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Everything posted by DoctorWhovian

  1. I'm fine with some biscuits and gravy but that gravy looks so nasty. And a giant bowl. I like extra crispy bacon so no fault there, but those eggs look nice and rubbery. But hey, she opened a can of biscuits and didn't burn them, so kudos.
  2. I don't care what Michelle wears because nothing will look good as long as she is unwilling to fix her hair.
  3. What bugs me the most about the Chelsea/Adam/dance thing is that there is this underlying assumption that so many people seem to have, that simply because she's the mom, she is responsible for telling the dad about school functions. It's sexist and it's gross. Men are 100% equally as capable as being informed as to school and extra curricular activities. If they were married or dating, and their relationship works where she tells him of these things and makes sure that he goes, then that's fine. But they aren't. He is an independent adult. He has equal ability to get the information from the school as Chelsea. Unless things have changed drastically since I was a kid, fliers and calendars and such go home with kids, and it's as simple as, "[Aubree's teacher], Aubree lives with her mom and I would like to be informed of school events, can you please send two copies of all school information home with Aubree?" And if he has even a modicum of foresight, give Aubree a separate folder that says "Dad's House" or something on it so she brings it to him. But no, it is Chelsea's responsibility to tell him. And then when she keeps reminding him, he'll call her a nagging bitch. Exception: appointments made by one parent should be told to the other parent, including any relevant information so the other parent can attend or at least be informed (dentist, doctor, etc.).
  4. Based on those numbers it's not at a loss (unless my brain is mush from studying and I'm misreading). But chances are it will continuously be lowered in price like her Austin house.
  5. Hey hey hey, neither has Daddy Derek ;) And at least Corey was married for more than a day before his wife got pregnant. But you are right, Ryan deserves a lot of credit for that, especially since he has had girlfriends and very easily could have (so either every girl he has been with has been responsible with her birth control, or Ryan has been, or they both are, and they really should be congratulating Ryan on every reunion for this reason, some basic positive reinforcement if the show wants to claim that they have an effect on the birth rate).
  6. Took me a while to realize that wasn't splatter paint, but was actually a pattern of leaves and (I guess) branches
  7. And to think us charlatans do that before even talking about marriage. The horror.
  8. Maybe this is odd, but I think it's pretty awesome that they are using an actual teen to do a period related/tampon type commercial because it's a thing that is still so embarrassing at that age, something that you usually hear about from adults, and here is someone their own age talking about it.
  9. I'm more disgusted how it's hanging there while she cooks. Gross. Also those don't look like any pumpkin pie I've ever made. Color is way off.
  10. "Jinger and Jeremy: He only looks normal, don't hold your breath"
  11. A felony is [typically] a crime that comes with a possible punishment of more than a year.
  12. Girlfriend needs to go back to 5th grade. I just want to know who reads that and goes, "Yes, yes, that's exactly what I want." I feel exactly the same way. A lot of her "hustle" is because, one, she happened into a TV show and that gets you some amount of publicity, which in turns has people wanting to piggy back on that publicity, and you have opportunities come to you. Then, you have these weird businesses (wine, pasta sauce, beauty lines), which are a result of the TV show and having some extra cash to invest, so without a legit business manager this is what she does. Then the other part is because she was willing to film a porn and the opportunities that have sprung from that. (Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against someone choosing to do porn, but because Farrah still denies that's what it was, she gets no credit for me. In fact, her denial that it's porn is just her way to put down other women in the industry, because of course Farrah isn't like them, she's better -- which just makes the whole thing worse). 90% of the stuff on her linked is either made up "work" (I can say I had my own businesses too) or it's one month at some retail place before she moved on, which doesn't show hustle, it shows lack of follow through and a poor work ethic, and if you have worked any retail or customer service then you know those young people who get the job, do some training, show up for a shift or two, then you never see them again and they never call; that's not hustle.
  13. It means it's not topless ;)
  14. I try to be open minded and understand with these girls, but damn if Jenelle isn't a manipulative bitch. What she said to Jace was uncalled for and unnecessary and she should be ashamed of herself for blatantly lying to a six year old who will have access to physical evidence of the contrary. If Barb watches the show, she must have been in tears seeing that clip.
  15. It's the norm for these kinds of shows. They aren't filmed all day every day, but have set schedules.
  16. OMG they need to make dildos with a voice box, like a talking barbie. "Girl you are so pretty, I want to be with you forever." "I love you." "All other women are bitches, only you are perfect." And she obviously means 1 TBSP per ounce. Or 1 TBSP per small child's cup. Oh, one more edit. She posted a screen grab about teen pregnancy rates in WV, which are down. But all I saw was "45th in the nation, behind only XYZ states" and Leah's caption of "omg I'm so happy". My brain immediately went to how happy she was that they were so high on the list.
  17. I would guess that when they schedule the filming, they may ask what is going on that month, and plan around that (court dates, birthdays, trips). Or, if they schedule filming for the 5-10 of the month or whatever, they plan some event to be during that time (plan the birthday party or the trip for that week). So while they are missing some things, I think they try to be there for the big ones. But I don't think they care about the truth, just about what is on film (and probably salivate when some event happens on camera by chance, like an arrest or fight). If the truth mattered, some host would actually ask them questions about what is going on, or some third party voice over would correct misinformation. I would love to see one of these drama-fueled-filmed-24/7 reality show to break the fourth wall to call out lies (the camera shows X using Y's tooth brush, Y confronts X about it, X says they didn't do it, so Y says well lets look at the tape, and we see them watch). It's kind of why I like OG right now, because there is some amount of wall breakage and we see them answering questions they're asked, and their reactions, which I think shows more "truth", even when it's still bullshit.
  18. In her defense, that looks like some harsh lighting thats going to really emphasize those shadows. At my old university, there were bathrooms I hated looking using in the mirror in because the lighting was similar, and you could see every small wrinkle and sag x100, whereas in the 1st floor bathroom, it looked fine.
  19. Baby ear piercings are hugely common in latin (hispanic? I may have the distinction incorrect here) cultures. It is also possible to get them done by a doctor, at the doctor's office (my sister had my niece's done this way, although when she was a bit older, maybe 6 or so). My very feminist professor is Cuban and had her daughter's ear's pierced when she was an infant at the doctor's office, and how she received some negative commentary about it from friends. It's not something I would ever choose to do for a child of mine, but I don't think it is in and of itself a bad thing.
  20. She [Zsu?] made special blankets and pillows for her new baby, because commercial ones you buy have flame retardants... it's as if they're made that way for a reason or something
  21. Trying to find your adoptive family is one thing, and is completely understandable. But it's the addressing it in this "Izzy wants to meet his great grandmother" that implies the adopted parent isn't that, which kinda puts me off.
  22. I love that whoever does MTV's website titled that clip "Is Jace getting brainwashed". Forces you to go in with that thinking
  23. That's a pretty snazzy uniform for something that means practically nothing.
  24. I would be willing to place money on the adoption happening because it was a teenage pregnancy, and mom was "sent to go live with her aunt out of state" for a few months. And if this is the case, there's a very good chance that if the birth mom went on to have more children, they don't know (which is the case for a similar situation in my family). Plus, how incredibly rude is it to say that Izzy wants to meet his great grandmother... when Cathy has a mother who adopted her, who is the great grandmother for all intents and purposes.
  25. Why are there two Kail threads?
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