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Everything posted by elle

  1. I love that commercial! Favorite of the season when there is not much I like about tv this time of year.
  2. Thank you for the explanation. This is unfortunate for those of us who don’t have XD. I understand that they would want to control the rollout of their series but I think they are missing an opportunity to bring in viewers by not having a delayed release on the regular channel, such as a week to two weeks after the first airing on XD. I miss being able to search for the show on demand to watch for free, it is charged by episode.
  3. Does anyone know why this is only being shown on DisneyXD? Will it come to the regular channel after this season is over?
  4. I’m quoting you again because I wanted to let you that you made my daughter’s day and mine too. She was having a bad couple of days, we were watching something when the commercial came on. I told her about your comments. She started laughing at the idea of Shatner sliding in (like they do in curling) with his broom. It was just what she needed. :0D
  5. Oh the possibilities! He could be called in to back up Stewart (not that he needs back up) and get Ewan McGregor or Daisy Ridley to backup Hamill, keeping with the different franchise theme. Or Shatner and Stewart face off with the addition of Avery Brooks for a three way stand off (Sisko of DS9 who was a big baseball fan). Now that I think about Shatner could also have a hockey stick..
  6. I think that you may be mixing up your captains, Shatner is Canadian. An accent which his brother didn’t have.
  7. @Bastet kindly posted the commercial in the favorite commercials forum.
  8. These are part of their Halloween (or Geico-ween) themed episodes, along with the one with Casper the ghost and the one that is the movie spoof with kids at scary house (Why can’t we just take the running car?)
  9. Thank you for this! I never can figure out how to do that.
  10. Patrick Stewart and Mark Hamill go head-to-head in food delivery commercial Just saw the first one with the tomato/tamato baseball vs. cricket bat stand off. I was thinking I could watch a series with these two and happily found out there are more commercials according to the article. Don’t plan to use the product but many thanks to them for bringing these greats together!
  11. It seems to be a kids nonsense song. It has two stanzas, the ad uses the second one. We were having a family debate about whether there were lobsters or monsters living at the bottom of the sea, so I looked up the song. Everybody has a place to go Everybody wants a place to be When birds fly they’re swimming in the sky While fish are swimming in the sea Everybody has a place to go Everybody wants to be somewhere Lobsters live at the bottom of the sea While I’m at the bottom of the air
  12. This! I hated that decision to make them to be freelance alien hunters (?)! It went against everything that Martha was about. See her speech at the end of The Doctor's Daughter. She was a healer! Like you said, why have her give up years of study like that? Bad writers! Martha with Mickey felt like a quick way to say what happened to them. I could see the writers thinking them bonding over their travels and they have the “Smith and Jones” cute moniker. They could have paired them up but kept them in UNIT but also they could have given each of them their own minute storylines (Martha as a doctor sees 10 again with a separate scene of 10 saving Mickey from the Sontaran maybe with this world’s Jake).
  13. Male or female DI, bring in a POC. Great Britain is a diverse nation, I wish the show would reflect that. I don’t think I will either. I really warmed up to Ruby’s character and I’ve enjoyed J.P. getting a chance to be the senior man. I was also enjoying seeing stories focus more on Ruby, J.P., and Uncle Selly. I agree Madeline wasn’t given the time to develop.
  14. That commercial was for Aviation Gin, owned by Ryan Reynolds, and it made me laugh so much that I went out and bought a bottle. And I don't even like gin. I had hoped that there had been a commercial or skit with the actor as the husband saying to someone (a therapist?) that she had asked for the peloton. After hearing all the abuse the poor actor received I really wished Reynolds or someone gave him a commercial with the tag line “it was just a commercial!”
  15. Great news, @Ashforth! Continuing prayers for you and your mom. And saying a prayer too for you @peacheslatour and anyone else who are unable to see their parent at this time. You and me and a bazillion others!
  16. For his last time to be entered, Clyde did win as runner up! It notes that Cheddar has won the past three years, am I mistaken in thinking that Clyde was also the runner up in all those three years?
  17. It sounds cool, but it one of those commercials that I wonder if they listened to the lyrics before they chose it.
  18. Very sad to read the news this morning that Sir Ian Holm has passed away. In an odd coincidence, I got my teen to watch Chariots of Fire with me last night. After I pointed out to her that he did the voice of Chef Skinner in Ratatouille, which we recently had watched, she replied that she thought I was going to say that he was Bilbo Baggins in LOTR.
  19. Quoting myself here because I didn’t believe that Mrs. McCarthy always* is shown with a hat. I had a good laugh at myself when I saw her wear a sleep bonnet in the episode with her sister and the gypsy. Even at night she has a head covering. *with the exception of the scenes mentioned above
  20. How sweet was that search and rescue beagle with his protective booties! I said “aw” out loud.
  21. Is it the new one where the music is strangely reminiscent of the music to “Mack the Knife”?
  22. They look like they were having fun during the video at the end. I imagine a lot of laughter.
  23. Dr. Akita’s secret entrance is through the Akita statue. Love the little touches the show adds like this, even I did not recognize the statue was supposed to be a dog. I did catch the buff Glomgold ad. Is that something we’ve seen before? I wonder what happened to Boyd before Beaks found him. Is he supposed to be still with the Drakes?
  24. The statue in the park, the one Akita come out of, has the same shape. Was there a theme song on this episode?
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