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Everything posted by SnarkySheep

  1. Agreed! Plus, when they were in the court showing pictures of the kids to the other jurors, it totally looked like Taylor was way older than Ray, which of course isn't true...it's just that girls do mature faster physically than boys in a lot of cases. So it wasn't really a fair comparison when Ray hasn't fully "developed" yet. Regarding the videotape...if it was such a big secret and Maya felt so angry and awful about what happened, why would she have kept the tape in the first place? (So that Dylan could find it and we could have this storyline, obv...) I did like the fact that the family still has a VCR at the ready...it totally goes with the whole old school/no money setup we've had all along.
  2. Personally, I just can't get a real grip on who she is and what she's looking for in life. For instance, her ex Tate was a wonderful guy, handsome, smart, funny, very caring, etc. Yet the whole time they were together, she kept criticizing every little thing. He basically hopped around her, trying to please her. I know there are some viewers who saw Tate as really controlling, but in any case, she could definitely have done worse. I kind of felt like when she lost the baby and broke up with him, it had less to do with all that than April simply waiting for a "good" reason to separate and seizing upon it. Now, with Choi, I also can't figure her out, though in a different way. The two of them argue a lot (I presume they toned it down on screen more because it would get really old for viewers, not because anything would realistically have changed with their work dynamic). Sure, they have sexytimes, but if that's what April is mainly interested in, I'm sure she could find it easily with just about any guy. Regardless of your mileage on Manstead, at least there has always been a solid feel of friendship between the two. IMO this little throwaway scene with them playing tag was more of a forced telling the audience that "see, there's fun between them too!" But to me, it felt like the old "show, don't tell." What I don't understand is why Dr. Charles didn't immediately reveal his connection to Reese the moment her father mentioned her. I can understand him speaking to the man initially, as he had a different last name than his daughter, and even if it WAS also Reese, that's a common enough surname. But when dad mentioned it, Charles only said that he did know her...not that he's her boss! Yet if the dad was able to track Reese down to Med, then surely he must also know who she's working under. But if not, then Charles should immediately have recused himself from consulting with him. (Of course, if he'd done that, we wouldn't have a storyline, so alas.)
  3. Yet we did see quite a few people watching the entire scene unfold...no doubt Reese will be the talk of the hospital for a while. And of course, that talk will include "why were there no consequences."
  4. This is actually pretty consistent with stories throughout the seasons. Don't quote me on exactly when, but they have in fact called on Severide's arson experience several times now Not to mention, Voight has clearly articulated in the past that he does not want two female officers going to a scene alone together. If there is a woman, he prefers to send her with male backup. This was something that annoyed Lindsay back in the day. Plus, the whole thing was ludicrous. What major city has so much time on their hands that they send emergency services out for "wellness checks"? Hello, that's what the guy's regular cardiologist is for! Well, you can't blame the actor for that...his scarred vocal chords are the result of a horrific car crash about twenty years ago. It isn't something he can control.
  5. And yet Casey and Severide barely used their blankets...they just had them lightly covering their shoulders, like maybe they were toweling dry after a Fourth of July swim, as they hung around chatting...
  6. This whole scene had ZERO to do with anything. They may as well just have hung signs around their necks: WE HAVE NICE BODIES AND WANTED A REASON TO SHOW THEM OFF.
  7. I did wonder what would happen to a girl like that...true, she would be divorced, but she's only 14. Chances are she couldn't go back to her dad, or he might try to marry her off to someone else (if she couldn't have her own babies, perhaps as a stepmother). She'd probably have to go into foster care. (Gee, too bad this isn't Fire! Saint Gabby would take her in, amirite??)
  8. Yes!! I was really sad when that show got cancelled...I thought it had potential. And that kid is adorable! Well, he literally bought EVERYTHING that required him to be 18...dry ice, cold medication. I doubt he planned to do anything with it, just take joy in being able to have it. This. I usually like JJ, but in this ep I really didn't. His behavior at the party was downright ugly. Talk to your parents before or after, but for heaven's sake, all your friends and family are there to wish you a nice day. Your parents don't have a ton of money but still went all out. And you thank them by shoving a Carvel cake to the ground like a toddler throwing a tantrum? Not cool, JJ.
  9. Right?? Like today's kids might not be totally familiar with John Travolta or somebody, but they'd certainly have HEARD of him Well, I live in CT, the land of a thousand boarding schools (never been to one myself, or even known anyone who did, LOL). But I do know that pretty much all of them have both day students and boarders, so I'd imagine Eastland was no different.
  10. I was just seriously confused by the whole concept of Field Day in February/March. Maybe it's different in other states, but here in CT it's generally at the very end of the school year (largely because that's when it's finally warm enough for outdoor events like this!) I was truly WTF at the episode opening, when Katie's talking about how "spring is finally here". Uh, no, it's not... Would it really kill some California writer to research the part of the country their show is supposedly set in?
  11. How is Joe suddenly six years old? Wasn't he still in preschool last season? Besides, we know that he was born on Manny's 14th birthday...and Manny is not 20.
  12. Recently saw "Down and Out in Malibu," the two-part opener of the final season...anyone know if Nancy really had a broken foot? Jo is seen in a boot and goes to great lengths explaining how she fell over someone lying on the beach. But the whole story is rather bizarre and didn't seem relevant to the overall plot at all, so I had to wonder.
  13. IIRC, Benny had cheated on Mrs. Severide...she accused Kelly of being part of it, e.g. covering up for his dad. She ended up severely depressed/suicidal, having to stay in some facility, which is how Kelly ended up staying with the Sexton family.
  14. Funny how that's turned out...lots of people are saying that since they got together, Will has really mellowed out and become more likable (presumably because he's no longer angsting). But with her, everybody thinks her personality's gone downhill. As for Natalie vs Gabby...maybe they could schedule a showdown at Molly's between the two. It could be a much-need fundraiser for the hospital! Heck, I'd buy a ticket...
  15. Don't forget, Vanessa was a cop just as long as Kevin was... My personal peeve? How Kendra was able to just go take a vacation smack in the middle of the semester...in LAW SCHOOL...
  16. Or homeschooling, apparently. Since when would a homeschooled student be competing in sports as a school against a team from a fairly large public school? I attended a small private high school myself, and my softball team had to drive 40-60 minutes away for games, as we were not considered in the same league as the local public schools, with many times more students.
  17. My theory would be that he doesn't spend all that much time with Natalie, but with grandma...who looks at him and only sees a poor baby that never knew his dad, so he's being spoiled and coddled. While that may be fine and good within the family, nobody in the larger world is going to care about any of that. Also, Will giving Owen that car? I know he literally said it's a bribe, but seriously? The kid acts terribly, not once but twice (that we've seen...who knows how often it's really been?) and he's rewarded with a large gift? Good luck getting that behavior to change.
  18. My private dream? That Casey decides he actually has a medical calling and heads for New Jersey with Hugh Laurie...who you KNOW would not suffer Gabriela Dawson for a single minute!
  19. While LaRoyce is certainly a talented actor, I actually don't like his scenes too much because he almost always mumbles. I haven't seen him in anything else, so I don't know if it's a LaRoyce thing or a Kevin thing. But it makes it harder for me to get into whatever he's doing when I have to rewind and give his dialogue another listen.
  20. I get the impression that we viewers were not supposed to fault Randall for doing this - and also that the interviewer was ok with it, because he said it "could be" about his kids (hello, caller ID?) But I have honestly never been on an interview in my entire life where I didn't turn my phone off. I'm sure that Randall wasn't talking to the woman all day, and in the event that some emergency actually DID happen at the girls' school during that hour or two, I'm sure the school could call Beth! If I were the interviewer I would have dropped him from consideration the second he took that call and didn't have to end the interview immediately - it would show that it wasn't in fact an emergency, yet he chose to take it anyways.
  21. Generally speaking, most colleges will not accept a COC, and we know that JJ has plans to further his education. Also, while of course we all know this is a comedy, it DOES focus a great deal on a person with special needs. Given that the show has attracted attention from the very beginning because of actually casting a disabled actor to play a disabled character (a surprisingly few roles actually do) one would hope there is some kind of consultant behind the scenes, advising the writers on what's what for a student with JJ's needs.
  22. Very true. I just never really had the impression that William gave it that much thought, though.
  23. I know they can't get into all this, because it's way too many characters and all, but just because William had no relatives left, are we supposed to assume that Randall's bio mom didn't either? Surely there might have been a grandma or aunt who would have taken him, or even a family friend, at least temporarily until William got over the shock of his girlfriend's untimely death, But they have always acted like it had to be either William or total strangers.
  24. Girlfriend telling Goodwin that smacked of condescension to me...and since overall she was a nice person, that really didn't make sense IMO. And yes, we keep hearing about other hospitals being close by, specifically the infamous Mercy. Couldn't they have taken Lyla there?
  25. Re: last week's ep with the competing firm - Did they REALLY need Chale to tell them to focus on smaller businesses? REALLY? They really thought that a fledgling little company like theirs could take on huge jobs? Plus, I'd imagine that a bigger, more established company like Nassau Security would also charge more. Are we supposed to believe that a business like Mary's Bakery (which likely employs only Mary and maybe one or two part-timers?) is going to pay thousands of dollars?
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