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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Rockets game postponed tonight due to ongoing testing for contract tracing. Here's more. http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=30589224&ex_cid=espnapi_internal eta The Rockets are a hot mess right now on several fronts.
  2. That was my first thought when I saw the picture. 🙄
  3. Yeah, I forgot the personality change. MIL becomes very difficult. Thankfully, they know to test for the UTI when she gets nasty.
  4. My MIL gets them rather frequently. Her nurse told me it's due to her holding her urine rather than going to the bathroom when she needs to. This is due to mobility issues (she requires a walker). At any rate, it gets diagnosed later than with younger patients which of course means the infection has progressed. I'm sure @doodlebug can explain it with more clarity. 😀
  5. Shrek's preaching again. smh edited because she went private again. Make up your mind, schizo Jill!
  6. I know a Kord, but his full name is Kordell, which isn't unheard of.
  7. She gained 500 followers since this morning. I guess that happened after she went public, and the hate followers re-upped. eta: Someone on FJ noticed the follower gain happened in the space of an hour. It's suspected that Jill bought them. And it's closer to 800 followers gained! Buying followers is surprisingly cheap.
  8. If the Duggar Howlers have a communal closet, then no one's pants fit. They're all about the same height aside from Sinner Twin who might have actually hit 5'9".
  9. They should know better. Kord's father and two uncles are in the National Rodeo Hall of Fame.
  10. No, he isn't licensed. Just a run of the mill flipper.
  11. It's only temporary, as this case is going to trial.
  12. One of the ladies interviewed didn't make the Housewife cut (the ethnic one). Heather Gay is on the show, presenting as a Mormon who was excommunicated due to her divorce but still attends services. She says it's tough in the dating world since she comes with the baggage of divorce and three daughters. As you might imagine, it's tough finding non-Mormon men to date in Salt Lake City.
  13. Yeah, Megan said something about how she was a professional when talking about Julianna. That remark took her out of consideration for my rooting interests. I was sad for Lorenzo and his leaning ginger cake, but I agree with everyone else: all the final cakes had major flaws. I guess Julianna's buttercream won it for her.
  14. The article is behind a pay wall. 😕 But bilking a children's charity? That's lowest of the low.
  15. More kid humble bragging. https://www.instagram.com/p/CJHalXzjVVU/?igshid=clrcktlcaycv
  16. No, it was Claire's friend, Grace's wedding. Both she and Justin were attendants.
  17. Well, it's not midnight yet... https://www.instagram.com/p/CJFdcetLbpC/?igshid=12cymsea4p6j7
  18. No big deal since I am not a front-liner or a senior. I doubt I'll get the vaccination before late January, if even then.
  19. Oh dear... https://www.instagram.com/p/CJFbe7Wp_Fa/?igshid=tjk7fkwrcuwx
  20. That's me, always misreading what's right in front of my face! 😳
  21. That's why I pointed out that the woman in question has neither confirmed nor denied the story.
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