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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Maybe religious fundamentalists can learn something from this. They're notorious for leaving bible tracts as tips, even for large parties. I'll keep that bible verse in my back pocket to deploy the next time I hear of some cheapskate tipping.
  2. Naked Wasted. Never forget. Brooks is an entitled little shit, but so far he's not plotting the ruin of someone for his own gain.
  3. Oh Jessa. How the mighty have fallen. And I'm here for it! 😁
  4. I dunno. I think she's too stupid to be fun. Even dumpster fire fun. 😁
  5. I don't think Jeremy gives a flying fuck what the critics think. He's too focused on projecting the perfect Christian image to MacArthur and those who answer to MacArthur. He probably hates the managers who cut him from his soccer teams.
  6. I think Emily was,able to take care of the kids because they were all positive, although the kids were asymptomatic.
  7. I smell bankruptcy in his future. Personally and possibly dissolution of the firm given that his partner is suing him.
  8. Hilarious that they used WHEN instead of IF in that podcast title. 😂
  9. Danielle is probably there to give Ben and his kids proper haircuts. 😁
  10. That story has more holes than Swiss cheese. 🙄
  11. Josie is in the second picture. I bet it was filmed.
  12. Wreath making with the "sisters." https://www.instagram.com/p/CI4XqYxpyls/?igshid=soliimvans8d
  13. What was Gizelle doing before she got married? She had her kids in her mid 30s. Did she party her way through her 20s?
  14. @crazycatlady58, why can't you have a live vaccine? Do you have a disorder that would cause severe interactions?
  15. I got a little flyer to read as I waited for the pharmacist. It's not a live vaccine.
  16. Small correction: it was Mary who said Jen smelled like hospital. Mary hates hospitals, which doesn't bode well for any of her parishioners who get sick.
  17. Hugs, @lookeyloo. ❤️ I just wanted to check in to report that I got my first Shingrix shot this morning. So far, no side effects other than soreness at the injection site. I hope I remain that 50% who gets off easy! But as you all said, better a little headache or fever for a day or two rather than shingles for months!
  18. Yeah, her War on Christmas post was especially extra. It won't be long before she goes public again.
  19. Jill's all salty now because FB and IG are flagging her conspiracy theory posts. She thinks it's an attack on her freedom of speech. It's pretty hilarious watching her melt down. 🤣🤣🤣
  20. I remember Ariane from somewhere. Was she on Top Chef?
  21. Jill basically admitted in her Minute bit today that it's more important to feed your kids religion than it is to feed them food. She actually dismissed food, clothing, and something else that I can't remember as "also important, but..." She practically made it an either/or proposition. After watching her say that, her Dickens children make so much more sense.
  22. Those were the figures I had. I read in another group that Justin bought and sold the property. Looks like the information I had was about half correct.
  23. The first picture they published showed that little Evy Jo had a distinct birthmark between her brows. I wonder if they're withholding more pictures because she isn't "perfect?"
  24. Not surprised. I predicted that Jed! would have to give the landlord his 30 day notice the day after it wasn't necessary for him to live in Springdale any longer.
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