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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. The rumors are that Josiah worked there, but he could have easily always been at Champion (Jed's lot).
  2. How could either side prove that Smuggar had help? No matter, he still downloaded it and possessed it.
  3. Thanks guys! I thought he had been in full time prison ministry, like Pa Keller.
  4. There's the Redditor who basically transcribed everything. @Zella has been posting links to excerpts.
  5. Why would Anna move when her biggest supporters live just yards from her? And who else would be investigated? Wasn't it shown that Smuggar was alone in the shack while downloading the files?
  6. That is how I recall it as well. It is something he did in the past, though. I think he has a full-time job elsewhere now. 100% agree. It's all about Boob and his money in the end.
  7. I think it was made known that Mr. Reber of the strange first name I can't remember worked in prison ministry in some capacity. Prison chaplain or something?
  8. Why allow even a friend to be his caretaker then? Smuggar screwing up would likely be the end of that friendship since we all know that Boob would blame them for Smuggar's mistakes. They should have allowed the court to assign a neutral 3rd party.
  9. Her entire sense of worth is in her fecundity and desirability.
  10. In their belief system, all sin is equal. Sick and sad.
  11. I agree. I think Derelict lawyering up was enough to scare Boob into a settlement.
  12. That's too much to ask of a couple who barely know one another. But that wouldn't stop Boob from trying to impose.
  13. That's because she had the immense help of Gabriel. Poor little Sofia was on her own. 😥
  14. Yeah, that was my understanding. It's just disgusting to think about.
  15. That picture is from 2002. This picture just cropped out all the kids
  16. Has it been confirmed that visitation has to be supervised by a 3rd party? I don't recall anyone who was on the zoom call reporting this. And can Anna visit alone to service her pig of a husband? Is that allowed?
  17. Meech was 5'2" or at most 5'3" at her tallest. She's noticably shorter than Jana and Joy who are the shortest daughters. I hope she's being treated for her obvious osteoporosis.
  18. I imagine there was a shit ton of 🙄 and deleting going on at Hartwick College that day.
  19. Homies? Really, Jer? https://www.instagram.com/p/COs9ljpFy13/?igshid=illmyjxigcwu
  20. So, it's Public Interest law? I don't think I've heard that term. Anyone want to take a stab at it?
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