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Everything posted by SnarkySheep

  1. All I can think is that having a character named "The Peeper" would have entirely different connotations in the 21st century.
  2. IMO the relationship with Lindsay could've been good. Severide needs a strong woman to keep him on the right path and also not put up with his BS. Lindsay definitely qualifies. Unfortunately, due to scheduling problems between the two shows, TPTB had to break them up before they really even got started.
  3. I too recently got around to watching the pilot - I was interested since the show initially aired, but just had too many other shows to keep up with. So far, I've only watched two episodes, but I really like it. I was pleasantly surprised at how subtly the show manages to reveal connections and new information. I'll definitely keep watching!
  4. I dunno...I want to like this show, and I do like Martin. Nan and Jason are starting to grow on me, though I kind of hated them together in any room the first few eps. I REALLY can't stand any workplace scenes, though. Re: dogs talking like their owners - My mom and I actually had this discussion a few months back! I was talking for my dog, and quite naturally threw in a couple of f-bombs. My mom was all, "HE WOULDN'T TALK LIKE THAT!!" And I insisted he would, because duh, his owner does. /projection
  5. Yep, this is totally one of those shows for me like Seinfeld (which ironically inhabits the same universe as MAY), where you can randomly pull a quote to suit any real life occasion! Glad you're enjoying...
  6. I dunno...I get that the ending was supposed to be super dramatic, but I just felt like it'd all been done before. How many major season-ending fires are they going to give us, where we guess who survives and who doesn't? Can't they think of something else? As for Gabby's dad...even if he's having financial problems after leaving Mrs. Dawson, isn't he still working somewhere? He isn't that old. And what's it been, like a month, since that anniversary party breakup? How could the man go through his entire savings in such a short time? And wouldn't he think to stay with Antonio, who lives alone, rather than his daughter who's a newlywed? It all seems a little too contrived to me.
  7. So Manny took his cap and gown into a strip club...because he was afraid someone would steal it from the car? Huh? That was weird. And did I miss something, or did they never quite wrap up whether Manny's going East to school or not? If he is, then will he be off the show?
  8. See, I kinda saw this a little different...it was more of an awkward, guy-doesn't-know-how-women-operate sort of thing, where Will automatically thought that every little thing has to mean Something Deeper, just because a woman does it, but that's not the case. IMO it was cute.
  9. Personally I wouldn't mind Severide and Kidd as a couple; BUT, the problem for me is that it's like she's hanging out, just waiting until he might notice and want her again. There she is, supporting him through the hospital procedure, through the aftermath of Anna's death, etc. and he really doesn't seem to understand just how fortunate he is to have this. I kinda cringe every time Stella comes around him. But on the other hand, she did tell him she only wanted a casual thing and didn't want any real relationship. So apparently Severide took her at her word. Whether she wasn't telling the truth at the time, or developed feelings later, I'm not entirely sure.
  10. My job involves arranging school bus transportation for students in our medium-sized city. Bus stops are usually at the end of the closest street for elementary, and no more than a block or two for the older kids. But I can't tell you how many parents insist that's "too far" for their child to walk, that they need to be able to "see them out the kitchen window," etc. (To date, there has never been a single child abducted from a bus stop or on the way to school, there are many crossing guards employed throughout all walk zones, etc.) There are also a considerable number of parents who wait in their cars with the child at the bus stop until the bus arrives, then return in the afternoon to pick them up the same way. So with this in mind, I can definitely imagine that regardless of how safe an area may be, the Ottos' friends and neighbors would be appalled at letting a newly turned 8-year-old walk several blocks on her own. (IMO, it's a good thing, though, because kids need to learn how to cope with real life in small but increasing ways, or else they end up in college with no clue how to function without Mommy or Daddy.) In the end, the Otto kids will be a lot more life savvy than many of the other Westport youth.
  11. I don't know, but I hate when shows do that. How hard is it to have some throwaway line, e.g. Katie saying, "I never thought I'd miss Viv, but I kinda do, since she moved..." Gah.
  12. I know it's a sitcom, but I found it REALLY hard to believe someone wouldn't have kicked Katie out of that meditation group, or at least spoken up more. Not only is Katie totally messing up their concentration, but don't forget, people are likely paying big bucks for that kind of thing. I'd imagine a lot of angry clients would have been storming the front desk, demanding refunds. Re: the napkin - As a writer, I could totally relate. I've come up with "genius" ideas in the middle of the night or other random moments, scribbled something down, then looked at it later and wondered what on earth I was thinking. On a side note, are we ever going to see Angela and Celeste's kids? It took a while, but we finally saw Doris'. But we don't even know if Angela has girls or boys, or anything about them.
  13. I had the distinct impression that the other moms just wanted an excuse to host a social gathering, not that they really cared about Katie so much...but yeah, gifts are kind of awkward there. I did love Angela's line about how pregnant women "only drink in private." Heh, so totally her. On a random side note, how is it even possible to have "mandatory volunteer hours" at a public school? What happens if Katie simply says she doesn't want to? It's not like they can kick her kids out. Typically, parents are only required to volunteer at private schools.
  14. Actually, she HAS...we started the season with Lindsay going to see Dr. Charles. That was one of Voight's conditions for her getting her job back, remember? Then, last week, when the female psychiatrist came in, Lindsay made reference to something the woman had told her "in a session" - indicating that Lindsay has also been a patient of hers.
  15. Yep, me too...I always thought he and Benson had a good connection. And, as we've seen in past episodes, they are clearly in regular touch (sharing info about the serial killer, her sending him whiskey when he got shot, etc.) Re: Lindsay being in charge - I didn't really get a clear sense of her being more senior than the others (wouldn't that be Al?) If nothing else, it smacks of nepotism. Even if the others didn't dare say anything out loud, I'd be willing to bet they were thinking it...
  16. IMO Lindsay and Upton are VERY similar-looking, almost like sisters...it's a bit distracting. Re: the morgue scene - What I picked up was that when the dead kid's mother asked which officer shot him, Jay didn't say a word...and likely wouldn't have, if Erin hadn't. I very definitely had the sense that no matter what's gone down with them recently, he would never, ever throw her under the bus. It was a good moment.
  17. I totally forgot that!! IMO they would have done better to have Erin reference that, rather than some childhood friend we never heard about before and never will again. As for Erin's attacking the pedophile...Voight has 54 charges of police brutality against him, yet after they initially brought it up, we see him back at work like nothing. Erin hits ONE guy and they drag her before a committee literally the moment her hand is back at her side? Huh.
  18. I may stand alone here, but I really never got a sense of who Anna WAS, other than "Cancer Girl." So while her death was supposed to be devastating, largely because of Severide's love for her, it didn't really impact me much. I guess I never really understood what the attraction for Severide really was, because of not getting any personality. IMO they could have done this storyline a bit better.
  19. Seriously...I thought maybe Tongue Guy had something wrong with his legs, but no, he was able to get up right away when Gabby and Brett asked. So I don't get why he sat in that chair for like three days. Re: Papa Dawson moving in - I'm sure they'll turn it into a major conflict before long. But honestly, Matt and Gabby's apartment is bigger than the Playboy Mansion. Can't they just give Papa a room on the other end? They're off at work for long stretches too. It's not like they'd be living in MY apartment, bumping into each other every two feet.
  20. YES, YES, YES, times a thousand!! I can kind of handwave the no-partner thing, since it's pretty clear they have to take it easy on the number of guest stars per episode. But his personality changes, I can't. It was out of character for him to take Natalie to the hockey game (he couldn't just call Ruzek or Atwater and ask them to meet him?) and I can't figure out what the deal is with his hanging around Natalie anyways. The Jay we know wouldn't do that to his brother, any more than Will would go after Erin. Natalie's son is just about one year old now, and her dead husband's mother watches him. I get that she's grandma and wants to do that, but seriously, Natalie! The woman watches the baby for days at a time (what are their shifts, like 30 hours?) and instead of immediately collecting the child and giving her a break, Natalie always goes off to Molly's for drinks, etc. You'd think they could at least give her a throwaway line, e.g. "Let me call Helen and see if she minds keeping Owen a little longer..."
  21. IMO April and Ethan might be a good couple, but it's WAY too soon after her miscarriage and engagement breakup. She needs some time to regroup and find herself before jumping into another relationship. Considering that Will basically needed Nina for a place to live, I'm curious as to where he and his stuff are going. (Remember, he doesn't even have a car to move with at this point.) Are he and Jay BOTH at dad's house? Are we going to come back in the fall and see that Will's moved in with Natalie? Re: Dr Stahl and the pranks - When he was complaining to Maggie about someone stealing his coffee mug, did anyone else for a moment think that Maggie herself took it? There was just something about her facial expression at that moment...
  22. My main thought throughout this entire episode was, "I would like to live in a Connecticut where you can lay by an outdoor pool in May." In my Connecticut, we are still wearing long sleeves and jackets.
  23. IMO it was a bit insulting that Maya was SO over-the-top doting on JJ. Yes, I get that he's her special son; but when she was looking at that scrapbook, and then when JJ announced his camp plans, she's all, "But what will I DO this summer without him?!" I just wanted to shout, "Lady, you've got two other kids!! Did you forget?"
  24. The actress who played his wife got a part on another show. All in all, IMO it's Atwater who's been shafted...the guy is literally the only regular cast member to have never even had a date, let alone a relationship of any kind. We know almost nothing about his personal life or background, just that he is raising his younger brother and sister, but barely even anything on that, which could definitely be material for some interesting storylines. TPTB seem to be implying that Atwater and Ruzek have become close friends, based on their banter and the fact that Atwater had been asked to be best man. But IMO it's telling than showing, as we really haven't seen much evidence of that happening, not even them hanging out at Molly's or anything.
  25. Yeah, count me among those who agree that Greg was a saint - and Katie, too - to allow Viv to stay with them for longer than a night. Or, if they did agree to allow her, then they needed to establish some ground rules (e.g. there are no servants in this house) ASAP. Re: Anna-Kat - I don't recall them specifying that it's Katherine, but it seems clear that it is, especially when we learned that grandma was the first Katherine. However, in that case, why isn't Taylor carrying on the tradition? How could they have been sure they even would have a second daughter?
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