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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. I am sickened and disgusted. I hope the judge denies bail, but I'm not hopeful.
  2. I've since heard they ditched out of Big Sandy early and never gave their speech.
  3. What did you do that got the banhammer? ๐Ÿ˜‚
  4. Yeah, I remember seeing it in his pants pocket, but it was a while ago, and I couldn't pinpoint the exact event, so I didn't feel right using but as evidence. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  5. That obviously didn't last long. He was reading off a(nother) iPhone during the Nurie Rodrigues wedding reception.
  6. There were several eyeroll worthy moments in that bond motion. But I think too famous to flee was the best. ๐Ÿ˜‚
  7. Here's the "car lot." Not much room for Smuggar and the "sleazy ex-con" to fit in there. And would you trust a sleazy ex con with your computer? Yeah, didn't think so...
  8. They had a book signing tonight. Attendance was...sparse. ๐Ÿ˜ https://www.instagram.com/p/COecUjYraXr/?igshid=1tj8veruy0ha7
  9. What @cerealityisaid! And yes, I've seen the court papers. They are arguing that nothing happened in the 19 months since the raid, so why would anything happen now? They also contend that he's not a flight risk because he'd be easily recognized. ๐Ÿ˜‚
  10. Nope. That was the first indicator to me that Derelict was shady with money.
  11. No. I think they were there in the fall. Jinger's birthday is in December.
  12. No way is Anna appointed the 3rd party. I don't think the judge will release him to anyone with access to young children.
  13. I think he gets out on a fairly steep bond. I have no clue as to whom the 3rd party will be. I assume he'll also have to wear a tracker.
  14. And reviews! Here's Punchable Aunt Cade and Gabby's. https://www.instagram.com/p/COd338_LJxf/?igshid=1wpqor94agffc Benessa: https://www.instagram.com/p/COd3meXlBFz/?igshid=nxl51f6a2fmu
  15. Yes, it was Sutton. I think I commented about it on the media thread when the trailer was released.
  16. Josie had been working a wedding this weekend, so it was a one day trip for her.
  17. The guy is Jeremy Fall. He's a chef and restaurant owner. I have no clue how he hooked up with the Vuolos other than Jer hitting him up via IG.
  18. She never finished her exams to become a midwife.
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