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Everything posted by chitowngirl

  1. Sara had no right to try to stop the photo shoot. Vanessa, Edie's mother, was there and gave consent. Gerald, yes. Sara, not so much.
  2. "The Mumps have reached my testicles!"
  3. With all that Mary and Edith don't get along, they did share a look of "Dad doesn't have a clue" when he suggested that Carson and Mrs. Hughes get married in the servant's quarters.
  4. I didn't think the son was dead, but I did jump when he was behind the door!
  5. White Castles are bad enough, but if Caitlyn hasn't had meat in months and then has White Castle...
  6. I'm looking forward to Mum's the Word and I like Brooke Shields, but she's not Abby Knight! Abby is a freckled, curly red head who's in her late 20's, maybe early 30's. She's not 50. It wouldn't bother me if there weren't 16 books in the series and it's a pretty big thing in the book about her red hair and freckles. I have the same nit picky details about the Murder She Baked series. Hannah has a little 2 person cookie shop, not a big bakery with lots of workers making all kinds of baked goods. And none of the bakers are wearing gloves! At least Hannah puts her hair up when she's baking. If these were original stories it wouldn't matter, but these are established series and these details stick out.
  7. I looked on the Hallmark Movies and Mysteries Facebook page and someone posted the same question. The HMM answer was they didn't have any new info on The Gourmet Detective right now.
  8. Until reading this thread just now, I had no idea that Kimberly and Ashley were sisters either! I went to IMDB and looked up Ashley Williams and it is very obvious from her picture that they are related. I adore Snow and Snow 2 (ABC Family movies that I didn't see at all on the schedule this holiday season!). Topic? I appreciate that when HMM has a new mystery movie on Sunday night, they show all the previous movies in the series first. I missed one of the Garage Sale mysteries and caught it last week and missed a Murder She a Baked that I'll catch tonight before the new movie.
  9. Does anyone know if the GGs will be on On Demand? Can't watch tonight and don't have DVR.
  10. Carole King looks so touched that everyone came out to honor her! Only Aretha would/could come out with a clutch purse and a fur!!!
  11. I do like seeing the clips from the ceremony with President Obama presenting the awards.
  12. This seems to be lacking "energy". Usually the room seems so electric and you can feel everyone's excitement. Everything so far seems "flat".
  13. When Kylo Ren couldn't get the lightsaber to move and all of a sudden it shot right past him-I expected Luke to be the one to catch it. I was disappointed that we got 2 minutes of him.
  14. If the Cheerleaders would have taken the penalty and not done the roadblock, how long of a penalty would it have been?
  15. Why would Arizona think it's appropriate to ask out a patient she has known for what, 5 hours or so? Perhaps if she came back to the hospital in the capacity of firefighter visiting her friends who were still in the hospital and she wasn't a patient anymore,
  16. During the end credits, there was a CGI saying that there would be a preview of the next Doctor Who during The Last Kingdom.
  17. Helen Slater as her adopted mother-HA!
  18. I think they are going to have to timejump soon. Henry (Jared Gilmore) is starting to look older than 13. The actor is going to be 16 soon. And I just noticed that Wil Scarlett seems to have disappeared!
  19. I hated anytime Lorelai wore a party dress that had a deep V plunging neckline and had no support.
  20. He was good in Body Heat, a pre-Cheers role.
  21. Something I noticed-During the runway show, when Heidi was describing the challenge, she said "with the optional 3D". The 3D was 'optional'? I thought that that was the point of the avant garde challenge.
  22. Maybe Emma is so covered up to hide the fact that her skin is turning scaly.
  23. All the designers gushed about how this was a great opportunity to get your designs and name out there, but the designer's name is nowhere to be seen. This promotes Project Runway.
  24. And Heidi, they are breasts. You are a grown ass woman. Stop using the word "boobies"!!!!
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