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Everything posted by elle

  1. Oh, geez, that was a three hanky episode for sure. It was wonderful. About a month ago, there was an article suggesting shows to watch. Under the heading of “TV for people who can't take any more stress right now”, this show was recommended, for its inspiring moments. I thought what show had they been watching, yes, there are those moments but these stories can be very stressful. Maybe it is the idea of having a cathartic cry.
  2. This is not a commercial but when I saw it I immediately thought of what I’ve read here and knew you all would understand my eye roll. The channel TCM has a new to me promo where the hosts talk about how they love being hosts. It ends with a shot of all of them with the phrase over the photo “Let’s Movie”. ugh, just ugh
  3. Sorry to hear that you suffer from migraines. I’m glad you found something that helps, anything that can make it a little better. My mom suffered from them for decades. I don’t know how she did it. She had a long list of medications that she tried that didn’t work and a number from which she had adverse reactions. She also had allergies to several antibiotics. She carried a list in her wallet. Many a bemused look when she would give the list to the doctors.
  4. Run! Do not look back! If they can call themselves doctors they should follow the same the same laws. That bit about you signing up for some expensive treatment is all sorts of shady.
  5. Ah, yeah. Wasn’t the first time it aired during or around the time of the Super Bowl? I think they are trying for a nostalgia kick. I kind of like the new ads with new Jake, but mot the one tacked on to the old ad.
  6. Air date: February 2, 2020 Feels like years ago.
  7. My Swiss cheese memory strikes again! Brilliant! Thank you for posting this!
  8. Thanks for the info. Also missing is the War Doctor. Do you know the story there?
  9. Love this! Thank you for posting! Do you know why Nine is missing?
  10. It amuses me to think that it escapes the ad people that by showing those older clips it makes it apparent how really bad the newer campaigns are.
  11. There was a time, and seemingly still is, where Brits purposely mispronounced "foreign" words to prove their superiority over other countries. I could be wrong, but it works for me until proven otherwise. I found this explanation after a search. https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/pronunciation-of-maria.2617894/ The reason is the former "Oxford Pronunciation" of Latin, Maria being regarded as a Latin name. It is why we say sinus, and why "decree nisi" was "decree nigh-sigh." It is also why the English and Canadians pronounce the word regina (see Regina, Canada, as well) as reg-ai-na. There are certain vowels and situations of vowels (it seems vowels on the stressed syllable are pronounced long) which, until the reconstructed or italianate pronunciations took hold a ways into the 20th century, were pronounced like Mar-eye-uh is/was. (See also the British pronunciation "is-reh-el" and even "adon-ehy-eye" for Adonai. I would advise looking up Oxford Latin to learn the particulars.
  12. I wanted Suki to be angry with Lorelei for usurping/ruining the kids’ baptism because she just had to speak to Rory right! then! about their falling out. She couldn’t hold it together for the ceremony to be finished. No, it had to happen right in the middle, but oh that’s just ol’ Lorelei and Rory, forget what we are doing, are they okay?
  13. The Trolls movie is out available on demand* but that won’t stop those ads because they seem to have a connection to any number of products. While annoying I can usually tune those out. The ad I hated to see return, and can’t get to the remote fast enough to change the channel, is the bad acid trip that is promoting a gummy candy called Trolli, no relation to the movie. The candies look like gummy worms. I won’t inflict you all with a link to it. *I should clarify that it is available on demand to rent not to see for free.
  14. Unlikely though. Not only would they have to talk Essie Davis into it, but she'd somehow have to agree to old age makeup. I had the same thought as Enginerd in that scene. What is that quote? The story of (her) demise Is greatly exaggerated. They would not have to do much with make up. Phryne is only in her sixties at this point, right? They could also go the route of someone receiving a call or telegram from her.
  15. I decided early on to think of these series as being in different universes with characters with the same names.
  16. New chantix turkey commercial! This time the turkey is volunteering at a fair: getting dunked at a dunk tank, running a game stall and a cotton candy stand, selling tickets.
  17. I think he had only pot holders not the full mitts. Why the other guy doesn’t move something like the bowl of apples bugs me.
  18. Thank you! I knew she was from an Austen adaptation but I could not place her. I feel silly now that I didn’t recognize her since that is my favorite version of Persuasion.
  19. Maybe it was Nurse Crane asking “any luck with the notes”?
  20. I was having problems understanding some of the dialog, so I checked the comments on this video. Did you know that there was an earthquake that happened during the filming? On rewatch you can see MJ’s face and some of the regulars behind him react. I’m impressed by how the Jacksons continue the scene and of course Carol’s quick wit. Carol talks about it here.
  21. And in the other one they complain she tells cheesy jokes. I’ve already commented on my aggravation with these commercials. Long overdue to pull them, Sonic!
  22. Just saw that one tonight. Well done indeed.
  23. I just stopped by to say that on Comcast AcornTV is being offered free without having to sign up for a trial. It is available until April 9th. Slightly off is a good way to put it. I'll keep my thoughts until more people have seen it, but will say I felt the absence of Dot, Hugh, Cec and Burt, Dr. Mac, and Mr. Butler. I am happy I got the opportunity to see the movie.
  24. Is that what she’s saying? I thought it was “Colorcolorcolorcolorcolor.” I didn't understand, and really thought the woman had some disability. I thought it is the man who is saying it.
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