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Everything posted by Unclejosh

  1. TO has long been known as an a-hole and a self centered jerk. He was a cancer in every locker room for every team he played for. So his actions are no surprise. I think everyone hoped he would be like Kam Wimbley from the last Challenge who CT even hugged after their battle but that is not TO. TO only cares about TO.
  2. I think Larry is having a blast doing the show this season more than any other in the past. I think it was gone long enough that the day to day drudge of creating and working on the show for years had passed and it seems like Larry and the whole cast is just having fun this time. I mean you can see Larry and the other cast members pretty much breaking in every episode which usually works because it is also in character for them to laugh at each other. I mean nothing I hate more than a sitcom where a character doesn't laugh or react realistically when the other actor does something funny. This is something Kaley Cuoco on BBT excels in where she genuinely reacts like a real person would if someone said something funny in real life. Anyway I hope the show continues because I am still enjoying it as much as ever.
  3. Larry David along with Ricky Gervais is an absolute master of cringe humor. The issue with that type of humor is that there is a very thin line between cringey humor, and what some may consider offensive. So at times you put up with some stuff that doesn't land on the cringey side but you have to take the bad with the good because you never know what will land until you do it. LD is way ahead in the humor dept for me. Speaking of Taran, I really am bummed that we didn't get more Les Jeunes Des Paris skits while he was still on the show. That was maybe my favorite thing he did.
  4. The way I took the whole time ship birth issue was as stated above that due to the communicator Stein developed they were linked in "real time" outside of any time travel ability. So no matter what the Waverider did, his daughter would be tracking them in her own time simultaneously. So they couldn't wait because then they risk an anachronism perhaps?
  5. I enjoyed this episode quite a bit but I also usually prefer my comic shows to be on the humorous side rather than dour and dire all the time. That is what real life is for... On a shallow note, I thought Danielle Panabaker looked especially good tonight. For the first time I saw her as a grown woman as opposed to the kid actress I have seen over the years. Even though she is 30, she looks younger but married life must agree with her because she was rocking her outfit in this ep.
  6. Yeah I heard pop used here too although not nearly as much as soda. It was usually only used when referring to fruit flavored soda. Orange pop, grape pop as examples.
  7. Regional terms are so interesting to me. I have never heard any call it Col Sanders. That wold be like calling Wendy's Dave's because he was the guy in the commercials to me. Love this type of info. BTW, it never made sense to me why the word Colonel is pronounced Kernel.
  8. Back to the show, I really enjoyed episode 1. I cannot binge watch due to my current work schedule but I hope to finish over the rest of the week. I did have some weird issue connecting with Eleven due to the difference in what a little hair makes but also how Millie Bobbie Brown looked at the recent premier. Like a totally different person so I kept focus on how she looked rather than the character. I am hoping that goes away as I get more engrossed in the story. On a kinda shallow note, since I have not seen Sean Astin in a while and was kinda taken back at his weight did anyone else flash to this scene? Kinda mean but that was my first reaction when I saw him.
  9. In Massachusetts here and it was always called KFC in conversation ever since I was a little kid (born in 72). The only time you ever heard the words Kentucky Fried Chicken was from the tv ads but nobody every called it that in real life. McDonald's was called McD's, Burger King was BK. I guess we liked our abbreviations a whole lot back in the 80's. Papa Gino's was actually called Papa Guineas which looking back is all kinds of wrong and offensive but no one knew better back then. The first time I heard it called that was actually from my friend's grandfather who was born in Italy. So weird looking at it with 2017 eyes.
  10. I think the breakdown is 3rd place takes 15K each, 2nd place gets 35K each and the Winners get 450K each. Personally I think it should have been more something like 1st place gets 350K, 2nd place get 100K and 3rd place gets 50K but they didn't ask me.
  11. That is hysterical! I saw her hiding her face but couldn't figure it out, totally forgot she nailed Mrs. Arthur. Nice work by either the writers or Caity.
  12. I think Leroy came off much worse. CT said he knew it was going to be him. However he also knows that it is likely he will come back and whomever voted him in now has a target on their back. Leroy acted like the thought of anyone picking him was shocking and like he expected to coast to the end because he is dangling from John's tiny nutsack. I don't think anyone would have picked CT if it wasn't going to the redemption house and just a regular elimination but they are hoping based on hearing the previous redemption eliminations that maybe he might lose in some weird wacky way I think. Even Dad bod CT is still a better athlete than 90% percent of the remaining people and he also does decently with puzzles so picking him for a straight elimination isn't a safe bet. At least in the redemption house he has to go against multiple people in a weirder elimination than the normal ones. I mean I don't think he has ever been beaten physically in any elimination. even the ones he lost was due to some weird technicality or a partner tanking(Adam). John beat him in a puzzle once barely, but no one has ever come close to being better physically in an elimination. I mean Leroy who is a big strong dude who most people consider pretty good physically is terrified of being opposite CT. The whole beginning of the season before CT showed up was Leroy asking if CT was coming in a quivering worried voice. Not to mention CT smoked Leroy in a elimination a few years back. I just don't get why no one said John's name. Why not use his name as the burn vote then the whole Leroy thing never happens. I mean I would much rather face Leroy in a final than John.
  13. But a basic angel wouldn't not have a devil face would they? Therefore when he was cast down he was no longer a basic angel unless all of them have nasty faces too.
  14. Regarding the wings, were his original wings white as well? Because it seems like his "devilness" for lack of a better term has been taken and he has been returned to basic angel status it seems unless I am misinterpreting this story arc.
  15. Ah thank you for clearing that up, I misunderstood how it went down. I thought they always had 22 episodes and decided to stop after episode 18 which had a cliffhanger to it that was originally intended to play out over the remaining 4 episodes. I guess the TW scenes were just awkward on their own then because it really had a shot afterward and inserted into a previously shot episode feel to it. Maybe it is just him and the cast not having chemistry yet. I was looking forward to him coming back to TV so hopefully it will feel more natural as the season progresses.
  16. Oh, I came here to ask if maybe they re-shot some of the episode to add the TW scenes as they felt off a little from the rest of the scenes. But they re-shot the whole episode? Because i assume they had already filmed the Lucifer stuff in the desert since it was the cliffhanger when decided to shorten the season.
  17. The Oakland Raiders are in fact moving to Las Vegas so that is why they did this story-line.
  18. Love this show, cast chemistry is what makes it fun, same with the original movies. I still wish Clayne would either grow a full beard/goatee or shave the mustache as it just is not a good look for him. The hair wouldn't be a much of an issue if he wasn't constantly running his hands through it in every scene. Not sure if it is a specific acting choice or just a bad habit but it is gross. I have gotten to the point where I watch every single show with subtitles or closed captions on. I started because my son was born deaf and we started using them so he could watch stuff but now I can't stand watching any program with out them (with the exception of live sports, those I keep off unless watching with my son). Even when i got to the movies, i miss the subtitles. I feel sad for him because he used to love going to the movies before he could read but now he refuses to go because they don't have the "words" on the screen and we had nothing but bad experiences attempting to use the assisted devices offered at movie theaters. I wish they could offer 1 or 2 showings a week and put the subtitles on the screen so the deaf community could enjoy the movies like they do at home since they are all digital projectors now and it would be very easy, but that is WAY off topic. Sorry. Point is I recommend using closed captions whenever possible on most network shows because the audio mixes suck and they are so concerned with getting the action sounds as loud as possible that dialogue is often very hard to make out.
  19. In the days before gifs and emojis, this was how people sexted.
  20. According to pics on the interwebs and multiple cast members interviews and comments, Hunter is packing down there. Maybe that is why Britni is thirsting so much?
  21. Leroy was totally playing it up for humors sake.
  22. Yes they are required to go on outtings together as dictated by production. Cast members have been fined for not going out to the bars in the past for example. They do not have free time to just do as they please when they want. Everything they do including what they are allowed to eat, drink, and move is all set up by management. I know for a fact there was a previous challenge where they were not even allowed to go into the yard of the house they were staying at which is why they would have to run on the decks and on the walkways of the house when exercising.
  23. I believe one of the cast leaked the info to someone on the Vevmo site which made it's way to social media and people harassing Alyssa with it. I think she even went after Madison and blamed her for liking some of Tony or Shane's posts. She eventually had to delete her twitter due to all the negative attacks from "fans" although I don't know if it is back up now.
  24. I think to make it look like she was an long time addict with needle scars. To further damage her credibility if she ever did remember.
  25. Supposedly Camilla drops a N bomb on reference to Leroy and really pissed off a lot of people. Not sure if true or if MTV will even air it but multiple people including Leroy's cousin said it happened.
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