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Everything posted by Gharlane

  1. That, and them insisting on remaking the original show, which made no sense.
  2. I began to watch this last night but lost interest when they claimed that some debris floating by was a "ghostly presence" and Zac began swaying, claiming all the ghosts running around were making him dizzy. 🙄
  3. Yeah, I wondered why she disqualified (or it was implied) anyone who did their research on her brand, whatever it is, before the interview. 🤔 Yeah, FI Tom is wearing on my nerves this season.
  4. Livvie's irrational hatred of the Baldwin sisters was clouding her judgement.
  5. This week, on The Real Housewives of Weho... The two Toms and Katie argue about the fake new business. Again. DJ Muppet Baby considers going to AA for real this time, LaLa interviews a "personal assistant" who happens to have worked for American Idol and knew about her makeup side business. Wouldn't it be a hoot if Randal cheated on LaLa with her? Katie visits successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks to vent and for advice, who flat out tells her their business is doomed and Flat-Iron Tom is full of it. They also let slip that George is substituting for her and is going to get tired of the Toms spending all their time chasing their own tails. Flat-Iron Tom springs another one of his surprises. This time, on Arianna for her birthday. Which one is more high maintenance? F-I Tom tries to use that stupid woke buzzword but thinks it's "cycst", causing Arianna and me to roll our eyes. What the hell exactly is Madcap? It looked simultaneously fun and annoying. I was so sure the two Tom's were going to start making out in that fun-house bedroom. They ended up at a bar with a more memorable name than Schwartz and Sandy’s, where she gets shitfaced b/c she thought they were getting supper so she hadn't eaten and had a wardrobe malfunction. Schwartz rides his bike around the block before arriving at F-I T's place to tell him to respect his wife, Katie. Rinse, lather, repeat.
  6. I didn't watch the "extended footage" version this week because I was getting paid $45 to participate in a survey.
  7. I suspect Olivia was forced to allow Ben to stay with the Baldwin sisters and refused to allow anyone else to stay with "those heathens" and be corrupted.
  8. I remember it was covered in an early ep, when Mr Drummond got a larger apartment but it either fell thru or none of the kids wanted to move.
  9. I'm getting tired of seeing the endless commercials for Sing 2, which, BTW, I seriously doubt is an eagerly-awaited sequel... TBH, I totally forgot about the first movie!
  10. I think most of these people's issues with each other should be discussed in private, but if they did that I guess there would be no show.🤔
  11. I'm kinda wondering what people are doing to detect the smell.
  12. Speaking of which, there's a new Real Real commercial which does nothing to convince me they don't sell overpriced clown clothing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csTya0TPz60
  13. I seem to recall in a past season, we watched Vicki visiting her midwest family and someone almost setting himself on fire in the yard.
  14. Former Playmate Holly Madison Recalls Hugh Hefner’s Furious Reaction to Her Haircut: ‘He Was Screaming At Me’ I remember reading about what was going on behind-the-scenes during the days TV Without Pity was around. 🤢
  15. I recently watched an episode of The Proof is Out There dedicated to the Patterson Bigfoot film, more specifically, the results of recent computer enhancements. This is the closest thing I have seen to proof of its existence, unless I have missed it being debunked. My only issue is what algorithm was used to clean up the image and some of what the experts claimed to see reminded me of what people on ghost investigations claim to hear on recordings. Maybe it's because I'm watching the footage being played on a monitor the expert is watching, but I don't see mammary glands swinging around like real ones nor the way it curls its toes as it steps behind a rock on the ground.
  16. Brock, DJ Muppet Baby, and Shwartz go to Deuces (what kind of name is that, anyway?) for bullshit therapeutic ice baths. I didn't know Brock was missing fingers before he mentioned it! Successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks visits LaLa, who confides that her ten year-old dog that comforted her when she was drunk at age 6 might be ill. Wait, whut? Meanwhile, at Katie's place, a photographer takes photos for the foot fetish site. The "Sexy Unique Feet" bit was amusing, but every time they mention this fundraising project, I remember this ep of Family Guy. Raquel invites the girls to a fancy tea party she imagined on her poster board art project. Charli complains about Schemer doing nothing when one of Brock's friends grabbed her arse last week. Haughty hustler Lisa Vanderbucks takes Schwartz to a tattoo shop to make him follow thru on his stupid bet. GA 4 Sh - Randal bets drink named after him on Tom Tom menu. Why do I get the feeling the show is trying to imply Schwartz has a gambling problem? Raquel's fancy girlie tea party was obviously catered, so I'm not sure why every is acting like she did everything herself. What the hell are Arianna and Schema wearing? At least they don't look trashy, like LaLa, who claims to have not received the memo on the party theme and dress code. Predictably, Charli confronts Schemer about the groping incident and makes her cry. Katie and Arianna work on statements for the next game of "Never Have I Ever...", with the intention of getting Flat-Iron Tom wasted. Shawartz passive-aggressively confesses to getting "LVP" tattooed on his arse. Pickleball AGAIN? Randal makes a ten foot tall trophy for himself and hires ringers to ensure he wins. Sorry, that former American Idol contestant he brought in to sing the national anthem sucked. Ha! Randal also got Schwartz drunk before the game, insuring he'd win the ten foot tall trophy. Lala wore a cheerleader costume she usually only wears in the bedroom. Shwartz gives Randal a fake Tom Tom menu with a drink item named after him. Everyone goes to Tom Tom after the game. Isn't Randal going to notice the real menus don't have his drink on it? Someone snaps a pic of Lisa Vanderbuck's feet for the foot fetish site and Charli and Schemer rehash whatever they've been fighting about this week. Hurray! Someone paid for a foot photo!
  17. I'm watching the "extended footage" version and they showed: DJ Muppet Baby telling the family friend about he and Raquel having babies. DJ Muppet Baby meets the family friend's dog, who pees on the couch. Arianna drunkenly ogling the men in their silly speedos Upon watching the incident with Charlie a second time, she was right to react the way she did to the grabby friend of Brock's.
  18. Oh yes, I heard of that before! For some reason, my brain was stuck on "What Would..." and couldn't figure out the rest.
  19. Was DJ Muppet Baby on the show when successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks did those calendar photoshoots?
  20. I watched Paranormal; Caught on Camera last night and changed the channel when they claimed that a weird shadow darting across the road was some sort of ghost deer.
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