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Everything posted by DoctorWhovian

  1. The make a wish conversation seemed pretty obviously a separate topic than the wheelchair. Doctor said that she is going to lose strength so she should be in the wheelchair all the time. And that she is going to go downhill around 7 years old. Then, you guys may want to get in touch with make a wish now. Leah said that she'd rather wait till she's older so she can have a wish she wants, not have them make/suggest one for her (pretty sure a 5 year old can still decide something they want to do). Doctor responded that they should do it now because they only have so much time, as in she may want to, for example, go to Disneyworkd, but if you wait, she may not be able to fully enjoy it. Never realised this would be such a controversy till reading this thread lol. Especially considering the whole purpose of the organisation is to do cool things for sick kids, not assist with medical costs, so it never even crossed my mind it could be about fixing the wheel chair. I'm in shock at how terribly Javi handled that whole thing. What a whiny baby. Good for Kail and Jo for being civil for their son, but bad for talking about adult topics in front of kids. Chelsea is adorable, baby talk and all. Cole and her seem great together and like an actual mature couple. Jenelle with Kaiser was heart breaking. She barely tried to comfort the poor kid, and she's supposed to want to work in the medical field?! Then jumping down barb's throat for asking about important issues, such as, you know, how's your sick kid? And Jenelle seemed to ignore her friend who suggested he needs to go to the doctor, smart one. Best fake acting scene goes to Nathan and his new bed buddy. Side note: I want to hear stories from the director who handles recording the voice overs. Can you imagine giving Leah a script to read and how many times she has to read a sentence before she pronounces it right with proper inflection? There was one tonight that made me laugh how poorly read it was, and I can just imagine the poor person going ok fine that's fine please leave we're done here. Leah and that getting ready scene. Ugh. someone mentioned earlier how the clock showed 6:40 and she needed 45 minutes to arrive on time by 7:15 but they also have to eat breakfast there? I hope 7:15 is the breakfast start time and not school start time. How ridiculous to live so far from the school and still insist on being the custodial parent. Move closer. Not sure how it works, but is it possible the girls were enrolled in school while Leah was at rehab -- sorry I mean anxiety treatment?
  2. I loved Ryan's face at that question, like there was no way he could possibly remember and say all the things he wish weren't on camera. I know people think he's drugged, but I think that's just his personality. And it takes a lot to admit that, yeah, I can't believe I did X or Y and I wish that I hadn't. Yes, all the things you've done, good and bad, make you who you are, but sometimes you still want to change them because of how they made other people feel. And isn't that part of growing up and learning lessons? Regret means you feel bad about something and wish you hadn't done it, it's ok to regret things. We've also given dogs bones and never had an issue (mostly cooked -- the bones from beef ribs generally). Doctors/vets/etc. can't really say that "it's probably not a problem" because they may open themselves up to liability (even though it would still probably be fine and likely not result in an actual medical malpractice suit, which are hard to sustain and generally nonexistent, and it's medical/malpractice insurance companies that really want to push the idea that suing doctors is such a huge issue, especially in states with tort reform but thats another story). It's also why we are told "no alcohol at all" or "no caffeine at all" or "no sushi at all" while pregnant, when you can point to places around the world that do all those things, just in moderation. It probably won't be an issue at all, just like giving a bone probably isn't a problem, but everyone has that one story about that one person one time who did that bad thing that you aren't supposed to do, and now they tut tut at anyone letting their kid walk to school alone or ride a bike without wearing their helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and personal safety bubbles.
  3. Amber: I wouldn't delete anything from Teen Mom... since Leah was sitting there and couldn't say "hitting Gary that set me on a spiral towards jail"
  4. Oh absolutely, but I highly doubt, outside of maybe Chelsea, that any of these girls are legit saving for the future. But I hope that they are. And based on the house flipping conversation, I don't know what Amber is doing either. Plus she's renting and not owning, which is really dumb if she has the savings to put down a down payment.
  5. I wonder where C&T's money goes then. They have a more normal/appropriate house, normal cars, they aren't going on crazy vacations (a honeymoon is reasonable, and they didn't do anything crazy), they don't have crazy wardrobes or items in their houses. I mean frankly, outside Farrah, none of the girls are really living that crazy outside a ~$250k/year salary (yes, there are taxes being taken out, but even then, they must either be spending like crazy based on the lifestyle we see of most of them, especially once adding in the fees they get for their other appearances and magazine stuff). Plus, anything you see on camera could easily be subsidized (if you ever see a brand name or logo, either the company paid to be showed, or offered the item/meal/trip/etc. for free in exchange for showing the logo/brand on camera). If the cameras follow the girls on a trip somewhere, at least some cost is subsidized (crew expenses must be paid for, they have to find locations they can film while there, etc.).
  6. When the girls asked about what cult is, I was so bothered by the mom's description. It's like they were dumbing down something for a five year old. These girls are (mostly) in junior high, there is no reason you can't give a frank explanation of the more negative facts about history and current events. It just shows how these kids are sheltered in the most bizarre ways (having them do a dance about this kind of thing, exposure to the bizarreness of Abby, but god forbid you have a real conversation about something educational). This was made worse by their response that they had to go to school instead of dance (as they told the moms when they arrived). How awful! School! It makes sense they can't film without a legal guardian present/on set. This is the same for minors on regular film and television sets. They also must have a certified teacher present at all times, regardless of the age of the child (I think maybe if you in some way graduate high school, rather through home school or a GED or whichever method, you may be exempt from this requirement). I didn't work much around kids, but I did have one episode of a show where there was a group of 1 year old triplets playing a baby, and we had to have a teacher for them (plus, their mother was present). It is also feasible that a non-parent could have legal guardianship to be on set (such as with Kalani), but based on experience and what makes sense, it is very likely that someone with authority over the child must be there to film. Ashley definitely knew the girls were there, and pretty sure Abby acknowledged they were there as well (Ashley said at one point, the girls are in [room]). And I don't think the "prank" was that bad, although it was stupid. Abby is giving a big middle finger to production by acting the way she has been (not being ready, acting all disinterested, etc.), and the moms were just making fun of her, which isn't really a prank, more like "we know you're just playing this up." Yes, Abby is going through shit, but it's totally exaggerated and part of Abby's MO, so I don't mind them making fun of it.
  7. At one point some season ago, i remember Kristina's daughter being at the house but not being allowed on camera, and this being mentioned (that she couldn't film). Also, whatever the excuse is, sometimes it is just, "I took my birth control regularly and it didn't work." I suppose changing brands could effect the effectiveness, say if the dose/level of estrogen was different between the two, and could allow ovulation the first month on the new pack or so. Or she could have usually taken the pill around 8 pm every night, but had a few days where it was more like 9 or 10 for who knows what reason (the pill is most effective if taken at the same time every day, and becomes less effective if the time varies). I dunno, maybe she purposefully did it, maybe not, but you can get pregnant on birth control, even when properly using it. I got an IUD to at least get rid of human error, and while it's very very very unlikely that it will fail after the first few months (and generally, failing during this time means it falls out, at least according to my doctor), it could.
  8. Ugh, another reason to hate Farrah: she makes me route for a Kardashian
  9. I'm sure that Dr. Drew is forced to limit his questioning to certain topics, or given a list of things he's not allowed to ask about, but I wonder if he feels bad about how much he lets these girls slide. I haven't listened to Loveline in ages, if its even still on, but I don't remember him being so kind to people who called. Is he still a licensed doctor? Was he ever (or what was his license in?)? I wonder if Tyler would be this same way if he was not on TV? And how dare Butch act that way about Carly, then have the balls to flat out say that on TV, and no one calls him out for it. I wouldn't be surprised if this means no more family visits with Carly, ever. At the least, Drew said something about it being part of his consequences. But what kind of person are you to think you are owed anything from a child? I just feel bad for Catelynn, she needs a better support system, and not a husband that brings up all his emotional issues when he was younger and how he got over it, when she has real things she needs to work through and needs real help. (And I don't believe Tyler's story.) Amber said earlier in the season that she knew Matt had two kids. Not five. Two. Then she says she knew about 5 (despite video evidence of saying 2), and that they are all adults, except that we know of those 5 includes at least one minor. And who cares how many kids it is, if its 1 kid he abandoned and doesn't pay child support for, or if its 5 or 7 or however many, why is she ok with that? "He cheated on/beat up/robbed/murdered his last girlfriend, but he loves me and would never do that to me," says no girl in a healthy, stable relationship. Go Gary for not playing nice, and loved the highlights comment. Whether you like it or not, Amber, Gary is Leah's custodial parent, and despite any issues he may have, he has every right to protect her from situations, and worrying about Matt, because of concrete proof of his history, is completely rational and part of being a good parent. Amber can excuse the behavior as being what he did when he was younger all she wants (ugh he said that's how he was 20 years ago... when Amber was 4), if someone has a history of theft, I would be weary of hiring them to be in charge of my businesses money.
  10. Ha, holy crap. That article on Radar has her advertising for some other Uber-wannabe. This is so obviously part of her being paid to advertise for them.
  11. I giggle just thinking about that amazing interview. Way to go interviewer guy.
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if the Uber driver recognized her and made some porn joke and she went off.
  13. I think Sophia knows that being mean to her grandma makes her mom laugh or praise her.
  14. So now it's her dad's fault for the bankruptcy? Have we even heard about a dad?
  15. I think that's similar to Trump's referral to being a great business man. She brings it up a lot to deflect when people make a good point against her, and uses it to garner support for her craziness.
  16. Well, she can choose to not have health insurance, but she needs to realize that means she'll have to pay a tax penalty for it. And then pay 100% out of pocket for any services.
  17. Farrah is the Donald Trump of Teen Mom: everything she says is either completely fabricated or exaggerated to the point of being fake; she yells over anyone who dares to go against her by using really pathetic insults, many of which are hypocritical because she has said or done the same (see: telling her mom not to use bad language around Sophia -- even better, Trump's recent comments about the former Mexican President's use of the F-word); if you question her for any kind of facts, she does she either yells, uses the previously referenced poor insults, or cries; she refuses to admit when she is caught in a lie (porn); and, if she is not insulting someone, she is talking about how amazing she, and everything she has ever touched, is. Did I miss anything?
  18. It was definitely a weird scene, but I think that it may have been one of those parental moments where you're caught in a trap and don't know how to get out. There was an early episode of Modern Family where Phil and Claire are trying to figure out who burned a hole in the couch, and Phil threatens to cancel Christmas if no one confesses. Then they realize that if they don't follow through, they look weak, but neither of them actually wants to cancel Christmas. So Bentley back talked a bit regarding Maci's shoes not being put away, kind of just being a sassy kid, but it wasn't an appropriate thing to say to your parents (Even though I think it's not as effective as parent to tell your kid not to do something that you do). Plus, there were cameras there. So now Maci has been backed into this corner and has to do something or else risk being called out for not doing enough, but there really was no "good" solution there because it was just a stupid thing from the beginning. But I understand it.
  19. What's the saying? If you run into an asshole in the morning, you've run into an asshole. But if you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole? Not that it matters since Farrah as absolutely zero self awareness
  20. I'm going to be in the FBI! That's why I posted my private email address on a public site!
  21. Only issue I took with the cake scene is they gave her a full sized cake instead of a miniature one. Waste of cake and money... unless these people ate the cake after she smashed into it.. which wouldn't be all that surprising.
  22. Amber got a "sorry I have 8 kids" ring. That she paid for with her own money because we know Matt doesn't work. On the other hand, Farrah isn't even engaged now or else we'd all know about it. That ring shopping scene was cringe beyond cringe. Simon must be getting something good to go along with that shit show. Sophia didn't notice that the realtor had feelings, but rather was wanting her mother's validation for being rude to her grandmother. She knows that no one will stop it and that her mother treats her grandmother that way, so she probably gets positive comments after it happens. Amber's home smells. No question. And Amber, sorry, but custody agreements aren't, "i get to call and have the kid whenever I want." That is not stable, no court will agree to it, and it is not fair for Leah. Set a real schedule with regular time, and deal with it. You want her more during the week? Move within driving distance of her home, then go to court over it. They will decide whether you get more time and if they don't, worship the ground Gary walks on if you want more because he can make that choice. The fact you even get anything extra beyond the time agreed to is something to be thankful for. You went to jail. Now you suffer the consequences, and you can make it better if you work at it. Speaking of jail, are we supposed to feel bad for Butch that he physically assaulted April and is now punished for it? Really? I mean, no, really?!?!? Sorry Butch. You went to jail because of your actions. You are no longer in jail. Now you have to work on putting your life back together, and the woman who you abused has no obligation to be anywhere near you. Most people don't have his issue because they don't date the mother of their son's girlfriend, but you did. Was Nova's "smashing" a full size sheet cake? It wasn't huge but it definitely was easily a 20-30 (normal human sized) serving cake. When that is what you get a one year old to destroy, I question what you think of a normal portion is for an adult. Then again, if I recall correctly, the attempt at a diet in that house involved multiple pizzas. But I can't expect much from a person who thinks the only way to eat healthy is plain chicken breast and broccoli, nothing else. Catelynn needs some real help. I feel so bad for her. She has a terrible family and terrible in laws (sure, if Tyler is too hung up on his own feeling bad he won't be able to help her, but Kim telling him that now is not the time of empathy? What?!). She needs a real doctor. She needs a supportive husband who actually helps out at things and who thinks of her first. Maci. Meh. Boring. I don't personally hate her for drinking while pregnant although I don't support it. Theres a lot to the topic that has been discussed here and don't feel like my opinion is necessary. Just find the issue particularly poignant because of the recent CDC report and some interesting critiques I've read on the report. However, regarding Maci, not a fan of the "do as I say not as I do" style of parenting. Want your kid to pick up his shoes? Set a good example yourself. Don't want your kid knocking up girls when he's a teenager? Practice proper birth control usage. Whoops. That is my exact thought when I try to picture Kyle (Landry!) The producer was wearing the mic. Unless you live in Japan, apparently (no recommendation for pregnant women to stop eating sushi).
  23. My Sweet Seven Years Old
  24. i grew up about a mile from my grandmother. She watched us pretty regularly, just for an afternoon or for an evening out. My parents took at least one weekend away a year (their anniversary), but usually at least a full night away from us multiple times a year (usually we stayed at Grandma's, or one of us would be at a friend's house and the other would stay with Grandma, either way we loved staying with her and it was always fun because grandma is awesome and let us eat corn dogs and chef boyardee, she had a Nintendo which we didn't have at home, and we got to watch TV as late as we wanted, including MTV which my mom blocked when I was about 9). I see nothing wrong with leaving your kid with a sitter for an evening, or over night, because that night off is going to keep you sane and keep your marriage happy, or just be general stress relief. I'm sure when we stayed away, my parents just enjoyed a night at the house without us, but a night with no kids is a night with no kids. No judgement here, even if it seems like a lot to other people (if I had free baby sitting with a grandparent like Jen or Larry, I'd probably take advantage too). Leaving your sub-one year old multiple nights a week every week, with less than stable adults, however, is a bit more judge worthy, although it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so often (giving April the benefit of the doubt and assuming she is able to care for her safely, according to Tyler and Catelynn's standards -- but yeah I wouldn't leave a kid with April or Butch ever).
  25. I can smell her house through my TV Maci and Ryan don't seem like the type to even be capable of thinking that way (thinking that their son would be anything other than 100% masculine boy). Doesn't mean he is or isn't, but I highly doubt they lack the ability to even consider that possibility.
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