and now it won't stay charged for a full day, even though I get it up to 100 percent the night before. Sigh. None of my cheaper smartphones had this problem, though some of them used to crash. I may take it to an Apple store to see what they say, I've already learned about closing the apps and turning off location services and push emails and...nothing seems to work. I need a cell everyday in case someone texts me. I hate texting but some people insist on it rather than email. Good luck getting those texts if you lose your phone or it dies!
  16. Thanks Wendy! I loved seeing that scene between Bobby and the victim's mother again just now. "After we left, did you cry?"
  17. CI and the Mothership on ION? Thanks Wendy, now I really have to get the Tivo fixed! ION showing LOCI's "Boots on the Ground" tonight at 10PM Eastern...my favorite of Season 10, especially for the scene in jail between Goren and the mother.
  18. I can't stand any of the Liberty Mutual commercials either, and it's a shame because I loved their previous "I'm only human" campaign (for some reason the air conditioner falling on the car always struck me as particularly funny, it would have been great in a silent comedy, if they'd had air conditioners in the 1920s), but yes, I can't wait for those entitled dimwit characters to get off the TV. And I agree, they shouldn't be allowed to monopolize the Statue of Liberty in the background of every ad. Although, maybe ironically, it brings me to what I think is the most striking commercial on right now - the State Farm that starts with hurricane images Andrew...Rita...Sandy...and showing the flooding around the Statue of Liberty just makes me so sad.
  19. I'm not sure I am reading the Times article correctly, what's happening to me is that I can't order pants through the internet anymore. They are often so large I end up giving them away, since it's not worth the trouble of returning them. I've lost some weight, but not that much! I have a feeling that marked sizes are becoming more "flattering" these days (no offense intended to anyone). I ordered some end of season summer pants today but they were marked way down in price; I won't be out much if these are also too large. I also hate it when pants are way too long, I am of moderate height and had to pay a seamstress $20 per pair to take up two pairs several inches so I wouldn't be walking on the bottom of the pant legs through the streets of New York.
  20. I know, I get really annoyed at Weather Channel too when they turn up the hype machine - named winter storms, Fat Guys in the Woods, Prospectors - but the Atlantic Hurricane season is picking up apparently and there are times I really appreciate their experts. When short-lived Danny was a Hurricane, there was a really interesting short piece where they explained how the hurricane hunter planes use a form of radar to measure the strength and properties of a storm, and the way it used to be done via some kind of wave measurements back around 1900 or so. I don't live - generally - in a hurricane prone area, which is to say I live in New York City and was very lucky to not be affected at all personally by Sandy, though I didn't leave my apartment for several days, I didn't even lose power or my cable (I was the only person in my family so lucky). However, what I wish WC would acknowledge, or at least the Powers that Be at WC would acknowledge, is that in the age of climate change, why should you have to hype anything?
  21. I remember Johnny Carson having his guests mingle most of the time. I never understood why talk shows went away from that tradition. I'd like to see Stephen bring it back at least sometimes. But I do agree he will do everything as his own approach.
  22. I think I mentioned this elsewhere on this board, but I am a huge fan of the Film Photography Podcast. If you have even the slightest interest in film, in photography, in obscure cameras, even (currently) a super 8 revival, they are well worth discovering! They are hosted by Michael Raso accompanied at various times by John Fedele, Leslie Lazenby, Mat Marrash, Mark Dalzell and others. They also feature music that some of them play and Mike and John have just started an offshoot podcast on vinyl records. I'm a long time fan and there are about 6 years of back podcasts to enjoy once you get hooked. I've also been enjoying Stephen Colbert's podcasts leading up to his Late Night show, and have just started listening to America's Test Kitchen on podcast. The interviews are very interesting and the Q and As worth hearing. I don't know if this is a UO or not, but i find Christopher Kimball a hoot.
  23. Websites that insist on my date of birth. No, you are not getting it. I recently bought a Nokia Windows cell phone as a backup after misplacing my iPhone, and Microsoft won't let you download any apps without your date of birth. Tough, Microsoft, I guess I don't want your apps.
  24. Have the regular sharks been re-signed? I hope these people aren't coming in anyone's place, though Lori annoys me. These people sound worse though.
  25. I'm going to jump in here, because Season Four is my favorite. I really think that this is when CI hit its special height of psychological strangeness that really set it apart from the rest of the franchise (or am I stating the obvious?). My very favorite is No Exit, in fact that's my favorite CI episode ever. Nearly every single character that Goren and Eames encounter is guilty of something, all stemming from the suicide of the Edie, whom we never meet. Her boss is guilty of sexually harassing her and covering it up, and expecting his underlings to do so; Carmine refuses to tell the truth and is placed on the suicide train by Skoller, who is externalizing his own overwhelming guilt over the same matter, which G and E find expressed on the website. I've never seen any other show where guilt and its expression are just everywhere, brilliantly summed up in the little scene where Skoller walks away from his computer as all his family photos are being deleted. Even Edie's father makes a statement, standing in the rain, that Goren seems to think he had something to do with his daughter's death. It's as if the ramifications are everywhere like a ripple effect. It's also great to see Carver so involved in the story; I really missed him when CI went on without him. Also, I have to put in a word for The Posthumous Collection, obviously it's a very creepy storyline to say the least (though relieved with some humor, as in the scene where Eames pretends to be a lonely innocent to interest the perp while he's doing portraits, and Goren barges in to annoy him before they show their badges) but ultimately, this is one of few episodes I can think of where we not only get to meet the victim but really get the sense of who he was, which makes Goren's last line about the photographs so sad.
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