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Everything posted by LilyD

  1. It makes sense though as it was strongly recommended to meet outside during the pandemic if you wanted to meet other people. Also, there usually wasn’t a filming crew that followed them around, so they had to do their own set up, which usually involved having all the mobile phones on tripods in the center with them sitting around it. It limits your movements of course, which is probably why we were condemned to the endless “therapeutic circle-sessions” in garden furniture outdoors.
  2. Janelle’s two boys have. And as a result, Kody kicked them out of the nest (so to speak) for being disrespectful and pursuing their own agendas whilst not caring for the family. (Ignoring his ridiculous covid protocol) Garrison then seemed to have reached the point of “fxxx off Dad and leave me alone.” Gabe tried for a lot longer; trying to reason with him and asking him over and over again why he was never around. For his sake, I hope he’s given up on his sperm donor being a dad. Here’s the problem with a guy like Kody: you can’t reason with them. It’s a one-way conversation from him to you. And he’s never wrong, you are. We saw it too with Christine recently. He doesn’t want to “divorce”. He doesn’t want her to leave. He’s made the sacrifices in this marriage and didn’t make the mistakes. She did.
  3. Not sure if I'm following you here? Yes, of course if her actions involved some criminal offence but that's not the case. Or in case someone spilled the beans on something very awkward or a secret worth keeping for the show, but she already refuses to answer any questions related to SW or the family, meaning there's little to disclose anyways. Most (very) famous people let their staff sign NDAs, but that makes sense as it involves their privacy and their staff gets an intimate look into that. They don't make money by broadcasting their daily lives and all about their kids on tv , nor do they let cameras into their safe sanctuary called home. The Browns do, that's how they make money. So there's little privacy there that needs to be protected anyways. If she wants an NDA purely because she's afraid of humiliation or criticism, I'd recommend she starts with limiting and carefully checking what she posts on SM herself.
  4. Interesting... particularly because the entire family does a pretty piss-poor job in keeping the Sister Wives Saga alive on social media. Their own posts are full of spoilers and show no signs of the happy polygamous life. Their "secrets" are out in the open, whether TLC likes it or not.
  5. In defence of Mykelti here; she always was a bit quirky and headstrong. As such she clashed a lot with Meri, Kody and Christine. Mykelti and Christine are just two very different people and Mykelti refused to turn into the perfect modest and religious daughter Kody was hoping for. She challenged her parents a lot on different matters like fashion and religion. Meri clashed a lot with her too, particularly about the way Mykelti wanted to dress herself. Robyn was the only adult who supported Mykelti, listened to her and wasn't constantly criticising her. Why? I don't know. I suppose they sort of felt a connection as they both struggled to fit in. Neither felt truly accepted by (a part of) the Brown family. So yes, I can see why Mykelti still feels some sort of bond with Robyn.
  6. And neither is she real with all those filters! Today is the BIG day! Is anything happening?? Oh and signing an NDA? Wtf??!! Did I miss something there?
  7. Well, Christine’s fine. She’s got a job of her own and money in the bank. Let’s hope she spends it wisely. Meri is fine too. She’s got the b&b, so she’s got a property of her own to sell or live in. That leaves the other three…. No idea what the future holds, but with one fully mortgaged home (which has reasonably increased in value though) and land they cannot build on yet (or ever) I fear the worst. (Well for Janelle…. I couldn’t care less for the other two!)
  8. @Teri313, I’m sure he considers himself entitled to all of the land and houses. He co-owns Robyn’s house as he did with Christine at first, though he mysteriously disappeared off the deed later on. Which is probably why he couldn’t claim any money from her. The Coyote Pass story is a lot messier. He is listed as co-owner with all pieces of land. He holds 1 lot just with Janelle and one just with Robyn. And here’s the strange bit; the other two pieces are Kody, Meri and Janelle and used to be Kody Robyn and Christine*. Pretty interesting considering the fact that the two “problematic wives” apparently weren’t allowed to have a piece of land just with Kody?? Or am I jumping to funny conclusions now? * Don’t know the current state of Christine’s lot. I’m assuming it’s just Robyn and Kody now.
  9. I just bumped into a rerun of the episode where Kody simply assumed that Christine was going to sell her house and pour the money straight into Coyote Pass because it was "Family Money". For some reason I missed this scene when I first watched it and it left me utterly baffled! What an idiot! As if Christine was going to walk away with nothing!? His absolute shock when realising Christine wasn't planning on that was priceless! This is the direct result of the mess they made of their finances. They have completely lost track of who owned what bit in the first place and distributed the money unevenly again, with the bulk going to the land and Robyn's mansion. Christine was lucky with her house. She could sell, raise a certain finger, pack up and leave while keeping the profit as her share of the family money. Janelle and Meri aren't as lucky. The family bank account seems empty and their shares are in a worthless piece of land and, again, Robyn's mansion and their lifestyle. Janelle in particular drew the short end of the stick. She could have lived somewhere in a nice house mortgage free (her inheritance) with a little pension. But she sacrificed it all by handing it over to an incapable, immature idiot called Kody Brown.
  10. As someone else just said "their finances are a huge mystery" I did some math in another thread a few days ago (the knife in the Kidneys) which included the $494,000 the LV houses sold for (excluding agent fees and the costs of the move and rentals) And what they bought in Flagstaff. You can find it there in detail. But to put it simple, they "only" had about half a million to spend and bought two houses that were almost 900k and 520k , land that was 820k, which is more than 2 million dollars altogether! And I'm not even counting the ridiculously expensive rentals they had. They certainly did not have money of their own. I have no proof for that btw other than Kody's talk on the show about selling the LV houses to free up the equity. If they really had more than a million themselves, he wouldn't have had to do that. Nor would they have had to secure all those extra loans and pull over 200 grand out of Robyn's house again through extra loans. (a few sleuths out here unearthed those details a while back) The Brown Finance mystery keeps us busy out here on the forum. It also keeps us divided with some believing they actually have a lot of money and some, like me, believing there's nothing. They're just very skilled at securing one loan after the other. The Browns have a history of wasting a lot of money, making stupid financial decisions and acting on impulse. If there really was money, there wouldn't be all those loans, nor would their finances be such a mess as all would have been paid for.
  11. OH boy! This picture posted by @islandgal140 in the episode thread really left me howling with laughter! His hair is even a bigger mess than I thought. It looks ridiculous, though I doubt he sees it that way. Kody, you look like a sorry, pathetic parody of the Cowardly Lion! Just shave it off!
  12. Why did I suddenly have to think about Meri when I read this? Before Robyn came in, Meri called the shots. She had the best and the most. Even the exact same amount of money for just the two of them whereas the others had to use all and make ends meet with 7. She had it because she had a right to it, like she had a right to rent a house with a pool and to have a house that was as big as the others (for just 2) and had the most luxurious and costly finishings and additions of them all. Isn’t history technically repeating itself here with Queen Robyn? There’s only one way to find out: Bring on the new Sister Wife!
  13. Robyn has used her kids a lot to steal a narrative, depict their family as victims or to present things a lot nicer than they really were. While it may be shocking that she even uses Ari at her young age for this, it cannot really come as a surprise. She did the same to Breanna and Aurora after all. The best example I can think of is how Robyn tried to change the Covid storyline from them being the bad ones (shutting the others out by enforcing a strict Covid regime) to them being the victims (The others do not want to put up with some rules and inconveniences so they can see us. We obviously do not matter to them) Breanna and Aurora were crying on the sofa when they made those ridiculous accusations.
  14. More numbers: Someone on starcasm researched the Coyote Pass finances. There are four lots that cost $820,000 all together at the time. The two biggest ones were paid for by the Browns (Note: that doesn’t mean they actually used their own money, it could have been paid for by securing more loans!) For the two smaller lots, they only did a downpayment of $23,900 for each. So there’s still a minimum amount of $292,000 to pay for. (Or more if they used loans for lots 1 and 2 which were $480,000) So technically, just C Pass was enough to use up all of their profit, which says something about all the money that was still needed to buy those two houses, pay for the expensive rentals and Janelle’s RV.
  15. This is what I suspect too. Basically it’s simple math: all 4 LV houses were purchases for a price of around $450,000 and they were sold for 535 (Christine) 575 (Meri and Janelle) and 609 (Robyn) Which leaves a decent profit of $494,000. But that money definitely doesn’t buy you a huge lot of land and two houses in Flagstaff! And Robyn’s house was allegedly listed for about $890,000 at the time, So, it’s my guess too that the family money was used as down payments for Coyote Pass, Christine’s and Robyn’s house and that there is nothing left for Janelle and Meri. (Kody and Robyn allegedly loaned against their mansion twice already btw.)It’s extra sad considering the fact that Janelle used her entire inheritance to buy the Lehi house (which was sold at a loss) and poured her pension funds in the family pot as well (can’t remember the exact source for that) and is now left empty-handed….
  16. True, but then again those are true celebrities. Not a vague D-lister like Meri. And I somehow doubt women with big wallets watch and adore Meri Brown and LulaNo. They tend to look up to different people and more desirable brands, and would definitely not stay in a shabby looking inn in the middle of Fxxx nowhere. I wish there were TLC cameras around to show her utter astonishment at receiving NO inquiries or bookings at all!! I would have given that delusional scheme of hers a chance if she charged maybe 1000 or 1500 dollars. That might have been affordable for her hardcore fans. But we are talking a lot of money here! Her clientele shills and wears LulaNO, not Prada or Versace. That says all about the amount of money they have to spend.
  17. Robyn isn't stupid, she is fully aware of her own reputation (Brown family scapegoat).. I have wondered how she manages to walk across the street, go shopping or go on the school run, knowing what people really think of her. Few people are able to withstand such evil gossiping and mean whispering. It doesn't even matter if there is any truth in the rumours, it just hits and hurts you. So how she is able to live with this, is beyond me. Unless of course, she never gets out of her house and ignores the internet. Kody probably isn't aware on how the world perceives him and Robyn. In his world, he is right and the wives are to blame. People who don't see this obvious fact are just plain stupid, so I doubt he really cares what others think. They're wrong anyway.
  18. You know, that might be exactly what is going on now! There was a time where Janelle kept an eye on all the finances. There also was a time when she actually brought in money through a decent job, emptying her pension fund and a huge inheritance. That's all gone now. Whatever the Browns still have or own, it all goes to King Kody and his Queen consort. They'll redistribute as they see fit. If they see fit. Janelle has been sidelined. If she's smart, she'll keep all of the money she makes through Plexus to herself and start building her life from there. Nothing is coming from Kodouche mansion. It has always been a one-way cashflow. From Janelle to them, not the other way around.
  19. In defence of Janelle: she's the only one who worked hard in a regular job to provide the family with an income pre-TLC. Christine had a fultime job looking after all those kids, but Kody seemed to be on and off working, Meri worked parttime and Robyn did nothing. In Vegas, she was the only one trying to find normal jobs that would secure an income, whereas the others kept dreaming of sports centres, b&b's or joolry businesses while filming the show. She also loves to spend time outdoors (lazy people don't, as it tends to make them tired and a hike is too much work) and is happy to try lots of new things like cooking. She may not be very successful in everything she does, and she isn't very sporty but that's not the point here. She does keep herself busy with her job, family, being outdoors and trying out new hobbies. If anyone deserves the label lazy, it seems to be Robyn. She doesn't work, never actively engages in any Brown activity and is the only one with staff at hand to run her household....
  20. Nope, she'd need a new button as the old one broke down after so many punches... She doesn't, but she does realise it works miracles for her bank account. And I'm sure that makes her smile and feel good. Not drinking this crap. (If she does indeed drink it herself, which I doubt)
  21. Stupid question maybe, but is my keyboard the only one that struggles with Brown-names? Truely has always been a true issue for my spelling check as was Savanah and Aspyn. But I just realised that it keeps changing Paedon into Pardon too....
  22. Do they? Paedon and Gwen have been fairly open about how everybody feels on social media. And Garrison and Gabe have been brutally honest about things on the show. A few others have carefully avoided or gone around such questions, as if they're hiding their true feelings. There is a lot of pain and sadness out there and I doubt any of them have truly accepted it. And to be true, I get that. It's hard to deal with favouritism with grace and kindness. It hurts.... a lot. I'll personally never forget how my dad sat front and center for the graduation of his stepson yet completely forgot mine...
  23. On the topic of wives and bankruptcy in the Kody thread: I don’t think Robyn ever declared a bankruptcy, but I do clearly remember a scene where a sollicitor was sorting through her financial mess when she tried to qualify for a mortgage. That man specifically named her loans etc being listed under three names with two being Sullivan and Jessop. But she also used the name Robyn Marck (Marck being her bio dad) Now why would you do that? And there are other sources claiming she also had things going on under the name of Fullmer (her mum’s maiden name) Which mean 4 different names/identities and lots of loans and credit cards. At this time, she had also started to call herself Robyn Brown, despite the fact that that didn’t legally change until later. Now I’m very aware that married (or divorced) women can have stuff in more than one name which would explain the Sullivan and Jessop stuff. I’m not sure if she ever legally changed from Sullivan to Jessop or from Jessop back to Sullivan, though I can’t remember her ever calling herself Robyn Jessop on tv. But what about the other two??There were no reasons to use them. Unless….. it offered opportunities to qualify for more loans or cards and potentially a way to escape from your debts?? It’s not impossible to retrace people after name changes, but definitely more complicated. Especially when you used not 2 but 4 names! I don’t know, but that whole bit really made me uncomfortable.Robyn really looked like someone who was running from her past. When that counselor confronted her with some of his findings, she looked shocked, as if she had not expected all that stuff to bite her in the butt. Some yes, but not all. And then later, she legally changed her name again. This time to Brown. From an emotional point I get that. The same name as the rest of the family. But it does also fits her habit of erasing and rewriting history (Kody as her kids’ dad and that awful drawing!) She did it with her husbands and kids, so why not use different names and then legally change it again to erase more traces? Far-fetched: maybe. But then again, nothing in this family surprises me anymore.
  24. A few of the wives indeed filed for bankruptcy in the past. Meri was definitely one of them. Has Kody ever been declared bankrupt that anyone know of? It would be interesting (and sickening) if he used his wives for that. Will take my thoughts on Robyn to her thread as I’ll need a few more lines on that😉
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