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Everything posted by roseha

  1. I've read that raw potatoes can be poisonous so I hope Stephen didn't swallow any/too much of that one. He was sick enough apparently. I never heard of TJ MIller before but that was one weird segment especially the egg part. The taped bit with Jon Batiste teaching piano was charming. I loved that he explained the triangle offense in the middle of it..
  2. I haven't watched the show for a few weeks, as I felt it was getting repetitive (too many Lori deals, mainly) but it's been entertaining reading the advice that the Sharks have been giving in interviews for whoever wins Power Ball. I've seen recommendations from Mark, Kevin and Barbara, all pretty much sensible as you'd expect.
  3. If you win Power Ball you can finance a bunch of Leverage movies. Not that I'm greedy or anything :)
  4. Thanks Wendy! I don't remember if I ever mentioned it here or on TWOP, but I think that The Posthumous Collection was the episode that solidified my love for this show - I started watching it during Season 4 of the original run. I loved that they featured unusual story lines with photographers, architects and the like, and that's about the time when I saw what distinguished CI from the Mothership (along with VDO, KE and company). Yes, that scene with Bobby underground with the plaid shirt is a hoot.
  5. Yes, I agree Wendy, there were good episodes later especially in Season 10, and certainly some great scenes, I keep remembering Bobby addressing the mother in the jail cell in Boots on the Ground (and the multiple-guilty characters aspect of that one also resembles some of the better earlier episodes). I was just thinking in general, though I like In the Wee Small Hours a lot as well. I think Season Four is my favorite though, especially for No Exit.
  6. I realize I probably shouldn't make too much out of logic in such a wacky sitcom, but now that LAFF is showing both early and later season episodes, I've noticed that early on Dan is referred to as an "Assistant District Attorney" and later as a "District Attorney". Did he get a promotion? And if so why was he still stuck in Night Court? anyone remember? I know, asking for logic from a show that featured a Wiley Coyote appearance..but just curious. I did notice, though that Dan was already showing signs of lecherousness after a few eps of Season One. Nothing like later, of course.
  7. To me Vacancy was the last great episode of this series. Well, the last great Goren/Eames episode, but I think I'm safe saying it's the same thing. It was small-scale and understated, but it was so powerful. And there wasn't a false note from anyone involved. Even the strange way the perp gets Eames to freak out over the memory of an alcoholic family member and Carver's anger at her for sympathizing with the other suspect are unexpected twists. There's also the real/reel irony of the actor telling Bobby he can't explain acting to him/VDO. It also has a perfect last line from Goren: "This search for the truth, it's not for the faint-hearted."
  8. The Warlock - complete with spontaneous audience chant - was my favorite bit as well. Just loved the Christie line. I also loved Stephen trying to manipulate his way around the dry ice. Somehow it made the bit even funnier.
  9. I kind of think that Lassie as played by Tim Omundson in Psych belongs here. In the early episodes he's not portrayed very sympathetically, even though he's the only character other than Gus and Henry who's clearly on to Shawn's pretense. However as the episodes go on he becomes a lot more mature and sympathetic, especially in his concern for Juliet. I suspect the show's creators knew how good Tim was and didn't want to waste him in a two dimensional role.
  10. He announced it in the intro on Thursday. The idea is that it was a dry run for the live show they will be doing after the Super Bowl. Of course, who knows what time that show will actually start.
  11. I also absolutely loved the segment with Sarah Parcak. I had never heard of her work, and that someone could use modern technology of that sort to uncover ancient ruins is just mind blowing. It was impressive that Stephen got through a live show with so few flubs, but it was funny that he twice held her cards with the reveal photos the wrong way and she promptly took them and fixed them while he was holding them. They both seemed to be having a good laugh over that.
  12. I hope this means CBS will advertise the show more often. I never know for sure if it's on or pre-empted on a given week, since I mainly see ads for their various sitcoms on Thursday night. I only saw one ad late on Wednesday night this week.
  13. Oh, great Wendy, the reason I wasn't sure is that CBS has that "All Access" pay site rather than putting their shows on Hulu, for example, so it's good to know you can get Elementary, for example,on Amazon. It's not like they advertise it much, I barely saw the one promo with Kathryn in it. I won't spoil anything, but she is in the whole episode.
  14. I've seen what I think must be the other version, the French film Olivier, Olivier, at a film festival. I didn't remember reading at the time that it was based on a true story. It was very creepy as well. I did think about the film last night but chalked it up to coincidence. Sigh.
  15. I have to say that I liked this episode but the very last scene between Sherlock and fake Mina, while a powerful finish, also gave me the creeps. I would rather not see her come back but I have a feeling she will.
  16. You should be able to see it On Demand if you have cable, Wendy. Not sure if it can be bought from iTunes or Amazon, though CBS often streams shows on their website. It was good to see KE again.
  17. Actually I just checked the museum's website (they're now called the Paley Center) and it appears they still let you view the programs, I last went I think around 2007 perhaps and I think there was talk about them putting it all online (that would be a big job!) but it looks like you can still watch on their little TVs, which is fun as you also get to see the old commercials. By the way, by looking at some early to mid 60s show (The Fugitive was another one) I also got the impression that "funny" commercials such as "Ajax - Stronger than Dirt!" began around that time, before that the ads looked pretty serious. Sorry, if that's a little OT :)
  18. I agree, and I was very glad Stephen took the time for an almost entirely serious segment in support of Obama's effort to eliminate gun violence in our country in whatever way he can, given the shameful blockade he faces in Congress. I loved Stephen's rejoinder to Jerry about funny presidents: "Harding wasn't funny" "Yes but he was very corrupt!"
  19. Ha, will have to check VDO's Facebook page again Wendy, thanks I didn't see that. I was surprised when I found how much posting he does on there. Perhaps less surprising, it's quite the love-fest from his fans!
  20. I just saw a promo for tomorrow night's episode of Elementary, and suddenly thought "Is that Kathryn Erbe?" It is, she's in the guest cast, Thursday January 7, 10PM Eastern. I mentioned previously I'd love to see Vincent on that show, even though (or because?) there are a number of parallels with LO:CI, but I really like Elementary in its own right, the cast is great. I don't think Erbe's playing a detective though:) Heh, sorry for the double post. As some one who grew up with the Wizard of Oz book and its sequels, I'm not sure how I feel about weird takeoffs, but Vincent looks fab with that long beard! Kind of Orson Welles-ish.
  21. I just saw a quick promo for this while watching Late Night with Stephen Colbert. It looks like a good one, and fans of Law and Order: CI should note that Kathryn Erbe (Detective Alexandra Eames) is in the guest cast!
  22. Actually, if you can make it to the Museum of Broadcasting in NYC you should be able to see a few black and white New York shows, I remember that I watched a very early one with Soupy Sales right filmed after his classic show in New York (another that was sadly almost all erased) had ended, and I had never seen Johnny and company looking so young. I seem to remember that Skitch Henderson was the bandleader then, and they played about 15 minutes before Johnny entered. Apparently this was normal at the time for some reason. I think someone posted a very early New York Carson show on Youtube also, though I'm not sure it's still there.
  23. I thought the Killer Mike interview was the best one of the night as well. He and Stephen really got into serious talk in a short segment. I liked the Oregon militia men satire as well.
  24. I would love to have Stephen ask the CEO of Yelp how they decide what's a trustworthy review and what isn't. I once gave a very good review to a Manhattan photo lab for making a nice print of an important family photograph on short notice, and Yelp wouldn't print it because they apparently thought it was too positive!
  25. Yes, I can remember some of the shows when Johnny was in New York and I think the atmosphere was a little more edgy then. But as indicated, I think a lot of shows of that type were erased in those pre-VCR, pre-DVR days. I read that one year an entire year's worth of Tonight shows was junked and Carson fired the person who did it.
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