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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. The lowest level math they had at Moody was Algebra. I doubt he passed it. I wonder what courses he took at Fox Valley; they likely offered the remedial coursework Timmy needed. But would Tim have it in him to talk with a counselor and chart a reasonable path of courses suited to his academic level? I also wonder what class he was taking that caused some other students to show him porn (according to Jill)?
  2. Tim's already flunked out of college twice. I doubt he's going back to try a third time. I think he's working now; the Christ honoring handyman gig is a side gig for the time being. I saw,a,picture of some stairs he built. Scary stuff.
  3. They certainly blew their opportunity with the Duggars. And that is laid solely at Jill's feet. That's a family who could have helped him. Look at Elijah.
  4. I don't think the Rods have any friends. Church acquaintances, sure. But no real friends who could look out for Timbits like that.
  5. Wow, that means he caved to MacArthur peer pressure. Now I'm REALLY pissed at him.
  6. I thought he'd be more considerate than that. I am speechless. What a bastard.
  7. And 6 months pregnant Deena went along on this trip. Between her or Cathy, I don't know who was more irresponsible.
  8. She still turns off the comments. Doesn't she know that everyone left is her friend? 😂😂😂😂
  9. Tom asks court to not pay spousal support. Also, there was apparently no prenup. Of course, their money is tied up in the Caymans or wherever, so this may all be moot. https://people.com/tv/erika-girardi-husband-tom-girardi-asks-court-to-terminate-ability-to-award-spousal-support/
  10. Brownie says Tamrat is the only one speaking to her these days. If Tamrat said anything, maybe Brownie was blacked out and doesn't remember. 🙄
  11. She posted a third political pic, plus the gym series. She resurrected that sad snowman she used on the Covid post and said she's dreaming of a white Christmas. I think that's everything. Oh 8419/following 24
  12. Joken star as Mary and Joseph in a movie for Lighthouse Baptist Church. Looks like Addison is Jesus.
  13. Yes, it was Shrek who attended the bible college. It was correspondence. He married Jill in '97, and at no time did they ever live in LA.
  14. It's a diploma mill bible "college." Jill breaks her silence on the Gram with two posts concerning the election. Does she think everyone who stayed agrees with her? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 8419
  15. Jon's been circling the drain for a while. I'm sure production had a hand in putting him out of his misery over Eva, who has had better days.
  16. Just a picture of a Santa hat and a crown of thorns. Explains that one is the reason for the other. It was her getting so close to 10k and possible monetization that triggered the Redditor to start the Plexodus. Plexit?
  17. Gotta find Lauren a new man for that fantasy to become reality. 😁
  18. Dude, you flip houses. What kind of "business" does one do in Colorado? https://www.instagram.com/p/CIhHyt9DUl-/?igshid=oecyigmtr6fz
  19. Well, the Caldwells do have news. Grandma is knocked up. Sister dumps/is dumped by her fiancee. What do the other families have, aside from a famewhore future MIL? 😃
  20. Or the one where both couples suck face over Mackynzie's crib.
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