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Everything posted by Gharlane

  1. I thought it was because almost everything was already measured ahead of time. I can't recall when, but I thought I saw the instructions the contestants were reading said nothing about measuring the cake mix, just something like "Put the mix in the bowl and add three eggs".
  2. I was about to ask if Martha Stewart was making Medicare commercials before realiZing you were talking about "Medicare Martha". Is Martha an old Karen?
  3. As I understood it, he pledged an amount to Katie and Arianna but raised most of that money from others, possibly taking sole credit for the business and under-reporting whatever profits they made to them, so yeah, he doesn't have as much money as he claims. What is odd to me is why they were surprised b/c he mentioned them when he said they wouldn't be as forgiving about being late for meetings, ARIANNA.
  4. Yet Brock was able to get that $500K visa when he moved. 🤔
  5. Playboy Insiders Claim 'Things Were Done to Shut People Up' About Alleged Misconduct
  6. On the one hand, I'm glad those photos were destroyed, but on the other hand, why were they still around? 🤔
  7. Playboy Responds To Claims Of Bestiality, Other Atrocities By Hugh Hefner Revealed In ‘Secrets of Playboy’ Docuseries
  8. I watched the rerun because it was gaming night, but I couldn't help but notice how they kept cutting to Charli smirking and making faces. Go away, Charli! I loved how Raquel called out LaLa for previously being Randal's mistress and them showing clips that indicated he did the same things when they were cheating on his wife. "Satan Andy" cueing up the clips was the cherry on top of that shit sundae. I have mixed feelings about Brock. He seems nice enough, but he put up one of his businesses as collatoral for his $500K visa application?
  9. Scheana Shay Claims Brock Davies Paid For Her Engagement Ring With Multiple Credits Cards “To Be Funny”
  10. Oh, I hate thatone for a couple reasons! One, you think people are impressed that you shop at Marshals, I think, and two, the odds of you actually finding something as good as that is almost zero.
  11. It could also be that he has a case of good, old-fashioned "coke dick". I thought coke gave one boners that certain medicines warn you about on TV.
  12. I kept seeing a commercial for some sort of moisturizing cream and one of the women appears to have a wide cold sore running from her ear and down her neck. What the heck? 😲 I'm not sure if there's a TV version yet, but I keep hearing this ad on the radio with a woman throwing a "money tree" into a wood chipper and dancing in it's shredded remains as it screams in pain. That's going to be quite a visual. 😏
  13. I think there's a new kid who's their spokesperson. Why do these kids have such irritating voices? At least he didn't give them a demo!
  14. I was a regular casual viewer when GND originally aired, but I think I was reality TV savvy enough at the time to recognize it for what it was. I also frequented the forum on the TVwoP site and learned most of what I know about Hefner from there. This instalment was pretty well-balanced, showing both side of the Hugh Hefner story. Apparently, he was a complex man, but I was not aware of some things, like the number of suicides and rapes that occurred and him using the security cameras and hidden microphones to keep people in line (I guess we call it "revenge porn" now). This man is so lucky to have died right before the #MeToo hysteria. He would have been destroyed, like Harvey Weinstein! Not that it's a Bad Thing, but can you imagine what a media circus that would have been? 😲 I used to watch this show and snarked about how Holly made a fool of herself every week trying to get married to Hef. I remember that Hef messed with the girls' minds and how he flipped out over her cutting her hair and putting on red lipstick once, but they seemed to gloss over the sexual parts. I expected to hear more from the others girls (but NOT the "Incest twins!), but I guess they were less than willing to air their grievences on TV.
  15. Some of the cast members phoned it in, due to epidemic concerns. Yeah, whatever. 🙄 I felt a little touched by DJ Muppet Baby and Raquel's announcement, but I thought we read about it in the media before filming the reunion. 🤔 I suspect a large portion of the reunion was going to be dedicated to this storyline, but now they got nothing. Shut up, Charli! I neither care about your vague food issues nor losing the 45 epidemic pounds. Why is she even here? OK, she redeemed herself a little bit when she called out Schemer. Was it she or Schemer who urged Raquel to keep the engagement ring? Wow, I did not real Schemer had such a difficult birth! 😢 The Tom's fake business is nowhere near ready. Jax, with whom FI Tom is no longer speaking, tattled to successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks about the Toms' fake business. #YouBeenJaxed I have mixed feelings about LaLa, but I swear it looked like she hadn't quite finished getting dressed on time.
  16. I must not have been paying attention because I only remember the scene with Raquel's father demonstrating his "strange sense of humor". :eyeroll:
  17. Oh, I never watch WWHL!, so it's no wonder I haven't seen anything, but I recall seeing teasers onther other channels.
  18. Have I recently mentioned how much I hate (HATE!) seeing commercials for those garbage shows on the Science Channel?
  19. Last night, I watched the second ep of Secrets of Playboy, which featured Holly and GND. I was aware of some of the behind the scenes things, but wow...
  20. I haven't seen any previews at all, but I'm seeing cast members claiming it's going to be explosive, FWIW.
  21. I assume they were spoofing/homaging something because I recognized things visually and vaguely remember someone getting kidnapped and the kidnapper getting caught feeding the victim's cat. I was also bemused by Lois killing someone with a peanut allergy by dumping a can of Planter's Peanuts in someone's car. Wow, what a pyscho!
  22. Has anyone seen anything about the reunion shows? Bravo seems to be keeping a tight lid on it.
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