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Everything posted by Gharlane

  1. But the important thing is, were you doing magic 'shrums? 😃 I thought they meant something like The Jetsons.
  2. Watching Tom and Tom with the man who reminded me of Ted Cruz (was he a potential investor or their construction supervisor?) stumble over the details they should have worked out long ago was most telling. BTW, why did Raquel recommend James go to AA meetings? Hasn't he been doing that for awhile already?
  3. This week, on the Real Housewives of WeHo... If the two Toms think getting wasted on mushroom tea is "brainstorming", their business is doomed as doomed can be! Oh, look! It's a Botched crossover! I couldn't care less about them thwoing a party for that picky eater drama queen.
  4. I'm watching the "extended footage" version and they've showed nothing new very interesting or memorable.🤷‍♂️
  5. It became played out with Blair Witch Project.
  6. Superman 1.1: Jesus Saves But Mostly He Saves Lois Lane | Superheroes Every Day
  7. Thanks to those Progressive commercials, I keep expecting the adult life coach to force them to throw that "Live, Laugh, Love" sign in a garbage can.
  8. Eternals 92.1: The Adventures of Fancy People | Superheroes Every Day
  9. I kept getting a sense of deja vu while watching, for some reason. It's always fun to see Stewie and Brian acting like a baby and a dog, respectively.
  10. Some kooks think the former gets absorbed by your skin and causes Alzheimer's and people claim the latter irritates sensitive skin.
  11. I saw the listing for a new ep of Paranormal: Caught on Camera last night and decided not to watch when I saw one of the clips was a small dinosaur passing thru a woman in Florida's back yard. That was explained as a dog running thru the yard in front of a cheap video camera last month on The Proof is Out There (I think). 🙄
  12. Why do the Toms continue to sexually flirt with sexy businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks? 🤔
  13. There is no fucking way the Toms' new restaurant/bar is going to happen. I am beyond tired of hearing about Brock, especially from LaLa. I thought James was a;ready attending AA meetings? Was this poker game a sneaky way to help fund Sandy Schwartz? Hey, it's the gardener from Desperate Housewives! ETA: Schemer and Brock will be on WWHL!
  14. I'm watching the "extended footage" version and they showed Raquel explaining why she never won a beauty pageant (she flunked the oral part); Successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks pretending to not understand Schwartz making a "schwing!" gesture , then being asked to be the surrogate; and Schwartz telling Randal he didn't get the loan before telling Katie.
  15. "Eternals" Signals The End Of Marvel As We Knew It
  16. So, Supergirl gives a speech about how she had to quit her job at CatCo because the current menace is so awful they can't be distracted by anything, but 37 seconds later her stupid sister distracts them by saying she's going to propose to Kelly and they all decide to drop everything they're doing for that? 🙄
  17. I've seen the whole commercial in the past, but now I only see the first seven seconds of this one before it cuts to another one.
  18. For some reason, I only see the first few seconds of it, so all I see is them exchanging greetings and handing her flowers.
  19. Scoobie Douche apparently did a series of investigations on serial killers, but I don't think snooping around where they used to live at night is how you do it.
  20. I guess we will have to wait for the reunion or her next appearance with on WWHL.
  21. IKR? I think this pretty much summarizes what I was thinking:
  22. There's a commercial for some sort of diabetes medicine that makes me scratch my head because it involves a pickleball (UGH!) charity event but I don't see how they're raising money (if that's what they're doing) and I have no idea what the gimmicky tall clear plastic tube they're filling with pickleballs is measuring. Maybe I'm overthinking it... 🤷‍♂️
  23. I made copious mental notes on my reaction to this week's episode of The Real Housewives of WeHo, but I guess nothing made a big enough impression for me to remember. This is a bad sign. I rewatched because I had nothing better to do. Is LaLa really Raquel's biggest bully? I was sure they buried the hatchet a couple eps ago. Pickleball again? DAMN YOU JIMMY'S JOHN'S!!!🤬 Leave it to LaLa to come up with that gross wager. Yeah, it would have been worse had Raquel won that game (did LaLa say Randal was impressed by how well she played pickleball?) I couldn't care less about Tom and Katie visiting a fertility clinic, but here we are! What the fuck was Katie wearing? Oh yeah, her uterus is "pristine" but all we got to see was the doctor's judgmental looks while questioning Tom. Not a good sign. 😀 I have to give Raquel credit for following thru with a toast and not one, but two inappropriate comments, but it looked like people were changing positions during the dinner and her speech. I had to laugh when LaLa claimed the highly-arched eyebrows she drew on her baby were genetics, not botox. 🤣 Arianna hosted a party to test her DFH book's drink instructions. Katie was still mad at Flat-Iron Tom so she stayed home and made a cookie. Wealthy socialite Lisa Vanderbucks invited the gals and children to Villa Rosa for tea. I found it amusing that LaLa and Schemer arrived with entourages, the former's nursemaid and the latter's mother, holding their babies for them and being sent to another room. LaLa reveled what Brock had told her off-camera about why he hasn't seen his children and naturally, Schemer tried to make it seem like everything was perfect. This looks really bad for Brock, but I'm not ready to make any conclusions just yet. Meanwhile, Schwartz is throwing an American junk food party for Brock. Didn't he move to America five years ago? F-I Tom whines about the book signing incident again. Schwartz reveals his drinking and pot-smoking and magic mushrooms and long hot baths are messing up his sperm. TBH, I am surprised that pamphlet he and Katie were reading earlier didn't say anything about giving your balls the sous-vide treatment. Predictably, Schemer sends several text messages to Brock about LaLa said and he blows a fuse. Wasn't there a girl on this show who's never eaten pasta before? 🤔
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