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Everything posted by SnarkySheep

  1. So we're supposed to believe that Chloe spent her entire life in Westport, changed herself entirely...but didn't think anyone would ever bring it up or even remember it? Huh.
  2. In the beginning, Graham was quirky but still in the vicinity of cute/funny. At this point, all his various paranoias and "issues" are literally screaming for a visit to a child psychiatrist...which none of the adults appear to notice.
  3. At this point I am rather disbelieving that NONE of the Halsteads ever suspected anything might be amiss with Ray Burke...like, seriously? This guy and his family have been portrayed as the most stereotypical Mafiosos ever...
  4. On Reba, the two toddlers were always said to be "watching a video upstairs." Sure, because 1- and 2-year-olds are totally super at occupying themselves that way. But yeah, I agree. With Will and Natalie this serious, we should be seeing a lot more of them with Owen as a family, not just continuing to go out on dates and having time for private serious bedroom conversations. Speaking of which, are we to assume Will now lives at Natalie's house? It seemed so, yet nobody ever said anything.
  5. I still don't get the whole Ruzek/Upton thing. If they are really just hooking up casually, why endanger their employment when I'm sure either could find a non-cop for that purpose. Halstead and Lindsay were entirely different, as from day 1 it was clear they were into each other specifically. But even they didn't get physically involved until they felt it was "safe" (her leaving Intelligence).
  6. I used to be a reporter for a small-ish publication, as this woman seemed to be...and I sure never got groundbreaking investigative articles to do, which immediately got picked up by the NYT even before completion... I also never got city officials of any capacity volunteering to put their necks out for the sake of an article (on any specific beat, you have to work hard at cultivating relationships and getting people to trust you...because there are literally NO Caseys who will jeopardize their careers simply because you're cute and asked them nicely.)
  7. This episode featured one of my greatest TV peeves/amusements - a ventilation duct that is easily accessed, large enough for an adult to crawl through, conveniently leads into the necessary room, and as an added bonus, the person emerges not even dusty or with mussed hair!
  8. Regarding Doris...IMO much of the humor on the show is about the moms complaining about their kids. But unlike Katie - who we also get to see doing hands-on parenting, being truly concerned about her kids, etc - Doris has virtually no "other side." She just comes off as MEAN.
  9. I still don't have a super clear idea of what exactly Miles and Rajesh do...customer service?
  10. All I could do was groan when I saw Antonio get into the car and reach for hydrocodone...please, let's not go down the whole "person has legit pain and instantly turns into an addict" storyline that's so popular these days. That's not how it goes. Something like 1% of all patients who use opioids legitimately prescribed to them develop an addiction. The vast majority of people are just fine using them. But TV shows only serve to further the stigma that is already well in place for people with chronic pain issues.
  11. Not to mention, Pam dying would have made sense; they already act like Cal is their kid, not like they are just taking care of him temporarily (there was dialogue between Mitchell and Cam last week, paraphrased, which included something like "since we had kids," implying that they consider Cal a permanent part of their household.)
  12. Overall I enjoyed the episode (favorite line, paraphrased: "What did we spend all our money on??" "Lily." "Oh, yeah!") But I agree with @seacliffsal - I'm having a REALLY hard time pretending that Haley is such a desirable woman that literally every single guy she's ever dated can't live without her. Yes, she's a pretty girl, but nothing extraordinary; and once you're past high school, people generally look for more than "OMG she's hot" in a partner. As I've stated on a previous thread, Haley has literally nothing going for her (college dropout, series of odd going-nowhere jobs, still lives at home, not even a very nice person most of the time.) But she's constantly portrayed as the world's best catch for any man...I mean, seriously, Dylan and Arvin fighting over her? SERIOUSLY??
  13. However, having Nina just randomly show up on Fire was odd, as we haven't seen a single glimpse of her since she and Will broke up (actress took a Broadway gig). She was literally always in Natalie's face on Med, then magically went away and nobody had to deal with her ever again even after Will and Natalie's engagement? Then to suddenly bring her back for a weird little cameo on Fire? If they wanted the actress back, fine, but they could certainly make better use of her.
  14. My big question: why would Chloe throw money to all the random students outside? 90% were likely not even in the girls' class. Secondly, if everyone in Westport is filthy rich except the Ottos, then why would all the kids be leaping for that cash? It would be like pocket change to them.
  15. How was that lawyer able to give a fake name? Wouldn't she have been asked for her insurance card? I broke my femur and was in absolute agony...yet nobody in the ER would do a single thing for me til all the insurance info was squared away. As for the illegal immigrant...isn't Chicago a sanctuary city?
  16. I've watched since the beginning but don't remember any of that. I guess it never really seemed like a big part of the character to me.
  17. While I agree Ariel Winter has a nice voice, the whole Alex singing thing seemed to come out of nowhere, literally just shoehorned in so that AW could showcase a talent. I bet we never hear about this again.
  18. Exactly! As a person with muscle damage and mobility issues, I took real offense with the idea they projected, that if you work REALLY hard at PT, you can recover from serious injury in just a few weeks. And Otis doesn't even limp or show ANY difficulty whatsoever now. As for Stella, I still maintain that having a portion of lung removed would keep her on a desk job permanently, but hey, TV.
  19. That's the thing that especially bothers me...for heaven's sake, Halstead and Lindsay had a serious committed relationship but Voight made the biggest deal out of how inappropriate it was. Now people in the department are just randomly hooking up, which is sure to explode, but it's just accepted to be ok? Like, neither Ruzek nor Upton said a single WORD about what if things go wrong between them and they're stuck having to work closely together, or if Voight finds out. Surely Ruzek remembers all of Voight's wrath over Linstead? And while Upton wasn't around then, surely she's at least a little intelligent about this sort of thing...?
  20. IMO, while Oliver might be driven to cheat if he couldn't do something, he would NOT submit a store-bought item. He is consistently shown as being smarter than that. He might pay another student to make one for him, sure; but hand in something clearly made by a machine? Nope.
  21. All I kept thinking was, poor student who has to be trained and advised by Natalie...she's not exactly Chicago's best doctor...
  22. My biggest peeve, as a former journalist myself, is how someone as young as Cara could have landed such a great job with so much creative freedom at a large NYC publication. But alas, that's the magic of TV.
  23. But can you really blame her for that attitude, considering the family that raised her? Essentially all the adults in her family think they should get stuff just for existing (except for Alex, who admittedly does work hard but also seems to think she deserves all kinds of stuff because she's smart...like nobody else could possibly also be.)
  24. People like April are one of the biggest reasons I left my own Catholic upbringing...she comes up with these absolute black and white statements, all holier-than-thou, for other people. But she's conveniently selective for her own needs and wants, e.g. having sex with boyfriends when she isn't married. You can't just pick and choose when religion works for you and when it doesn't.
  25. This! And considering that Al's daughter just died in a fire a year ago, it would be REALLY unlikely to have his colleague's family member also die in one. I used to root for Atwater and Burgess to get together, but that was back in S1 when they were partners and good friends...not so much now. He claimed it was only talking, to get information...and while of course people would roll their eyes and say "yeah right," in his case I might be inclined to think he was telling the truth. Awkward as the subject may be, I'd imagine there might have also been some scuttlebutt about the true nature of his relationship with Lindsay over the years. We viewers know how purely paternal he's always been to her, but I can kind of see how ugly people might view various situations.
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