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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Bill has never claimed that she wanted privacy for her kids. Herself? Maybe. But she's addicted to the rush of her leghumpers' tonguebaths.
  2. How bizarre that you get the dots on your iPad, but I don't get them on my cheapass Fire. Oh well, let's wait and see what the next update brings (hopefully our homepages!).
  3. Testing. Ignore this post. Nope, no three dots on my post box. All the icons appear on the bottom of the box as they did before the update. I've graduated to my tablet. I never post to message boards from my laptop. 😁
  4. How does Jill merit front row seats? It's not like they're huge donors or anything.
  5. No, those actually disappear by the time the child is about 2. And Evy's was pretty faint, so I imagine it will be gone before then.
  6. Pity they can't put that genie back in the bottle. They're only hiding Evy because she has a birthmark. If they really wanted privacy for their kids, they'd get the hell off teevee.
  7. What? You don't count "Are you excited?" as affectionate? 😁
  8. The newest message states that the developers are still working on the customized homepage, but there is no ETA as to when it might be fixed. At least they know it's an issue.
  9. Probably. Although how tough is it to put her in girl's clothes? Everything is gendered these days.
  10. My phone "bookmark" takes me to the new "home" page. This is how most access the forums, so I do expect them to fix it.
  11. At the bottom of the page, it says copyright by Snugglefish Media. Not sure if that's the ownership company though.
  12. No, Jinger was super skinny during the run of 19 Kids (or Counting On, don't recall how long ago it was). But it was noted all over the internet that she was stick thin. I think she was also in her fake bake phase then as well. Maybe around age 18/19?
  13. So, Joy just leaves the jewelry on the baby? Doesn't seem right to me. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNvc4amp1Qc/?igshid=11uvml0xgwy7s
  14. Mods have to approve threads that you see there. They are probably swarmed with complaints right about now and NOBODY'S thread has been approved (see the Pet Peeves forum; I am not alone).
  15. They don't post the threads until mod approved. I think they probably got a swarm of this particular complaint. 😁
  16. Plenty of people have complained in the Bugs forum. They have no choice but to fix this. 😁
  17. Not an option on a phone. And I have looked everywhere. Okay, I found it, but it shouldn't be that difficult. And to go back to that page after I am done with one forum is a major PITA.
  18. What? I mostly post from my phone, so I don't have that. And not feasible if you're on a phone.
  19. Isn't her youngest about 4? That's a bit young to run around unsupervised.
  20. I also started a No Homepage thread in the Bugs forum. Hopefully with the multiple complaints, they'll fix it. As is, it's a major PITA.
  21. I put up a thread on the Bugs forum letting them know that the homepage has disappeared. It's a pain scrolling through those huge lists to find the stuff I follow. 😵
  22. Alexa fell on the throw.
  23. Since the fix this morning, my homepage has disappeared. Despite being logged in, I can't seem to locate it, despite my best efforts to find it. eta I am taken to the entire show selection page. Android, latest update
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