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Everything posted by LilyD

  1. It happens occasionally. My neighbours’ daughter was practically bald until she was 3.5. And now she’s a teen with the most gorgeous long blonde hair! Again, it happens occasionally. By the time they turn 4or go to kindergarden, their language really comes on. (My youngest is just out of kindergarden and there were a few with such issues and are now fine) Having said this, lots of 3-year-olds with this condition get referred for speech therapy. Not sure if Lilah was? Another thought, could there be a medical issue we don’t know of that causes this?
  2. Did the mothers decide on the names and did Kody have a say in this? Am curious to find out how names were decided and by whom. Christine definitely didn’t pick standard names. And then she had to add that awful spelling too. What was she thinking? Those kids will be spelling their first name for the rest of their lives!
  3. I see what you mean and I partially agree with you. It’s hard when you feel out of place and desperately want to go home. But the thing I struggle with is that we were dealing with a mature and very experienced professional cheerleader. Because of that, I hold her at a higher standard than the 18-year-old just out of high school kid. She could have (and should have) known better before she started this journey.
  4. Oh yes Gwen! Pleaaaase spill the beans and entertain us with your snarky opinion! Now that would be fun!
  5. When looking at their past habits, I’d say it’s about time Kody rings the bell and tells everyone to pack up and move. However, I doubt he Robyn is going to sell Brown-Mansion and relocate again, so they’ll probably stay exactly where they are. Unless….that over-mortgaged mansion is facing a balloon payment in the near future; in that case, we’ll have a repeat of Vegas whether Robyn likes it or not. I do consider this very likely as our sleuths have unearthed quite a bit of info related to extra loans against the house over the past few years.
  6. The second…. Being the victim. He has no intention to look after Truely. Besides, a lawyer costs money which he doesn’t have (I think) or he’d much rather spend the huge fee on something else (like Robyn or guns) that is more important to him.
  7. So, apparently Mykelti worked as Robyn's nanny in the past too? That means we can add Mykelti to the "Robyn's support-list" which seems to be getting longer every single week. I am getting more and more convinced of one of our first theories that she chose this marriage for financial security, convenience and support rather than love and religious motives. She could have found herself a monogamous husband who provided her with a steady income but would have left her without support at home. What better option than a guy who has three other wives and a bunch of teens? Her mom's advice "to put her scent out" then also starts to make sense. Robyn obviously wasn't able to make things work alone. That still leaves the question "why?" What is wrong there? Is it an illness (like a thyroid issue, considering her huge neck. Or like someone else suggested; migraine? She always looks as if she has a terrible headache) Is it simply down to her personality? My gut says it's a combination of these two.
  8. I don't think it's about Christine not being worthy of anything. Rather, it has everything to do with his hugely inflated ego and God-like perception. In his mind he is so absolutely wonderful, dedicated, caring and perfect, that there's simply no way anyone is able to top that. It also explains his cruel and ridiculous attacks on Christine. It's his perception and since he is so perfect, it has to be Christine who is at fault and has to take the blame for everything. Kody is just incapable of seeing it differently and it shows how twisted his mind really is.
  9. Because he’s completely lost control and desperately tries to get it back. It’s not about Truely, he just sees her as a means to an end. Basically, he’s telling Christine if you’re really going to go through with this “divorce”, I’ll be the one who tells you what and how we’re going to do it (withTruely as leverage) He can no longer control Christine, has no legal rights to her house and assets. But he can exercise his parental rights. He’s evil enough to use that (or give it up) in negotiations about child support and maybe Coyote Pass.
  10. Mykelti and Tony were constantly compared to Maddie and Caleb. This was a competition they could simply never win from the golden couple. Caleb was way more mature than Tony. He also seemed to know exactly what to say and do to come across as the perfect husband. I guess both Janelle and Kody felt that their precious daughter was in good hands there. Kody adored Caleb and Maddie was one of his favourite kids for a long time, so they could never do anything wrong. In came his "trouble-making" other daughter, who never did as Douchebag-Dad said and chose her own path. In came a guy she had only dated for a short while. A guy who looked immature and was as free-spirited as Mykelti. I have to admit, I shared Christine's doubts about Mykelti and Tony at first. The way Tony came across, his immaturity and how they rushed through their courtship. But... they still seem to be doing great as a couple. Both are a bit quirky and seem genuinely fond of each other. Christine wants what every mom wants; seeing her child happy. Tony is obviously capable of keeping Mykelti happy which probably earned him lots of Browny Points.
  11. Quite likely.... Joining an MLM is considered a good career choice in this family, especially among the women. (3 out of 4 wives and 2 of the 4 kids who no longer are in college) I'm not sure of the girls as of Gwendlyn and younger but I do seem to recall that Ysabel has taken her first steps down the influencer's path/MLM this year as well.
  12. That's interesting! I'd forgotten about that one. I now remember wondering at the time why they bought it together? Was it Kody's idea or Robyn's? For people who pretended to be so conservative and stuck to their traditions, it obviously was no issue to break with one of biggest traditions of all: A groom won't see the dress (and definitely not the bride in the dress) until he's getting married... And yes, I can definitely see how it upset the other wives, particularly because, by Kody's own admissions, he cared little for the preparations of his previous weddings.
  13. I'm slightly surprised by your fierce reaction. When I read back my post, I don't read "all people with overweight have emotional problems." I merely stated that many morbidly obese people have mental issues as well, which is common knowledge among people who work with people who have a very severe overweight and want to loose the extra pounds. And of course there are those who do not have such issues, which is why I used many and not every. Considering your reaction I'm actually quite astonished by your own use of "fat people"?? To get back to Janelle and my post: I do find it interesting that Janelle seems to be spending all her time away from toxic Kody and Robyn and is morphing into a whole different person. She seems to be making an effort to eat more healthily, whether her dishes appeal to you or not, seems to be losing weight and is doing whatever, whenever and where ever she wants. We have speculated a lot about how happy/depressedJanelle really was. She called herself an emotional eater so it wouldn't surprise me if her feeling better has helped her lose weight too.
  14. Remember that episode where they went back to Kody’s hometown and met all his school “pals”? Kody strutted around like a proud peacock with his wives at first. And then it turned out that all of his friends just despised his way of living. They were disgusted by his choices leaving Kody so disappointed, hurt and confused….He really thought he’d be hailed as a super hero.
  15. Yes she is very much aware of this. In the previous season she said her mom called her the Brown Family Scapegoat because of all the online backlash.
  16. The book boxes.... I noticed that too. Kody doesn't read, unless it's texts on his phone.No way he owns that many books! So whatever is in it, it's not books! And TLC probably doesn't want to have a gun collector in their family shows either, so let's put "books" on it. That's safe and makes Kody looks good and smart. That brings me to something else; am I the only one who thinks that a gun business and Robyn is not a good match?? It wouldn't surprise me if she made him store all his guns at Christine's house as you can't have that stuff around little kids (conveniently forgetting about Truely there).
  17. A lot of morbidly obese people like Janelle seem to struggle with emotional health too. Food is a way to feel better, to feel like you’re in control. Dealing with those issues is important if you want to succesfully lose weight. Look at Christine and how great she looked when she finally realised the status of her shitty relationship and chose for herself. And I’m like hmmm…Janelle is travelling the world, seems to be making a lot of money and seems to be loosing weight….Where’s Kody?? Has she too made some significant changes to her private life? Life without Kody and Robyn must be so easy and carefree….
  18. I have a very simple solution for that: Fix the other marriages! Janelle and Meri will definitely be open for it, Christine probably not. It would get Kody out of her house after 1 or 2 days and she would be Queen of her own castle till His Lordship returns.
  19. I’m not sure how much Dayton and Paedon have in common. Dayton looks like a loner who either doesn’t want much contact or totally lacks the social skills. Janelle’s boys really were and still are close. If Paedon couldn’t really be part of it, then no one can. Robyn also has a totally different way of parenting. You can clearly see this when she occasionally interferes with Sol and Ari. (Or rather tells someone to interfere). She’s very protective, sees dangers in every corner, is quick to point out any unfairness (particularly if it involves her kids) and criticized the kids in general for being noisy, making too much mess or noise a lot. I guess that put the other kids off as well who were raised in a loosely controlled household in every way.
  20. Meri always has this grumpy, dissatisfied look and blunt manners. That adds to the impression of mean girl. Robyn on the other hand, can come across as kind and caring. I fell for it, it took me a couple of seasons before I really started to question her motives!
  21. I fully agree with @Kellyee. Robyn’s kids never stood a chance and that’s sad. The Brown kids shared parents and a past. They were all raised in a similar way, knew each other well and probably had a lot in common too. In come three new kids they hardly know and have little in common with. Robyn’s kids had their own past, were raised completely different from the Browns and had characters and interests that in general did not match the Brown kids (particularly whining AuROARa and quirky, introvert loner Dayton) I want to think they were accepted and included, but I have a gut feeling they were mostly tolerated, especially by the older kids. As they got older, the division got more obvious: Janelle’s and Christine’s kids grouped together and Robyn’s did. I don’t know where Leon fit in, if at all….
  22. In the Browns' case, there aren't just you 5 other siblings with whom you're sharing a mom and dad. Your dad has 2 other wives with their respective families as well. So you have to share your dad with a lot of people. And then dad decides to add another wife to the family. The little time you had with your dad becomes even less. The older kids were old enough to realise what that would mean for them personally. Kody and (some of) his wives made a conscious decision to add a 4th wife. No one ever thought about what it would mean to the kids. On more than one occasion, the kids were literally told "to accept and love your new mother and her kids". Robyn did the same btw. They (like many others) forgot one very fundamental thing: People who are in love choose for each other, their kids didn't choose for this. They didn't fall in love with those people. They are confronted with their parents' choices and literally have to suck it up and deal with it. You cannot love and respect on command. Love is a feeling that just happens to you. In some cases it grows over time and respect is earned. Robyn did little to earn it and a lot to destroy it.
  23. You know, it took a long time before I noticed that. It says all about how stealthily Robyn operates. She's never the first to suggest something, nor is she the first to give her opinion. It particularly shows in the tell alls. She'll always come after someone else, which makes it: A as if she supports said person and B which makes it seem as if she wasn't the one suggesting it. Quite clever actually.
  24. oh I wish something happened… the show is getting old and boring….TLC will have to come up with something soon or ditch the whole lot. I’m all for plyg palace; if they rig the whole thing with cameras and mikes. We’d have a Big Brother style Sister Wives! Or they could do a bachelor style dating show where Kody is looking for another idiot who is foolish enough to enter this mad family. Or what about a spin off and do The Bachelorette with Christine?
  25. In the latest episode, which I haven't watched btw, Kody apparently emphasised again how busy he was. So, I'll repeat my the question of last Saturday: WHAT - DOES - KODOUCHEBAG - DO? I would love to know what he is doing all day long. Any real thoughts? Any sleuths who are able to unearth anything? Somewhere on the forum I read he was also in the gun business and doing pretty well. (Don't know whether this is true or not, could be a rumour) I do wonder why we hear so little of his 'successful' businesses or what keeps him so busy throughout the day. I mean... he is pretty amazing right? You'd think he'd love to share all his successes on the show? He loves to be worshipped after all...
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