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Everything posted by DoctorWhovian

  1. Overweight or obese, yes. And I hate to judge on some of the stuff, but things like giving your kids soda or "juice" (like the hugs, or fruit punch, sunny d, etc.) is just so unnecessary. At the least, get 100% juice. If not, water. It's not hard to not give something that is just an extra cost to buy.
  2. They only are filmed a week out of the month, and even that isn't 24 hours of filming. It's hard to build too much of a picture based on that. i do find it interesting that those moms we've seen cook (which I don't think is all of them), are the ones that tend to do more of the quick foods (Leah and the ravioli, Jenelle and hot dogs). I'm sure we've seen Chelsea cook (beyond snacks or cereal) but I just can't think of any 'sit around the table over dinner' scenes. Even Farrah, who "went to culinary school" doesn't cook (and thats good because that pizza she made one time was a travesty).
  3. I recall Jenelle keeping Kaiser away from Barb. Can't remember why but it was probably just to spite her.
  4. Depending on the show, some mods get a little more anal than others. Sometimes it just seems so redundant (in my opinion)
  5. Haha you act as if the Duggars think things like "rules" and "laws" apply to them.
  6. Does the chair not go to school? I thought the doctor said she needed to be using the chair?
  7. She just looks like she's trying to hard.
  8. Some adults think its funny to teach kids swear words; just trashy in my opinion. Even worse if it was actually his father, and not like a teenager or other young friend that still has that kind of humor. But kids can pick up bad words pretty young. They hear something, they repeat it, and a common reaction is for adults (especially younger "adults" as in late teens, early 20s) to laugh, and then it gets repeated because the kid wants to make you laugh. I was babysitting my cousin years ago, and he tripped and fell, and just let out an, "oh shit." He was maybe 6, and has a great home life, but older half-siblings and I'm sure he heard them say it. As soon as it came out of his mouth, he looked at me wide eyed, expecting to get in trouble. it was hard not to laugh but I obviously didn't care, it was just an expression and frankly an appropriate way to use the word. But Lincoln's use is definitely more of a, "Lincoln, can you say Puta" and then laughing when he does.
  9. I'll never understand how people make up things like this, but I can't say I'm all that surprised. The more I read her posts, the more I doubted her.
  10. I absolutely love the contrast in how guys will talk about something regarding a girl, and how girls will, especially when it comes to fashion. An equally valid opinion but we're obviously coming from a different place ;) I'm fine with the plunge but as someone else upthread said, it's a bit much when in combined with the slit. It's kind of like doing a smokey eye and a really bold lip, sometimes its just too much. One time I read something that suggested, if you are going to wear a top that covers less (super low cut, crop top, etc.), then you need something that covers more on the bottom (at the least, a knee length skirt), and the opposite applies (want to wear a short skirt? Wear a top that covers a bit more). Not rules you have to follow, but it will change the way you look. I'm skeptical of the amount as well, however if you knew that your child's other parent was making more than you, and now they were asking for more money, I can imagine being upset, especially if you're someone like Adam. I agree with other people's guess that Jo might be doing something under the table, but I think it is even more likely that he just doesn't understand how the court system works for custody (and most people don't and perpetuate wrong information). The amount of things I've heard from people or read on forums such that are such complete falsehoods about our legal system are astonishing, and yet entertaining. One more edit: http://www.eonline.com/news/218334/so-true-so-false-does-teen-mom-s-amber-portwood-really-earn-six-figures This article is from 2010. According to the documents she had to reveal to a judge, Amber made $140,000 per six month contract. http://www.heraldbulletin.com/news/local_news/teen-mom-barred-from-seeing-child-s-father/article_6c3c1497-7701-5d97-b77e-8c6fdb3641dc.html Another article. The lawyer objected to the reveal of the income, Judge overruled, and then it is said that they make $140,000 per six month contract (and I guess there were two seasons that year, hence saying the $240,000). Now we just need a dad to be arrested and forced to reveal his income in a public hearing! But seems possible that Adam could be right about the $250,000 for the moms, so I don't know why he'd lie about how much he made as the dad (as I understand, he said both in some instagram post?).
  11. Oh I completely agree. I'm just saying that there seems to be people upset that some people use the show as a job but think it's ok that others do. It's just as much a job for one mom as it is for another, same with the dads. The ones who actually work are definitely the better of the group, and I wouldn't be surprise if those same people haven't had tax issues (they put aside money to pay, but also probably have refunds they would be getting from their normal job that will partially offset what they owe) and have proper savings accounts (or use the savings to do pay for things like housing down payments). If it is true that all the dad's make $200k per season, I can imagine that Cory has appropriately put money aside for the girls.
  12. MTV is equally a job for every Mom or Dad on this show.
  13. I'm really excited to find out what this news is that we totally haven't heard about yet or anything
  14. I would be in shock if there was any confusion over a random baseball player named Mike Jackson. Maybe if it was a popular player, sure. But he's mediocre, didn't do anything special. I just think Abby is dumb and her reasons for doing dances are usually dumb (ugh how much do I hate when she does a tug-the-heartstrings dance and can barely explain the real issue)
  15. I think some guy in Abby's life, maybe a cousin or other relative, or some random guy she was into, decided to screw with her and told her that, "Oh, didn't you know that Michael Jackson loved baseball? That's why he wore the glove!" and Abby either doubled down and declared that of course she knew that she's not dumb or she was just so impressed with his knowledge, and she never questioned it. And now she has just gone her whole life thinking that there is some connection between Michael Jackson and baseball.
  16. My mom gave me whole hot dogs before I was 2 (at least, there's a home video where she did). Jenelle does so much wrong I can't find myself able to get that bothered by a hot dog. And putting Kaiser in the dark seemed to be because it was his nap time (or she mentioned something about a nap before doing it during the hot dog scene). I think they're both just more to pile on her, they're just both very small parts of that pile.
  17. I'd love to see some of the legit articles on it, sounds interesting. Still doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of blind items are completely made up, partially made up, or only true by chance.
  18. How old is Kaiser? I thought he was under a year since I didn't remember a birthday party, but of course that's a terrible way to tell an age lol. I didn't realize he was that much older than Nova?
  19. Well, to be fair, there's no way she designed it. She just is showcasing some other companies works. I bet it's made in China type of deal, where they do knock offs of popular furniture styles for cheap.
  20. I'd throw less shade if she wasn't dressed like she's advertising lingerie in the photos
  21. That's a sweet post by Kail, especially acknowledging that it was more on her end that it took so long to be friends with each other. Isaac will be much better off having two homes that communicate and get along.
  22. I realize it's April Fools, but do people seriously believe blind items? Most of the things posted as vague enough that eventually they'll be "true". Maybe 5% are actually real, the rest are just padding by the author. It's no better than tabloids and their "a source says" articles. I think Jennifer Aniston has a good 20+ kids now.
  23. There is absolutely nothing wrong at all with being a stay at home parent... when you are part of a two parent (or two adult) household. If you are a single parent, and not working, your funds are coming from somewhere and unless you have a legitimate reason to not working (such as, you just gave birth, you are currently disabled and unable to work, etc.), you should be doing at least something to supplement the household. But I also understand why a person who is receiving huge checks may not work, since everything is being taken care of at this point. It is short sighted in these kids cases, but some people just don't plan ahead. Also, I personally will never shame a person for receiving government assistance. Fraud happens, but the percentage is small, and I'd imagine if there was video evidence of fraud, it would probably have become a legal issue at some point. I feel bad for people who legitimately deserve and qualify for assistance, but don't want the help because of the stigma, even where the help is what would keep their children fed and rent paid.
  24. TIL that "emotionally drained" is a synonym for "drugged out of my mind." Good for Cory is all I can say, although I still question Leah having the girls on the weekend. It means, even though she doesn't get them to school, she gets them all day and is in charge of all their meals during that time. At least the school serves as a buffer for her "exhaustion". As for Adam, I believe in forgiving people for past transgressions when they've proven themselves, and part of that means giving them the chance to prove themselves. Adam has had that chance, but hasn't proven anything yet. He needs to realize losing your license for 5 years and just now getting it back doesn't speak well for you, and NOW is the time to start showing you've changed. Prove it, and you can start having more time with your kid. Oh, and apparently he posted pictures of Aubree in the bath tub according to the preview? Good job ace. Joe needs to shave the mess on his chin, he looks ridiculous. I think it's his last attempt at looking "hard" but instead he just looks pathetic (also, see the video from the preview for next week with the way he is talking). Isaac, however, seems to be raised right by his parents, and that speaks worlds of them. Kids aren't polite and well behaved without guidance and good examples, and they really should be proud of how Isaac acts and how he treats others. Don't mind the Cole and Chelsea stuff -- I think a lot of what we see is just awkwardness on camera and trying to talk, so asking Aubree questions. No issue with how they handled Aubree in the car because sometimes kids are just in moods. Chelsea could probably speak a bit better (maybe a, "If you want to do your book now, that's fine, but I would love to help you when we get home.") Compare this to Jenelle and how she talked to Jace at that restaurant. Just such a pathetic attempt at parenting. Plus Jace was obviously playing some video game -- he's not going to listen to you when his mind is somewhere else. I've dealt with kids like Jace before, you can see the glazed over eyes when you talk to them. These same kids seem to be the type that know about all the new movies, tv shows, and video games, and have regular access to all of them. Hm, maybe that's connected somehow? Babs is obviously not doing a great job either but I have sympathy for her because her choice was either leaving him with Jenelle or taking him herself. Jenelle should be the poster story for why you do adoption -- not Tyler and Caitlyn. Here's an opposite version of Sophie's choice for you: for some reason the only people in the world available to watch your own child or children are Leah and Jenelle (as they lived at the time of the taping of this episode) -- who do you choose?
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