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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Noticed that. She's actually been in pants before, but in the background, so it was hard to confirm. I wonder what brought that on?!
  2. Anna claims that Smuggar is a "diligent worker." πŸ˜‚
  3. Derelict has finals now. I think that's taking a toll since he's not available to help her in any capacity.
  4. Happy belated, @doodlebug! Another bug of sorts: I had to choose doodlebug's avatar rather than name to tag. Thankfully, I recognized the Dalmatian. πŸ˜€
  5. Of course not, but I wanted to tie to the Duggars nonetheless.😁
  6. Yes, Jill had a "book" that was just a compilation of her blog posts. It obviously went nowhere, as I expect this book will.
  7. Exciting news! The book has 8 pages of pictures!!!! I know, control yourselves. πŸ˜‚ https://www.instagram.com/p/COBlkuCl5jr/?igshid=1gv32ziodrezw
  8. I'd be super curious about their autographs. I found a secondhand copy of one of Sarah Maxwell's Moody books, and her autograph was one of a third grader learning cursive. I bet Jill dots her I with a heart like Michelle Duggar.
  9. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Steph rolled his ankle a few games back and is playing through the injury to his bum, although I think that's pretty much a non-issue now. But yes, he's a bit banged up.
  10. But Duff has to get over it for this challenge. Derek was REQUIRED to make a cupcake. You can't dock him points out if the gate because you don't like them. But that's exactly what happened, and Derek came out at the bottom of the pre heat.
  11. I guess the Duggars will continue to homeschool. The state Senate defeated a bill that would have taught creationism as science in public schools.
  12. Constable is an elected position, IIRC. I don't think that he needs a dog to serve papers. Not to mention, dude is never home to actually do this job with any consistency. Who takes care of Duke when he's off gallivanting who knows where?
  13. You have to wonder if Sharon's fall from grace had anything to do with this. After all, she's pretty much Kelly's meal ticket.
  14. Thank heavens Kade won't remember that sad party. I think more Bateses were down with covid than they're letting on.
  15. Precisely why I think this will be spectacularly awful. Great laughs for us! πŸ˜‚
  16. Breaking news, y'all! Jill is writing a book!!!!! It's apparently for young women. I can't imagine how laughingly bad it will be. πŸ˜‚
  17. Stans are every age. I've seen some absolutely vicious behavior from stans of the freaking Duggars and home shopping hosts. It's insane!
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