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Everything posted by elle

  1. The new Sonic commercials with the triplets are very annoying. I cannot stand the way the one is picked on by the other triplet with the third backing her up and the dad doing nothing. Not funny! Bad look, Sonic! How is bullying good for selling food? And, no I don't find "it's just teasing" a valid defense. It is never "just". There is a strange creepy dynamic happening there.
  2. elle

    S03.E12: Fools

    As soon as I recognized Steven Culp, I knew where the story was headed. I hoped they would surprise me and do something different. I was also hoping the writers would surprise me by having Maddie give her friend the tough love speech of he needed to set aside his embarrassment to give a statement to the police to stop these guys, who are probably counting on him not to report for just that reason. She did sort of say something to the affect that he wouldn't want this to happen to someorne else but didn't press it. All of which means this will drag out over multiple episodes. Once again Christopher and Eddie's story is the best thing in the episode. Love Patricia Belcher, she makes everything better!
  3. Yes, sometimes she does, but I seem to remember her hatless as she worked around the kitchen. I may just have to watch the series from the beginning to watch out for other scenes with the missing hat.
  4. She doesn't wear a hat when she is in the presbytery.
  5. I am very sorry to hear this, Llywela. I hope everything will be better for you again soon. Sending you good vibes!
  6. I generally don't mind the Lil' Sweet ads, but there is one that bugs me. A woman has finished painting a room when he appears leaving a Lil' Sweet sized blank spot on the wall and then he goes off riding on the roller leaving a paint trail behind him. So, not only does this woman have to repaint a wall but also has to clean paint off of her (wood) floor.
  7. He's wearing orange not red, she too is wearing orange not red or pink. Not the usual Valentine's Day stuff. They are different! (/sarcasm) Of course he is giving her jewelry, heart shaped jewelry no less. We are supposed to buy into how unique that is to giving someone red roses or a heart shaped balloon. It is no wonder this commercial annoys you, it is a sprain from eye rolling level of annoying.
  8. This concerns me. I really hope they are not going to have the Doctor not heed Jack's warning and bring back all the Cyberman. They probably will and it would not surprise me if it involves one or more of the companions needing to be saved.
  9. There is a discussion about this commercial over at the Stirring the Pot: Controversial Commercials thread starting on page four.
  10. I agree with you on this guess. My first impression was that those were the Bewitched stairs and that Wanda was wearing her Scarlet Witch costume like Samantha would wear her "flying suit".
  11. I bet! I don't have a phobia about birds, but to see them swirling around en masse above me like that would make me look elsewhere to camp. I also always look side-eyed at a group of more than two crows or ravens. The CGI in this one was not good. From the promos I thought they were bats. Even I knowing they were birds, I thought they still looked like bats especially in the lab scene. Was it my imagination or was there not a consistent way for the actors to pronounce the name of the virus? I heard Prax-E-us and Prax-US.
  12. Pepsi can join the table with Carnival and Celebrity cruise lines for using a song with lyrics with a specific meaning. "Paint it Black" to promote a soda with a can that is black? They could not ask either Missy Elliot or H.E.R. for something of their own or something original for the Super Bowl ad?
  13. Is the actress in the above mentioned Trivago ad the same as the one in the new Limu Emu ad where the guy is telling for her to take his hand he can save her (money)? Her hair is dark but she seems to have the same shocked expressions. iSpot.tv did not list the name of the actress in either ad.
  14. Yes, which is why I went back to edit my post. Looks like we cross posted.
  15. Think about the implications here. This medication was not studied in people who are biologically female. It was designed solely for use by those biologically male? Only they get HIV?
  16. Now this one seems like the 'very scary' episode rather than the third one. That promo is creepy!
  17. Thank you for including a warning. Any link to TVtropes needs one. 😀 On her own apart from the fam. She did experience being transported to another dimension, so it isn't much of a leap to think you are on another planet. This was after they learned about the alien virus, right? Now once it sunk in that I was at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, any body of water, I'd have a massive panic attack!
  18. I like that they included Ned Ryerson and the Mayor. I wish they had figured out a way to include the super palindrome of 02/02/2020. Just a throw away like a license plate of 02022020.
  19. I was disproportionately distracted by Jamila and Gabriella actually camping amongst all that garbage. It was not sanitary or safe. Those birds would freak me out. It really would have made more sense for them to camp away from the river then have Jamila step out of the tent see the bird to check it out than to ask us to believe anyone would pitch a tent in a garbage dump. I wonder if is just a coincidence that Praxeus can be a homonym to Praxis the Klingon moon that blew up due to over mining.
  20. A quote from the spoiler leading space from the article: And never ever eat pears! I thought it was apples! Thank you @Llywela. Very interesting reading! And, for the record, I always hated that but of conceit for River about the parking brake. I'd like to think that was handily put down with Rose/Moment speech to the War Doctor about that sound meaning hope to people. I thought she was timing the egg but on rewatch it does seem to be for the toast. Sometimes you can't get the toaster to get to the level you want with the settings available, so you time it I guess. I saw the hexagon shaped wall clock and wondered if it would tie back to the TARDIS. I think they looked more the ones in Jodie's. I also tried to count the bell chimes at the cathedral when Ruth was sitting there before the Judoon showed up but they seemed to argue into the background music. Reminded me of the 2009 Star Trek. Don't know why some directors are so enamoured of it. BBCA ran a mini marathon with Jack centric episodes leading to a reshowing of this episode. I found it and came in the middle of the second Margaret the Slitheen episode. I always get a kick out of the "date" with her and Nine. That lead into the Bad Wolf, The Year That Never Was, and the Stolen Earth season finales. My main take away from the marathon was, again, that Martha was not given nearly enough credit for what she did during The Year That Never Was.
  21. Thanks for the warning. I worried about that being about Captain Jack. I enjoyed your 'safe' SG1 stories, so I thought I take the chance.
  22. I got the impression that the memories (false ones of course) were so bad, especially of her parents, in order to discourage her from coming back home and to the lighthouse and discover the chameleon arch. I just wonder how much of her human life was false and how long she was really living as a human. And I wonder why she and Lee came to present day Earth Good theory! As to why human!Ruth would have hated how she grew up, I'll say the old axiom of "mileage may vary". I can say without a doubt my child would have resented being isolated like that whereas I would not have minded as much. All of which, now that I think about it, it makes sense that Ruth would be in a very people oriented profession such as a tour guide. I did kind of nod in recognition that she got someone's interest in the cathedral by pointing out it was used as a location for HP. As much as I enjoyed this episode, I am like many of you wary about where this will go. Been burned before and am still very bitter about what was done with the Cyberman and the Brigadier. I really hope that Chibnall leaves the original story alone. We've already seen Moffat mess with One's personality. We don't need to find out he really isn't "One". Where can I read more about the theories referenced (6b, etc)? Is 30 named Ruth? I realized you meant 13th. My mistake. (Hi marina to! Link please and SPOON!)
  23. A random but of shallowness - I liked the costume design of Yaz's long skirt which was really wide leg pants. It really wasn't noticeable to me until she started running.
  24. For which the model is carrying a torch/flashlight. Here is a link I don't think I ever noticed before that the beach ball is covered in red stars. Nice touch.
  25. I liked the short version too but then they had to add the long version into the rotation and that ruined it for me. But the dog is still cute. Speaking of the dog, do you think it is the same one that is in the Zillow-ish commercial where the guy in the tub is saying to his dog that he knows they need a bigger tub. I think they are both Greyhounds, but I'm not sure if it is the same dog.
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