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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    I hope you're wrong. 😁
  2. It's not even about other books! Just theirs. So much to discuss! NOT!!! eta: They actually made a discussion guide. For real! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://www.instagram.com/p/CPEV7IHlMU5/?utm_medium=copy_link
  3. It's Ben's birthday. From the last pic, Henry looks like him. https://www.instagram.com/p/CPDMHtMJltI/?utm_medium=copy_link
  4. A book club? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://www.instagram.com/p/CPEOO1sL2_i/?utm_medium=copy_link
  5. I know. I'm just repeating what THEY said. Fundie logic and whatnot. 😁
  6. Jill has been pictured wearing glasses in the past. Maybe she wears contacts?
  7. That's ANNA DUGGAR'S BROTHER!!!! for those in the back row. 😁
  8. Yes, that happened as well as Joy's incident, which happened while sitting on Smuggar's lap. So yeah, they flat out lied about the incidents all being over the clothes while the girls slept.
  9. When she got married, she was on the outs with her bio parents. Kelly got ahold of Whitney and she reconciled with her parents before Bradley was born. Her bio parents attended Bradley's birth, and we haven't seen anything of her adoptive parents since. She had the renewal so her bio parents could attend a wedding.
  10. Yes, I recall Garrett Ruark as being folically challenged. 😁
  11. Kelly was MOH at Michael's wedding. She really didn't have much choice in her dress. There was a secondary color that was even worse.
  12. Nothing (yet). Duggarfam might remember around 11. 🙄
  13. We'll see how long this lasts... https://www.instagram.com/p/CPCM2XQMwLp/?utm_medium=copy_link
  14. I saw Jamie's episode on Secrets of a Chef last weekend. She was professional, calm, succinct, and there were no sound effects. Not to mention, her food looked yummy! I don't know where this Jamie came from.
  15. Someone else suggested the best/worst format. I just asked for a new thread to do it in! 😊
  16. Joy's added sleeves didn't even closely resemble the bodice. Her dress was just dreadful.
  17. I think Erin was still a teenager when Smuggar got married, but I'm pretty sure Jill and Jessa used her.
  18. I'd we're also talking Bateses, Carlin was predictably extra, Josie predictably boho.
  19. We need a Duggar Weddings thread where we can debate all this! @Scarlett45 @deaja??? 😀
  20. Yes, that was him. And he had a radio station. He was hell on wheels. It took my parents until they were in their 70s to admit that I had been right about him. I felt vindicated.
  21. Have you ever heard of Harold Camping? He predicted Armageddon to come about 10 years ago. At ant rate, when I was about 15, my parents joined his church. He led the Bible study that I was forced to attend before church every week. Camping was a nutjob, but my parents worshipped him. This was a Dutch Reformed church. Having moved from a liberal Presbyterian church, the change was jarring, and I hated every second of it. Unlike @SunnyBeBe, I did not retain what was admittedly weak faith to begin with. I remain an atheist-leaning agnostic.
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