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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Noooooo! I was hoping for her to storm back after 3 years off and steal another gold medal! 😃
  2. I'm sure Jeremy gritted his teeth during that entire visit.
  3. Also his sister, Deanna. Boob is very protective about his image.
  4. And Jana and the minor children. It was a big group.
  5. By that logic, unsaved 10 year old Jessa (I think she was saved at 12) tempted her older brother to sin. That's beyond twisted.
  6. JD would wipe the floor with that fat piece of shit. Duggar Fight Club? 👍
  7. Well, they certainly aren't good people. I think we can all agree on that.
  8. That's why I amended my list to add that she needs to feel comfortable. Not forced or coerced in any manner!
  9. This is where I come in to say that Jill needs to make a statement, if she's comfortable. That would take the focus off her husband.
  10. Amy can't say much. She's still bound by an NDA. And I have to ask, who does that to relatives? Derelict gets it wrong a lot of the time, but I am totally behind him for refusing to sign an NDA.
  11. Would they have known about the Grand Jury though? Or is that all done on the QT without the defendant's knowledge?
  12. That's when he got the name Smuggar. That goes back to TWOP. 😀
  13. From what I understand, their speech topic at Big Sandy was "God is Good." I wonder if they still feel that way? Or will they blame this all on Satan rather than taking some responsibility for their roles in helping create this monster?
  14. I wonder if Covid clogging up the courts slowed down the case?
  15. There was a pic from Jed's wedding where Smuggar was more in the middle of the shot. We made fun of his sneakers. Most of the siblings were in this particular picture but not all. We also speculated that Lauren might be pregnant. I think the pic came from the photographer.
  16. If she starts acting irrationally, Derick is there to hopefully pull her back to normalcy. I think he used to defer parenting decisions to Jill because of her sister mom experience but is more hands-on these days, possibly at Jill's request? Whatever they're doing, it has improved their family immensely. There is hope that this latest incident has put baby #3 on hold or even shelved permanently. Even without the incident, I don't know how well Jill would do with another baby.
  17. I know fundies are terrified if adult porn (see the movie Fireproof). But to normalize the sexual abuse of children is sick. And just makes it easier for perps like Smuggar to find victims.
  18. Jill WAS the one who infamously said in the Megyn Kelly interview that "statistics showed" that 2/3 of families suffered that kind of abuse. That number came from Gothard, of course. It illustrates the poison Boobchelle were feeding their children to justify the actions of one.
  19. I don't think they think Nathan is gay. He had the prior relationship with Ashley, and after a few months, they were pretty handsy. He acted like an awkward straight guy. If anything, Lawson is the one who has always pinged my gaydar.
  20. LOL, I think we agree but are coming at this from different angles. There's plenty of fault to go around here. But as adults, I place the onus of blame on Boobchelle. They should have moved heaven and earth to get Smuggar the help he obviously needed. They failed their golden child almost as much as they failed the victims.
  21. Jessa publicly swept it all under the rug, saying it was "light touching" and that Smuggar was "sly." I think she's convinced herself that's true and won't put extra guidelines on her sons regarding Ivy and any other potential daughters to come.
  22. As was noted above, it's an issue of nature vs. nurture. Smuggar may have been born that way, but Boobchelle exacerbated the situation by not getting him into intense therapy from the first sign something was wrong. Sending him off to build houses or whatever it was for Gothard certainly didn't work. And Jesus Jail did next to nothing other than help Smuggar recite bible verses.
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