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Winston Wolfe

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Everything posted by Winston Wolfe

  1. Holy shit has she really been playing Britt that long?! Time really does move fast. It took me so long to warm up to Britt, she had become one of my favorites and now KT is moving on. If anyone from the soap world can become a prime-time success, it's Kelly. She has the look and can actually act. I could see her working quite well in a procedural like one of the L&Os or CSIs. In other news, it took one line from Portia to make Portia & Curtis "dead-to-me" in perpetuity. Portia's "Jordan feels some kind of way..." to Curtis. Girl, you're an accomplished, educated Doctor. Are you trying to get your street cred by talking like a Home Girl??? Serious demerits to whatever writer crafted that line. Ugh.
  2. Both Anna and Ava looked very lovely today. I must say, I've no idea who the hooker is, best mystery GH has spun up in quite a while. ITA with posters who've said an effective serial killer would be a good way to cull some dead weight from this bloated cast, but the only fatality we've had so far is Brando. And the hooker doesn't seem to be much more effective than Ryan Chamberlain. Won't miss Diane at all if she expires. The character had run her course quite some time ago, IMO. Although I'll feel a bit sad for Alexis if Diane does die - they had one of the best and longest-lasting friendships on this show since the days of Luke and Robert.
  3. Btw, I didn't mean anything negative about the Actor's weight at all. Regardless of size, wardrobe didn't do her any favors this episode. It might have been nice if Harris and Mark had a discussion about alternatives to alcohol to manage emotions. That could have been written as a bonding moment too.
  4. I noticed it too. Emma Kenney has always been a bit "plush," but the added pounds are noticeable - plus, she bears more than a passing resemblance to Roseanne now. At least one female cast member should, ideally. It's funny when it's clearly a joke. This version it always seems much more mean-spirited than in the old show. Yeah - and it stopped being funny a while ago. Some of Darlene's and Ben's comments to Jackie were downright hurtful; Jackie seemed to play along just to soften the impact. Also, it wasn't like Neville was that supportive of Jackie either. In the original series, Darlene and Becky had some semblance of respect for their Aunt. Ironically, in her prime Jackie was far and away the most attractive of the clan.
  5. And he asked if Sonny was a Priest. Nope, not at all Ghost Mike Stand in. But a lot of folks can call Sonny "Father."
  6. Yeah, I had such high hopes for Curtis. Now he's become a charter member of Bill Mahr's "Whiny Little Bitch" Club. He really did look pervy, staring at Joss from behind and lowering his sunglasses. Gross. And totally conspicuous. Stand out a little more dude?
  7. Interesting - I was just wondering myself earlier today if this character is redeemable. Given the current arc it doesn't look that way. Portia isn't exactly a prize either. So boring, no spark. Monica Q back in the day at least held your interest. Portia is like watching paint dry. Came back to add: it's so annoying that Sonny and company can constantly tell police working an active case when they can and can't interview witnesses who have "other concerns." seems like it's happening every damn day now.
  8. Probably dehydrated, poor thing. I swear, they do this stuff just to give us something to mock.
  9. Probably a temp that Frank saw in the parking lot. Or was previously employed on AMC or OLTL maybe?
  10. I always wonder if that is the writers or the actors... if LW says it that way out of habit, they may not bother to redo it. Probably the writers AND the actors. Cyrus Renault, impotent annoyance that he was, had an impeccable sense of grammar and would quote literary greats like Mark Twain. I always fancied those traits started with the Actor (Jeff Korber, who seems very erudite IRL), the writers picked that up and ran with it.
  11. Co-sign. I'll add Drew/Carly to the mix here. All these S/Ls have more than a little bit of paternalistic/controlling/man-splaining going on. If Liz wasn't going mad on her own Finn's relentless stalking was going to give her a nervous breakdown. Good Grief, every time she turned around, Finn was in her face. I used to think Brando was mostly cool, but the way he kind of maneuvered Sasha into the guardianship thing was not totally cool. Finally, Drew knowing what Carly needed better than she does and how much recovery "me" time she needs. And for the first time in eons Carly was absolutely right. Curtis was King, calling Drew out on his self-serving bullshit.
  12. Will Smith style? Sorry, just couldn't help it. And could Joss and crew take longer to call 9-1-1? It was like they were actually waiting for Ava to bleed out.
  13. Although she's been much better lately, it seems the only time Sam isn't pissy is when she's in scenes with Dante. Removed from Jason's orbit she's become 100% more tolerable these days. On another note, Anna's physical bullying of Lucy is starting to concern me. It almost seems like Anna has some kind of deep-rooted, pre-existing dislike for her. Anna is usually so mannered and cultured, she doesn't get physical with others unless totally necessary.
  14. You guys sure are sharp! I only half-watch GH most of the time, so the handed-ness of the Left Hooker escaped me. Theoretically, it should make the prep easier to find since we port-siders make up only 10% of the population. But the PCPD will still find a way to screw that up too, lol. Very nice catch about NLG/Alexis, mbluecpa! A very attentive viewer you are! As an aside, do any of my fellow lefties out there find it amusing when someone comments on our dominant hand whenever we engage in a mundane activity like writing?
  15. Remember NC's first episode when he was clearly nervous and a lot of us wondered if he had the goods? Well, he's come a long way since then. Not sure how Ava will survive the fish hooking (one of the writers must have seen "I know What You Did Last Summer" recently) but they better not kill my girl. In other news, Mr. Sheffield is really starting to alternately bore/annoy me these days.
  16. On the one hand I hate it because of Taggert. On the other hand, I want to see Curtis's world blow up in his face when he finds out the truth since he was so uppity about Jordan keeping secrets from him and divorced her because he couldn't take the lies. Fuck him. For once I'm totally confused. How can Curtis and Portia know each other long enough for him to be Trina's daddy???? Damn. If true that really sucks. As I mentioned before, the Trina actress resembles a younger version of my Mother and I've become kind of attached to her. Leave it to these terrible (said in a Charles Barkley voice) writers to mess with a teenagers' backstory.
  17. "Linda" does a poor job with the accent. The other woman does a bettah job. I'm not Italian but grew up in Brooklyn. I find those commercials SO offensive and stereotypical. And on a shallow note, Molly is aging horribly. Don't watch those spots on a big screen HD television, you may have trouble sleeping at night.
  18. Interesting. Who's BA's wife? If she's a teacher, there's probably not enough income to support a quasi-Hollywood lifestyle, which is likely why we're stuck with Jar-Jar Binks.
  19. Also, as others have pointed out, JJ looked like Luke and Laura's son. The writers knew it too. I remember Skye telling Luke that GV's Lucky "doesn't favor you at all." ITA agree, particularly about Burr/Mason, that's why the HBO reboot was so odious IMO. However, one of the good things the GH writers are doing these days is cast integration, we're seeing more characters that don't normally interact in scenes together, like Ava and Willow or Sam and Maxie today. It's a good thing. The general consensus is that JJ isn't ever coming back, which is tragic. And it requires such suspension of disbelief for us fans. Sister in a coma? No Lucky. Dad dies? Lucky's nowhere to be seen at the Funeral. A creative writing team would have brought the character back - even with a different actor - as the new head of the WSB and have him take on Victor. That would honor his parents' love of adventure. Sadly, that ain't the show we got, folks.
  20. One of the best things about GH is the occasional use of the word "parapet." It's a really nifty noun, IMO. Esme is SO going to turn up alive....probably just in time to object to Trina and Spencer getting married. C'mon, we were all thinking it, I'm just the first to say it.
  21. Agreed. We haven't seen the "Lady Mobster" side of Ava in so long, I'd forgotten that she can be seriously deadly. If Esme has the sense God gave a can of Lima Beans (TM Scotty Baldwin), she should be very, very afraid. Best Friday cliffhanger in quite some time.
  22. Thanks so much, DUBBLE ZOUT! Whatever Victor's Big Bad Master Plan is, I just wish he'd get on with it. As Helena would say, he's quite tedious at this point. And thanks for that STATSGIRL. I had missed it entirely. Now everything makes more sense. Also, did anyone else notice that during her odd, outdoors call to the WSB that Anna mentioned a "Director Roberts?" Does that mean Frisco is no longer the head of the WSB? If so, no great loss. Other than to pop up and menace Britta back in the day when she and Maxie didn't get along, I really don't remember anything else about Frisco as WSB Director.
  23. Did Victor actually poison Laura, though? I was only half-watching Friday and saw him put something in her iced tea. If so, I've gone from indifference to hate with him, and sad that neither Luke nor Sean Donnelley is around to make him go "bye-bye" forever.
  24. I'm a relative newcomer to B&B, and don't really know much about Donna, but she reminds me of one of those personality-less middle-aged women that don't seem to feel that they have much going for them except their bodies. Quite sad actually.
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