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Winston Wolfe

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Everything posted by Winston Wolfe

  1. With one swing of her Mighty Plunger, Laura Collins showed all would-be law enforcers in Port Chuckles how it's done. Batter Up!
  2. Other than Katherine and perhaps Danny and Sophie all these characters ever do is make bad decisions. Really Maggie? You go to confront a potentially dangerous stalker accompanied by an immature man-child with anger issues and virtually NO impulse control? Wow, and I thought Mr. Magoo was lucky.
  3. The basic problem with the Carly Corinthos character is that there's no one to push back at her. Even Luke's thinly-veiled contempt for her waned after time (anyone remember SJB's Carly once asking him, "Why do you hate me Uncle Luke?" Can you imagine this iteration of Carly EVER having to say that to anyone?). And with Brenda off the canvass (hopefully not forever) there's absolutely no one around to call Carly out for the wretched Harpy that she is. Makes for a very boring, one-note cardboard cut-out.
  4. KT/Britt won me over quite some time ago and I wonder who they will pair her with next. Austin is a bad fit and I'd rather see her with Dante all things being equal.
  5. I was distracted during watching and didn't hear that. What did Valentin say exactly? I know there was something about a her singing like the Q's dog or something?
  6. Well, since GH is a Disney property, maybe Thor Odinson could show up and, um, "go for the head" with Stormbreaker?
  7. In the GH that exists only in my head, Curtis's daddy is a Mob Leviathan and takes Mooby apart piece-by-piece like a Lego toy. Hmm. Now that you've posed the question, why exactly is Sonny considered "the most feared Don on the East Coast?" He hasn't earned anything. Sonny got his original territory when Luke killed Frank Smith. It wasn't like he really took anything. And now he gets the Novak territory because Curtis's daddy beat Joey Novak to a pulp and stupid Joey thinks Sonny had something to do with it. Sonny is a Punk and nothing without St. Jasus.
  8. Do you you mean GH as a whole or the actors' bad behavior? Or both?
  9. If Peter somehow gets past Jasus, his next bout should be with Dr. Doom or Thanos for the Super-Villain Championship of the World. I too am tired of Gladys. GH needs better shit stirrers than this.
  10. It almost seems as if LD's running out of material to mine. Lots of toilet humor over the last two seasons and most of it wasn't funny. I too found the abortion bit very distasteful, particularly given JG's physical similarity to Harvey Weinstein (yes, I know the relationship between Jeff Greene and the Hygienist was consensual, but it still seemed icky to me). Yeah, it's point he's driven into the ground and it's getting tired. All his gazillions means he gets any woman he wants, ranging from the dry cleaning lady, to Elizabeth Banks, to Lucy Liu, who didn't put up with his shit very long. LD has made it clear how he feels about the opposite sex. He didn't even blink when Jeff said he knocked up the Hygienist. All seems very skeezy and I'm hoping that's not who Larry truly is.
  11. True dat. It was such a nice, realistic brother-and-sister moment with the kindly teasing and mutual caring. Amazingly well-written for this Soap and well-acted as well.
  12. It's been a very, very long time since we've actually seen Gary working. Other than Eddie (for obvious reasons) we see most of the core characters at work fairly often. Gary doesn't even talk about having a job.
  13. Gary is a little boy in a man's body. No impulse control, can't stop making jokes, and doesn't know when to leave things alone. Sophie was dead serious about her not wanting to see him again, and Gary won't pay any attention to that either. Such a shame, Sophie is one of the more likeable characters on this show and she gets crapped on constantly. No friends that we know of, and has to put up with a mostly insane bunch of adults to boot.
  14. Today was the date it became official. The GH writers are trolling we Primetimers so hard they're probably in pain. Since Sonny's been back we've heard the exclamation NINE MONTHS! every half hour. But it all came to a head today when the SLS mentioned "flying barware" twice in the same half-hour. I'm almost willing to bet there's a GH Writer on this Board masquerading as a Poster. C'mon - fess up - who is it????
  15. Even though TIIC have made us all sick of Peter, I've got to admit they've kept us all guessing if or when he's ever going away. I too think Drew is playing him, and if anyone is ever going to put an end to Heinrik it will either be Drew or Lisel. I'd really hate it if JaBorg throws on his cape and finally ends Peter, hope that it's not inevitable.
  16. Daisy my sister! I'm sure you look awesome, short hair or long hair. There's a sister with short hair that does a lot of commercials these days and she looks adorable. Btw, I love your posts so much, some of them are absolutely hilarious!!! You should do stand-up.
  17. I also was confused by this for a very long time, but we see him drinking on many occasions so I guess his addiction didn’t involve alcohol. Drugs I guess? IIRC there was at least one or more conversations between Curtis and Jordan about him being a former addict. But the context seemed to be drugs and not alcohol. The gentleman in the Pork Pie hat is SO Curtis's father. I suspected it a couple of days ago, but today's episode pretty much nailed it.
  18. Nah, I have the subs for the show. John asked whether she was on Earth when the Larry King interview happened. Kara answered that she was not, she was in her pod, but she watched the whole thing. Or either the screenwriters meaning got lost in translation. Either way... a sin in my book. The way she "quick answered" that question was rather odd. If it were anyone but our Kara a suspicious person might think she landed on Earth much earlier than previously stated.
  19. It wouldn't have created the required drama. But the saddest thing about Supergirl is that the show runners took the Martian Manhunter - "the most powerful being on the Planet" according to Superman - and consistently nerfed him, making the character pretty much useless most of the time, other than being a Father Figure to the Scooby Gang.
  20. The last two episodes have been filled with lots of soapy goodness. Me likey. In other news, Peter August tops Lex Luthor and Magneto as the world's most dangerous Super Villain. Kudos to the poster who noted what a big kick KT seems to get out of Kin Shriner. Her whole face literally lights up when he goes on a riff and it's very nice to see.
  21. Poor Nina has gone from unbalanced to truly deranged. Now that she sees who Sonny really is, she still wants him???? Nina, Mike was just a brain damaged mirage, you're dealing with the real Sonny now. In what world is this foul-tempered, ill-mannered, mumbling m***** preferable to Jax or even Valentin? So sad it's hilarious. And kudos to folks that pointed out Sam should fit into the Greece S/L since she is a true Cassadine (although she never owns it). But the character is so odious we've got to grin a bear it, I guess. Loved Robert F! Scorpio back to being awesome "send the right man and you get results." Flove it! Where's the Axel Foley music from 1984, lol?
  22. @BYANOSE - Nice that you offered an apology, but I personally don't think anyone has to be contrite about having an opinion, as long as they're polite and don't offend fellow posters. Otherwise, we're all going to be walking on eggshells and there will be absolutely no fun to be had here.... In other news, I agree with the poster who thinks Phyllis may be moving to PC. Maybe once she sees who "Mike" actually is, Phyllis may serve as his missing conscious and be the one who actually makes Sonny accountable for being so odious.
  23. Besides Franco, Britt is one of the few "bad" characters these writers have actually been successful in redeeming. she's gone from a character I had very little use for to someone really worth pulling for. If Chase doesn't wind-up with BLQ (which seems very likely now), I'd like to see him with Britt, she deserves a decent guy who would make her happy.
  24. Yes!!!! GH's golden era!!!! Grant Andrews and Grant Putnam. Remember Anna being held hostage by Fake!Grant's dog Satan? He couldn't handle Original Recipe Anna on his own and needed canine help.
  25. I'm all for a LuLu recast. But - this one needs to be truly AWESOME, like the daughter of L&L should be. Otherwise, TPTB really shouldn't bother.
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